Saturday, July 25, 2020

Oh, Girls, This Commercial Is Destined To Become An Icon Of Annoyance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  The phrase above may even replace the current "Karen."

                                   I am not sure if Geico has retired the lizard, or whatever species of reptile it is, but its riff on ID's "Fear Thy Neighbor" is hilarious and annoying, in a way unseen since Connie and Jack were spokespersons for Consumer Cellular.

                                     I would love to see a series of commercials featuring Cynthia.  Because, let me tell you, darlings, every neighborhood has one.  Apartment buildings have crazy neighbors, and are more hemmed in.  But in a Cynthia dominated neighborhood, every time someone disapproving--in their eyes--steps out of the house, there is bound to be trouble.  Look what she does here, when she destroys a neighbor's mailbox!
And just look at the actress, playing Cynthia!  Perfect casting!  An absolutely controlling neighborhood bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can't wait for more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pure Emma, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        Even if the title page had been ripped off, darlings, as I began reading, I would have recognized this as an Emma Straub novel.  She delivers another beautiful, suburban character study of people, parents, children and grandchildren, all caught in the scheme of things we call Life.

                                        The book has an arresting opening--Astrid Strickland is crossing a local street, and witnesses a neighbor, Barbara, getting hit by a bus.  Before you start thinking this is going to be a downer, girls, it is not.  While this tragedy reverberates through the entire book, Straub takes on the Generation Gap, which did not stop with the Sixties, as well as transgender and other sexual orientation issues.  If the story seems like more Emma, that is true, but not necessarily a bad thing.
No one writes more cogently on the adult suburban scene than Emma Straub.  I LOVED "All Adults
Here," which marked my official return to contemporary fiction--the first book I bought when the bookstores opened.

                                 You've done it again, 'Em!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We Love You, Dr. Fauci!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Girls, I have something to confess.   I find Dr. Anthony Fauci kinda cute!
To think, he was born on Christmas Eve, in 1940!  Which means he turns 80 this year!  I would never have taken him for 80!  I hope I look half as good when I get there!

                                           Dr. Fauci is also probably the most brilliant man in the country, right now, and the only one I listen to.  And it is not just his looks that make me do so; it is his common sense and intelligent medical judgement!

                                             It is no wonder Dr. Fauci is so beloved.  He is personable, compassionate,
and when he talks about Covid he is not an alarmist.  There is nothing I hate more than a doctor who is an alarmist.

                                             I am amazed he has lasted so long with this administration.  Perhaps someone in there has a degree of sense to keep him on.  Which speaks well of Dr. Fauci.

                                              No wonder Brad Pitt graciously consented to play him on "Saturday Night Live!"  No wonder he was selected to throw the opening pitch at the Washington Nationals'
Season Opener--and what do I know, or care about baseball?  Maybe if the Oscars ever come back, he and Brad can host?  Or how about the TONYS????????????????????????????????

                                                 We love you, Dr. Fauci!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                   You are America's Physician!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How About This Schoolmarm Bitch????????????????????????????????

                                                   "School Days, School Days,
                                                    Dear old Golden Rule Days"--
                                                          Old Childhood rhyme

                                        Now that Nancy Pelosi has read this blog and had a makeover, it is time for Betsy DeVos, this week's winner of the Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award, to do the same!

                                          Come on, Bets, look at that skin!  So tight and wrinkled?  You need some major work, darling.

                                           Guess you are too busy being the U.S. Secretary Of Education, meaning another Trump sycophant (which should be Psycho-phant)! 

                                           What a joke! "Golden Rule Days," indeed!  Were you to have your own way, all schools would open in classrooms, regardless of how many teachers, or innocent children, sicken and die, because all you are interested in is your own hide--which needs work!!!!!--and eliminating the Educated, so that the dumb Working Class schlubs that think you are so great will go on supporting you!

                                              As one of the Educated, I say, bitch, get off my property, and get
yourself to a stylist and get a makeover.

                                                Because the nastiness shows in your face.  Like Dorian Gray!

                                                You are slowly morphing into Colleen Gray at the end of "The Leech Woman!"

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

"Eat It, Bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                               Girls, I am telling you, for cooling off, and having a barrel of laughs, at the same time, you have GOT to see the climactic scene of the 2017 original, "Happy Death Day."

                                Darlings, the film is "Campus Camp," a combo of "Groundhog Day" and "Scream."

                                The place is Bayside College in Somewhere America.  A killer is on the loose, and serial killer John Tombs is known to be in  the area.  Of course, in Hollywood movies, when you put two girls together as roomies, one of them has to be a psycho.  In this case it is Lori Spenger (played by Ruby Modine, who just happens to be Matthew Modine's daughter!).  Lori has low self esteem issues, even though she is a nursing intern,  Her roomie, Theresa "Tree" Gelbman, played by Jessica Rothe, is conventionally blonde and pretty--everything girls like Lori want to be!  Now, girls, we all--and I can attest to myself--have had to deal with this kind of resentment at some point in our lives, but we never went to the point of Lori, did we?  At least, I did not.

                                  Lori calls Tree a "stupid little whore," and a "cheap slut."  But the sad thing is, Lori wants to be a cheap slut, too.  Tree is, indeed, because she is having an on campus affair, with a married professor, Dr. Gregory Butler.  But Lori wants him too, even though, the asshole prefers Tree.  So, Lori tries to play the plain, nice girl, wish Tree a "Happy Birthday," gives her a red velvet cupcake, with white creamed icing and a candle.

                                  Tree doesn't eat it, and continues dying, reliving the death over and over.

                                   In the best scene, the last, Tree bursts in to her room, determined to get out of town.  Lori acts all concerned, and hands her the cupcake, but Tree remembers back, and now knows Lori is the killer.  She can't believe Lori is getting all worked up over a guy, but let me tell you, plain girls have it hard.  There is a fight that, had these been A-list actresses, would have rivaled "The Turning Point."  Tree takes the cake from Lori, and holds it, saying to prove it is not poisonous, by taking a bite.  Lori makes excuses, so Tree says she will take it to the police.  Lori shoves Tree, locks the door, and when they are on the bed, Tree shoves the cupcake into Lori's mouth, uttering the classic line, "Eat it, bitch!"  As Lori tries to get the cake out of her mouth--near a window, of course, Tree grabs a chandelier, which just happens to be above the bed, coming at Lori, feet first, as Lori goes flying out the window.

                                   These seconds are priceless.  She hovers in the air for seconds, then drops, and splatters all over the front of the sorority house, causing a future pledge, Emily to scream in hysterics.  You can bet Emily won't pledge this sorority.  Even if she does return to Bayfield College.
Which I doubt.

                                     So watch out for Red Velvet Cupcakes, girls!

                                      The only question I have about this movie is, where was Andrea Martin?????
                                      You just GOTTA love it, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, July 17, 2020

Can You Believe It, Girls????????????? Roger Corman Invented The Drone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Decades before the drone actually became popular, AIP's 1956 release, "It Conquered The World," featuring one of the cutest movie monsters ever, Cucumbo, invented the drone.  These were little bat like things, with mini-Cucumbo faces, that came out from under Cucumbo's vegetative garnish, or the hands of hypnotized wives, and would fly through the air, landing on someone's neck, who then becomes subject to Cucumbo's control and domination.

                                 Here is a beguiled wife about to share one with her husband.

                                  What a romantic way to spend the evening.

                                   This WAS the first drone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"It Is From This, Which You Get Your Strength. The Red Earth Of Tara, Tara, TARA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                             Yes, Tara!  And here is the closest thing to be found to it, in Bay Ridge.

                              This house is on the walk of my route, and as gorgeous as it is, outside the gates, teens litter their garbage.  They should be made to pick it all up.

                                Just looking at this house from this vantage point is breathtaking.  I wonder what the inside is like. If only I could see it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  At least, for tea!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 I stand and stare at it, wistfully yearning for "Tara!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                 As someone once said, "After all, tomorrow is another day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

How Did Every Rude Behaving Woman Come To Be Known As "Karen?????????????????"

                                 Women--and men--have been behaving like this, since the beginning of time.  In olden days, a woman acting like this was simply labeled a "bitch."   Now, all of a sudden she is called a "Karen."

                                   Why that name?  It is perfectly nice and respectable.  Was the first woman to be coined such actually named Karen?  I feel sorry for those who are.  Because some of them are nice, and polite, and have nothing to do with the obnoxiousness of the others.

                                      And how come men don't have a name?  Well, I can supply an easy one--a Bubba.  There are as many as those as Karens, believe me.

                                        To the rude Karens, I say choose another name.  Something obscure.  To those actually named Karen, you have my sympathy, and wait for the aforementioned change.

                                         Heaven help the public service workers, who have to deal with these!

Last Week, Darlings, I Saw More Action On These Steps Than The Semi-Erotic Romantic Shootout, At The Climax Of David O. Selznick's 1946 "Duel In The Sun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                  Even Pearl Chavez would have been shocked.  And, remember, darlings, she was "built by the Devil, to drive men crazy."  Just like me.

                                    Now, these steps, beautiful as they look, are slightly beaten up when seen in actuality.  They are this long and deep, and part of my exercise routine on my walk--I go up and down them.

                                     I would not be surprised, if, between the hours of 10PM and 2AM, this is a hangout for teens and early twenties folk.  I get it.  But not in the day!

                                      Signs have been posted, asking all this to stop, because right near the steps is scattered garbage of all kinds.  Which will, if not already, attract vermin, who will ruin the site of its beauty and tranquility, and source of exercise.

                                         But nothing beat when I saw last week.

                                          On my way back, as I approached the steps, to go up, I saw two couples, male and female, seated.  The couple seated nearest the bottom were snuggling, listen to music on their headphones.  Nothing wrong with that; they were young (teens or twenties) and were not bothering anyone.

                                           But the other couple, high above them, were so actively engaged they could not even look when I passed them by.  I kid you not when I say the young girl, about the same age as the others, was going down on whom I  presume is her boy friend!

                                             I mean, in late afternoon daylight?  I could have been a priest, plainclothes cop, or a parent with child.  Had I been the last, I might have spoken up.

                                              It was DISGUSTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              But these two were too self-absorbed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              What is the world coming to????????????????????

                                                At least wait till night, kids!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That Ghislaine Maxwell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! British Socialite, My Ass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Life just got too much in the way last week, darlings, for me to post a Bitch Of The Week, but Ghislaine Maxwell will do for this one.

                                 Imagine--a woman, and a sex sick sex trafficker!

                                 Recruiting, like some latter day Nancy from "Oliver Twist," young, innocent (well, some of them must be!) girls, some only 14, delivering them to Jeffrey Epstein for his degrading pleasures, abusing them in the process, which he got off on--and having Ghislaine join in,, at times, which she was more than happy to do.

                                   Perhaps she is a reincarnated witch who eluded execution in Salem.  But, one thing, she needs to be imprisoned, and executed.  Crying crocodile tears in court, the other day--don't make me laugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  She is only sorry she got caught.

                                    Prison and execution should be her lot.  If she is put in with a bunch of dykes, they will tear her apart, starting with her hair, at its roots!

                                      I prefer what I think she will do--suicide like Jeffrey Epstein.

                                      The cowardly way out.

                                       And two self-killings I am not a bit sorry for!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It Still Provokes Me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Let me explain, girls!  I was getting tired of classical literature, and the book stores had not opened up yet, and I was clamoring for some good, contemporary fiction.  Nothing on my personal shelf appealed to me, so I turned to David's, and found, next to "Ragtime," my second favorite E.L. Doctorow book, "The Book Of Daniel," which became a vastly underrated movie, in 1983, directed by Sidney Lumet, and adapted to the screen, rather faithfully, by Doctorow himself.

                                   Here, the Rosenbergs are called Paul and Rochelle Isaacson, superbly played by Mandy Patinkin, and, especially, Lindsay Crouse.  She, Amanda Plummer, as Susan Isaacson (the actual couple had two boys, Michael and Robert, now in their seventies, and who were adopted by a couple named Meeropol--Abel and his wife, Anne.)  Those scumbags, the Greenglasses, refused to adopt their own flesh and blood nephews.  They are represented in the novel by two characters--Selig Mindish, a party member and the Isaacsons' dentist, and his daughter, Linda, who later becomes a dentist, and in a scorching, scene stealing performance by Tovah Feldshuh, denounces Daniel (Timothy Hutton) for what his parents did to she and her family, in a blistering monologue, making it clear she wants nothing to do with him or his sister.  To the Greenglass children, if still alive, I say live with the shame of how your parents betrayed your entire family!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     The sister, Susan Isaacson, is played in another show grabbing performance by Amanda Plummer.  The depth of love for her parents, and what their persecution and ultimate execution did to her is graphically outlined by this actress.  She, Crouse, and Feldshuh, walk off with the movie, despite the excellent male cast.

                                       The Meeropols are played in the film by John Rubinstein and Maria Tucci.

                                        The execution sequence, in both book and film are wrenching.  Julius'/Paul's legs give out from under him, but Ethel/ Rochelle marches staunchly to her death, requiring an added dosage of electricity; so strong was her constitution it took more than the usual amount of voltage to render her dead.

                                          The book and film play out the same, ending in the suicide of Susan.  And the Greenglasses going into hiding.   There are plenty of non-fiction books on this subject, but Doctorow's use of fiction to lay out this travesty of justice is a good place to start.

                                            The execution of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg I consider one of the top crimes of the last century.  Doctorow's book, which I first read many years ago, convinced me.  And then led me to  investigate.

                                               Which I am sure, readers, it will make you do, as well.

                                                But read this brilliant novel, first!
Here are whom should have taken Julius and Ethel's place--David and Ruth Greenglass.  Scum!  That Ruth, what a bitch!  Just like Ruthie Medoff, another famous Ruth!

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Is It Time To Go To The Dentist?????????? Should I Call The Office??????????????????

                                Normally, I would be due for a visit in August, but who knows if I will be able to see him?  Still, I want to keep my teeth nice and shiny, like this gruesome toothsome here.  The one on the left is Gina, played by Andree Melly, and she is the one I want to look like.  They are two of "The Brides Of Dracula," which David taped, and again erased a film I have always wanted to see.

                                  This film was released to theaters in 1960.  My God, it is 60 years old!  I was too young, then, but, once I discovered "Famous Monsters Of Filmland," during my mid-childhood, I found out about this film.

                                     Then, when "The Addams Family" and "The Munsters" became all the rage,  on TV, Milton Bradley put out a card game, which I owned, call "Monster Old Maid."  It was the same as the traditional game, except the card deck consisted of  photos of famous monsters from movies.  But they made one mistake, which still stands out today.  The Old Maid card was called "Dracula's Daughter," but the photo used for her was Andree Melly, as Gina, who I knew, even then, was from "The Brides Of Dracula."

                                       "Dracula's Daughter" was a 1936 sequel to Universal's 1931 hit, with Bela Lugosi, and starred Gloria Holden, in the title role.  So, she should have gone on the card.  It bears watching; it is wonderfully atmospheric, and is a sub-textual lesbian film.

                                         So, this phot reminded me I need to tend to my teeth.  That is, if my dentist will see me!

                                           Perhaps I could send Gina, with her teeth, to persuade him!

                                             You just gotta love this pic, kiddies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Could This Be The Beach Read Of The Summer??????????????????????????

                                       First, there was "Valley Of The Dolls."  Then "Lace."  And now....Donald Trump????????????????

                                        I have to hand it to the estranged niece, Mary, for writing this book.  The cover is perfect; the exact image of an Aryan Nazi.

                                          My feeling is Mary has been an outcast from the Trump family, for quite awhile.  I get it, Mary, being the same from my father's side of the family

                                            Her revealing the dirt should be a hoot!  On the other hand, why should I read it, when there are better things I have to read--no offense, Mary, and I hope your book sells well!!!!!!!!!!!--but, fun though it might be, I generally do not read much non-fiction, even if it reads like fiction, and I am not politically interested enough in the person.  I can see for myself, via the news, what has been created by Donald Trump.

                                              Nevertheless, Mary, I wish you luck.

                                               What this book has me thinking about, and I swore I would never read it again, having read it twice already, is "Atlas Shrugged," by Ayn Rand.

                                                 Could Trump be the real life John Galt?

                                                 On the other hand, is he smart enough?

                                                  Girls, if you read the book, give me all the dirt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tensions In The City Are Erupting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Having lived in this city for nearly 37 years, I never expected to be writing a post like this.  But, then I never I expected to live (grateful to be alive!) during a pandemic, which, I believe is responsible, at least underlyingly, for the social and racial tensions in our city.

                                   Consider some of my recent experiences.

                                    Last week, one day, while doing my exercise walk in Bay Ridge, I came across two men, engaged in a loud argument.  One was a tall, white, hippie type, with a beard.  The other, shorter, had an olive complexion, which could pass for a lot.  Evidently, the shorter guy had called the taller one a racist, and this man was defending himself, maintaining he was not, asking why is he being called that?

                                      They could be heard clear all over the street.  When I approached, with trepidation, they sensed my dilemma, and politely removed themselves from my path, to continue their argument in the street.  I have no idea what became of it.

                                         Then there was this past Friday.

                                          I had an appointment, with my dermatologist, in Manhattan.  I have to take the R train, my home train, to 36th Street, and then change to the D, getting off at 59th Street and Columbus Circle.

                                            On the wall in, I noticed a short, nondescript man, with a muscular, compact body, fingering his junk, seated across from me!  He never looked at anyone, so clearly his motivation, to me, was the idea of getting away with getting off, in a public place, rather than sexual provocation.  There was always, of course, the possibility, that I could be wrong, but, when the gentleman dug into his pocket to get out headphones to listen to music, his legs were spread, and I could clearly see, a hole, dead center, exposing his white briefs.  So I knew he was on the level.

                                              I wasn't really bothered.  It's just, I have enough anxiety.  Do I need this?  Interestingly, he also got off at 36th to catch the D.  Fortunately, he was in a different car, so let others watch him diddle himself!

                                               OK, that was that.  The doctor visit was very routine.

                                                The plan, after that, was to meet David at Barnes and Noble on Court Street, near where he works, to see how comfortable I felt going in there--because the last two bookstores I visited did not make me feel comfortable.  At one, the staff wore no masks; at the other, they did not allow gloves.  To get to David, I had to take the downtown A train, to Jay Street/Metro Tech, which I have done before, but have never  had a ride like this one,

                                                   Just as I was entering the platform, I heard a man and a woman screaming.  I never saw them, just heard voices.  The man, whose voice was coming from either the stairwell, or atop the stairs I had just walked down, was presumably white, because he called the woman, so everyone could hear, "a fucking nigger!"  The woman countered back, with some epithets of her own, and I could sympathize with her, but one of them should have just let it go, and walked away.  But there was no backing down.  I feared a potential shootout.  Fortunately, the A train came by just then, and I got on.

                                                     Wait; there is more.

                                                       Somewhere in Manhattan walked onto the train, a well dressed, Afro American, business type.  Early in Brooklyn, walked on a youngish man, twenties or thirties dressed, like, "from duh 'hood," with a hoodie.  His dress was no problem; but I could tell he was not right, or on something.  He was not wearing a mask, which caused a woman near him to move away.  I get it.  But--remember, I was reading a book, and was not fully aware--somewhere along the way, the businessman and the hoodie, got into an argument, presumably over the latter not wearing a mask.  But when it came argument time, off came the business man's mask, and the two would not let up.  The hoodie was scarier; both were posting phone pics of each other, so, who know, I may be in there, somewhere, when he began pacing the train walking back and forth, harassing the guy.  A woman tried to talk the business man into backing off, but he would not.  The hoodie, at one point, stopped his pacing, and screamed to the whole car he had a gun, and would kill everyone on here.
I can't believe how cool I was.  I mulled what the hell to do, said nothing, convinced 90% there was no gun.  Otherwise, he would have just pulled it out.

                                                        On the other hand, one never knows.

                                                         The Barnes and Noble made up for it, even though David and I had to walk through the beginnings of tropical storm Fay.  Was it named for Fay Wray, or Fay Bainter?  Maybe both!

                                                            But, on our way home on the R train, when it stopped at 53rd Street, not too far from us, I saw a man get off, stand on the platform, and, just as you or I, girls, might check our cell phones, or our make-up, pulled out to check what looked to me like a .38 or .44 caliber gun.  No mistake; it was a firearm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                              What the fuck is going on in this city?

                                                               Any ideas, girls?  If so, please tell me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Kid On The Run Movies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            The idea for this post began several weeks ago.  Just another quiet evening at home,  where I was reading in the living room, and David was in the bedroom, watching TV.  When I eventually joined him, he told me he had been watching a movie he had taped off a channel that shows not so well known movies.  It turned out to be 1949's "The Window," where Bobby Driscoll plays a New York tenement kid who witnesses a murder by his upstairs neighbors, one of whom was played by Ruth Roman, at her round heels best.

                               If you would like to know more about "The Window," read my post on the film, dated November 17, 2016.

                                Of course, David had erased it, so I could not watch it!  Damn!

                                My interest revived, when I delved into researching the film again, I discovered that between 1949 and 1955, Hollywood had made a quartet of what are called "Kid On The Run" movies, often very noir-ish.  The framework is "The Window," in 1949 and "The Night Of The Hunter," in 1955.  But then there were two films I had never heard of, and which, now, I have just GOT to see.

                               The first one, made in 1950, is called "Shadow On The Wall," featuring one of the busiest, yet obscure, child stars of the 1950's, Gigi Perreau.  This might be her "A list" film.  But it never did for her what "The Window" did for Bobby Driscoll.

                                She plays a little girl named Susan Stirling.   Her father, David Stirling is played by Zachary Scott, and her stepmother, Celia, played by Kristine Miller.  But Celia is two timing David with a man, named Crane Weymouth, who turns out to be engaged to Celia's sister, Dell, played by Ann Sothern.

                                One night, Susan witnesses someone murdering her stepmother.  She is traumatized, placed in an institution, and all she remembers is seeing a "shadow on the wall."

                                 Oh, and future First Lady Nancy Regan plays the psychiatrist in the institution, where Susan has been placed.  The whole thing revolves around a doll the little girl has called "Cupid," which she treasures, and which the aforementioned shadow reminds her of.  This leads eventually to finding out who the killer is.

                                     This was back when the actress went by Nancy Davis!  She was no Bette!

                                    That's all I can tell you, girls, because I don't want to spoil it for you, and because I have never seen the film.  I better hurry, before David tapes it and erases it.

Now, the other film, made two years later, is called "Talk About A Stranger.  It stars George Murphy, famous for his dance atop the table, with Shirley Temple, in one of my favorite of her films, "Little Miss Broadway," in 1938.  This is the one I always wanted to do a stage version of, where I play Shirley's role.  I still do.

Also in this film is Nancy Davis.  These two play the parents of a young boy named Bud Fontaine, Jr.  Ironic, because Gray, though he had been in "The Day The Earth Stood Still," an A-list film, the year before, will forever be known, to Baby Boomers, as Bud Anderson, on "Father Knows Best."  

Kurt Kasznar, best known for originating the role of Max Detweiler in the original, Broadway production of "The Sound Of Music," back in 1959, plays Dr. Paul Mahler, who has an alias named Matlock--which has nothing to do  with the 1986 TV show, starring Andy Griffith.

What happens is the doctor moves into Bud's neighborhood, and, shortly thereafter, his  dog is poisoned.  Bud blames it on the doctor, and sets about a campaign of gossip and rumors--to convince everyone around him the man is a cold blooded killer.  He even goes so far as to vandalize a neighbor's oil tank, ruining the crops in the valley.  Eventually, Bud learns the dog was killed by eating poisoned meat, meant to ward off coyotes in the area.

Poor coyotes!  They are so cute!

But there is more to it than this.  Because the trailer I saw to this film suggests Gray is given a chance to give a dramatic, nuanced portrait, suggesting this is a story about a child who will eventually grow up and evolve into a serial killer.

As stated, I have not seen the film, but the trailer left me with this indelible impression!

I just hope all of us can see these overlooked films, sometime!

And what are you on the run from, darlings?????????????

Saturday, July 11, 2020

I Don't Care What Anyone Says! Lea Michele Killed Naya Rivera!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 It is being called "the curse of 'Glee'."  Before the untimely disappearance and death of Naya Rivera on July 8, 2020, in Lake  Piru , in Ventura County, California, there were other tragedies.

                                 First, there was the untimely death, by drug overdose, of Cory Monteith, who played Finn, back in July 2013.  Finn was the boyfriend at the time of Lea Michele, and she was devastated, at the time.

                                    Oh, really, Lea?????????????????????????

                                     Then, on July 30. 2018, actor Mark Stalling, who played Noah "Puck" Puckerman, hanged himself from a tree, near his home, in Sunland, California.  He was about to face a jail sentence on charges of possession of child pornography.

                                        And now Naya.

                                       If there had just been one death, I would not speak up.  But with Naya, who played Santana Lopez, and was the reason I watched the damn show, obviously not returning to us, it is clear to me Lea Michele killed her, and the others.

                                        That Lea.  She probably donned a black diver's suit, hid in the bushes, till she watched Naya and son go into the lake.  Thank God she spared the child.  But down and under Lea went, to the lake's depths, where she reached out and clutched Naya, like a Black Widow Spider, holding her down, entangling her in kelp, or knocking her down with a piece of tree or wood so heavy she could not get up, and drowned.

                                          Now, I wonder about Cory and Mark.  As Finn, he was starting to get some real attention on the show, and Miss Bitch Lea was not about to have that!  So, she killed him!  As for Stalling, while I cannot say she took the rope and hanged him, I do maintain she somehow hacked into his computer, and put those child porn pics on.  There is no limit to this actress' bitch heartlessness.

                                             And for what, Lea?  After your screwup on the TONY Awards, who the hell is going to hire you?  WTF have you done, lately?

                                             I hope they find Naya, so her family can give her a proper burial.  That poor child, losing his mother at 4.

                                              And all because some no talent bitch thinks she is better than everyone!

                                              Indict her!

                                               And, Jane Lynch, and Matthew Morrison, watch out!  You are most likely next!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Imagine A More Lyrical Jane Austen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 "Three Summers" has turned out to be the surprise of my summer, so far, darlings,  Because of the pandemic, I am reading faster than I can post, so this is several books behind already.  What I admired most about it was the sense of language--the translation by Karen Van Dyck is gorgeous--and, best of all, in one volume, the author manages to encapsulate her story better and with more brevity than Elena Ferrante and her overrated Neapolitan Novels..

                                   The story is of three sisters--Katerina, the youngest, Maria, the oldest, and the middle sister, Infanta.  Family secrets abound, such as what really happened to a character referred to as "Polish Grandmother," Infanta, who fascinated me, evolves into an embittered spinster, while Maria, the oldest goes the other route, embracing marriage and sexuality, along with childbirth.

                                      Set in a lyrically depicted Greece, Liberaki writes in the voice of Katerina, the youngest sister, over the course of the novel's titular time.  Katerina is young, whimsical, and sort of reminds me of a well adjusted Merricat from Shirley Jackson's "We Have Always Lived In The Castle." At times, the descriptions of nature and the countryside, are comparable to that text.  But this is a story about three girls, grooving up, more in Jane Austen than Jackson territory.

                                        I did not expect to be as blown away as I was by this book.  I urge you to read it.  In this Summer of our discontent, it will transform the season into a magical experience, girls!

                                         Read it at once!

Saturday, July 4, 2020

An Undiscovered Literary Gem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              As you might expect, girls, the titular story, which became the chilling thriller, set in Venice, filmed by Nicolas Roeg, with Donald Sutherland and Julie Christie haunted by the grief of their child's death, with a killer at large--or is it?--is included in here.  It was filmed, back in 1973!  As is the classic "The Birds," which almost everyone knows by the Hitchcock 1963 film, but let me tell you, it would have been equally terrifying, maybe even more so, if Rod Serling had taken the text, as written, and adapted it to his half hour or even one hour "Twilight Zone" episodes, during that show's original run.

                                                The characters, locations, and ending of "The Birds" are as different from Hitchcock, as they can be.  But still chilling.

                                                  However, the real masterwork in this volume in the story "Kiss Me Again, Stranger," about a lonely ex-soldier who meets this female usher at a movie theater, with a thing for cemeteries.  And he follows her to one, where.....I won't tell you, except what kind of gal is this?  Talk about a fatal attraction!

                                                    It is a wonder to me this has never been filmed or dramatized.  If adapted correctly, it could be fantastic!  And what a role for an to play it, as a vampire, succubus, or serial killer?

                                                     Maybe all of the above!

                                                     One of the best short story collections I have read in years, girls!

                                                      Almost all perfect!

                                                     But "Kiss Me Again, Stranger" is the real standout!

Happy Fourth Of July, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                   With David working from home, it is harder and harder for me to get on here, which does not mean I have forsaken my girls, but I couldn't officially welcome you into July, on the first.

                                                      So, here we are on the Fourth!  A happy one, to everyone.  This is the day that, for me, brings back childhood memories of the picnics at Aunt Edna's,  in South Plainfield, New Jersey.  This day always has me looking back on those.  Such carefree innocence.

                                                       How different from today, which is just business as usual. Write some posts, finish one book, start another, and listen to the Original Cast recording of "1776!"

                                                        To hell with "Hamilton!"  This is the better musical!

                                                         I know "1776" is patriotic, but I am going to close with one of the most beautiful romantic songs in musical theater.  Listen to the how the music and  voices soar.
Here are William Daniels, and the late (all too soon, darlings!) Virginia Vestoff, as John and Abigail Adams, singing "Yours, Yours, Yours!"  It gets me, every time!

                                                          A Happy and safe Fourth, to one and all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!