Wednesday, March 31, 2021

March Went Faster Than Expected!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        With February having  just whizzed by, I expected a slow, leisurely March.  But so much went on.

                                          Like our Saturday night  "Svengoolie" screenings, my getting the second  Covid shot,  David getting his first, St. Patrick's  Day and  Passover Dinners, books read, time with each other, and my animal  friends,  plus writing to all  my readers,  March was busier and quicker than I had expected.

                                            Now, we face April, which brings Easter, among other things.  But,  as T.S. Eliot remarked, it is  also the "cruelest month," as my family history will show,  in forthcoming posts  of  discussion.  Meanwhile,  hope  your March was great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               And  may April be even better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Is THIS Your Idea Of A Dish??????????????"

                                    That line should have become as iconic as Glenn Close saying, "I'm not going to  be  IGNORED, Dan!"  Because "Play Misty For Me," was a better film, and one of the late Jessica Walter's signature roles.   I prefer this 1971 film,  and Evelyn Draper, to  "Fatal Attraction" and Alex Forrest, because everything in the  1987 film, from the costume desgin, to the art direction, and acting seemed so calculated and deliberate.  Whereas Jessica Walter brought a frightening spontaniety to "Play Misty For  Me" that communicated genuine insanity, rather than Close's social agenda.

                                      You just could not  get enough of  Jessica!

                                       Same with her as Libby in 1966's "The Group," or TV's "Amy Prentiss."  Time  and time again, Jessica showed a far wider range than she was ever credited for.   She made the roles she got her own, but they proved her far more worthy of more and  better roles,which she never got.

                                         Alas, on March 24, Jessica left us, darlings!!!!!!!!!  May she rest in  peace!  And she left behind a memorable series of  performances.

                                          There would have been no "Fatal Attraction," if not for Jessica.  To think, this was 50 years ago, this year!

                                            Fond  farewell,  Jessica.

                                            Guys will think twice about meeting girls in bars, after seeing her  as Evelyn!

                                              Take a look  at  this clip!  Genuinely scary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Spy Wednesday, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                     Of course, I  don't know if happy is the right word for this day, when  Judas made his  dirty deal. I just don't want folks out there to use this as an excuse for voyeurism,  or spying on other people.  Those in the know  may very well think that is what Spy Wednesday is  for.

                                                       It's actually more MYOB!

                                                        You have to feel somewhat sorry for Judas.  He did something bad, then went out and, due to remorse, irrevocably ended his life.  What about going to Jesus?/God  for  forgiveness?

                                                          Maybe that is  the underlying message of Spy Wednesday!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

I Have Something To Say About This Commercial!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        The actress's stridency in delivering her lines gets on my nerves.  Even though she looks and sounds like a young Kim Stanely, and may have the potential  to become one, the script she is forced to play makes me want to gag!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        Because it is all PHONY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         I have an ax to grind.  Not with the actress, whose name I do not know, but with Spectrum!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          Listen  up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          Toward last evening, while David was still remote working,  the computer acted funny, then came back.  When I got on here, last night,  to write my blog,  I just about went on Google,  when CRASH!!!!!!!!!!!   There went the computer, our cable and land line phone.  For  five  hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             It came back  around  11PM.  Like, who writes, then?  Not at this house!!!!!!!!!  Then, around 10AM, today, it happened again, and we were out for several  hours.  We  went for a  walk around 3PM, leaving the TV on, working.  When we returned, a half hour later, it  was out.  Later, it came back on, and now everything is  fine.  But, for how long????????????

                                              Specturm,  get your act together, or you will lose customers.

                                               And, actress, if you want to get someplace, you are going to have to get better material, and get rid of those stagy hand gestures.  Neither Patty Duke nor Anne Bancroft were this calculatedly artificial in "The Miracle Worker."  Darling, they were  the REAL thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 Sure, I know the pay is great, so are the royalties, and bills have  to be paid, but at some point,  you have got to think about ART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                    Not  "Art Who?"  Art WHAT???????????????????????????????


The Poor Beast Took Much Too Long To Die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 I knew we were in for it, girls, when, at the start, Svengoolie announced that, because of the length of the film, he would not be able to do his usual schtick.  Oh, my God!!!!!!!!!  No Kerwin???????????????????????

                                                   And there our Kerwin sat, with Baby Gojira and David,  all tanked up to watch this film.

                                                  Not since 1959's "The Killer Shrews" have I seen such poor depictions of werewolves.  They all looked like German Shepherds,with funny wolf masks on their heads!  How did  they tolerate that?  It must have been in their contract.

                                                     All this is by way of revealing that there is not just one  werwolf  in this film, but three!!!!!!!!!!  And that is all I am going  to say.

                                                     Because this turgid, drawn out Agatha Christie redo (again) and Richard Connell ("The Most  Daangerous Game") rehash, again, will  put one to sleep faster than the silver bulllet kills the  werewolf.

                                                      This was shot  on the cheap, and  plays fast with the werewolf myth.  Like, someone who is a  werewolf will react in pain to holding a silver candlestick?  Huh?  Who ever came  up with that?   The werewolf  strikes at night, when the moon is full,  but it is quite obvious that severaal night scenes, full moon included, were shot during the day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                           Peter Cushing,  the only A-list actor on board, phones in his performance, beside which he looks positively ill!!!!!!!!!!  I wonder if  he was?  And why he agreed to do this tripe???????????????????

                                                              Thank God there was time for Svengoolie and Kerwin.  

                                                               They even upstaged the werewolves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Belated Birthday To Amy Sedaris!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Yesterday, darlings, Amy turned 60!  Can you believe it?  I never looked this good,when  I was 60!!!!!!!!!!  And who does that hair?????????  I want to go to that stylist.

                                            I am sure Amy had the most beautifully crafted, and  most colorful of birthday parties, even if she had to  do it herself.  How I would have loved to have been there!!!!!!!!!  But, then, with Covid, how could I have gone???????????

                                             In any case, Amy, my girls and I wish you a happy birthday and a great year.  We also want  you back  on TV with  the gang--your color schemes provide so many ideas.

                                             Holy Week,  and Amy Sedaris' birthday.

                                              Not a bad way to start a week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Welcome To Holy Week, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            Girls, my apologies. I meant to welcome you all to Holy Week, yesterday, but our entire Spectrum system--cable, Internet,  land line phone--were out from about 6PM to 11PM.  Alas.

                                              But that does not stop me from reminding you what is in store this week.

                                             Tomorrow is Spy Wednesday.  When Jesus was spied on, before being  betrayed by Judas.

                                               Thursday is  Holy Thursday,  or,  as it  is sometimes called, Maundy Thursday.   Just what does Maundy mean?  It means the ceremonial washing of the feet, and the distribution of the alms.  It is also the evening of the Last Supper, when Jesus said to the Apostles, "Everyone get behind the  table, for  the  picture."  Sometime during the night, Judas betrays Jesus, and, three times beforre  cockcrow, Peter denies knowing Jesus.  This day is BIG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 Friday is Good Friday.  Even bigger.  This is when Jesus was crucified on the cross, uttering the words,  "Father, forgive them, they know not what they do."  He dies at 3PM, and a storm comes up.  If you believe "The Greatest Story Ever Told," this was when the Centurion,  played by John Wayne, said, "Clearly, this man was the Son  of God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                                   Holy Saturday--  Jesus is entombed, and rests.  Now, when I  was young, it was a tradition, on this evening, that, late at night, starting at 11;30 PM, Channel 2 would show "Easter Parade," and Channel 7 would air "The Song Of Bernadette!"  Guess which one I watched????????  The day is a  time for refelction and meditation.  Oh, and girls, this is the night ABC broadcasts Cecil B. De Mille's 1956 epic, "The Ten Commandments.," in its enitreity, between 7 and 11PM. If you have never seen it, you have GOT to,  especially when Anne Baxter saunters up to Charlton Heston, and mutters,  sultrily, "Oh, Moses, you wonderful...wonderful...wonderful...FOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!"  They don't make them like they used to!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                                This year, the traditions have changed with age.  On Holy Saturday this year--I almost feel guilty--we are going to watch 1957's "The Undead," a classic by Roger Corman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                    Easter Sunday--  This is the day that, at dawn of  the First Day Of The Week, Mary Magdalene carried spices to the tomb, to annoint the body of  Jesus.  She found  the stone  unturned, the tomb empty, and an angel, explaining that the Resurrection had taken place!  Hosanna in the Highest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   On this day, in our house, it is time for the annual screening of "The Song Of Bernadette," which takes place between 1 and 4PM. Jennifer Jones, at her Oscar best...oh, my God!!!!!!!!  I am sobbing, already!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                          So, that is the Holy Week  schedule.

                                                          A blessed season to you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sunday, March 28, 2021

Even If Not A "Family" Fan, "Thursday's Child" Should Be Seen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 Early episodes of "Family" have lately been turning up on my YouTube queue,  so I might end up watching every episode-- like I did years ago, with "Cold Case."

                                                   Now, "Family" started as a mini-series, back in 1976, with maybe six episodes, to see if it would get picked up, which it was.  "Thursday's Child" is the fifth of these, and the first truly great one on the show.  The only downside is it features Elayne Heilveil in the role of Nancy, whose hair color matches Kristy's, but not her acting.  When the series was picked up, Heilveil was wisely replaced by Meredith Baxter Birney.

                                                      "Thursday's Child" actually should have been the pilot episode, because in it one learns all the essentials about the Lawrences.  And it is deeply moving, centered on  both rebirth and loss.  The scene with Kristy and James Broderick at the cemetery--oh, my God, such acting!!!!!!!!!!!!  And the tears that poured down my face!!!!!!!!!!!  Where these days does one  see this  kind of truthfulness in acting????????????

                                                       But I am getting a bit ahead of myself.

                                                        The plot centers on the christening of Nancy and Jeff's baby.  He is  to be named  Timothy Charles Maitland.  Everyone is fine with this, but Buddy, who is vociferously against it.

She won't go to the christening, she won't wear a dress--and no one can understand why.  From Kate and Doug, one learns there had been a fourth child, also named Timothy, who died five years ago.  Kate says if he were here now, he wold be fifteen years old.

                                                          Buddy thinks naming the baby Timothy would be dishonoring the original sibling.  In a moving monologue,  Gary Frank as Willie--one of his best scenes--recounts to Jeff (John Rubinstein) exactly how Timmy died.

                                                             It was something like Naya Rivera.   Doug, Willie, and Timmy were going on a fishing trip in 1971.  Buddy, of course, wanted to come along.  No one thought it a good idea; she would not let up; so, they relented.  They went out on a lake in a boat,  and, at  first, everything was fine.  But then the boat hit a snag, a tree brach stuck under the water.  The boat capsized, and all made it ashore--except Timmy, who had somehow got tangled in the branches underwater.  By the time Doug got to him,  he had drowned.

                                                             Each of them, understandably, blames themselves for the death.  And now Nancy's christening of  her baby  is triggering these memories.   Even Nancy understands.
Buddy, the youngest, is torn; she does not hate the baby, but feels Timmy cannot be replaced.  It is in this scene that, doing  the math,  one can  figure out the birth years of  the Lawrence children--Nancy,  in 1953; Willie, in 1958; Timmy, in 1961; and Buddy, in 1964.

                                                               The christening goes through, Buddy shows up in a dress, but as soon  as the ministerr pronounces the baby's name,  Buddy walks out.  Her father finds her  sitting  on an  outside bench, and tells her they are going somewhere, before going home.  That place turns  out  to be the cemetery, where Timmy's grave is.  There, father and daughter both acknowledge the blame they hold for Timmy's death, with  Doug reinforcing that it was simply a tragic accident, and it is  time  to  let  go  of the blame.   Buddy falls into  Doug's arms, in a moment  of  unsurpassed  acting naturalness, which is when  I began  sobbing.  They can go  on.

                                                                  I connected to this episode in several ways.  Like Doug (and Buddy?) I was a Thursday's Child, back  on November  18, 1954.  The rhyme says we have "far to go," and I was never sure what that meant--a struggle, or going  far in our accomplishments.  As of now, I feel a bit of both.  The irrevocability of death loss triggers me, too; on my parents' anniversaries, even those of  friends,  I feel deep sadness on those days, no matter how many years have passed.  I don't blame myself, like  Buddy, but I understand the feeling, and still cling to some lost whom I  think  I might have done more  for.

                                                                     You have to see this, girls!  It demonstrates why "Family" was so forward for its time,  maintains a universality today, and revealed, as never before, or seldom since, the realities and pain of  living.

                                                                      But some of those hairstyles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Oh, my God!   Did any of us really look like that.....then????????????????????????????





Girls, Next To Dr. Fauci, We Just LOVE Dr. David Chokshi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      I mean, isn't he just the cutest thing, darlings????????????  And he is with NYU!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I want to vist him right away, and so does Baby Gojira!  Could be the first doctor to get a  rise out of me during that dreaded rectal exam.

                                         Alas, I have no reason to visit him, but I am glad he is our city health commissioner, and his presence on TV gives hope. As well as something to look at.

                                          So, keep up the good work, Dr. Chokshi!

                                           And keep on looking GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Palm Sunday, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Girls, can you believe it's here, already?  But it is, which means next Sunday is Easter, and  in our house that means the annual screning of "The Song Of Bernadette."

                                    Today is Palm Sunday, but with some services curtailed by Covid, or some of us not comfortable going because of others, wave whatever one can in  Halleujah to the start of Holy Week,  and leading  to the resurrection of  Jesus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  And this is a big time for Mary, too.

                                       Also, today is Passover.  So, if celebrating one, or  both, as we do, have the joyest of holidays, while staying safe.

                                         Make sure those palm fronds are freshly green and yellow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, March 27, 2021

At Least, Consider Some Spring Fashion Alternatives, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Remember when we all used to gather, like this, for tea?  I have no doubt those days will someday return, and we all want to look our best when they do.

                                          But there are still some alternatives to be considered,  now.

                                          Cecil  Beaton was one of the great stage and screen costume designers; my personal favorite,  by the way.  But he was also a fabulous fashion designer.

                                            Granted, you have to be stick figured and to wear some of his creations.  Which is why, pan sexuality aside, I sometimes gaze at  my wardrobe, wishing I looked like Audrey Hepburn.  Who among us does, these days?  But why should we let that stop us?

                                              There are no Cecil  Beaton  fashion shops; either on Manhattan's Upper East Side, or even in  London.  Are there even fabric shops left in Manhattan, or  even  the outer boroughs?  Because, if there are, then one can pick out some fabrics,  and, with the aid of dress patterns, or, better yet, a good  dressmaker, then Beaton's styles can be replicated.

                                    This one is my favorite ,girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!   Imagine  me making  my triumphant  return to the St. Regis for tea--not unlike Dolly Levi returning  to the Harmonia Gardens.  And  to  look like  Lee Radziwill, besides!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   How about a  gathering  like this,  girls??????????????????
                                           And wouldn't this be perfect for Easter, darlings?  Just eight days away!
                                             Or, how about these stunning ensembles?
                                        And, speaking of home decor, isn't this just the perfect drawing room?

                                            Or, how about this, to the next social gathering?  Hey, Passover is coming up. Why not wear this to your next ZOOM gathering?

                                             Cecil Beaton has done so much for us!   And he can continue to do so, even during this pandemic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                            So, for those small social herd gatherings, ZOOM meetings,  or large, full scale parties; even if alone, and need to cheer yourself up, be sure to make your mark, with a Beaton  creation.  His sense of elegance is far too neglected, these days!

                              Hope this pictoral post gave you some hope,  dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Thursday, March 25, 2021

"If I Were You, I'd Save Myself The Trouble!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                           So, at a crucial point, does Ann Blyth, as Veda, say this to Joan Crawford in "Mildred Pierce."  It is equally applicable to this overlong, badly written  pan sexual redo of the  Leopold and  Loeb murder  case.

                                             Wait till you see the author's photograph.  I do not mean to cast asperions, but is this  a man or a woman?  Someone born a  woman, who now identifies as a man?  Or vice  versa?

                                                  It really doesn't matter.  If the novel were any good, things could be overlooked. As soon  as  the book  sets up Julian and  Paul as  intimates, I knew where this was headed.

                                                    In the Leopold and Loeb case both are wealthy, but Loeb moreso.  He is  also the more dangerous of the  pair.  The current novel inverts it; Julian, the wealthier, is closeted, more conforming,  and  afraid.  Paul,  the poorer, more dominant one, embraces his homosexuality to the point of  B and D,  S and M, and blood.  The book turned me off there.

                                                     They are more calculating than impulsive.  They systemtically select a  victim who clashes with their  socio-political idealogy, even though they never met  him.  They go so far as  to kill his dog, which gets them on my convicted list.

                                                        Ho-hum.  The rest  of the tale  is an on-the-run "Bonnie and Clyde" type saga,where one gets away, while the other is imprisoned either in a correctional facillty or mental  institution.  Who cares???????????????????????????

                                                         And yet I wanted to.  I have to credit the author; until I  read his acknowledgement, I never thought he had any knowledge of the Leopold and Loeb case, or  the  Parker-Hulme case, superbly and imaginatively dramtized in Peter Jackson's 1994 masterwork,  "Heavenly Creatures."  But he references both here.

                                                         Micah, dear, why didn't you learn anything from this trope???????? Specifically, why couldn't you do something  more imaginative and original, that would give the  reader a desire to go on?  Knowing this  trope, I was curious where it  might  lead.  The answer is nowhere.

                                                           This debut falls flat.  It does not endear me to read any further works of this  author.  Save your trouble,  girls,  as I said earlier.

                                                              And Micah, for career's sake, please develop some orginiality!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                "These Violent Delights" is anything but delightful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Join Us Saurday Night, For A Special, Sparkling Screening Of 1974's "The Beast Must Die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                            "The Beast Must What?"  I never heard of this film,  and  I am  certain most  of you on here have  not.  Just from the  werewolf's face,  I can tell it is a wolf mask to be worn over whomever turns out to be the werewolf.

                                               Picture "Fantasy Island' Meets The Wolfman."  Some hunter invites a group of men and women to is island,  and one of  them  turns  out to be a werewolf.  Of course,  they are hunted down.

                                                If this sounds like a ripoff of RKO's 1932 film version of Richard Connell's famous short story, "The Most Dangerous Game," you are not  far off,  girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 Really, this week's highlight should be a hoot.  Plus, the film  actually contains a "Werewolf  Break," where the audience  is asked  to  vote  on whom  they think is the werewolf.  Darlings, it  is  really camp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                    So, it should  be  a hootin' and howlin'  time.   The actions starts at 8PM, Saturday night, on  Channel  33, the ME TV channel.

                                                       Don't cry "Wolf!" now,  girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, March 21, 2021

Girls , I Am Telling You, The Acting Is As Broad AsThe Actresses' Cleavage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           All of  us had a delightful time last evening, watching "The Shadow Of The Cat," with  a plot so creaky it could have come from Mary Roberts Rinehart, Agatha,Christie, or even the 1927 "The Cat And The Canary."

                                            The mistress of this British manor been murdered.  The viewer knows who is responsible almost immediately.  The trick is so does  Tabatha, the cat, and she does not suffer fools glady!  The other surprise, though it should not be, is that she gives the film's best performance.

                                             Andre Morrell,  (remember him in "The Giant Behemoth?") here sporting a moustache and feigning illness, pretending to be Monty Wooley in "The Man Who Came To Dinner," really camps it up, as does Frieda Jackson as Clara,  the housekeeper, who is about as far from Mrs. Danvers, as one can get!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 But the screen time belongs to Tabitha, played by "Bunkie," who turns  in an award-calibre performance, as she systematically dispatches just about everyone in sight. Have no compunction about cheering this kitty on, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                                                   The whole thing is as perposterous as it can be.  But don't underestimate "Bunkie."  She must have had an iron clad contract, and a damn good agent.

                                                     Because SHE gets the film's last shot!

Proserpina Finally Comes Back From Hell, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               Winter always seems the longest season, girls, but Spring must come , even amidst the pandemonium of this pandemic.   

                                                  What remains is the age old "When?" argument.  When does Spring actually begin?  Many say yesterday, some say tomorrow.  I don't agree, which is why I am writing this post,

                                                   As I was taught, the seasons change on the 21st of their respective month.  So, for me, today is the First Day Of Spring.

                                                     I am so glad Proserpina is back.   But there is still a pandemic on, so she will have a rough time with wardrobe shopping and hair appointments.  And, Proserpina, if you can get an appointment, where Sally Hershberger comes to you,  please tell me how!

                                                       A girl can dream, can't I?

                                                      Happy Spring, Everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Saturday, March 20, 2021

My Friend, Nicholas, Cannot WAIT To See This Movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  Today is Saturday, dolls, and in this household, it is the highlight of  the week,  when  8PM rolls around, and David, Baby Gojira, Kerwin, and myself watch "Svengoolie," who tonight is airing the 1961 film, "The Shadow Of The Cat."

                                                   Now, I remember this film, back then, being double billed with "The Curse Of The Werewolf," another film I have always wanted to see, featuring Oliver Reed as the werewolf with the best make-up job I have ever seen.

                                                    All I know about tonight's film is that a cat witnesses the murder of his owner, a woman. He/she knows who did it, and goes about seeking revenge.  Now, that is animal loyalty for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                     The cat, whose name is Tabatha (remember, this was years before "Bewitched!!!!!!!!!!") is played by a feline named Bunkie.  I bet Bunkie steals the show, and I hope the scriptwriter gives her  some  good lines, as those did for Salem Saberhagen, on "Sabrina, The Teenage Witch.  We shall see!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                       So, join us this evening for the fun and fesitivities!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                       Make  it the highlight of your week,  darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!






"Thank You Very Much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                  I know you may be wondering, girls, why I am quoting from a second rate Leslie Bricusse, Ian Fraser, and Herbert W. Spencer song, used in  the 1970 film  "Scrooge," and which netted an Oscar nomination for "Best Song," even though the song is really a redux of Lionel Bart's far superior "Consider Yourself," from  "Oliver!"

                                      All this is by means of saying I went to the Bay Ridge Ambulatory Center, at 6740, on 4th Avenue, to get my second Covid Shot!   I want to thank the entire staff there,  who could  not have been nicer, and more  organized, and made a nerve wracking  experience comfortable  for me.

                                       I salute you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       But, girls,  I  MUST warn  you--even if  you have social plans made; like,  who does? cancel them.  By the time six  hours had gone by,  I thought I was going  to avoid the reaction.  But, then, at about 11:20 PM,  Thursday, just as I was laying  out my nighttime medication, it  hit me, like a storm.  I started shaking with chills,  body aches, a throbbing arm, where I had the shot; in  short, I was feeling rotten.  I had  a slight headache.   I thought my meds were enough  to  put me  out  that  night, but I spent a night where it seemed I heard every clock toll  the hour, three quarter,  half and quarter hour.  Which was enough for me to spend yesterday in bed, doing absolutely nothing,  because I could not.  Then, somewhere around 5PM, somehting shifted, and by ll:20 last nigth, as I was again laying out the meds, things vanished as quickly as they came.  Like a storm  passing in the night.

                                          It was a ROUGH eighteen hours.

                                          So, girls, get that shot, but take heed!

                                           Even  if you manage to get a hair appointment at Sally Hershberger for the day you go for that second vaccine--CANCEL  IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             But the relief walking out having done it, is worth  it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Darlings, The Swallows Are Back At Capistrano!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                I  have been out of comission for several days--which I  will get to that in another post. Yesterday was the Feast Day Of Saint Jospeh, but it was also the day the swallows returned to Capitstrano, the surest sign of spring that I know.  Let us hope this season bring more of that,  in the face of the year we have endured.  So, the swallows, in a way, start the healing process!!!!!!!!!

                                                To honor the occasion, here is the now classic recording, by Pat Boone, of the song, "When The Swallows Come Back  To Capistrano."

                                                   And remember, girls, no swallows were featured in Hitchcock's  "The Birds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Happy St. Patrick's Day, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Forget the "Lucky Charms" leprechaun, girls, this is the REAL  Irish thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    I always  sing "How Are Things In Glocca Morra?" on this day!

                                   And don't forget the Corned Beef  n' Cabbage!  And Irish Soda Bread!!!!!!!!!

                                    Faith an' begorra, loves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Can You Believe It Was 58 Years Ago Today, Darlings??????????????????????

                                                        To think, girls, I was raised to be Jennifer Jones in "The Song Of Bernadette," only to turn out more like her,  as Pearl  Chavez in "Duel In The Sun."   

                                                          "Built by the Devil, to drive men crazy!" Or, so it went, during my  youth.

                                                           I recall the dilemma I faced that morning, a Saturday.  Channel 9 was showing  "Godzilla" (ie. "Gojira") on "Super Adventure Theater," and I had  yet to see it.  My  paents had to fight  with me, to get into the car.

                                                              But it was worth it.  If only I had lived up to the promise of the Catholicism I  was raised on.

                                                                Alas, I became myself--an intelligent raving queen,  and all  that entails.

                                                                  Heaven have mercy on me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Monday, March 15, 2021

Girls, It Is Time To Think About Spring Fashions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                                            Darlings, have you logged on to GILT???????????  You have simply got to.   This webiste allows you to  buy designer products online,  and for  less expense.  I  mean,  what if you need some Givenchy?  And who  doesn't? Gilt is the place to go to.

                                               With  GILT, dolls,  you can look like this--


                                     See?  You are ready for an evening  out! And  that hair!  Strictly Sally Hershberger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     And, guys--this could be you!  If only you would take the time, and DO something  about  it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Shop at  GILT, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!  It will not make  you feel  guilty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Birthday, Seamus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  A lot of  important things happened on this day.  Julius Caesar was murdered.  "My Fair Lady" opened in 1956, at the Mark  Hellinger Theatre.  In 1970, "Purlie" opened at the Broadway Theatre, and  Melba Moore blew the roof off,  with  "I  Got Love."

                                   But, for those of us in  Bay Ridge, this is the birthday of its most lovable  labradoodle, Seamus!  Happy Birthday, Seamus!  You are 14 today, which is especially remarkable for  a large dog, like you!

                                      I  just love  Seamus.  He is now in retirement, spending his time between Bay Ridge, and New Jersey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       So, all you dog lovers out there, wish Seamus the happiest of  birthdays,  and  give  him  a hug!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          Love you  SO  much, Seamus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



"Naughty Stories," Porno Mags, Sex, Sexism--All In "The Mystery Of The Wax Museum????????????????????"

                                 Girls, this was Pre-Code, and I am telling you, if you were able to steal your eyes away from the art direction that brilliantly replicates German Expressionist cinema, you might have noticed sexism, buttock slapping, chauvanistic comments, and an ending that was pure corn.

                                  Yes, Lionel Atwill's performance had pathos, but Glenda Farrell, as Florence, the gum chewing fast talking reporter just about steals the movie, until she falls into the marriage trap!

                                      Which makes one wonder what will  become of her  roommate, Charlotte, played  by Fay Wray?  Are they roommates?   Lesbians?  And dig that art deco  bedroom,  and Farrell's blue pajamas.  And how  about Fay doing those leg exercises?  Just how does she support  herself?  A waitress?  A chorus girl....or  a lady of the evening?????????????

                                            For 1933, this film abounds with innuendoes.  

                                             Things aren't  better over  at the precinct, where the cops read porn mags--hence "Naughty Stories"--  off their  beat!  Who knew this movie had  so much to take in?

                                                This could not possibly have been done in today's PC era.   But what a lot of fun would have been missed.  Hell,  even the  1953 remake,  "House Of Wax" could not be made.

                                                   And, girls,  get  this--most of the wax figures were real  actors!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                    What a bunch of  stiffs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, March 14, 2021

This Is My Vision Of Post Pandemic Life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            Even though David and I had the first injections, darlings, I have been having Deborah Harry flashbacks.  You know, during "The Tide Is High" period, where I wanted to look like  this, and hang out,  somewhere, overlooking the city.  Now,  I feel I would like to do this, in the Village, along the High Line.

                                               Funny how we react to the pandemic individually.  Who would have  thought it would have engendered in me a return to anything, let alone this?

                                                 But, then, to paraphrase the song, I have never been the kind of girl to  give  up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                   See what I want to return to, darlings?????????????????


Saturday, March 13, 2021

Two For One--How The Hell Did These Titles Make "The New York Times 100 Most Notable Books????????????????????????"

                                            Even had I not just re-read "Wuthering Heights," I would still question  this decision.

                                             First, when I bought "Cleanness," I did not know who Garth Greenwell was, or more impotantly, that it was a short story collection.  I thought it was a novel; it turned out to be a short story collection, and I am not  partial to those.  Sure,  some are good,  but this--of  the nine stories featured, only two were good,  and  they were crammed with gay eroticism, which only shows Greenwell  is good at chronicling specifically his fantasties or activities.  Too much info, Garth.

                                               And that story, "Harbor," culminating with a priest in the dark, on the beach,  stripping to his black skivvies, and diving into the ocean--so what?

                                                 Garth, you are not the gay voice.  Annie Proux outdid all you gay male writers with  "Brokeback  Mountain."  Which many were too closeted to write.

                                                    Garth Greenwell lives in  Iowa ,  which is Closet Case Country!!!!!!!!!

                                                      Thanks for nothing,  Garth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                          Now,  "Luster" is a  novel,  which gives it one up on "Cleanness" already.  But it takes its time about things, even  though it  is a short novel.

                                                             Edie is finding the New York career fantasy of the Baby Boomer generation  is not doing it for her.  She shares  an apartment in Bushwick, Brooklyn, with a roommate;  the living conditions and  neighborhood are abysmal.  For distraction, she sleeps around.

                                                              Online, she meets Eric Walker, an archivist, living in Maplewood, New Jersey.  I mean, who would live there?  Though I know it from my Seton Hall days, as it was not too far from  South  Orange.  Eric has a wife, Rebecca, who is a Medical Examiner, at a nearby Veteran's Hospital.  They have an adopted daughter, Akila, who is an interesting character. Not as interesting, though, as when Edie moves  into the Walkers,  as a tenant.  What  is  going  on?  "Fatal Attraction?" "The Hand That Rocks The Cradle?????????????"

                                                                   Nothing so histrionic,  but I will say this--as Edie becomes  more ensconced in the Walker home, something sinister builds.  Leading to a most  ambiguous turnout.

                                                                      Worth  reading?  Yes, but if  you don't feel like bothering, don't!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                         Perhaps  I am  losing my faith in "The New York Times!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Still The Greatest Novel In The English Language!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                      "I was only going to  say that heaven did not                                                                                                        seem to be my home; and I broke my heart                                                                                              with  wanting  to come  back  to earth; and the                                                                                                     angels were so angry that they flung  me                                                                                                out to the  middle of  the heath on the top of                                                                                                          Wuthering Heighs, where I woke  sobbing                                                                                             for joy."--Emily Bronte, "Wuthering Heights,"                                                                                                      1848.

                                                       Now  tell  me,  girls, who writes like this?  Who can?  Who ever could???????????

                                                          No one, that is, except  Emily Bronte.

                                                          "Wuthering Heights" is the  greatest novel in the English language, for two reasons.  Emily  Bronte,  as no  one else has, was  somehow able  to transfom  poetry into  prose. The novel  is not wirtten  in verse, but its lyricism is there, from first sentence to last.  Its lasting  stature  stems from a narrative impossible to pin down--supernatural? ghostly? macabre? Gothic?, psychosexual? metaphysical?  All have been attributed to "Wuthering Heights," and yet, even though this was my tenth  reading, I still cannot pin it down.  Which is why I am  sure Emily Bronte wanted  it  that way.  The most enigmatic of her siblings, it is no wonder her work should be as equally enigmatic.

                                                                Anyone having read "Wuthering Heights" will get what  I am talking about.  Anyone who has not--well,  what  are  you waiting for????????????????????????

                                                                 Finishing the novel is like the passage quoted.  I  felt  as though  I myself had gone to heaven,  and were dropped by angels on the top of Wuthering Heighgs, where I sobbed  for joy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                   The only problem with finishing this novel is what to read net!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                     Nothing........I mean, nothing.........comes close!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!