Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Forget Mel Brooks! I Have Enough "High Anxiety" Of My Own!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                     Only David knows the extent of my high anxiety,  So when, over this weekend, we got our sort of annual Spring allergy cold,, you know where my thoughts went.  But I had no fever, no problem breathing, my lungs were clear, and with Tylenol and an extra dose of clonopin, I managed to get some sleep last night, after two consecutive sleepless nights, due to nerves,

                                         David wanted to make sure I blog to my girls, and let all know we are both OK,  I feel better than I have felt in the last two days, so I think it was just a cold.  Sometimes, a cold still can be a cold.  But once sniffles start, the game has been changed.

                                          I am virtually self-quarantining.  I mean, I sit here, I read, I write,  I am going to freshen up today, because I feel well enough to do it, and fashion conscious enough to be aware of my appearance!

                                           It is so easy to panic!  And no one does it better than I!

                                           Nerves can wreak havoc on the immune system.

                                            So, girls, try and keep cool.  If you know you have been nowhere and you still get symptoms like these, a cold could be a cold could be a cold!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               I plan throwing my anxiety into my passions--reading and writing.

                                                And keeping you all informed, darlings!

                                                Please, stay well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Fear Thy Neigbor" Showed My Favorite One--The Story of Jenny and Iriwn, and Janiece and Jeremy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            All I can say is, the actress playing Janiece, must have had the time of her life.  Imagine this woman with unkempt dark hair, and you have an idea of how trashy Janiece is.  A fat, White Trash pig, who calls her neighbors, "Cow!" and "Fat Whore!" and other non Ivy League expressions.

                                            I loved Janiece every time she was on screen.  And I felt for Jenny and Irwin being harassed by them.

                                            But one thing this episode told me was it is not always the crazy ones who are the most dangerous.  And no one considered the extenuating circumstances, nor did anyone reach out to help.

                                             Janiece and Jeremy were hard luck characters. They live next to Jenny and Irwin.  Janiece wanted a child but was unsuccessful.  One day they packed up, and left.  The house stood there, things got paid, but no one knew where they were.  Ten years later, they magically return, with a ten-year-old boy, Marcus, but something is distinctly different about them.  They are unfriendly, abrasive, and they live like White Trash.  Cops are called, but nothing is ever done,  Of course, they have a pit bull.  And the house is filthy; bags of human feces all about, the child's bedroom unfit for sleeping in; where was Child Protective Services, and Social Services????????????

                                              You see, despite the campiness of Janiece, they were all unraveling, being just one step from the street.  And the mess reflected their emotional state.

                                                 Now, the way Janiece  carried on, one might have thought the culminating act would have been hers.  Quite unexpectedly, it was Irwin, pushed to a limit, who took his gun and fire fifteen shots--eight in Janiece, seven in Jeremy--killing them dead.   Poor Marcus had to go into the foster care system, which may have better than how he was living, but God help him.
Why is it that these situations, which reek of high school, always end with guns, ammo, and people being killed?

                                                    This episode actually made me think.  By the end, I felt sympathy for Janiece and Jeremy,

                                                       But, I am telling you, girls, the scene where Janiece runs her fingers across her neck, threatening to cut Jenny's head, is priceless.

                                                          You have gotta see this one, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A Very Quirky Read!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    This was recommended to me by my foremost book source, and, while I have to say she was right, it was not quite what I expected.  Quirky, to be sure, but the blurbs kept suggesting this is such a humorous book, and I found it poignant and sad.

                                      Lillian, who rises from White Trash origins, rooms with a girl, Madison, from the top social tier.  A scandal breaks out, and Lillian is forced to take the fall, so Madison can remain at the private school.  Nevertheless, the girls, who have an odd kind of friendship, correspond over the years.  Lillian has never married, while Madison has weathered several bad ones, till she bags a rich one, now a Senator, and hoping to run for Secretary Of State.

                                        Now, when Jasper, the husband, was married, to Jane, she died suddenly, which makes me still suspicious he killed her.  They had two children, Bessie and Roland, who have an unusual malady--whenever they are emotionally triggered, their bodies are set on fire,  Human spontaneous combustion.  I know it sounds preposterous, but just go with it.

                                            The children are only ten years old.

                                           Madison corrals Lillian into taking care of these kinds, and their isolated existed, and how they must be kept from political society mirrored both "The Miracle Worker," and "The Turn Of The Screw."  Everything comes apart at the climax, where the snooty ones get what they deserve, but the book did not make me laugh.  It was achingly poignant.

                                             I have never heard of Kevin Wilson, but he can hold his own, narratively.

                                             For those who desire something very different, one could not ask for more!

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Welcome The First Day Of Spring!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   This is kind of an understatement, I know, but I am going with what I have been taught--that March 21st is the First Day Of Spring!  I  know forecasters and meteorologists said it was March 19, due to Leap Year, but, I am sorry, darlings, that day still belongs--and always will--to St. Joseph and The Swallows Of Capistrano!

                                     So, today is the day that Proserpina Comes Back From Hell. Meaning she arrives with a complete wardrobe, and reticule of beauty products, so things bloom in spring.  And why I selected this picture for 2020, rather than one of Proserpina.  Actually, it reminds me of the opening shots in David Lynch's 1986 masterwork, "Blue Velvet."  Remember those almost artificially painted flowers and white picket fence, set against the background of an almost too gorgeous blue sky?????????????

                                      What a way to open Spring, this year, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       And what does one listen to, on this day!  Why, none other than Stravinsky's "Le Sacre  Du Printemps," darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        Happy--AND HEALTHY!!!!!!--Spring, everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Return Of Parlor Theater!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       This post is not just for Theater Queens, though they should take note.

                                        With the shutdown of theater in NYC, what is one to do?  Thanks to my penchant for period literature, I have found a solution!  It is a return to something that was popular from the time of Jane Austen, through the Victorian Age--Parlor Theater.

                                            It is simply the enactment, in one's own living room, of theater pieces of of one's choosing.  Plays, musicals, and divertissements were popular during the era.  Today, there are more choices and opportunities for the bored amateur, or aspiring Theater Queen.  I have listed ten selections--five plays and musicals, I find workable and adaptable, to a living room setting.  But mind, these are only suggestions, not commands.  Though, keep in mind, I AM The Raving Queen!

                                             So, what are the suggestions?

                                             Let's start with--


                                       1. "The Bad Seed," by William March--This is a cinch!  Because the entire play takes place in a living room!  If you have several people, roles can be doubled up, but make sure there is a first rate Christine and Rhoda!  And if the director must drive cast members to the brink of hysteria, in order to achieve those perfect performances, then so be it!

                                     2.  "The Children's Hour," by Lillian Hellman--Pretty much the same thing, the living room setting works, and the fewer people there are, the more opportunity for the actors to shine, as they may have to double up in the role of school girls, teachers, and matriarchs.  Only one man in the cast.  Who says Hellman did not know what she was doing?

                                     3. "Portrait Of A Madonna," by Tennessee Williams--This is for those Theater Queens who have dreamed of playing Blanche DuBois!  And who among us hasn't?  This one act work is like a rough draft of the final scene in 'Streetcar.'  In fact, it was Jessica Tandy performing this out in California, that landed her the job of originating Blanche on Broadway.  All you have to do is muss up the living room a little, to make it look run down, and then go to town as Miss Lucretia Collins, a Theater Queen's dream!  The minor male roles can be doubled, or tripled, or played as asides, if one is alone.  Of all the dramas on here, this is the easiest to enact!

                                     4. "Who's Afraid Of Virginia Woolf?," by Edward Albee--No one is going to see the one with Rupert Everett an d Laurie Metcalfe, so why not do your own?  If more than one person resides in your house, I guarantee there will be a big fight over who gets to play Martha!  When my childhood friend, 11, at the time, found the play in his parents' closet--who knew they were so venturesome?--we took it, and performed it ourselves.  I won over the fight to play Martha!  Of course!  Once you are past that hurdle, it can either be a one person show, or the full thing--which is only four people.  Though if one of the four is a toddler, you have casting problems.  And would a prepubescent child, even today, know the meaning of "hump the hostess?"  This is also a living room
play, so the setting is perfect!  Actually, any child today old enough for "Annie," should be fine, for this!

                                      5.  "The Member Of The Wedding," by Carson McCullers--This is easily performed in a living room setting, and if there are a maximum of three people residing, even with a child between eight and ten years of age, you are off and running!   As actors, it is good exercise for learning Negro and/or Southern dialect.  And, of course, if you are alone, then the show is yours.  Pick up the skill of an adult transitioning to a juvenile, via the roles of Frankie and John Henry.  Make sure you learn how to sing "His Eye Is On The Sparrow."  This could be a moving and educational experience for one and all.

                                      Those are the plays.  Now, the musicals.  These are more difficult, because most occur in very specific places other than a living room.  Now, girls, I know many of you have your heart set on it, but forget "Follies."  It is impossible to replicate under these standards.  And if you cannot hit the high note on "Ice Cream," forget "She Loves Me!"  The same goes for "Candide!"
However, there are still plenty of valid opportunities.

                                      1. "HAIR,"by Gerome Ragni and James Rado-- Many of us Theater Queens know it, girls. It has stood Time's test better than "RENT" ever will.  Just toss some pillows about the living room floor, and one can easily imagine a Sixties East Village crash pad!   The biggest fight, for habitation of more than one, will be who gets to sing the solos--especially "Frank Mills."  Without Shelley Plimpton, or myself, there, it could turn into a battle royal.  Theater Queen guys have always wanted to sing "White Boys," so that is no problem.  As for the other Black numbers, just sell it, girls!  This ain't no minstrel show!  Even alone, let the Age of Aquarius dawn!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       2. "COMPANY," by Stephen Sondheim--Of all his shows, this is the one most adaptable to the living room setting.  The more residents, the more to be divided into vocal  parts.  If alone, the challenge is to see how quickly you can overlap and pick up lyrics, how fast you can do Amy's part on "Getting Married Today,--it takes LOTS of practice!!!!--and who has the breath control for "Another Hundred People."  Everyone wants to sing that one, girls!  Now is your chance!

                                       3. "A CHORUS LINE, by Michael Bennett, Bob Avian, James Kirkwood, Nicholas Dante, and Marvin Hamlisch-- Be careful with this one, dolls!  I wanted to say in my comments on "COMPANY," when it gets to "Poor Baby," do NOT attempt to dance the  Donna McKechnie role of Kathy.  It is not even used in current productions because--NO ONE AMONG US IS DONNA McKECHNIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!   I am always scanning YouTube for staged excerpts from this show, and the other day, I came across something I would rather had not seen.  It was a man, in a dance studio, doing "The Music And The Mirror," in full, red, Cassie regalia.  Now, gay guys, I know we all want to be, or think we are, Cassie and Sheila, but this definitely shows that, however we may want to, Cassie is not a role for us.  If you have a house full of two left feet, concentrate on "A Chorus Line"s" Less technical numbers; there are some lovely moments, requiring only basic moves, like "At The Ballet," "Nothing,"
"Dance Ten, Looks Three," and "What I Did For Love."  For the big, ensemble numbers, just go with it, but don't kill yourselves...mark!  As for "One," do as much as you can from memory.  The more people there are, the better, but it is possible to do this show alone, and get it across.  Remember, this is Parlor Theater--not the real thing!

                                         4. "GODSPELL," by Stephen Schwartz--Jesus, why not?  A small cast, numbers a lot of Theater Queens know, and adaptable to any setting!  I know some Theater Queens who are aching to tear into "Bless The Lord," but think twice on that one, after hearing Lindsay Mendez do it!!!!!!!!!!!  If you are still determined, go ahead!  Personally, I like the challenge of "By My Side," which is mellow and soft, and offers the challenge of two people or doubling up!  The more the merrier for this role, but I am sure neighbors in the Tri-State area will not be put off by some Theater Queen belting out "Save The People!" in the middle of the day!

                                        5. "FUNNY GIRL," by Jule Styne and Bob Merrill--I know, I know, girls!
This is the biggest of all the shows, so it demands scaling down right away.  But let us face it, so many of us out there have wanted to be BARBRA, that now, here is that chance!  The template for this presentation is the Original Broadway Cast Album, meaning if you do not know that score--and while there are many who do, I believe now there are more who don't--then LEARN it!  Because the non- Fanny numbers are beautifully written, and fun to perform!  One exception I would allow--while I love "The Music That Makes Me Dance," if you want to sing "My Man!" in that spot, you have my permission to do so!  One advantage to "Funny Girl"--you don't have to find two people to play Caroline, The Cow, as in "Gypsy."

                                        There you have it, girls!  I would love to have included "Henry, Sweet Henry," "The Grass Harp," "GYPSY," "RAGS," or "Runaways," but these are vocally complicated and not as well known!  And "ANNIE" requires a dog!  You can't have an iguana or bird play Sandy!

                                          Just getting one of these on its feet will be enough of a challenge through this difficult period!  I want to hear from you about how successful you are with these, or if you have preferences of your own!

                                           Break a leg, darlings!  And, remember, even if Broadway and such is down, we can still put on our own show(s)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             Just like Mickey and Judy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


A Genre Rarity, A Racial Thriller!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        I have to say, darlings, Reese's track record for picking good fiction is very on the spot.  "Such A Fun Age" is an unusual kind of thriller, where there is no killing, no violence, and where the threat here is the narcissism of two of the main characters.

                                          Those would be Alix Murphy, and Kelley Copeland, who have a history, going back to high school, that neither one will let go of.  Now adults, Alix has married Peter Murphy, starts out living in Manhattan, where she creates a domestic type of website, along the lines of Martha Stewart, or Gwyneth Paltrow.  Only better than Gwyneth.  Even Martha is, too.

                                            Circumstances force them to move to Philadephia, and that's where things happen.  Alix establishes herself, hires a babysitter named Emira, for her two children.  Emira, at once picks up on Alix preferring the younger child, Catherine, over the elder, Briar.

                                              One evening, Alix sends Kendra to the grocer's at 11PM.  Circumstances force her to bring Briar, and then an incident occurs which is videotaped by a witness.  What follows then is trouble.

                                                 Mixing a bit of 'Six Degrees,' a dollop of "Fatal Attraction," Kiley Reid creates a political thriller based on Afro Americans and how they are perceived by the more affluent members of the White community.  And let me tell you, it is not that far removed from Margaret Mitchell's Civil War time.  Just played out more, with phony civility.

                                                     To say more would to rob the reader of the pleasure of this thoughtful, insightful debut.  Some thrillers leave readers shaken, this one left me thinking.

                                                      Congratulations to Kiley Reid!  She took familiar elements, and blended them together to create something new!  Who says there is no talent out there?  I cannot wait for her next book!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                         Keep picking them, Reese!  You sure know what you are doing!

All Right, Now Listen, Girls! Could The Coronavirus Been Part Of The Fatima Prophecies, Or The Third Secret?

                                            I owned this actual prayer card, when I was young, and am certain I still have it, somewhere.  Over the years, I have read much about Fatima, and the renowned Third Secret.
The problem is whatever I read seemed to lack specificity.  Which leads me to ask, to this very day, what is the Third Secret?

                                           They way I interpreted the material, it has something to do with the Apocalypse, and the Day Of Judgement.  But that is as much as I can discern.  And the clergy have never stepped up to explain to those of us who want to know--and not just Catholics--what the Third Secret actually is.

                                             Considering what is happening all about us, I am forced to wonder if, within the texts on Fatima, there is some reference to what we know today as the Coronavirus.  If ever there was a time for Mary or Jacinta to make an earthly visit, this is it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               The only thing we can do, girls, is pray.  For ourselves, for the people around us, and that no one suffer needless tragedy.  Because no one deserves to be afflicted this way.

                                                 It still reminds me of "Ben-Hur," and the lepers.  Only now, it is playing out, in real time.

                                                 Send those prayers to Mary, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 Even The Beatles knew she listens!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Speaking Of March Being "Women's History Month," Did You Know That The Domed, Enclosed Leader, Of The "Invaders From Mars," Back In 1953, Was Played By A Woman????????????????

                                       Who could have  guessed, darlings?  I always thought the best part of the movie was this chrome dome thing, whom I thought looked kinda butch!  Especially with that chrome dome on its head.  But, with the knowledge, if closely looked in the eyes, one can now see is a woman!

                                          That woman was Luce Potter, who is uncredited, but billed on IMDB as "Martian Intelligence."  I am telling you, this, along with Virginia Leith in "The Brain That Wouldn't Die" are the screen's two greatest disembodied performances!

                                           If Luce was a midget, they must have just stuffed her inside the rectangular box, on which she rests, with her head poking out of the hole!  And the Martian claws sticking out at the sides!

                                             What design!  What effects!  You know who directed this movie? William Cameron Menzies!!!!!!!!!!!!!  That's right, girls!  The set designer of "Gone With The Wind,"

                                                Lupe's performance is all the more remarkable, because she does not speak a single word.  She just looks down at David MacLean (Jimmy Hunt) when he begins pounding on the dome!

                                                   How could an actor turn down such a part?  Lupe was right!

                                                   It is now her signature roles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                   Girls, if you have not seen it, you simply have to!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What A Charming Couple! Not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  If you thought Hansel and Gretel's father and stepmother were a couple of prize bitches, Torin Smith and his wife, Rena, have them beat.  And they are, jointly, the winners of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   These two pose as some church loving couple, when they actually could have come straight from Hell!!!!!!!!!!!!  Torin speaks with a stutter, and is missing some of his middle finger on one hand!  Bet Rena cut it off!

                                     As far back as September, 2007, Torin was accused of assaulting several children!  That's right!  You heard me!  The following month, October, in the same year, his wife was charged and convicted of witness tampering and child abuse!

                                       While Torin was pastor of The Community Fellowship Of Christians Church, plus  past president of an organization called Praise Mountain Ministries, he and Rena had access to children due to their work.  Rena homeschooled children in the area, so, between 2008 and 2013, the couple attacked countless innocent children!  Sick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          Now, they are on the run!  Torin is said to be a skilled hunter  and a survivalist, who can live off the grid, and is probably doing so, now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           Listen to me, you two, if the Alligator People don't get you, then the Coronavirus will!

                                            Cough!  Cough!, you bitches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy St. Joseph's Day! And Welcome The Swallows Back To Capistrano!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            And, to add to all this, it has been said that, due to this being a Leap Year, Spring arrives today.  I am still holding out for the 21st.  Besides, Proserpina has lots of packing to do, in order to come back up to Earth, from Hell!!!!!!!!!!!!  But the swallows add beauty and hope in a time when it is much needed!

                                             But it is a nice tradition to welcome the swallows, and see what the Spring will bring.  Even in the wake of what is going on, things of beauty, like the swallows, can enrich us.

                                               And here is Bing Crosby, to sing the iconic song!  What could be better?

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Highly Recommended, But Influenced By Celeste Nig!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             Now, Celeste, dears, is not a bad author to be influenced by, but, as the story was closing in on me as I read it, I could not help but recalling Ng's first novel, "Everything I Never Told You."  You can bet jean Kwok read and was influenced by it.

                                                 Which does not mean "Searching For Sylvie Lee" is bad; far from it.  In addition to the mystery of this person's disappearance, the reader gets plenty of cultural tension and familial secrets that just about explode at the climax, and left me staggered.  It almost made me want to go back and read it again, to put together all the pieces of the puzzle I did not at all see first assembling before my eyes.

                                                     An extremely satisfying read, which I recommend to all.

                                                     Now--someone please tell me--Who the hell is this Jenna, in "Reading With Jenna?"

Happy St. Patrick's Day, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Hope that corned beef and cabbage is cooking away.  Ours is in the slow cooker.

                                      Have your own parade, play "Finian's Rainbow," watch "The Quiet Man," or "The Informer"--in other words, whatever does it for you, on this day!  Hold your own parade for Heaven's sake; you cannot be prevented from doing anything in your living room!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        And Irish soda bread. Don't forget that.

                                        My father's mother--Irish--made the best!

                                         Happy St. Pat's Day, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          Here is Judy Garland, from 1940's "Little Nellie Kelly," singing the
song!   Enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, March 16, 2020

Avoid These Two!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Who are these women?  They look like two West Village lesbian spinster sisters, going out for a night on the town.  They certainly have the spinster thing, down right.

                                      I have to wonder if these are actually the Trench Sisters, referenced by Ira Levin in his classic novel, "Rosemary's Baby."   When Rosemary and Guy have dinner with their friend Hutch, (played by Maurice Evans in the 1968 movie) after having put down money on an apartment in The Bramford, he tells them some of its unsavory history.  And the Trench Sisters are famous.

                                          They were two proper, Victorian style, sexually repressed spinsters, as pictured above, who ventured into cannibalism.  They cooked and ate several children, including a young niece!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             Imagine!  Their niece!  How was that explained to the parents?   And what were the Trench Sisters names?????????????????????

                                              But here is proof they existed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               Stay away from the virus, but stay away from these two, as well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Let's Go To Funky Town!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             Remember, in "Gone With The Wind," when Sherman was invading, and Atlanta was being evacuated?  Who could forget Aunt Pittypat running out of her house, hat boxes in tow!  She knew how to prioritize!  And, remember, as the story reached its ending, she is still alive and well!  There is a lesson to be learned here.

                                               Now, when Rhett shows up at the door, later, with the coach and nag he stole for Scarlett, she informs him "We've GOT to get out of here!"  I know exactly how she felt, then.  Scarlett, of course, knew where she wanted to go--Tara!  But there is no Tara, for me, not anymore, and, as Rhett said, Tara could be burnt to the ground at that point.  Just like the Coronavirus could be in Highland Park, NJ, already!

                                                  So, that is not an option.  There is only one place I can think of.  And that is Funky Town!  Someone, help, take David and I, there!

                                                    But where, actually is Funky Town?  And how does one get to it?

                                                     Maybe the original rendition by Lipps Inc., from back in March, 1980, will provide an answer!

                                                     Good God!  That is forty years!  Really!
                                                    Let us be inspired by Aunt Pittypat!  She was a survivor!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Miracle In "Ben-Hur" Reminds Me Of The Coronavirus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    This moving scene, which I believe, as I do in all things holy and miraculous, reflects our society and this illness.  In "Ben-Hur," Miriam and Tirzah (played by Martha Scott, and Cathy O'Donnell) and mother and sister to Ben-Hur (Charlton Heston) contract leprosy, the disease of that time, and are consigned to the Valley Of The Lepers.  Which Judah finds out, after beating his dying friend/foe, Messala (Stephen Boyd). With vehemence, but also, in a way, doing him a favor, Messala informs Judah they are both alive, but where they are,.

                                     When I think about how lepers were treated, then--confined to dark caves, thrown stones at if spotted in the street-- it harkens toward today's times--Asians being punched and attacked, as if this were their fault, the quarantined being isolated in their own Valley Of The Lepers.

                                          Yes, we need to be vigilant, and need attention.

                                           We need a miracle.

                                            Perhaps that can come from ourselves.

                                             Take a cue from Miriam and Tirzah.  They felt Jesus' pain, and their faith saved them.

                                              Feel, and be compassionate to, the pain of others.

                                               Here is the very scene!  Watch, and learn!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As A Side Note, Today Happens To Be The Anniversary Of My First Holy Communion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                        The year was 1963, and I was eight years old.  This was back in the day when could not eat anything, before taking Communion.  Now, my story is unique, because of all surrounding it.

                                                          The back story was that Channel 9, on that very Saturday morning, was going to show, on their movie program, "Super Adventure Theater," the original "Godzilla;" that is, the one we all grew up with, featuring Raymond Burr.  Well, I was torn.  I wanted to take Communion, but I wanted to see "Godzilla, " too.  My parents wouldn't hear of it, of course, and, as they firmly pushed me into the car, I retorted, "But how do you spell 'Godzilla/'  G-O-D...…."
The ploy did not work.

                                                            I did see the film about a year later, in our living room, ill, lying on my back, with a suppository up my ass.  But that is another story.

                                                             Communion went off without a hitch, except for the following.  Aside from "Godzilla" Ricky Brown was sitting next to me.  I remember, as we went back to our pew,  he said to me, "This stuff tastes gooey."  A few minutes later, I turned to look and there he was, throwing up onto the seat.  Maybe he hadn't eaten enough the night before.  He did come from Goat Alley.

                                                                Before I could process what had taken place, an austere nun seemingly appeared out of nowhere, escorting Ricky out of the church, where I was sure he was going to be tortured.  Another nun, as quickly appeared, and coated the vomit with green, pungent incense.  I spent the end part of Mass--consisting of the Benediction, and something they used to have called the Last Gospel--staring at this green mound,  as though it were a freshly buried grave, but knowing what was underneath.

                                                                   Yes, I shall always remember my First Holy Communion.  I have no idea what message God was sending me then, but I can tell you now, it surely was that I was not destined to be Jennifer Jones in "The Song Of Bernadette."

                                                                     Which I still watch, every Easter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Please, Darlings, Do Not Let This Ruin My Reputation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              Now, girls, understand me, I am not one to pick up and read Miss Picoult, on my own.  But when a very good friend of mine pressed "The Storyteller" onto me, I was obliged, because she said there was something in it she wanted to discuss with  me.  And the only way I could find out what that was would be to read the book.

                                               It was surprisingly well written, engrossing, and harrowing.  When I hear the name of Jodi Picoult, I automatically think of "chick lit," but that was not what this was, after all.  It was a woman's story, yes, but more in the vein of Kate Quinn's "The Alice Network," and the even better "Lilac Girls," by Martha Hall Kelly.

                                                  Sage Singer is an independent, lonely baker, a spinster with no options, who keeps herself very close to the vest.  A customer, named Josef Webber, comes in to the bakery, and Sage befriends him.  As their relationship grows, he admits dark things to her--like, he was, in the past, an SS officer, who committed crimes against humanity, and now he wants atonement by having her kill him.  What is the poor girl to do?   The owner of the bakery, Mary, is an ex-nun, so while the book is primarily the plight of the Jews during the Holocaust, it gets some Catholicism in there, too.

                                                    But the real heart of the narrative is Minka, Sage grandmother's story, of the hell she went through during her years in Auschwitz.  And at whose hands, too.

                                                       Along with all this anguish and heartbreak, the novel has a twist at the end I never saw coming.   Sure, Picoult is not William Styron or Isaac Bashevis Singer, but she does write a readable, engrossing story, that held me to the end.  I never would have read it, had it not been pressed upon me, and I would say the same for more of Picoult--press her upon me, and I may read it,  But not voluntarily.

                                                         Those who liked "The Alice Network" and "Lilac Girls" will find this compelling.  And, however one may feel, to pull this off here, Picoult herself is hardly a bad writer, or this story would never have been so readable.

                                                            Sometimes, giving outside authors a chance, girls, can be an unexpected surprise!  This one sure is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sunday, March 15, 2020

It's Seamus' Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           Not only is today the Ides Of March, girls, and the 64th anniversary of the opening of "My Fair Lady" (the REAL thing, not the faux one now touring!) on Broadway, but today, my lovable Labradoodle friend, Seamus, turns 13.

                                            He may be slowing down, but he is still friendly and lovable,  He always has a smile for me, and makes me feel better.  A  day seeing Seamus is a good one, indeed.

                                             I love you, Seamus.  So, have the happiest of days today, and I expect to be in attendance at your party next Saturday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              You are, indeed, Mr. Bay Ridge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Darlings, How Could I Forget????????????????????????????

                                 Today is Liza Minnelli's birthday.  She is 74, and while she may not know what the hell a Metro Card is, she is still important to us all.  Where would Halston be, without her?  Or Ann Miller?  Debbie Reynolds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Liza is probably tied up to an alcohol infused IV, talking about her father, mother, Michael Jackson, and Elizabeth Taylor.  She may even try to do a bit from her old act at the Palace.

                                     I hope she doesn't confuse the IV pole with a dance partner, like Chita Rivera!

                                     So, Happy Birthday, Liza!  Now, remember, before Bette was cast, when everyone was being considered for "Hello, Dolly!?"  Well, here is Christine Pedi as Liza, and some others.

                                       Because, Christine Pedi IS more Liza than LIZA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Happy Birthday, Liza! Why is this not a National Holiday For Gays?

Have I Ever Written About Evelyn Draper? Well, It Is About Time I Did!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Because She Is A Perfect Bitch Of The Week!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Evelyn Draper was the prototype of Alex Forrest.  Long before anyone heard of either Glenn Close, or "Fatal Attraction" there was "Play Misty For Me," wherein Jessica Walter gave probably her best performance as deranged DJ fan of Dave Garver, played by Clint Eastwood.

                                    Made in 1971, as Clint's directorial debut, it follows the same trajectory as "Fatal Attraction."  Attractive man meets attractive woman at a bar.  They strike up a conversation, and the next thing you know they are at his place, having a one night stand.

                                      You guessed it.  She thinks it's the real thing, he does not.  And trouble follows.

                                        Some other things about this film.  It popularized the Roberta Flack classic, " The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face," by incorporating it into a love scene, with Donna Mills.  

                                           Pre-"Fatal Attraction," there is even a "Madame Butterfly" reference.

                                           And Don Siegel, who just directed Eastwood in the 1971 classic, "The Beguiled," encouraged his directorial ambitions, and appears as the bartender in the bar where  he and Evelyn meet.

                                              As for Evelyn, she is a piece of work, and I love her.  Having looked at footage from both films closely, I think Evelyn is more lethal.  There are moments, in "Fatal Attraction,' where, good as Glenn may be, one can tell she is acting.  This never happens with Jessica Walter.  Her emotional transitions are flawless, and the way she uses her eyes to convey love, hate, desperation, are brilliant.  She never received the acclaim she should have.

                                              My favorite Evelyn line comes when she poses as a woman named Annabel. (The movie also references Poe's poem, "Annabel Lee.")  She roommates with Tobie (whom the audience and she know is Eastwood's girl friend).  Later, when she turns on Tobie, ties her up, and begins chopping at her hair, Evelyn says, "I want him to see what you look like.  Because it is what he is going to take to Hell with him!"

                                                 This lady is lethal, going from emotion to emotion in a second.  She has no political agenda; she is pure ID. Nor does she have a back story. The first time I saw the scene of her standing over the bed with the butcher knife, I jumped out of my seat.  And the audience screamed.  And you have to see her disrupt Garver's business lunch.  It is a classic example of a no boundaries personality.

                                                    If you have never seen this one, you owe it to yourselves.

                                                     "Fatal Attraction" is unquestionably iconic.

                                                     But "Play Misty For Me" is better.
This shot says it all, about Evelyn, and Jessica Walter's performance.
Now, wouldn't it be great to have an Evelyn Draper T-shirt?  Huh, girls?????????????

A Literary Gem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     When I finished this novel, I was shocked it only made "The New York Times 100 Most Notable Books List."  This should have been in the Top 5 for fiction, because it was surely better than that "Exhalation" crap, by Ted Chiang.

                                       This is an epistolary novel, a letter by an American Vietnamese man nicknamed "Little Dog" to his illiterate mother, wherein he tells her all the things he can't.  And that includes being gay.

                                         Chronicling he and his mother's flight from Viet Nam, to, of all places, Hartford, Connecticut, this 242 pager moves like a panoramic, epic novel, without the excess.  The author, Ocean Vuong, is a poet, and it shows in the brevity of his prose.  Nevertheless, I could not stop being mesmerized by the writing and the story, which was deeply moving, saying all it needed to.

                                            Many writers, and editors, could take a cue from Vuong's writing.  What a pity it did not get more attention.  Had I read it last year, it would certainly have made my list.

                                               But it is not too late, girls, so pick up a copy, and read this extremely moving, yet detailed, mother-son story.

                                                Sometimes, good things do come in small packages, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Is This To Be The New Spring Look At Sally Hershberger???????????????????????????

                                   Elsa Lanchester never received the glam recognition I thought she deserved, in 1935's "The Bride Of Frankenstein."  I never understood why women did not want to copy this unique look, except, sometimes, at Halloween.

                                     I mean, what is that white thing running through the side?  I would want this hair style, just to have that.  Imagine what a splash it would make at Spring parties, and especially Anna Wintour's Met Gala!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Love what can be done with those lashes, thanks to eye liner.  And those luscious lashes and lips.  Who wouldn't want to look like this?

                                        Too bad she was given the brain of a fag hag, as, it turned out, she had the hots for Colin Clive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           But, then, with this look, she could have anyone, darlings!

                                            Karloff, in monster drag, was just not gonna cut it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Let's Talk Beauty With............Julia Roberts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          I mean, even when she was getting knocked around by Patrick Bergin, in 1991's "Sleeping With The Enemy," she never looked less than gorgeous.

                          I am so anxious to talk beauty with Julia, to fly out to the coast, stay at the Chateau Marmont, and have some kind of salad lunch with her, at a posh LA eatery.

                          But I can share some things I have picked up, which may surprise you, darlings.

                           One of Julia's standard beauty secrets is to have plenty of Extra Virgin Olive Oil.  She puts it in her hair, leaving it in for thirty minutes, before washing it out, and then washing her hair with whatever shampoo or conditioner is at hand.

                             She maintains it keeps one's hair glossy and shiny.  Same with the skin.  Putting it on there, especially the face, can give one a glow.

                               I don't know. girls, because Extra Virgin Olive Oil is kind of sticky.  As is Cocoa Butter, another hair shiner I have heard about, and which is even more gloppy than the olive oil.

                                 I want my girls to take note of these, and if I am ever brave enough to try any, I will let you know how they turn out.  As you must do, to me, loves.

                                  But how does one tell if olive oil is Extra Virgin?

                                   Or even Virgin?????????????????????????

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Come On, Guys! Give Donna Tartt A Break!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                Girls, I am telling you, every time some author comes out with an academic whodunnit, the name "Donna Tartt" is invoked by some critic.  This has got to stop.  It may come as a shock to some whose knowledge of literature does not go back more than five years, but Tartt did not invent the genre, She just defined and set its standard, with her masterwork, "The Secret History."

                                                  "The Club", by Takis Wurger, whom I thought to be a pseudonym for Brett Easton Ellis, until I saw the photo on the back, is a quick enough, fun read, that is easy to figure out where it is going.  And it is a bit misogynistic.

                                                     Alexandra, an aunt who is a Cambridge Art History professor, asks her nephew, who is bright enough, to attend, while filtering out a crime--or is it crimes?--that took place at the hands of members of an all-male organization, called The Pitt Club.  He becomes a member, and secrets unravel.  None of which, by the way, surprised me.

                                                      What did surprise me was the handing out of justice, which goes back to Agatha Christie.  To see what I mean, read the ending of her masterwork, "And Then There Were None."

                                                         "The Club" provided me entertainment on a cold, Winter's night, and will do the same for you.

                                                             But, guys, lay off Donna Tartt!  She will never be topped!

It All Comes Down To Gwyneth Paltrow, And A Bat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           Remember the movie, "Contagion?"  That was back in 2011; my God, it has been nine years already.  I swore I would not write about the Coronavirus,  but thinking of this movie compelled me to.

                            Simple me, thinking of shoes, fashions and fabrics.  When I first heard about the Coronavirus, I thought it was simply limited to Corona, Queens!  Fine with me; I never liked Queens, when I lived there, anyway!  I never thought of linking it to the Corona Beer Company.

                               But, then I remembered the end of "Contagion," where it all comes down to Gwyneth Paltrow, and a bat!  And that is when I knew they are the cause of the Coronavirus.  Especially, in the wake of Paltrow, putting out her vagina scented candle!

                                Stay off of GOOP, girls, though my girls have better taste than that!  And do not frequent Chinese restaurants; my grandmother was right; they have trap doors to lure cats, rats, and bats, who are cooked and served as meat!

                                  So, stay away from anything Gwyneth, and no Chinese food!

                                   But keep washing, moisturizing, and hydrating, loves!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Perhaps The Funniest Bitch Of The Week, Ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Well, not really, because a man did lose his life, at the hands of this woman. The man was Jorge Torres, Jr. and his girl friend, and Bitch Of The Week is  Sarah Boone.  No relation to Pat.  Or Debbie.  And forget Daniel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   It all took place in Orange County, Florida--where else?--on February 24, 2020.
The man died after police found him zipped in a suitcase,  and with multiple injuries,  including a lip laceration, bruises around his eyes, and injuries to his back and neck.

                                    And you know what defense this dumb thing gives?  They were just playing a game of "Hide And Seek."

                                      Which shows how dumb and White Trash she is, if that is the best she can come up with.

                                         Come on, Sarah, do you think a cop is really going to believe that?

                                          How many adults play "Hide And Seek?"  Even if that is accepted, who hides in a suitcase, from which they may not get out of?  And having all kinds of wounds and lacerations.

                                           Fess up, dear, drugs and your bitch hands were involved in this, and no one else.  If  Torres had survived, MAYBE your story would have been bought.  But not with those wounds and lacerations.

                                             I would ban you from the beauty parlor, dear.  But it looks like you have not been near one in months!

                                              So, go back to the hog slop pile, from whence you came!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This 'SVU' Episode, "Eternal Relief From Pain," Had Some Liveliness To It!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    When I found out Lindsay Pulsipher, as Kim Rollins, was going to be on this episode, I knew things would liven up.  Things always do, with Kim around.

                                       And when the sisters' father, Jim Rollins, played wonderfully by James Morrison, showed up, I knew I had to point something out to all those who have attacked me for saying this and that about White Trash.

                                         Kim and Daddy are proof that White Trash has no business in New York City, and should stay the hell out of it.  Kim tries to pull a Fantine act, and then overdoses?  Daddy is one step away from relapsing, and, so, eventually he does.  But he is clever, with his parting message that "Papa is a rolling stone."

                                             Trash cannot handle the city.  They don't know it, they only know their trash surroundings.  Trash, trash, trash!

                                               The episode was also enlivened by the interaction of Kat (Jamie Gray Hyder) with Tiffany Reynolds, (Stephanie Flanagan) a former "adult film" actress, and now a pharmaceutical rep (supposedly) who deals in drugs and patient-doctor sex.  Kat can certainly be a cool one, when  going undercover; Tiffany fell for the act.  Oh, and it was great seeing Mark Linn Baker as the horny, if impotent, physician, having sex with all his patients.  When he turned to give himself with an injection--the scene was hilarious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  Lastly, who knew that Vanessa Hadid (Zuleikha Robinson) could be such a cool one, herself, when she interrogated, undercover, old friend Trey Harrington?  She was right when she said, of their one-time engagement, "The Harringtons would never allow a Hadid to marry into their family."  I have always been suspicious of whose side she is on, from day one, and when I saw her squealing to Trey Harrington, those suspicions were aroused.  But when I saw how she came through, I finally realized she is one of the good guys.

                                                      It was the Women's Show, and not just Olivia. In fact, the less of her, the better. Before it ended, Kim implied her mother was coming to New York to help care for the baby.  Maybe we will see Virginia Marsden again.  She is a White Trash hoot!

                                                       Word of caution--if you are at any of the elegant places recently mentioned on here, darlings, and see these types luriking about, beware, they do not belong.

                                                         They are scalping the room for victims!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!