Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Halloween Wishes From Baby Gojira!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Baby insisted on wishing everyone on here a Happy Halloween.  Isn't he just the cutest? That hatchet, by the way, comes from the Lizzie Borden Museum in Fall River, Massachusetts, when we visited there.

                                  And Baby wishes all a happy November.  To think, two weeks ago we celebrated Sister Camille's birthday, and now October is done.

                                  But Baby Gojira loves you all, just as I do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Again, a happy Halloween!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Farewell To October!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Ten months down the drain.  Can you believe we have come through five-sixths of the year????????????

                                It started with 'Merrily.' What could be better than that?  We also saw "The Birds" on screen, and, get this, darlings, I was actually on Long Island.  That's right, but don't tell anyone.  All I will say right now is that I was at the Manhasset Art Museum, and then the town of Great Neck.  I could not wait to get back to New York!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  What to do when you are a downtown girl, living in an uptown world?

                                   But October was fun and memorable.  I hope yours was , too.

                                   And a happy birthday to all my October birthday friends!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     I hope November is a blast!  Lots of birthday, that month!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      See you next month, dears!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Tonight, We Watch The Jamie Lee Curtis Classic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     So many films to choose from; how to decide?  For me, there can only be one on this night, John Carpenter's original 1978 masterpiece, "Halloween."

                                      Like "Rosemary's Baby," it blends horror and humor. The best example is when Annie is being attacked in the car, in the garage, by the killer, frantically calling out "Lindsay! Lindsay!," her babysitting charge, while the child is transfixed before the TV set, watching Howard Hawks' 1951 horror classic, "The Thing," unable to hear anything else.  Just brilliant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        Lindsay happens to be played by Kyle Richards, sister of Kim, who played Prudence on "Nanny And The Professor."  Donald Pleasance and "P.J. Soles are also along for the ride. What a cast!

                                     But who played the child, Michael Myers?  He did not have much to do yet turned in a chilling performance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        This is where it all started, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Enjoy your evening, whatever you do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Halloween, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Yes, girls, it is time for trick or treats, and the year is winding down.  By my count, this is the 304th day of the year.  Imagine that, with just 61 days to go.  Get in all the holiday fun, while you can!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      I am staying myself for Halloween, as it can sometimes be scary, and, besides we have Baby Gojira all decked out in his witch finery.  Just a quiet and cozy Halloween here.

                                        Stay careful and safe, darlings.  And throw away any unopened candy.  Especially apples!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           Trick Or Treat to all of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, October 27, 2023

Good News, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!! "Julie" Is Coming Back Tomorrow Night! But Some Bad News, Too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           "Trilogy Of Terror," where Karen Black plays three different roles, must be so popular.  It was shown last month, and now it is being shown again.  But, sadly, in the second spot.

                             Still, that is time enough to see Karen Black's brilliant performance as Julie Elldridge, a spinster college English teacher, who turns out to be not what she seems.  I mean, darlings, don't we just love the way Julie deals with her comely male students???????????????

                              Black gets the spinster thing down, and then lets loose when revealing her true self.

                              This was adapted from a short story by Richard Matheson I have always wanted to read, called "The Likeness Of Julie."  The protagonists there are two high school students, so I wonder how far they can go in this story.  The 1975 TV movie is pretty tame by today's standards, but it gets all the implications in.  

                                 And watch out for an unsuspecting young Gregory Harrison, as he steps into Julie's lair.  



                                This will be the first feature, tomorrow night.  It looks like more of the same, with Darren McGavin chasing prostitutes around in Las Vegas.  Or L. A.  Anyway, does it matter?  We would really want to watch the entire "Trilogy Of Terror" again, just to see the Hintu fetish voodoo doll story.  If you have never seen it, it is worth staying up for.  As it is, some of us will get to revisit "Julie," and that is always a pleasure.

                                    Happy Halloween, girls!  And pay close attention to "Julie!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Well, "Svengoolie's" Double Feature Last Saturday Was Three Quarters Successful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           "The Night Stalker" turned out to be a better movie than expected.  Though, if believed, the film would have one believe vampires only go after prostitutes, or maybe that prostitutes are all Las Vegas has to offer.  My guess is the latter.

                               I don't understand how some people can get all hot and bothered over Darren McGavin.  I mean, the man is a good actor, but he spends too much of his time with his shirt off.  I mean, John Gavin in "Psycho," yes, but Darren McGavin??????????????????

                                  But whom am I to judge?  I was hot under the collar for Doodles Weaver, as he helped 'Tippi' Hedren into the boat in "The Birds."  To each his own, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   And the opening scene, with a prostitute being murdered, is the one shown on the drive-in, during the film "Julie," with Karen Black.  No wonder.  Both were under the auspices of Dan Curtis.


                        But second was best, as indicated by this iconic shot, showcasing Gojira's first appearance on film!!!!!!!!!!  Isn't he SO handsome, darlings???????????  Yes, this was the Americanized version of thee 1954 Japanese masterpiece, with the best things left in, then fillers with Raymond Burr, before his Perry Mason days.  Having seen the original masterwork several times, owning it on DVD, I can say watching this version is like eating Velveeta pasteurized process cheese spread!  I mean, God forbid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             Until rights are cleared to show the original on TV, this is what one must settle for.  It still gives a good indication of what the original as.  It makes Gojira unhappy because they cannot show his movie the way it was intended.

                               This version eliminates some of the Otto Island scenes, including the Old Lady.  Maybe she was deemed more terrifying than Gojira!!!!!!!!!!!  And when the ship leaves for that island, and Emiko is shown waving, we don't see whom she is waving to, and that is Dr. Serizawa, who is watching.  Hubba, hubba, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Since this house retires at a reasonable time, we only watched till Gojira's first appearance.  If only this had been the first feature, we  could have seen the whole thing.

                                     Though the end saddens me.

                                     But, as Gojira would say, it is just a movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


"You Ever Operate An Outboard Motor???????????......Of Course!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                           That, girls, is my favorite line in Alfred Hitchcock's 1963 classic, "The Birds," which David and I attended a 60th Anniversary screening of this past Sunday.  That line teaches the most important lesson from this film--a socialite can always be resourceful.  Of course, in this film, Melanie Daniels ('Tippi' Hedren) is a West Coast socialite, so what does this say for us East Coast socialites?  I will have to ask some of my East Coast socialite friends and find out.

                           I just love the subtextual sexuality of Suzanne Pleshette's performance as Annie Hayworth, the spinster schoolteacher.  Her evenings at home, with coffee and a book, remind me of my own.  If every spinster looked like her, they would not stay that way, for long!!!!!!   I love the "Persona" shots Hitchcock uses whenever they are together.

                            And though Jessica Tandy has a big hysterical scene, it is Veronica Cartwright who upstages her.  Fresh from 1961's "The Children's Hour," this consolidated her as the Queen Of Hysteria, a title that would remain well past her childhood years.  Think of her in Ridley Scott's "Alien!!!!!!!!!!!"

                             Rod Taylor--hubba, hubba!  Girls, we all want to look at him.  No wonder Annie pines for Mitch, but without a socialite background, she does not stand a chance.

                             Here is something I learned--although children are featured prominently in the two set pieces--the birthday party and school attacks--they are spread throughout the film.  In the opening scene, a little girl on the first floor of the bird shop is looking at birds.  When Melanie pulls up on the pretext of renting a room from Annie, children can be heard in the playground.  They are everywhere--a symbol perhaps, of the innocence of Bodega Bay, and that even trouble can be visited upon the innocent?????????????


                              Now, take a look at this shot, imagine it one frame ahead, and listen to what I am about to say.    From his American debut, with "Rebecca," in 1940, Alfred Hitchcock hated David O. Selznick, and it was mutual on Selznick's part.  So, in some of his film's Hitchcock would do things to rub Selznick the wrong way.  For instance, look closely at Raymond Burr, as the killer in 1954's "Rear Window."  Notice how closely he resembles David O. Selznick.   As for "The Birds,". recall what I said about moving the shot one frame.  If done, what you get is a replicatory shot of the fleeing from Atlanta scene in "Gone With The Wind," where Vivien Leigh is leading the way with a lantern, and Clark Gable is behind, carrying Olivia DeHavilland as Melanie, in his arms.  Think about the two images. They are virtually identical, and, as Selznick was still alive in 1963, it was Hitchcock's way of sticking it to him. Think about it next time viewing this film.

                               But, honestly, girls, "The Birds" is so much fun.  The city, vs. the country, Melanie's two-piece green outfit, heels, fur coat and hair, which we all want, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                And all the wonderful character actors in this film.  I am telling you, "The Birds" is so much fun.  If you have never seen it, you owe it to yourselves, darlings.  Who knows what lessons it may teach you??????????????

                                  Tweet, tweet, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Girls, We All Need Some Mainbocher In Our Closets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





                                 I was looking through my closet, the other day, thinking of switching the Spring/Summer ware to Fall/Winter, when I discovered, to my horror, I did not own one Mainbocher!

                                  Quelle catastrophe, darlings!  How can that be????????????

                                   Did you know that Mainbocher is considered America's first courtier?   So, that is even more reason why we have got to own some of his fabulous creations.

                                   Look online and see for yourselves, dolls!  His stuff if FABULOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   I want mine directly delivered to my residence!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!                                                                


Today Is "A Chorus Line" Day, For Me, And A Happy Birthday Wish To One Of Our Readers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              I don't believe in violating privacy, so I will not reveal the name of the reader, only to say he is bound for the Amalfi coast, is a witty commentator on here, and so I am sure all of us wish him the best birthday celebration he deserves.

                               Today is also a special day for me.  Forty-eight years ago, my father and I went to see "A Chorus Line," on Broadway at the Shubert Theatre, back in 1975.  It was the Original Company, where I was introduced to Donna McKechnie, Kelly Bishop, Priscilla Lopez, Sammy Williams, and Pamela Blair.  How sad that two of them, Sammy and Pamela, are no longer with us.  Still, that afternoon had an impact on me; it fueled my desire to get to New York, and it was an important memory point for my father and myself.

                                 Even in his 100's, he would talk about the experience, and how wonderful it was to see it with me.  I cherish this memory too.  He also never forgot how impressed he was by Donna McKechnie.  But then, who wouldn't be????????????

                                   I miss "A Chorus Line," especially on this day, and I miss my father even more.

                                   I wish there were some way I could relive the experience.

                                   But, as long as I have the memory, I can.

                                    And, again, happy birthday to my Amalfi reader!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

I Think The Superhero Of Our Times Should Be Captain Obvious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            That is because, girls, with all going on around us, some may not be aware of every bit of minutiae out there.  And awareness, especially self-awareness is crucial to our day and age.

                           So, once in a while, it is good to have someone like Captain Obvious remind us of the little things we might miss.  Like that a week from Sunday is Daylight Savings Time, when we turn back the clocks an hour, so it can get darker earlier.  Groan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           Though not nearly as helpful or handsome as Gojira, Captain Obvious still makes a difference in our day to day lives.  

                              Count on him when feeling your least observant and aware!

Darlings, Look At These Fabulous Venice Textiles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Aren't these just the most fabulous, darlings????????????  Every home should have a Venice textile, or two.  The images and colors are stunning.  It would be so wonderful if we could just hop on a flight, and land there.  Of course, I would stay at the Albergo Caldo, numero cinaqua cinaqua.  Cingua, cingqua!  And then dine by the water, eating a scrumptious meal, fine wine, in a fashionable outfit!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Such magic, wouldn't it be, darlings????????????

Alas international travel is not the way to go.  At least, not right now.  So, can't some of these textiles be delivered directly from Venice????????????  The point, after all is ownership of these stunning creations.

I would love to have any of these hanging in my home!!!!!!!!!

Wouldn't you, darlings????????????

Saturday, October 21, 2023

Girls, Look What "Svengoolie" Is Showing Tonight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But His Second Feature Is Even Better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                       Of course, I have heard about this film since the 1970's, though I have yet to see it.  It made a career for Darren McGavin.  But the reason I am interested in seeing tonight's first feature is not only historicity, but because this is the film (or footage from it) used when Robert Burton as Chad takes English teacher Julie Eldridge (Karen Black) on a date at the drive-in movie and drugs her.  Of course, later she turns the tables on him, which is why we love Julie.  I don't know what tables will be turned here, but it will be interesting to see a once iconic, but now forgotten film.


                            The good news is that, for the second feature, Gojira is getting his due.  The bad news is this starts at 10:30, meaning the program will run till 12;30, which is too late for this queen to stay up, unless he is out at a social event.  The other bad news is that the original 1954 masterpiece, "Gojira," will not be shown, but it should.  Instead, it will be the pasteurized process version, released in 1956, which combines all the best footage of the masterwork, but was re-marketed, and added Raymond Burr as a narrator to explain things to audiences whom producer Joseph E. Levine considered dumb.  And that included Americanizing "Gojira" to "Godzilla!"  Well, in this house, we call him Gojira!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            For those willing to stay up, you can see through the crap to what a masterwork this is, when shown in its original version, which, so far, has only been seen in revival houses.  As for those who cannot stay up, watch until Gojira's iconic appearance atop the hill.  And then cheer him on!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             Poor Gojira!  His should have been the first feature, so more people could watch.

                             You can bet Gojira will be contacting Svengoolie!!!!!!!!!!!!!   And Baby Gojira, too!

                              Plus, Little Pippin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, October 20, 2023

Two Guests I Definitely Want At My Dining Table!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Before we get into anything, darlings, from this photo, I have GOT to say--Andrew, you are being photographed with ANNA.  Where is the color????????????  You look like you just came from Wall Street, rather than heading The MET Costume Insitute.

                                       But, Andrew, I am anxious to meet you, not just to get to ANNA, but because I would love to do something for you in the Costume Institute.  I am not asking for a job.  I am not asking for money.  I am only asking for tasks that give my day a structure.  Think about it, Andrew.  You and I could do great things.  And ANNA, the same applies to you.

                                        Hell, I don't think I could run NYC the way these two do.  But I know more about what is going on than most!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         How about it, guys?  I could work with Tory Birch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Go Tell ANNA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I Will Be Lunching At Balthazar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



                          Hey, ANNA!  Did you hear?  I will be dining at your restaurant, on Saturday, November 18, at 2PM.  Which just happens to be my birthday.

                             So, ANNA, if you are nearby, plan to stop in.  I have so many marvelous ideas.  All about COLOR and how to use it to take "VOGUE" to the next level.

                              Really, darlings, this is serious.  I have to go as if dressing for a meeting with ANNA, because it could be just that!  I will have to really raid my closet, or go on a shopping spree, to find something that will really impress ANNA.  Also, I want the staff to be aware of my presence in advance, which is why I am posting this, because I want them to tell me what ANNA usually orders, because that is what I will order!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               I promise, girls, to give you a full report.

                               And, ANNA, I cannot wait to see what you wear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



The News Is Bad, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                        I recently found out that Aaron Tveit and Sutton Foster will be taking over the leads in "Sweeny Todd," after January 14, 2024!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          Are you kidding me?  Really, darlings?  A TONY for "Moulin Rouge," so Tveit thinks he can sing Sondheim???????????  Save it!  As for Sutton Foster, who projected a nice chemistry with Hugh Jackman in "The Music Man--" who wouldn't? --which compensated for her vocal downplaying of Marian, who should be a lyric soprano, does she have the role in her to play?  Not a chance!!!!!!!!

                           And she thinks she can play Mrs. Lovett.  Listen, guys, the show had a great run, do not tarnish it by bringing in these inferiors.  They will ruin the mastery of the work set by Josh and Annaleigh.

                              I simply cannot bear it.  Where has the profession of casting gone?   Now that Joanna Merlin has left this world, do theatergoers have to settle for this kind of crap??????????????

                                 This is on a par with Rosie O' Donnell doing "Grease."

                                Hey, why not she as Mrs. Lovett?  She is comic, and vulgar enough!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Please, "Sweeney," go out a hit, and close on January 14, 2024!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Theater Queens, Take Note!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "Sweeney Todd" Is About To Tank!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                         Darlings, if you have not seen this magnificent production yet, you have until January14 of 2024.  That is the date on which Josh Groban and Annaleigh Ashford give their final performances in the show.  They will have only been doing it for 46 weeks. Couldn't they do an extra six weeks, because, back in the day, darlings, when actors got a hit gig, they were in it for a year, and sometimes more.

                            What's more., they are talking about replacements, but who can top these two?  Taylor Swift?  Harry Styles?   Are you kidding me????????????????

                              Take it from me, dolls.  Back in the days of the original, after Angela Lansbury and Len Cariou left, they tried replacing them with Dorothy Loudon and George Hearn.  Will, Hearn had no passion to his performance, and Dorothy Loudon, really, was still playing Miss Hannigan.  They could not maintain the run.

                                This is sad news for Theater Queens, so I am telling you, make haste to the Lunt-Fontanne Theatre.

                                 Because once they leave, this  "Sweeney Todd" will be history

Thursday, October 19, 2023

Oh, My God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I Have GOT To Have These Designer Sneakers, From Chanel And Gucci!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                      One for high top, one for low.  You see, darlings, I have some events coming up in the future, and I have GOT to look my best.  One never knows when one will be spotted by ANNA, so I always have to look my best, when I go into Manhattan.

                         The Gucci sneakers are pink, which is a perfect color for me, while I like the sort of rainbow blend in the Chanel low ones.  Girls, I cannot begin to tell you how stunning they will look on my feet.  I am sure ANNA would be impressed.

                           So, my future may include some shopping at Chanel or Gucci.

                           Perfect for a gala or a dinner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Honestly, Girls, When The Highlight Of An "AHS" Episode Is Emma Roberts Eating A Dead Raccoon, You Know The Show Is Going Down The Tubes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                       I am so sorry, darlings, I could not provide a picture of that delightful gourmet sight, but let's face it, it probably was red velvet cake or strawberry jam cake.

                      Listen, when the Virgin Mary told Jennifer Jones to "eat of the plants" in "The Song Of Bernadette," she really did.  That's how you win an Oscar, hons!  And when Roman Polanski told Mia Farrow to eat the raw meat and raw chicken livers, in "Rosemary's Baby," you can be sure she did.

                       Now, Emma is nowhere near the caliber of those actresses, as she is supposed to be carrying this season, and she so is NOT.  I know the raccoon is a rabid animal, and we don't want Emma to get rabies, but I mean, REALLY?  A dead raccoon?   Couldn't she have just noshed on a chicken or turkey leg, like Charles Laughton, in "The Private Life Of Henry VIII," back in 1933???????????? 

                         At least, this moment will stand out for me.  I cannot speak for the rest of the season, which stopped midway, and when the hell will it start again?????????????????

                         I will say it again--the stake is being driven into the coffin that "American Horror Story" has sadly become!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Darlings, We Had A Perfect Saturday Night Double Feature!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But The First One Was My Favorite!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Girls, I am telling you, you have just GOT to see "Night Of The Lepus."  With a cast of actually good actors--Janet Leigh (this was her last film), Rory Calhoun, Stuart Whitman, and Paul Fix--who I hope got paid a lot for their work in this camp classic, it might seem promising.  And it is. But they have nothing to do with it.

                                         Sure, Janet gives it her all.  But the real honors go to the magnified rabbits, as they appear gigantic, and menace the Arizona countryside, though I am sure this was shot in the California desert, pretty much where "THEM!" was shot.

                                          Cute little bunny rabbits, marching across the screen!  I loved it!  Not since Laurel and Hardy's "March Of The Wooden Soldiers" has there been such a procession.

                                           And, of course, the rabbits make noise in this.

                                          The only rabbit I ever heard sound from was Bugs Bunny!

                                  When A. J. Finn's novel, "The Woman In The Window," was published, I thought it a decent mystery, and I was completely flummoxed by who the killer was.  And then when I heard Amy Adams was cast in the lead, I could not wait.

                                   But I am not sure if the movie made it to the theaters.  Because the awful plagiarism scandal broke out about Finn, and truth be told, I am not sure what all the fuss was about, because I could not figure what story had been lifted.  Sure, there were familiar tropes--"Rear Window," "Dial M For Murder," "Sorry, Wrong Number," "Wait Until Dark"--but the story stood on its own.  Nothing about it seemed to recollect anything else specifically.

                                      Saturday night, this was our second feature, and it was a really solid film.  Amy, of course, was the show, and her acting elevated the story.  So did Julianne Moore as the mysterious wife, and an almost unrecognizable Jennifer Jason Leigh as the mysterious second wife.  I don't want to give the climax away, but though good, it seemed to work better on print, than on film, if not for Amy.

                                         Hons, this was more fun than "Abbott And Costello Meet Frankenstein," and the Karen Black "Invaders From Mars!"  Give me "Julie" any day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          I have a feeling the book has been taken out of publication.  If you cannot find it in a user bin, check out the movie.  Amy makes it worth it all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           And even in the rain, darlings, her hair is perfect!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           We should all be so lucky!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Wednesday, October 18, 2023

"You Can Learn A Lot Of Things From The Flowers/For Especially In The Month Of June/ There's A Wealth Of Happiness And Romance/All In The Golden Afternoon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                 And a golden afternoon it was, darlings.  This past Sunday, David and I traveled into the city, where Film Forum Jr. was showing Disney's 1951 "Alice In Wonderland" at 11AM.  Let me tell you, girls, I am rarely seen in public that hour, so, if I am, you know it is a big deal.

                                  I had never seen this classic in its entirety; only in bits and pieces, most notably the Mad Tea Party scene, with Ed Wynn as the Mad Hatter.

                                    So, let me say two things.  Not since 1939's "The Wizard Of Oz" have I seen such a perfect use of color.  Not only that, in just 75 minutes, the entire Lewis Carroll work is beautifully encapsulated, incorporating bits of "Through The Looking Glass" into it.

                                     I had this story record when I was a child, and it was my favorite.  And when I got to Disneyland, in Anaheim, CA, in 1964, my favorite ride was the Alice In Wonderland Ride.  Unfortunately, I believe they got rid of it years ago, and Disney World never had it at all.  What a shame.

                                        Back in the seventies, and after "Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds," the film everyone was getting stoned on was Disney's "Fantasia."  I think the mark was missed; this is the film to get high on.  And one does not need drugs to do it.  Just a sense and appreciation of color and beauty.

                                         And, girls, wouldn't we all want Alice's hairstyle and that blue dress and white apron?  I have been wanting to wear it forever!!!!!!!!!!  I bet it would make an impression on ANNA.

                                         "Alice In Wonderland" was the perfect, if temporary, relief to all the troubles in our world.

                                            Darlings, I am ready to go down that rabbit hole right now!

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

A Sad Farewell To Joanna Merlin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          When someone one does not think of as dying does, it is doubly sad.  Such is the case with Joanna Merlin, who has been loved over decades for so many of her contributions.  To theater queens, she will always be known as the original Tzeitel in "Fiddler On The Roof."  But, darlings, did you know, prior to that, she appeared in the original Broadway production of "Beckett," with Laurence Olivier and Anthony Quinn?  And then "A Far Country" with the sublime Kim Stanley??????????????

                            Of course, "Law And Order" fans loved her as Judge Lena Petrovsky.  I always felt confident watching an episode featuring Joanna Merlin.  I knew she would give a quality performance.
Just like she did as dancing teacher Miss Berg in the 1980 film, "Fame."

                             Along with all this, for over fifty years she was Broadway's top casting director, because she worked for Harold Prince.  Anyone who auditioned for a Prince show met Joanna Merlin.  I wish I had had that chance.

                                She died on Sunday, October 15, 2023, at the age of 92.  That is a good run for a real trouper, but it is too soon for those of us who admired Joanna Merlin.  Like Harold Prince, she will never be replaced.

                             So, Rest In Peace, Joanna!  You will always be a true theater icon.

                             Broadway's lights should be dimmed for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


All Of Us On Here, With Love, Wish Sister Camille D'Arienzo A Very Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Yes, girls, today is Sister Camille's birthday, and we wish her the best on navigating another year, and giving comfort and inspiration to those in need, like me, via her Sunday morning radio commentary on 1010 WINS.

                                   Sister Camille, however, you choose to celebrate, we are all there with you, in spirit.  Baby Gojira and Company send their love.

                                     This cannot be said of many, but it can here--Happy Birthday to a living saint!

                                    Keep on going, Sister Camille!  We love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, October 13, 2023

Here Is "Svengoolie's Double Feature For Saturday Night--If You Have Never Seen These, By All Means, Do! But We, Having Seen Both, Are Skipping It!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



                                   I have no idea what we will be watching Saturday night, but I can tell you it will not be these two films.  On the plus side, it is worth watching "Invaders From Mars" just to see Louise Fletcher eat a frog on camera!  If the rest of the film were not so bad, I might have watched it again.  But I just can't.

                                    The real gem is the 1953 original, with Jimmy Hunt, as the little boy.  In this version, he plays a cop, making a reference about going up the hill.  And you see the original leader from the 1953 film!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       As for Abbott And Costello, well you know what you are in for, darlings. Lenore Aubert, as Sandra Mornay, livens things up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       First timers should watch.  As for us, I will let you know what we switched to.

                                         When "Svengoolie" scores, he scores!  But then................

                                          Enjoy your Saturday night, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, I Am Telling You, If You Thought "Friday The 13th" Was Crap, Seeing "The Exorcist--Believer" Will Make You Realize The 1980 Film Is A Genuine Masterpiece!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                         This has to be the most "woke" "Exorcist" film I have ever seen, and that is not a compliment.

                          Really, the only reasons I went to see it at all, were Ellen Burstyn, Ann Dowd, and Linda Blair in a cameo at the end, as the adult Regan.  All of them are superb, but I hope they were paid enough for the crap they had to go through.

                           Like the original, this film begins with a prologue in a foreign land--in this case Haiti.  A pregnant woman is nearly killed in an earthquake, and the husband has to make a choice between mother and child--both cannot be saved.  He chooses the child, which is actually right according to Catholic doctrine.  But this film is not interested in Catholic doctrine, but political correctness--pitting a white possessed child against a black one, bringing in voodoo queens, shamans, priests, just about everyone but Muslims, as if anticipating current times.  What's more the film is horribly exploitative.  Remember that damn crucifix in the original?  What was vulgar there becomes unnecessary and repulsive here--the demon uses it to gouge out Chris' (Ellen Burstyn) eyes.  And this is shown more vividly than the crucifix in the original.

                             The original film did have the integrity to put Catholicism first. And David Gordon Green says he set out to do this film in honor of William Friedkin.  His ghost should rise and grab Green by the throat.

                               "The Exorcist--Believer" is not so much a film as a trope for every so-called social remedy out there.  Instead of getting down to business, the film loses its compass..

                                   Skip this one, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Kill Her, Mommy, Kill Her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                             Yes, darlings, it is that time again, Friday, the thirteenth.  And what better way to celebrate than watching the 1980 classic.

                                 Betsy Palmer, as Mrs. Voorhees, is like a mother to all the camp counselors, treating all equally, and making sure everyone gets slaughtered.  I mean, what is a mother for?  She has to protect her child, which is what she is doing.  Or so she thinks.

                                   Greatest film performance by acting with her teeth.   And check out those weird people at the soda fountain in Blairstown.  Oh, hons, with times being what they are, this is the perfect fun antidote to take you away for awhile.

                                        I think I will watch it now.  David and I have a synagogue service. tonight.

A Story Of Hope For These Troubled Times!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                       Yesterday, I had to go to the Bay Ridge Bookstore to pick up an order.  About a block before the store, I saw this beautiful German Shepard, very much like above, tied to a post outside, while the owner was shopping.  I hate this practice, because it is cruel to the animal, and someone could come along and steal it.  How can people be so damn dumb??????????????

                         The dog looked so sad and lonely; I bet it felt abandoned.  So, I walked up to it, and began speaking gently and affectionately.  After several minutes, the dog got up on its front legs, and sat with dignity.  I kept talking to it, and then the owner, who, from his face I could tell had a real attitude, went to unleash the dog. But while the leash was still slack, the dog came running over to me, licked my hand, and let me pet it, and scratch its ears.  Its eyes I know were saying thank you for my kindness.  

                            It made me feel good that I had done something good, and I know I had to share this with my girls, to let you know there is some good in the world, and animals are a reminder of that.

                              And please help them, if they need it.

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Something To Gladden The Hearts Of My Readers--Jessie Mueller And Jason Danieley Singing "When The Children Are Asleep, " From "Carousel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                            This is probably the best rendition of this song I have ever heard, thanks to two of the best singing voices I have ever heard.  Take a moment to revel in this beauty.  As long as there is art in the world there is hope, and this song conveys it beautifully.

                              Here it is--

                             Oh, my God!  These voices!  Enjoy!

I Never Thought I Would Live To See It, But I Have--Someone Has Finally Gotten "Merrily We Roll Along" Right, Making It The Hit I Always Knew It Was Meant To Be!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             That main someone is Maria Friedman, the director, who was able to do what Harold Prince, for all his genius, was not able to do.  Friedman had some help though, from set and costume designer Soutra Gilmour, and the extraordinary cast, but before getting to them let me mention what has been done.

                               The show has gotten rid of its cutesiness, which it had in 1981 with its decidedly juvenile cast.  It was apparent Prince thought them precious, and wanted to showcase that preciousness, but never discovered a way how.  Friedman and collaborators have stripped that, given it a one conceptual setting, concentrating more on the feel of the show than the costume period changes or hairstyles, letting the actors be as much of themselves as possible, and making Gussie Carnegie, played by Krystal Joy Brown, and her husband, Joseph Josephson, played here by Reg Rogers, more fully rounded and interesting characters then they have ever been.  Brown's torchy rendition of "Good Thing Going," at the start of Act Two, allows us to see that Gussie actually had been an actress, which hitherto had never been made clear.  Rogers plays Josephson not as a schlub, but as a flawed and tragic individual.  Part of that tragedy was marrying Gussie.

                                But, girls, I know, I know, what everyone wants to know--what about that trio.????????  Well, short of the Holy Trinity, they are extraordinary.  I have seen many productions of 'Merrily' over the past 42 years, but not until now, have I seen a trio to equal the originals, who were Jim Walton, Ann Morrison, and Lonny Price.  I am sure they would be proud of their current portrayers.

                                 From the moment I heard of this revival, and someone must have listened to me, I said Lindsay Mendez was born to play Mary Flynn, and I was right.  This is a show that breaks the hearts of those of a certain age--mine--over and over again, and when Linday gets to "Help me stop remembering then!" in "Like It Was," tears poured down my face.

                                  Daniel Radcliffe here surpasses his triumph in 'How To Succeed,' giving a deeply impassioned, heartbreaking and vulnerable performance.  When he stands upright on stage, the vamp starts, and he launches into his plaintive rendition of "Good Thing Going," I sobbed.  This must have been what it was like to see Shelley Plimpton perform "Frank Mills" in "HAIR."  Radcliffe makes this an iconic moment; one I will not forget.

                                   For the uninitiated, 'Merrily' moves backwards.  What Friedman has done is fashion a staging that conceptually is Frank Shepard's (a perfectly cast Jonathan Groff) life passing before his eyes at the end of the opening party, when everything falls apart. This is validated by the end, which leaves Frank alone on stage, the theater suddenly transformed into a planetarium, with an outer space sky and stars, as Frank stares outward, wondering what is to come.  The tragedy is the audience now knows what he does not.

                                    Beth, Frank's first wife, has always almost been swept to the side in this show from day one, but Katie Rose Clarke's contrasting renditions of "Not A Day Goes By" are extremely moving, with Lindsay Mendez' reprise in Act Two, a revelation of Mary's deep pain.

                                     I cannot speak for the young, but for my age, 'Merrily,' though glorious in this production, is a heartbreaker; when it gets to "Our Time," the floodgates open, because I see myself at the starting point, as I am sure others do, and where we have come, asking ourselves are we happy with where we are now?  'Merrily' forces some uncomfortable questions upon us, but I applaud the integrity of a show that asks this of an audience.

                                       Hugs to Friedman and cast for doing what I thought was impossible.  They have every reason to be satisfied with what they have done with 'Merrily'.

                                       And me, girls, I am happy, too.

                                      As one song says, "All you get is one quick ride."

                                     This show reminds one to make the most of that ride, and not get derailed.