Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Can You Believe We Have Been Through Five Months Of This Year? Already????????????????

                                              I thought all us girls needed a romantic Victorian farewell, in light of all the heartbreak that has hovered over, and in some cases impeded, celebratory Summer comings.

                                              Something sad happened to me; a childhood friend died, at only 61 years of age, on May 20.  I am still thinking about that.

                                                   But we did have fun with Svengoolie and Sventoonie, and Blob E. Blob.

                                                    Fatima celebrated its 105th Anniversary.

                                                    And now comes June.  May it be better than its predecessor, as fun for those of us who need it.  

                                                     And may I read more books!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                    "Bye, May!  Hope David and I have as much fun in June as this month!

                                                        See you next month, dears!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, May 30, 2022

Gojira Wishes All A Happy Memorial Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            When I was growing up, Memorial Day was always on May 30.  As I got older it was worked out to be the last Monday in May, which I always disagreed with.  How refreshing that we have a rare REAL Memorial Day, on the actual date.

                                                 Yet it is bittersweet.  Gojira honors all those who fought in wars, but also those victimized in the Uvalde and Buffalo shootings.  If ever today was a time for reflection, the opportunity is not better.

                                                     So, in between cookouts, beach visits, and lazing in the sun, think of all the meanings of the day.  And while we honor those who paid the price, pray that not so many do in the future.

Friday, May 27, 2022

Are You Ready For The Summer, Girls??????????????????????

                                             Let's face it--3PM today, when execs start exiting their offices, and hitting the road to the Jersey shore, or maybe the Hamptons, come hell or Covid, is the unofficial start of Summer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I would choose the Hamptons, myself.

                                              Girls, get those bikinis out?  Can we fit into them?????????  If not, there is some work to be done!  Or just buy a bikini in the right size!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 Oh, hons, fast food, cold food, soda, ice cream--Summer is a soothing season for the palette.  Don't forget frozen custard!  And sunscreen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                   May the Summer of 2022--hey, it eighty years since the "Summer Of '42!!!!!!!!!!!!"--turn out to be a happy one for me.

                                                     We are just hanging out and keeping ourselves busy!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                      Happy Holiday Weekend, everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, Join Us Tomorrow Night, As "Svengoolie" Once More Presents The Famous 1959 Chiller "House On Haunted Hill!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                    It really is the one and only, darlings.  No matter how many times I see and/or write about the film, it delights. Carol Ohmart's sexiness and screaming were apparent back when I was a child.  As were Carolyn Craig's hysterics as Nora Manning.

                                      Vincent Price Month concludes with this always appreciated gem.  What a perfect way to kick off the official start of Summer.

                                          Now, I am told "Sventoonie's" show will be a repeat, as he has finished his first season.  May he come back for a second.  And let's hope the repeat deconstruction is "Dementia 13!!!!!!!!!!!"  I just love it when the nasty brother pushes his sister into the lake, drowning her.

                                             I understand little Pippin is excited.  He may be the only one in our house, never to have seen "House On Haunted Hill!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                               See you tomorrow, at 8PM, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Are These The Dumbest Producers On Broadway??????????? Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      At least Bialystock and Bloom got a hit out of their endeavor.  But these three, from left to right, Scott Landis, Sonia Friedman and David Bandini are still trying to get a silk purse out of a sow's ear. They are not only dumb, but stubborn.

                                       Of course, this has to do with the Broadway revival of "Funny Girl," which has been a disappointment to so many.  Now, before I launch into this continuing saga, let me say I am not anti-Beanie Feldstein.  I thought she was great in "Lady Bird," and I have no doubt she was equally good in "Booksmart," and as Monica Lewinsky, both of which I hope to view some time.

                                         But "Funny Girl" was just way out of her reach.  And now I have worries about her playing Mary Flynn in the film version of "Merrily We Roll Along," scheduled to be released in 2040.  I want to be around to see this.  I will be 85!!!!!!!!!!!  I cannot even think of this.

                                           Now, the wheels start spinning.  The producers are saying that from the beginning they contemplated putting Julie in several regular performances, to lighten Beanie's load.  Because they knew she could not do it.  So, why not buy out her contract?  With each performance Julie does, and an album coming out, no one is interested in Beanie.  Everyone wants to see Julie, whom they leave the production talking about avidly.  Not so with Beanie.

                                                This dumb trio, who must have sanctioned Michael Mayer's inept casting of Beanie Feldstein, are now eating crow.  Let's see how they save face, when, suddenly, Beanie departs, and Julie takes over.  I mean, already online, Julie's so far performance schedule has been posted, for those who are interested.  This is unprecedented.

                                                   Save face for this show.  And save Beanie from losing her reputation in having her spoiled brat tantrums, and missing performances.

                                                     I knew all this would happen as far back as April 2, when David and I saw Beanie.  So, why are the producers torturing Beanie and themselves?????????????????

                                                      Admit you made a mistake and give the audience who it wants--Julie Benko!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

                                                      I cannot wait to hear her do "The Music That Makes Me Dance!"

Two Places I Would Love To Relocate To, And They Are Not Far....In Manhattan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Darlings, I learn something new every day!  If I had not read Emma Straub's new book, "This Time Tomorrow,"--which, by the way, is another fine literary endeavor by Emma--for all that I prowled the Upper West Side in my youth, I would never have heard of Pomander Walk, located in the upper nineties.

                                        So, when I read of it, in Emma's book, and saw these pics, I was enchanted.  To hell with the Dakota or San Remo, I want to live in a peaceful enclave, like something out of a book.  And this little spot of heaven is it.  As I posted awhile back, I still have not given up on Sutton Place. Nor have I relinquished my Beekman Place/"MAME" fantasies.  But the exclusivity and almost Victorian country setting so appeals to my aesthetic sensibilities that I could not resist.

                                          Now, don't get your panties wrenched, dolls!  Having posted earlier this week about our ten-year anniversary in Bay Ridge, no one is deserting where we are, at any time soon.  Baby Gojira simply would not have it.  But if one thinks about the future, something Straub's book touches on, Pomander Walk could be a perfect place for two elderly gentlemen such as David and myself.  Wait till he reads this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             Now, long before we tied the knot, and going back to when we met, and before, David lived in the West Village.  As many times as this was a home away from home to me, who could have guessed I would have found "the one" there?   But it fits my romantic notions.  So does this space I have been aware of long before I met David, Patchin Place.  Just off of Sixth Avenue, like Pomander Walk, this is an enclosed enclave which is like stepping into another time; in this case 19th Century London.  I have always had my eye on this place, though I have to admit Pomander Walk is prettier.   But, hey, if we could get something on Patchin Place I would not complain a bit.

                                The older one gets, darlings, the more one wants peace.  That's why these enclaves with their period charm are so appealing--the visuals, and the enclosures.

                                  I can see ourselves in either one, though my preference is Pomander.  I have a feeling David will vote for Patchin, due to his years spent in the West Village.

                                    What do you think, girls?  Any thoughts, let me know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dr. Phibes Really Did Not Do Much Last Week, Dolls! But This Sequence Was Pretty Creepy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                     "Dr. Phibes Rises Again," the 1972 sequel broadcast last week on "Svengoolie," at least had sound and steady picturization.  It did not have the David Lynch quality of the original, and, except for this creepy sequence, there was not much to speak of.  The premise just did not grab me.
                                 Once again, it was "Sventoonie" who upstaged the evening.  What we were told was his final show of the season--and please bring back Sventooine; as I have said, previously, he is the best show since Amy Sedaris--was a reconstruction of the 1963 Roger Corman film, "The Terror."  This film played in New Brunswick, New Jersey, just across the river from Highland Park, my hometown, on a double bill with another favorite, "Dementia-13."  At the Rivoli Theatre.  Both films were worked on, incidentally by Francis Ford Coppola.  The film's poster enticed me, with the people trapped in a gigantic spider web.  This was during a brief phase when I was interested in movie poster art and wanted to become such an artist.  But that passed.

                                   The plot seemed nonsensical to me, and it was.  Corman was originally asked to shot a Gothic horror film in two days, using leftover sets from an earlier 1963 film, "The Raven."  It could not be done, and I think it took nine months to me.  Imagine Jack Nicholson (yes!!!!!!!!) dressed in a Jean Valjean costume straight out of "Les Miz,"  (the musical had not even been thought of, back then!) but speaking throughout like "Jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"  Sandra Knight, his wife at the time, played the heroine, Ilsa, and from the chemistry displayed in this film, it was evident the marriage was on the rocks.  Looking at this junk, it is amazing Nicholson soared to the career heights he did!
He should thank God for "Easy Rider!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                       Boris Karloff plays a castle baron who turns out to have all kinds of secrets of his own.  The visuals are great, but the acting is SO bad it is not even bad enough to be Camp!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        Still, Sventoonie's deconstruction of "The Terror" was the highlight of the evening, surpassing 'Dr. Phibes.'

                                        Please bring back "Sventoonie," Sven!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Wednesday, May 25, 2022

What Is Going On???????????? Julie Is Going On At Today's Wednesday Matinee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 People who see Julie Benko in "Funny Girl" are truly the luckiest in the world.  But what the hell is going on with Beanie Feldstein???????????????

                                                  Not a word from those at the August Wilson Theatre, and I want to find out the truth!  Theater queens, suspicious already, want to know what the truth is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                   The thing is, I think we all know--even Beanie.  But no one is saying.

                                                     I have said it before and say it again--the determining factor will be after the TONY Awards!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                        So far, my predictions look spot-on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gojira Is Going To Lead The Fleet In, To New York Harbor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Girls, today commences Fleet Week, and, as tradition dictates helpful Gojira leads the boys in for some New York fun.  Bet he will tell them to avoid Beanie Feldstein.

                                            This is gold for gay men, darlings--hundreds of hot looking sailors pouring into Manhattan, looking for action and company.  Make sure you wear your best frock, girls, when meeting them at the pier!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  Yes, Manhattan will be quite a sight, over the next few days!

                                                  Bring a sailor home, for a home-cooked meal, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A Sad Anniversary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      The year 1979 was not a great one.  Oh, I know, "Sweeney Todd" opened on Broadway that year, but it was upstaged by my mother's death on April 2, 1979.

                                      Less than two months later came what is still the most iconic missing child case in history--Etan Patz.

                                        The whole thing still is a mystery.  I am convinced Jose Ramos, boyfriend of the Patz' then babysitter--that tramp! --abducted Etan and killed him, cremating his body in a boiler within the basement of an apartment Ramos superintended on East 10th Street, in Manhattan.

                                          That is enough for me, but is it actually the truth?  We may never know.  

                                          But this marks the 43rd anniversary of a tragedy that never seems to heal, and still stands out as a benchmark, when it comes to missing children.  

                                           Etan would have been 49 today.  My guess, is he would have become some techno wiz, judging from the professional paths of his peers today.

                                            Sadly, he was never given that chance.

                                             My heart goes out to his siblings, and parents Stan and Julie Patz.   May you all get through this day.

                                               Rest In Peace, Etan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Two Consecutive Anniversaries!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                      Exactly fifty years ago, on May 23, the film version of "The Other," Thomas Tryon's 1971 best-selling Gothic horror novel, opened at the then existing Coronet Theater.  

                                                         I saw it, in June, at said theater, and it had an impact on me at the time.  It fed into my loneliness of adolescence, and the need for connection.   I almost felt like I wanted the same experience.  I was blown away by the quality of the film; so much so, that, in November of 1972, I interviewed the Udvarnoky twins in their Westfield, New Jersey, home (Just one year after the John List murders!) for my high school newspaper.  They were great.  But never made another film and went on to lead regular lives.

                                                            Sadly, Chris Udvarnoky, who played Niles, died in 2010 at the untimely age of 49.  He died from a genetically inherited kidney disease.  Martin is still out there, and I wish him the best.  

                                                                Sad, too, is how "The Other" has become virtually forgotten.  Anyone having never seen it is encouraged here to do so.  The last time I watched it, I spotted something in the film I never realized all the years I had seen it.  But it remains an iconic film in my lifetime.

                                                                  Happy 50th Anniversary to "The Other!"  May it regain the classic stature it deserves!

                                                   The novel, by Thomas Tryon.  I own this hardback copy!

                                       Now, darlings, fifty-six years ago tonight, Angela Lansbury and Company opened at the Winter Garden in "MAME," one of my all-time favorite musicals, with one of the greatest overtures, and it was just too damn bad that I was just too damn young to go into the city, and see it myself!

                                           Of course, this is the day to listen to the great cast album.  By the way, I just found out today that Angela Lansbury--probably the only cast member still alive--is getting a special TONY Award, along the lines of Life Achievement.  Lansbury, who will be 97---yes!!!!!!!!!!--in October, richly deserves this, and I am proud to say I have seen almost all of her signature performances, including a revival of "MAME," at the Gershwin Theatre, back in 1983.  In fact, I saw it three times.

                                              So, as the song says, "Light the candles, get the ice out.....!!!!!!!!!!!!"  

                                              Celebrate these two iconic anniversaries!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              More things took place in May than I realized!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
                                  The show had what I consider the perfect opening.  Here are Jane Connell, as Agnes Gooch, and Frankie Michaels, as Young Patrick Dennis, singing "St. Bridget," just like it they did, fifty-six years ago tonight!

Something Is Up At The August Wilson Theatre!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            Things don't appear peachy at "Funny Girl."  Last weekend, unplanned, Beanie Feldstein took off the entire weekend.  Those who saw standby Julie Benko, above, are calling her "Broadway's real Fanny Brice."  David and I are so excited we got tickets for the Saturday matinee, August 27, when Beanie plans to be out, so we can see an exceptional performance of this role.

                                             The more Julie performs, the more audiences will want to see her, and not Beanie.  Not since Judy Kaye took over for Madeline Kahn in "On The Twentieth Century"--back in 1978, and I saw Madeline, in previews, and knew her voice would go--has there been such a case of people wanting to see the stand by.  Unless you count Sarah Brightman and Patti Cohenour back in 1988, at "The Phantom Of The Opera."  I made the better choice. I saw Patti.

                                              As reported, I did see Beanie, on April 2, and was disappointed with her.  She made no glaring mistakes, but she was unexceptional in a role that demands so much more exceptionality than she was able to give.   I cannot wait for Julie.

                                              But what is going on with Beanie?  There is this crazy rumor going around that BARBRA was in town over the weekend, and Beanie was scared to go on.  Oh, come on!  Nervous?  Sure!  But not to go on?  Is she a coward?

                                                 I think this indicates what I have said all along.  Beanie finally realizes she is not acceptable, or accepted by the theater community, and never will be.  So, she starts playing hooky.  Maybe she is having genuine vocal problems; I would not be surprised.  But it does not look good for her.  If the publicists come up with some story, and Beanie goes quietly, I would almost expect it, at this point.  Best indicator will be after the TONY Awards.  Time will tell.

                                                    Meanwhile, girls, I am holding out for Julie!  I hope she gets to do the cast album, if there is one!

                                                     Beanie, you're on the wrong stage!  Now, get off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, May 23, 2022

Ten Years, And Counting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Another anniversary, darlings.  Ten years ago today, we moved into our residence, pictured above.  Hard to believe a decade has passed.  But it has been a happy one, and all of us--Baby Gojira, Pippin, and Cucumbo--are proud of sharing this anniversary with us.

                                   Baby Gojira was actually the first family member to spend the night here.  The day before actual moving day, we bought some small items over to our then new place.  We bought Baby Gojira, placed him on the fireplace mantle, and told him to watch the place, till we returned, the next day.  Baby complied, though I confess to some separation anxiety over being apart from him.  I will never do that again.

                                    Ten years and may there be ten more.  This marks, combined with earlier years, almost a quarter century of having lived in Bay Ridge.

                                       Happy anniversary to all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, May 21, 2022

Now, Here Is Something We Could All Use More Of, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Dionne Warwick, who knew the way to San Jose, also said "what the world needs now is love, sweet love." She is still right, but what is needed more of today, is the above.

                                      For those new here, this word means, style, glamour, flamboyance, elegance, and things thereof.  I know most, if not all of my readers, have this, but, unfortunately, I can't speak well of the world, and all the situations we face.  ANNA tries her best with The Met Gala, but only those who can afford $35k are allowed to attend.  Just think, darlings, not even BARBRA--who could pay for everyone--has been seen here.

                                       I am not questioning ANNA.  I would never dare.  But I do question that as a nation we are becoming more style-less, class-less, and devoid of culture.  Oh, it is still out there, but only those like us will search for it.  And who reads anymore?  And those of us who do are regarded as wasting our time.  I heard plenty of this, growing up, from some relatives.

                                        But now things seem even worse.  David says it is the aftershocks of Covid, and I think he is right.  Human behavior is deteriorating, as is the quality of humanity, and communicative thought.  Turning over Roe V. Wade?  Deplorable!!!!!!!!!  God help what is next!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         The answer is social eclat.  We must all exercise it aggressively, those of us who have it.  For those who don't, it should be taught--from elementary school on up.

                                          Not everyone can be Baroness Pauline de Rothschild.  But we can all do our best to emulate her qualities.

                                               Otherwise, it sounds like our future is heading to the ending of the original, 1968, "Planet Of The Apes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                                 Save ourselves, darlings!!!!!!!!!  Pay more attention to Blake Lively!!!!!


What Could Dr. Phibes Be Up To, This Week, Dolls????????????????????????

                                       I guess we will all find out, this week, girls, as "Svengoolie" presents the 1972 sequel, "Dr. Phibes Rises Again.  Vincent Price is on hand, and a new Vulnavia, played by Valli Kemp.  But how garish will it be?  Will it foreshadow "Mulholland Drive," or reference some other film?  That will be part of the fun of watching it, this evening at 8PM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        Now, darlings, I have some sad news.  I am told this week will be the last episode of "Sventoonie."  I hope Sventoonie comes back for a series of more episodes, because I just love his deconstruction of films.  Besides, he and his crew are the funniest thing on the air since Amy Sedaris left it.  And you know I am still hoping for her return, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          So, join us tonight at 8, for what is essentially Part 2 of the Dr. Phibes story.

                                           I guarantee he takes no insurance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

"A Very Merry Half-Birthday, To Me, To Me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                       Girls, can you believe six months has gone by?  I am now 67 1/2, so, according to one of my most avid readers this is my half-birthday.  Here is a question--how does celebrate this quasi-milestone day??????????????

                                         Just doing what I do any other day--read, talk to all of you, and just enjoy the day given.  As I push ever nearer to 68!!!!!!!!!!!!  Good gosh, that means, in two years, I will be......

                                           No, I won't think it.  As Scarlett said, "Tomorrow is another day!!!!!!!!!!!!"

A Special Message From ANNA-- Girls--It Is Time To See And Be Seen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Even David and I are slowly working our way back to eating indoors.  Bur now comes the message on high from ANNA WINTOUR--it is time to see, and be seen.

                                      Let's face it, darlings, in this town, if you are not seen, you do not exist.  It has been hard during this Covid period for a socialite such as I--think 'Tippi' Hedren in "The Birds"--to get around.  But with a declaration from ANNA, I want to put out some destination places she frequents.  Three of them I have actually been to, over the years, but with an ANNA endorsement, you know they are now Big Time.

                                       The Palm, 206 West Street, NYC--This is the official ANNA lunch hangout, and this is the official ANNA order.  I am sure the steak is a better cut than pictured, but, I am telling you, dolls, I have just GOT to go there, and order the ANNA WINTOUR SPECIAL!!!!!!!!!!!!
                                       Pastis, 52 Gansevoort Street, NYC--This elegant mixture of Italian and French cuisine sounds elegant and luscious.  I just cannot wait to be seen here.  With ANNA on spot here, once I am sighted, too, this will surely become a destination favorite!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
                                      The Minnetta Tavern, 113 MacDougal Street, NYC--I actually have been to this one, darlings.  At that time, it was like an Italian place. I recall the pesto olive oil sauce for bread dipping was exquisite, as was anything on the menu.  For whatever reason known, maybe because of ANNA, the restaurant has gone French, so I have to try them out.  Emotionally, it will be hard, because it marked a period of time which turned into sadness, considering whom I was dating then.  But, with my David, I will conquer!  And if ANNA is there, she and I can girl talk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                                       Balthazar, 80 Spring Street, NYC--This has been a known ANNA spot for a while, yet I have not been to it.  I simply must, and you too, darlings.  Just fashion, hats, wine, elegant food, and maybe a chat with ANNA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  My feline friend, Nicholas, is anxious to go here; he would fit in at any of these places, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                                       The Waverly Inn, 16 Bank Street, NYC--This one has been around for years, hons, and I frequented it, back in the day.  It was American, had a colonial feel, and Fran Lebowitz and I used to hang out at adjacent tables, glaring at each other!  Then Graydon Carter bought it, toned it up, and now it is a destination place for the ANNA contingent.  I am curious to go back to see how the fare stands to yesteryear, and to have some coffee with ANNA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                               Sant Ambroeus, West Village, NYC--This place actually brought me good luck.  I went there for my fifty- fifth birthday, on November 18, 2009.  Have no idea what I had, except the food and service were excellent.  But it was during my fifty- fifth year--on May 8, 2010--that I met my beloved, David.  So I always thought this restaurant brought me luck.  I really should go back, with David, of course, to see how the cuisine has been updated, and to drop in and see ANNA!!!!!!!!!!!!  I have SUCH ideas, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                                        Il Cantinori, 32 East 10th Street--This is the one I simply MUST go to.  First of all, it is Italian, and when have I turned down an Italian restaurant?  I was not aware this had become an ANNA spot, but all the more reason to go.  Maybe by birthday time--six months from now--we will be ready to go!

                                            So, there you have it, girls, all of ANNA's places--the spots to see and be seen!!!!!!!!!!!!   I shall have to coordinate my wardrobe to each one, so I should start shopping now!  Wishing all you girls success!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               Happy dining and say hi to ANNA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank You So Much For Last Night, Ann!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why Don't You Come To New York More Often????????????????????????

                                                 I am old enough, and proud enough, to have seen the original production of the Harold Prince-Stephen Sondheim musical "Merrily We Roll Along," back in 1981.  It was a life changer.  I saw it twice, in fact, and had it run longer I would have gone back and back.  Prices were cheaper, then, and the young cast, whom I did not know I would meet many of in later years, were so outstanding.  The one who blew away me the most was Ann Morrison--that voice!!!!!!!!!!  Also, a lovely person.  

                                                   I try and see her live every time she is in town, and I am sorry I was not at 54 Below last night.  But I was privileged to watch it online, as were many cast members, and I bet some others were in the audience.  As former cast member and now musical director, David Loud said, "...for a 15-performance flop, it has been written about and analyzed, as though it were "A Chorus Line."

                                                      Actually, it was.  The score was moving, and so was the young cast.   I will say now that the older I get the more "Our Time" breaks my heart.  It did not in 1981, when I was in my late twenties, but in my later sixties, I have a different take on things.

                                                      I had no idea what Ann was going to do, and I was amazed what she came up with.  All by herself, she took the audience on a journey on what it was like to have been part of the 'Merrily' experience.  Not that Lonny Price's documentary was not perfection, but Ann's emotional delivery made me feel what it was like to be there, day after day, night after night, during the whole 1981 experience.  And for the first time, I had the feeling that, had I been part of this group, (I did not audition, as I thought I was too old!) I would have been just as stressed out, frazzled, emotionally exhausted, and frightened as they.  And how disillusioning to see so many musical theater masters fray at the edges.

                                                         After hearing Ann's story, I am not sure, had I been cast, I could have handled it.  Who knows?  Her skillful structuring of the piece took the audience not only through the 'Merrily' experience, but the plot, changes, and, of course, the score.  Ann got me, as she always did, with "Not A Day Goes By."  No one, to this day, sings it as well.  And her "Our Time," as I have said, broke my heart.

                                                          What an emotional evening for us all!  Now I actually feel like I HAVE been through the 'Merrily' experience.  Well, almost!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                             Thanks, Ann, for the memories, and for reminding us that all of us--'Merrily' cast and viewers--have come a long way!  And we're still here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                              Just one thing--MY Cream Of Wheat does not have lumps!!!!!!!!!!!

Did 1971's "The Abominable Dr. Phibes" Foreshadow David Lynch's "Mulholland Drive," Thirty Years Later?????????????????????

                                     I found myself asking this question last Saturday eve, as I watched the "Svengoolie" broadcast.  The visuals bordered on the garish; so much it felt as though I were watching a David Lynch film.  Unfortunately, for all who watched, the visuals were the best part.  Because of station problems that were eventually corrected, all of 'Phibes' suffered from poor sound quality and picture fragmentation.  The hard British accents did not help us to understand the oft times witty dialogue.  And I did not know, till Svengoolie explained it, that Vincent Price's dialogue was pre-recorded and spoken through a gramophone.    Shades of "House Of Wax," "Theater Of Blood," and yes, "Mulholland Drive."

                                     Next week, Svengoolie is showing the sequel, "Dr. Phibes Rises Again.  It will feature a new Vulnavia, as the last one, played by Virginia North, was drowned in acid.  She will be played by Valli Kemp in the second film.

                                       Just look at this shot!  Could this have been influenced by Sondheim's "FOLLIES," or vice versa?????????????????????????????


                                         But, really, darlings, this was the week when "Sventoonie" was better than "Svengoolie."  His deconstruction of "A Bucket Of Blood," a 1959 Roger Corman gem I had never heard of, was a sendup of "House Of Wax," the California beatnik movement, and the horror genre.  It digs beat culture, with an outsider, Walter Paisley, played by Dick Miller, wanting to be "in," and failing miserably, until--now get this, girls!!!!!!!!!--he accidentally spills plaster over an already dead cat, and is declared a sculpture genius.  He is accepted by the beat culture, who want more work from him, which means he has to kill and pour plaster over dead bodies.  I am telling you, girls, this was the campiest.  Also appearing in this film was Barboura Morris, as Carla, who also appeared in the 1959 camp classic "The Wasp Woman."  I recognized her at once!

                                            It was a strange Saturday evening, girls, but an entertaining one!

                                             Dig that crazy beatnik beat, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Monday, May 16, 2022

Another Anniversary Indicating Encroaching Age!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Not necessarily a bad thing, darlings, especially as I am lucky enough to have my David!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         But Saturday, May 14, was the day, to the day, of my graduation from Seton Hall University, which occurred forty-five years ago.  Somewhere I have a picture of me taken with my mother, father, and Aunt Kathleen, who was my godmother and the aunt I was closest to.  When I look at that photo, I think what happened to that young man?  And who could have known that, within less than two years, my mother would have been taken from us?

                                           Also, I am amazed to have reached this point.  I recall my father and uncles talking about decades past since their college days, never imagining I would be at that point.  And, here it is, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!  Where did the time go??????????????

                                             And, just for the record, I graduated "cum laude," darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            Things turned out better than I imagined, and may they continue!  But I sadly miss the adults in the photo.

                                               Wonder what they would say to me now????????????


Nicholas Sends Mid-May Greetings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              My lovely feline friend, Nicholas sends love to one and all.  He is eager to love and be loved, as he is confined to that townhouse, and I know he wants some company.  But he is one clever cat--he LOVES the movie "The Shadow Of The Cat"--so he will find a way to defeat obstacles in his way.

                                                Even a photo of Nicholas cheers me up, and this is the latest.   I know he anxiously awaits my next visit, as I do him.  Notice how spotless the floor is, and how lovely the rug is. Nothing but the best for Nicholas!  He is one discriminating cat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                Love you, Nicholas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

".......In That Lazy, Hazy-Like, Kind Of Crazy-Like, South American Way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                     Now, I know all my girls on here just LOVE "Mildred Pierce."  But some may be surprised that it is not all darkness and bitchery.  Though the opening credits, with the waves washing up on the beach to reveal the titles, to Max Steiner's music, lets it be known right away this is not a comedy.

                                       It has its lighter moments, too, and one of these--a favorite--comes when Veda is playing the piano, Kay is dancing, done up as Carmen Miranda, and they are singing to the Aloisio de Olivera and Jimmy McHugh 1939 hit, "South American Way."  This is such a great moment and Michael Curitz, the director, should have let it reach its conclusion.  But no; Joan has to come in and ruin everything, and back we go to Mildred and Veda bitching at each other.  The scene reaches it dramatic climax on one of Veda's most famous lines--"My mother--a waitress!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                        I mean, how could poor, misunderstood Veda face herself, let alone anyone else?  What about her goals?  Too bad Veda never realizes she is just one step up from White Trash.  The thought of it is unthinkable.

                                         But I love this little musical interlude, and sometimes I dance to it myself!  I was doing it all this weekend!
                                           Here is the scene, which should include the dance interlude.

                                           All us girls, young and old, should do it.  As to the make-up, as Veda says, "It's JUST some lipstick, mother!"

                                            Make sure it is the right shade, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, May 13, 2022

Celebrating The 105th Anniversary Of Our Lady Of Fatima!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                       That's right, set years ago, on this date, the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to three Portuguese children--Lucia dos Santos, and Francisco and Jacinta Marto.  Jacinta, the youngest, became the champion of Fatima believers.

                                                           On the hundredth anniversary, just five years ago, those children were canonized as saints by the Roman Catholic Church.

                                                               And, on this day, in these times, I am thinking, do we need a visit or sign from Mary now!!!!!!!!!!!  I mean, the world has really gone topsy turvy, and is getting worse.    And the comments made in 1917 about Russia seem disturbingly prescient.  

                                                                  So, let us remember this day with respect for one another and reverence for Mary.  And thank all the Fatima Children for what they have done.

                                             And you damn well better listen to Jacinta, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, Join Us All Tomorrow Night, As Svengoolie Presents "The Abominable Dr. Phibes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


                                                  Even I am excited about this one, girls, as I have never seen it.  I do have a question though--is the name pronounced "Feebs," or "Fi (Long "i")bes?"  I go with the first, so when we watch the film, we can find out the correct answer.

                                                     But this film does have some exciting potential.  It sounds like a redo of Georges Franju's 1960 masterpiece, "Eyes Without A Face," and a foreshadowing of the cumulative film of Vincent Price's career, made just two years after 'Phibes--'  "Theater Of Blood," in 1973.

                                                        Price plays a musician enroute to the hospital where his wife is dying, but they are trying to save her.  He gets in a car accident, is horribly disfigured.  The wife dies, and Price, now disfigured, concocts a murderous plan of revenge on the doctors who treated his wife, based on the Biblical plagues.  

                                                          Hons, as you know, I am not Bernadette; hell, I am not even Jennifer Jones!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I cannot remember what all the Biblical plagues were, so this should be a learning experience.  So, this should be a lot of fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                            And, of course, we are all looking forward to seeing what film Sventoonie deconstructs, on his show.  Especially little Pippin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                               So, join us tomorrow at 8PM, with this Vincent Price Celebration!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                 See you then, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Broadway Is Still Misbehaving, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       When Daniel Radcliffe did "Equus" on Broadway, back in 2008, every gay man in the audience knew on cue when to take out the binoculars, so they could witness Radcliffe in the nude scene.  Having seen the play in 1975, and nudity on the stage over the years, I passed on this.  I heard about this through others and thought it somewhat pedophilic to be ogling one who played a former child hero, Harry Potter.  Besides, I found the nature of the play distasteful, so I knew enough not to see it again.

                                          Now, back in 2003, I saw the original production of Richard Greenberg's "Take Me Out," which won Denis O' Hare a TONY Award, and earned one for Daniel Sunjata, as Darren Lemming, the baseball player who comes out.

                                              History is repeating itself with the revival of "Take Me Out."  Tony nods have been handed out to Jesse Tyler Ferguson, and Jesse Williams, now playing the same roles once performed by O'Hare and Sunjata.

                                               But something in the air has changed.  I recall no binoculars during the nude shower scene of Greenberg's play, though they must have been there.  I do recall applause to the actors having the vulnerability to perform downstage center and simply take a shower on stage--before thousands of people, every night.  Were cell phones around in 2003?  Actually, camera phones have been in existence since 1999.  So, why no fuss then, but now?

                                                   First, I don't believe as many of these phones were owned, back in 2003--which is 19 years ago, by the way!!!!!!!!!!!  But second, Covid wasn't around, and during these years our culture has sadly changed to where people have no respect for one another.  Look at the "COMPANY" incident with Patti LuPone, where a woman had the nerve to say, "I pay your salary!"  And look at poor Jesse Williams being photographed nude by some twisted thing, who went and posted it virally.  That person should be tracked down and arrested.  I mean, technically, isn't this felony sexual assault?

                                                      Actors have always had a hard time, starting with hecklers.  Now, when performing nude, they have to worry having their personhood violated? Meanwhile, it is OK to film a guy nude and post it, but what if it had been women?  And nutsos are more concerned about turning over Roe V. Wade than anything else??????????????????????

                                                           I applaud Jesee and whomever else has to perform this scene each night.  If the theater community cannot trust its own--and that includes the audience--then how can it continue???????????????

                                                           And, besides, Patti cannot be every place, at once!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!