Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Can You Believe We Are One Twelfth Through The Year??????????????????????????????

                       And it is a good thing too, because I hate January.  The celebratory atmosphere of the holidays comes to a screeching halt, I have my annual anxiety about not only that, but the arrival of my W2, so this time of year in general is not my best time.

                         But I have and did celebrate the birthday of my beloved David; we had our dining experience at Chadwick's and on February 11, we will be going to see the show that he picked out, which I will report.

                           It wasn't all bad.  I read "Bleak House" again, after promising myself for years to do so.  Tonight, we are all going to watch "Feud--Capote Vs. The Swans," which even Baby Gojira is excited about!!!!!!!!!!!! 

                          A big month for losing celebrities, including a distant family friend, Lynne Marta.  And, no, I have not forgotten Chita, I will be doing a post on her tomorrow.   Let me just say here--they had better dim those Broadway lights.

                          So, we got through January, girls.  February is short, but with David's surgery coming up, I am anxious.

                           See you next month, dears!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I Read "Bleak House!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                         Actually, darlings, it was a re-read, and after the 15 days it took me to get through it, I feel as if I have not completely emerged from its world, so gripping is the novel.

                                            Some Dickens scholars say this is his greatest novel.  I don't agree, but I did discover it is his longest, a distinction I thought was held by his last complete novel, "Our Mutual Friend," which I need to do a re-read of, too.

                                              Being older and somewhat wiser, I got more out of the novel on its second reading.  The interlocked stories of Esther Summerson and Lady Dedlock, almost every character within connected to the Jarndyce And Jarndyce litigation--which has to be the longest one in literary history--and which some call Jaundice And Jaundice.

                                               As stated, it is not his greatest work, but it is his most Dickensian, with driving narrative, a multitude of characters displaying Dickens at the height of his writing power.  What makes it not the greatest is its lacking the warmth and charm of "David Copperfield," the gothic elements of "Great Expectations," and the adventurous nature of "Oliver Twist."  Interestingly, in relation to what I call the "Big Three," "Bleak House" falls right in the middle.  Consider these years of publication--

                                               "Oliver Twist--" 1838                                                                                                                                     "David Copperfield"--1850                                                                                                                           "Bleak House--" 1852                                                                                                                                   "Great Expectations--"1861

                                            First year law students should automatically be required to read "Bleak House," not only for its legal aspects, but to challenge the minds of young people not being or refusing to be challenged by serious literature.

                                             Much as I enjoyed "Bleak House," I doubt if I will return to it again.  I am sticking with the "Big Three."

                                              But when it comes to Dickens, almost any work will do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Girls, Tonight's The Night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          Darlings, I don't give a rat's whatever about what "The New York Times" says, I am so excited for "Feud--Capote Vs. The Swans."  This is a social event that demands our attention, and when watching, make sure your make-up is securely in place.  One has to look as good as the girls on camera, in order to watch it.

                           As a New Yorker who knows all the people and places, I am naturally thrilled.  But with its star-studded cast it should prove compelling to those not so familiar with those within.

                           I cannot wait to see Calista Flockhart, as my favorite, Lee Radziwill.  And from the footage I have seen, it looks like Naomi Watts gives an outstanding performance as Babe Paley.  Who would have thought?????????????????

                              Still, it omits some Swans, like Glorias Guiness and Vanderbilt.  And, yes, how about the Baroness Pauline de Rothschild?????????????????????

                                "Feud--Capote Vs. The Swans" has the potential to be grand, glamorous, sophisticated television.

                                   I hope the show does not betray us, as Capote did his Swans!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

This Is What The Title Should Have Been, And The Poster Looked Like!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            I am talking, of course, about last Saturday's broadcast of 1971's "Willard," darlings, which was titled as above, and should have remained so.  Images featuring Bruce Davison like this should have been shown throughout, especially when alone, interacting with the rats, or wreaking vengeance on people with them.

                                             When I first saw "Willard," in 1971, I knew what it was based on, and I thought it entertaining.  Fifty-three years later, on a second viewing, I found it disturbing.  It reminded me of some of the more painful aspects of my past.

                                                  Sure, the rats are creepy and some of the murders scary, but this is truly a study of a young man's descent into madness.  The birthday party scene was especially disturbing to me, especially when all of his mother's friends start telling him how he should live his life in terms of his job, getting one, staying there, and inviting Mr. Martin (Ernest Borgnine as Willard's abusive boss, whose behavior to him today would not be tolerated.) to the gathering.  It reminded me of when I was first out of college and some relatives would chide me for not having a real job, or finding one right away, berating anything I was interested in, or really wanted to do.  When Willard says to Martin "You made me hate myself!" I understood exactly what he meant.

                                                     It was smart to cast good looking Bruce Davison in the role, as the pathos of his situation becomes more apparent, to the point that one can sympathize will Willard to a degree.  Everyone having seen this film talks about the famous scene in Mr. Martin's office.  It is every disgruntled employee's fantasy, and the most famous scene in the film.

                                                     But though I sympathize to a degree with Willard, there are times when I found him dislikable.  Like watching Socrates be killed.  He was going to be sacked, anyway, so what difference would it have made if he stepped in and took Socrates, and went home?  Then as his relationship with Joan (Sondra Locke) progresses, Willard is quick to abandon his rat friends, which does not say much for how he might treat human friends.  And when he screams his hate at Ben, and then, at the end, says "I was good to you, Ben!" before the rats turn on him, this is a falsity, because once he did not need the rats as friends, he abandoned them.

                                                       So, I found the film disturbing in a way I had not expected.  Davison's performance is on a par with Anthony Perkins as Norman Bates, though the film is not as good.  Daniel Mann directed this well, but I wonder what Hitchcock might have done with it?    Was he ever approached about it????????????

                                                         And, good as he was, I still think Bruce Davison should have donned that rat face mask!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                           But this version is the real thing, not the 2003 remake.

                                                          It proves four legged rats are just as deadly as the two-legged ones!!!!!!!!!!!!

Darlings, I Cannot Wait Until Tomorrow Night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


 don't bother calling me tomorrow after 10PM, because I will not be available.  I will be watching "Freud--Capote Vs. The Swans," as will every gay man on both sides of the Hudson.

                           Wouldn't it be fun to replicate the area where you are watching it as the interior of La Cote Basque, and then dine on a sumptuous meal while downing glasses of wine?  You could call it an interactive experience, darlings.

                             And take careful notes, because this show will tell how to dress.  Note designer names and patterns.  

                              I have my favorite line already.  When Ann Woodward (Demi Moore) asks if she can join them at the table, Calista Flockhart, as Lee Radziwill, says, "Oh I WISH you could.  But we're being joined in a second."  I am going to have to use that one often.

                                As I said, we will talk afterward.  Let us hope for a breathtaking experience.

Monday, January 29, 2024

"Feud"- Filled Fun For Fags And Hags!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            Darlings, whether gay, straight or I don't care, Wednesday's evening airing of "Feud--Capote Vs. The Swans" is simply going to be the most DIVINE event of the social season!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              I mean, it is practically my life.  Ever since Capote died in 1984, and I made my way to New York, becoming The Raving Queen for what will be seventeen years this April 7th, it has been my job to report on the social and literary scenes as I see them.  Oh, things are vastly different today than from what will be portrayed in this mini-series.  In its era, elegance was just a couple of blocks away if you knew the right blocks and places in Manhattan, and, believe me, I did.  Today, one has to dig deep to find anything elegant, or even resembling it.  Thank God for ANNA!!!!!!!!!!  And, readers, if you didn't have me, where would you be??????????

                               For those who know nothing of the world prior to 1980, let me give you a rundown of what this show will depict.

                              Truman Capote--Tom Hollander                                                                                                                    Babe Paley--one of the fabulous Cushing Sisters--Naomi Watts                                                                Slim Keith--Diane Lane                                                                                                                                C.Z. Guest--Chloe Sevigny                                                                                                                             Lee Radziwill--Calista Flock (the most beautiful of The Swans!!!!!!!!)                                                      Molly Ringwald-- Jo Anne Carson                                                                                                              Treat Williams -- William S. Paley                                                                                                                Joe Mantello --Jack Dunphy 

                               Like I said, one has to dig for elegance in this town now, so it is unfortunate that the scenes could not be shot in the actual locales.  But it will be interesting to see how beautifully and accurately they will be recreated, and believe me, I will know, having been to them in my time.

                                  The perfumes, the fabrics, the outfits, the hats, the handbags--oh, my God, girls it is going to be like Paradise.  As the song says, "I've been to Paradise, but I've never been to me."

                                    Have a drink, and wear your best, while watching.  And your hair!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    We will talk, afterward!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Darlings, We Simply Have GOT To Go To Le Pavillon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        Now, I don't think this is the original Le Pavillon, as depicted in the upcoming presentation, "Feud--Truman Capote Vs. The Swans."  After all, it is run by Daniel Boulud, who made Le Cirque a premiere place, where I dined, back in 1991, on my 37th birthday.

                                          I believe the restaurant is atop a building, where there are spectacular views of Manhattan.  I don't know who hangs out there, girls, but wouldn't it be fun to find out?  I have not heard ANNA mention it, though I would not be surprised if she has dined here.   And after all, girls, I need some glamour!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             Darlings, Le Pavillon is the next destination for all of us!  

                                              I would like to see a guest list, first!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, January 27, 2024

Oh, My God, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Syphilis And Gonorrhea Are On The Rise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              I found this out the other day at my doctor's office.  No, dears, I was not being tested for either, but it made me wonder.

                              Since the AIDS epidemic came along, I think some people, especially the young, have the idea that these other STD's have been eradicated.  Well, they have not.

                                 Back in the early 70's, or at least before her iconic 1972 "New York Times Magazine" article, "An Eighteen-Year-Old Looks Back On Life," Joyce Maynard wrote for "Mademoiselle Magazine." an article titled "The Embarrassment Of Virginity," wherein she declared, "Where have we gone, what have we come to, that the scarlet letter these days is not A, but V?"

                                    This is the only statement Maynard has ever written I agree with.  And still do.

                                     Several summers ago, I was walking up a set of sixty-nine steps that leads one from the Ridge down to the Bay.  On my return walk, were two teens obviously having oral sex.  Now, I could have been a cop, a priest, anybody.   I pictured my toddler self-walking past this with my mother, asking, "Mommy, what are those people doing?"  She would have scooped me up and removed us both from the area faster than the tornado in "The Wizard Of Oz."

                                         Don't people know there is a time and place?  Does anyone care, anymore?  Sure, teens will act out sexually, but youth allows an abandonment of feeling there are consequences to actions, simply because they want to do them.  And sexual acts top that list.

                                           So, it is not surprising that these two STDs are on the rise.  And with the Political Correctness move, and the right-wing agenda, sex education is going out the window.  Is it any wonder there is an uptake?

                                            No one is going to stop the young from having sex.  But what about personal responsibility?  Waiting till marriage might not be a bad idea, because that is when sexual potency is used for a purpose.  And fidelity, coupled with love, is a powerful aphrodisiac!

                                             Sex will never be eradicated.  But gonorrhea and syphilis can be.

                                              Learn to treat your sexual health as well as the rest of you, kids!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              Avoid this trap of physical illness and emotional shame!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, Join Us Tonight At Eight, As "Svengoolie" Presents An Unusual Film, With An Intriguing History!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



                                  I suppose I became aware of this story in the late 60's.  At a pharmacy book kiosk, I saw a paperback, entitled "Ratman's Notebooks."  The cover had a dark background, and in the center was a chair, with a young man seated, having the face of a rat.  I should have bought it then and there, but I was only a kid, and had no money.  And I was not about to shoplift.

                                 Several years later, in 1971, I saw trailers for a film called "Willard."  As soon as I saw the rats, I wondered if this was a film version of "Ratman's Notebooks," and it was.

                                Did you know, darlings, this was Gilbert's last published work?  This made him famous, in the way that "The Bad Seed" made William March famous--it was the final work of author William March, and playwright/adaptor Maxwell Anderson.

                                  "Ratman's Notebooks" is a better title and should have been stuck with.  The image of a rat faced man should have been used in the film.  Looked at microscopically, the film is simply "Psycho," with rats.  The nameless character in the novel (which also the film should have included) is a lonely, emotionally disturbed misfit who lives and cares for his ailing, clinging mother. Rats invade the crumbling structure of the house, and they become his only friends....and instruments of vengeance.

                                    What benefited the film most was casting Bruce Davison in the lead role.  Though he had appeared with Barbara Hershey, Richard Thomas, and Catherine Burns in the acclaimed 1969 film, "Last Summer," "Willard" was the film that put him on the map.  Though some things Willard does are despicable, Davison's downtrodden, abused character gives him a sympathy and likability that audiences can latch onto...until the end.

                                       Credit must also go to Ernest Borgnine, for his strong performance as abusive boss Al Martin, who stole the business from Willard's father; the young man should have inherited the company.  Anyone who has seen this film always talks about the scene where Willard confronts Martin at the office, with his rats and then turns them loose on him.  It is every disgruntled employee's fantasy.

                                         The rest of the cast--Sondra Locke and Elsa Lanchester--are choice, and the film does honor the Gilbert work.  Did you know he was a gay Irish writer?  And this was his so-called masterpiece.

                                           I urge you to tune in to "Willard" this evening.  Though boasting a few flaws, it is a definitive adaptation of the Gilbert novel.

                                           Contrast this with the 2003 remake, thirty-two years later.  Crispin Glover, in the title role is neither likable or sympathetic, looking more like a character out of a Charles Addams or Edward Gorey cartoon, and the rats, save for the two Glover actually handles are all computer generated, and look it.  The mother-son dynamics are camped up, rather than played for macabre pathos, and, in this version, Willard survives!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Are you kidding?  Whose idea was this?  And who is going to stand for it?  Interesting and telling that the '71 original is being trotted out, but the 2003 version is largely, and deservedly, forgotten.

                                             Sometime soon, I hope to read the original "Ratman's Notebooks" again.

                                            But don't miss "Willard," darlings!  It is loads of fun!

                                            And my New York readers should not be scared of the rats. After all, we walk among them all the time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, January 26, 2024

Darlings, Wouldn't We All Like To Look Like Lee Radziwill???????????????????????????

                                     With Ryan Murphy's presentation about Truman Capote and The Swans fast approaching, there will be a lot of focus on Lee.  I could be shot in some quarters for saying this, but Lee was the prettiest of the Bouvier girls.  Sure, Jackie had style and class, no one can deny it, but Lee outshone her in those departments, so I would much rather want to look like her.

                                      Now, Calista Flockhart is going to be playing her, if you can believe that.  I hope they had movement coaches on the set, because she is going to have to be taught to stand, pose and walk like Lee, and that will take some doing.

                                         Yes, Babe Paley was perfect, but I think Lee was the classiest of The Swans. Along with C.Z. Guest and Joanne Carson, she did not abandon Capote like the others did, which speaks of her integrity.  You know, I am going to have to re-read "Answered Prayers," if I ever finish "Bleak House," though I will, because I am not sure what Capote put out there to make him an outcast. I mean, everyone in New York, darlings, knew Bill Paley was screwing everything in sight, so what was the big deal?  And the hoi polloi would not read about it, only the literati and Capote devotees.  So, I really don't know why they all got in such a snit.  Guess I will find out.

                                            I never got to have lunch with Lee or the rest.  Too bad, because maybe things might have turned out differently.

                                             And just because I knocked on Tennessee Williams' Key West door, at fifteen, does not mean there is any truth to the rumors flying about that I slept with Truman Capote!

                                              I only read--and still read--his books!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             Love you, Lee!  A true role model!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I Wanted It, I Got It, But It Took Twenty-Three Years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          Norman Jewison left a wonderful legacy of full ranged work behind, when he left us on January 20, at the age of 97.  Sure, 1967's "In The Heat Of The Night" was brilliant, but my favorite movie of his, impacting on my life, was "Moonstruck."

                                            When I first saw the film in 1987, I was struck by its warmth and charm.  I was living in Brooklyn then, so I related to the whole Brooklyn thing, and I related to Loretta wanting something real.  And when she changed into her outfit and went to the opera......  I fell in love with "La Boheme," and am still fond of it.  But most of all "Moonstruck" gave me the belief that I could have all this.  And I never stopped believing that.

                                                I saw the film, over and over again, just to see Loretta walking the streets on her way home, in that fur coat, kicking the cane, to the strains of "La Boheme."  And, for a time I had that "La Boheme" poster in my first apartment.  I made a foolish mistake and gave it away.

                                                     Then in 2010, I met my David.  In 2017, the 30th Anniversary of "Moonstruck," we got married, and have been happy ever since.  

                                                      So, darlings, "Moonstruck" is possible.  I may dine in Italian restaurants infrequently, due to age, but I would still love that fur coat, and to pose, like Cher, alongside the moon.

                                                        "Do you love him, Loretta?"                                                                                                                           Ma, I love him madly."                                                                                                                                   Oh, that's too bad."

                                                      Probably the wisest lines in the film.

                                                      Norman Jewison is gone, but "Moonstruck" will live on as his testimony to all aspiring romantic couples.

                                                         "A la familial," darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Happy Birthday, Celia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Today is the birthday of one of our great American actresses, Celia Keenan-Bolger. She turns 46, and, darlings, I wish I had looked this good at 46.

                                         Even more exciting is that us Celia fans will have a chance to see her on Broadway, when she stars in Paula Vogel's latest play "Mother Play."  It also features Jessica Lange and Jim Parsons, but let's face it, hons, the real draw is Celia.

                                          Celia, have the day of your choice, do whatever you want, and wishing you many more years of happiness.

                                             It's your day, Celia!!!!!!!!!!!  You go, girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, January 25, 2024

A Real "Six Degrees Of Separation," Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    January has really been a month for people to pass.  Besides several celebrities, I lost my step-nephew Ian, and now a good friend of mine for over 30 years is facing his oncoming. demise.

                                     On January 11, Lynne Marta died, at the age of 78.  For reasons I never could understand, my sister knew Lynne and her older sister, as did my cousin Judy, who lived in North Brunswick, New Jersey.  I still don't get the connection.

                                      But Lynne's was a name I heard throughout my childhood.  She had gone out to Los Angeles to make it as an actress, and, as a child, I looked up to her, because that was what I wanted to do.  Or so I said.  Lynne, with her blonde good looks, became a working actress--the A list eluded her, but she always worked.  Fame kissed her briefly when she became an item with David Soul, during his "Starsky and Hutch" period.  Oddly enough, Soul died exactly a week before Lynne.  They never married, but even after the breakup she was always linked with Soul.  

                                        So many deaths this month, it has been sad.  But Lynne's death touched me personally, because of the fragile connection.  I wish I had met her.

                                          Rest In Peace, Lynne.  You made something of yourself.

Oh, My God! No Greta Gerwig Or Gojira?????????????????????????

                         On January 23, an unexpectedly early time that caught me by surprise, the Oscar nominations were announced.  I will get to others in another post, but I am here right now to say it is a disgrace that Greta Gerwig was not nominated for "Barbie," considering the pink Barbieland sequences, where we all wanted to go.  As for Gojira, well the film landed a Special Effects nod, and should surely win, but not to nominate the film for Best Picture and Gojira for Best Actor In A Leading Role, after the Shakespearean, King Lear-like performance he gave is inexcusable.  Look how handsome he is, a true star.  He may not have been nominated but he is Hollywood's Box-Office King, which is more than can be said about what was nominated.

                             Gojira is sensitive; he was hurt, but he is taking it well.  But how about Julianne Moore and Natalie Portman, who should have been singled out for "May/December?"  Or Margot Robbie who made "Barbie" work because she WAS Barbie????????????????????????

                             I will say more in another post.  But let's hear a big cheer for Gojira!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             He truly is "The Greatest Star!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


"Raise Those Candles High," Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Sixties Baby Boomers Have Lost An Icon--Melanie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          Many of you on here know my Woodstock story--how, at 14, I was caught by parents' friends hitchhiking on the Jersey turnpike trying to get to Woodstock, only to be dragged home and sent to my room, where I listened to the whole thing on the radio.

                            But, oh, my God, when Melanie, in the middle of the night, and amidst a rainstorm did "Lay Down (Candles In The Rain"), girls, I am telling you, I cried, I screamed so loud my parents came rushing from their bedroom to see what was wrong with me.  I was just blown away by Melanie's rendition, and, over the years, Melanie has continued to astonish with her talent, and the joy of her artistry.

                             Sadly, on January 23, Melanie passed away after an illness.  She was just ten days shy of her 77th birthday, which would have been on February 3.  Same as Blythe Danner, though Blythe is four years older.  Melanie is just 24 days older than Shelley Plimpton, whose birthday is February 27.

                             Melanie left us all too soon, but she left a vibrant legacy.  I have included a sample below.

                            Here is the full recording of "Lay Down (Candles In The Rain").

                             Rest In Peace, Melanie

Monday, January 22, 2024

Now, THIS Is How One Enters For Afternoon Tea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  The woman pictured is Babe Paley, who was one of the Cushing sisters--oh, my God, darlings, the Cushing sisters!  Wouldn't we have wanted to be one of them??????????????????????

                                    When it came to glamour, Babe ran New York City.  She was Truman Capote's prime swan till the scandal, and of her he rightly said, "Babe Paley had one flaw.  She was perfect.  Other than that, she was perfect?"  How many people can we say that about, loves?  I can think of several myself, starting with my beloved David.

                                        Why does no one dress like this, anymore?  Or care?

                                        And that hat! I would LOVE to wear that hat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, January 20, 2024

Girls, Join Us Tonight At Eight, As "Svengoolie" Presents "The Evil Of Frankenstein!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                         I remember reading about this film in an issue of "Famous Monsters Of Filmland," back in 1964.  That is right, darlings, 60 years ago!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         At that time, I thought this film might be fun and scary.  All these years later, I am not so sure.

                                          Reading about it, it sounds to me like a Hammer remake of Universal's 1939 "Son Of Frankenstein."  Peter Cushing, playing Dr. Frankenstein---or a descendant thereof????--returns to his town where he has been persecuted, and sets up lab work to begin his experiments again.  Now, why would you return to a small town where you were persecuted?  That would be like an out gay man returning to the places of his torment.

                                             Peter Cushing, I know, will give his usual exemplary performance, so I am not worried about him.  I don't think Christopher Lee is playing the Monster in this one, and I do not know any of the cast members.  Will it be campy?  Serious?  I can't tell you, because I have never seen it.  And if "Svengoolie" has shown it previously, it was long before David and I were watching him.  As well as Baby Gojira and Kerwyn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               So, join us tonight for this potentially interesting exploration into Hammer horror!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 We might be pleasantly surprised. Hopefully!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Friday, January 19, 2024

Now, THIS Is Glamour, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      That is C.Z. Guest, girls, one of Truman Capote's "Swans." Take a good look at her; if only I looked this good.  If only we all did, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  

                                        And I just love the dogs.  C.Z. and I must have been on the same page when it came to dogs.  And this is who Chloe Sevigny is going to portray?????????  Are you kidding me???????????

                                         I just wanted to share this glamour shot, because glamour is something surely missing in our world today.  I know the talent is out there but give it a chance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           And I agree with ANNA about designs--"Where is the color?"

                                          Notice how the whiteness of C. Z's outfit, and the color of her hair blend.

                                          I guess I would need an orange or pink two piece, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Interestingly, she was one of the few who did not turn on Capote after "La Cote Basque, 1965" was published in "Esquire Magazine," back in November of 1975.  How intriguing, my birthday month.  See what I was wired for, darlings????????????

                                          C.Z. had more integrity than most.  Good for her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Let The Death Bell Toll For Poor "Sweeney Todd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                         The score will live forever, but this production won't.

                                        Girls, it is happening already.  Now that Josh Groban and Annaleigh Ashford have left the show, it is turning up at the TKTS booth.  That never happened when they were in it.  And now the understudies are filling in?  Who wants to see them?  And then, on February 9, Sutton Foster and Aaron Tveit are going to step in!  If, indeed the show lasts that long.

                                           Ruthie Ann Miles is giving her heartbreaking all, and continues to, but not even Ruthie can keep this going, due to the limits of her role.  Now, if they had switched her to Mrs. Lovett, that might have been interesting, but then who could top Ruthie as the Beggar Woman?

                                           The producers would be wise to close the show NOW, because I am telling you, girls, they are going to lose money on it, from now on.  Josh and Annaleigh were the drawing cards, and now they're out, no one, unless Cariou and Lansbury were brought back, could top them.

                                              I am glad I saw this show when I did.  The best production since the original, back in 1979!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Not to be equaled again in my lifetime.

                                                 Quit while you are ahead, darlings!  Spare yourselves the humility!

                                                  And the desecration of a sacred masterpiece!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 This is one of those rare Broadway examples of if the original cast is not seen, it is better not to see it at all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Happy Birthday, Victoria!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                         Today is the birthday of my favorite reader, and good friend, Victoria.  And you know, Victoria, with me, the sign just had to be in pink!

                         Here is to a wonderful day and year.  Have some of that pink blancmange on my recent post.  Or whatever you want. Go to a nice restaurant, candles, wine, the works.

                           And go in a designer gown.  Be proud of having made it through another year, and determined to make it through this one.

                            Just as I said to myself on my birthday, in November..

                            Many Happy Returns Of The Day, Victoria!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Why Wasn't Baroness Pauline De Rothschild One Of Truman Capote's Swans????????????????????????

                             OK, so Ryan Murphy is getting ready to unleash his miniseries "The Swans," based on Truman Capote's on again and off again relationships with the doyennes of high society.  I always thought Baroness Pauline De Rothschild was a part of this group, but from the trailers I have seen, apparently not!!!!!!!!!! 

                             And the cast!  Naomi Watts as Babe Paley??????????  Are you kidding me, darlings????????  How is she going to pull off that.?????????  And Calista Flockhart as Lee Radziwill?????????  Come on, now!  Give me a break!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Not to mention Diane Lane as Slim Keith and Chloe Sevigny as C.Z. Guest.  Oh, my God, does Murphy think this is going to work?????????????

                               I insist Baroness Pauline De Rothschild was part of this group.  So, why isn't she even mentioned in the cast?????????????????????

                                And why wasn't I seen for the part????????????????

                                And who are my Swans??????????  Maybe I will tell you.

Why Not Enliven These Cold, Dull January Nights With Some Pink Blancmange???????????????????

                        Darlings, isn't this a most captivating sight?????????????

                       I was talking to Baby Gojira the other day--he is so full of ideas, and SO adorable--and he said he would like someone--David, I guess--to make a pink blancmange.  I wasn't sure if there was such a thing, but see for yourselves, darlings!!!!!!!!!!  Doesn't that look scrumptious.  I mean, Truly Scrumptious.  Like the song says, "Scrumptious as a cherry peach parfait."

                        Have some girls over and serve this with some Earl Grey tea.  You will be the talk of your neighborhood, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Darlings, This Goes Great With Tea And Victorian Sponge Cake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        Girls, if you haven't yet discovered Barbara Pym, you really must.  She is a twentieth century version of Jane Austen, with village life, church ladies, domestics, tea shops, constant cups thereof being is like immersing oneself in another world.  And when it is done, one does not want to leave.

                                           And, dolls, Barbara does Jane one better.  She inserts into this novel an open relationship between two gay men!  That's right, darlings!  And they set an excellent tea!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            However, there are a whole slew of Pym novels, so one can return to this world whenever one wants.

                                              But don't let it stop you from having a cuppa, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, January 13, 2024

Girls, For My Spring Fashion Closet, I MUST Consider Getting Some Travilla!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



                                   Just look at these gorgeous costumes by Travilla.  And these aren't even the ones from "Valley Of The Dolls," his most celebrated achievement.

                                    How I would also love to wear Barbara Parkins's pillbox hat outfit, the one where she presses her face to the train window, speeding into New York, while Dionne Warwick, on the soundtrack, screams, "Is this a dream???????????"

                                      It would be a dream come true, to wear any of these Travilla outfits   They would look fabulous at the next MET gala, with ANNA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     So, girls, which designer would you choose to brighten your Spring closet?

                                     And please don't tell me Kohl's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


After Last Week, "Svengoolie" Offers A Universal Gem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Universal must have had high expectations for 1935's "The Invisible Ray."  It had Karloff and Lugosi, Frank Lawton, who proved he needs strong direction to manage a performance, like he did when he had George Cukor in "David Copperfield, and Violet Kemble Cooper, who played Jane Murdstone in the aforementioned 'Copperfield,' looking here like a cross between Maria Ouspenskaya and Blanchee Yurka!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           The ray was indeed invisible, rendering Karloff a madman, with a climactic surprise appearance by his mother (Cooper), who in an act of Oedipal strength, worthy of Norman Bates and his mother, drives her son to a suicidal death.  What a lot of nonsense.  Some fine set design and art direction from all sides; too bad it did not have a director like James Whale to pull it all together.

                                              Well, this week's offering, 1932's "The Old Dark House" offers a sterling cast, and artsy designs, but Eva Moore as Rebecca steals the show.  Looking like Marjorie Main on drugs, with a dash of Marie Dressler thrown in, she may not be a beauty, like Gloria Stuart, but she gets the best lines, and even puts the lesbian make on Gloria.  All the campiness wanted in last week's film is here, so tune in, tonight at 8PM.  If you have seen it already, it is worth a second look.  For those who have not seen it, it is a real treat.  And James Whale directs all this with his sure hand.

                                                   One of the best of the haunted house movies!

                                                  Ah, nothing like Universal at its prime!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, January 12, 2024

Girls, Let Us Hope This Is Not The Look For Spring Fashions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        Oh, hons, that barefoot beauty victim routine went out with the 1940's when B- companies like Monogram and Republic were churning women as victim films with actresses who went nowhere, like Sheila Ryan, Kane Richmond, and Stephanie Bachelor.

                                           Sure, the Fifties tried to revise it, with Julia Adams, Mara Corday and Faith Domergue being menaced by monsters, but that only lasted a short while.  Women don't want to look clingy and helpless these days, they want to look glamorous and chic!

                                             So, let us hope this is not an omen for the Spring!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             If it is, I will just scream for Elsa Schiaparelli knockoffs, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Epic And Exciting, But Flawed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      "Age Of Vice" is a fascinating read.  It covers crime in India, in and around New Delhi, proving the only thing different between crime in the USA and New Delhi are geographics and the cusisine, which is refenced throughout.

                                          The novel works in several generic ways--as a family saga, crime dramas, and a travelogue and food tour of the area.  The characters, except Sunny Wadia, son of a crime syndicate leader, and one of the most entitled characters in fiction, have all come up from harsh backgrounds, but ended up in crime.  Sunny has never done a day of work, and it shows throughout.  Hey, even criminals have a work ethic!

                                             Deepit Kapoor is a new and fascinating author.  She writes and plots narrative well and can keep characters focused throughout a lengthy story.  But it needed to be shorter, maybe four hundred some pages, instead of five.

                                                Meaning I would not skip her next book.  I only hope it tops the good start she has gotten off to here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, January 11, 2024

"Mother Of Mercy!" Is This The End Of Elegance In Manhattan??????????????????

                              It looks like it, girls, and I cannot figure out how I missed this one!

                             On June 23 of last year, La Grenouille, the last bastion of elegant dining in Manhattan, closed its doors due to a gas leak.  It never re-opened.  First, Lee Radziwill, and now La Grenouille????????   Is Manhattan headed for the crapper?????????????????

                               Because I recently found out the building housing La Grenouille has been put up for sale!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               There are still ANNA's restaurants, but do you recall, darlings, that during the holidays, she would rent out the place for a Christmas luncheon for the entire "VOGUE" staff?????????   Oh, my God, wouldn't it have been fabulous to attend that?  So, what will ANNA do now?  Balthazar, maybe?

                                  I have been to La Grenouille several times, darlings, and the food, decor and service were impeccable.  It is too bad this landmark of elegance will be no more.  It is truly the end of what had been a better era in New York.  And what young people like me, then, came to New York for!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     And what will it turn into? Some cheap Pain Quotidien????????????????

                                     "Grenouille" is French for frog.  This place sure has croaked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Who is it up to, to restore elegance to Manhattan?  I do my best, but I cannot do it all by myself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         ANNA, help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   Flaco??????????????????????????