Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Didn't The Summer Just Fly By, Darlings?????????????????

                                                I mean, what an August.  From  Blake Lively's birthday, to the darkening of the days; by 7:30PM, forget it, to "American Horror Story," which,  I promise, girls, to write about tomorrow, before the next episode.  There is so  much to talk about--atmosphere, surprise show stealers, and the most eerie child performance since Daveigh Chase  in "The Ring."  I promise you, I will get to it,  tomorrow.

                                                  August saw David and I visiting old friends in Morris Plains, New Jersey; the visit  was heavenly, but the trip was a nightmare.  We even  got  to  watch a little  of  "House On Haunted Hill," on "Svengoolie," that night.  A little is  better than none!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                       David got me a CD of  inspirational comments by Sister Camille, which I cannot wait to listen to.   They will bring comfort.

                                                          I am all done  doctor visits, pray God,  till November!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                           And I have been seeing a lot of  my canine friend, Dexter!!!!!!!!!!

                                                           Baby Gojira sends his greetings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                           It was a nice August, and while, as stated, the  Summer flew by, this year I am  not  particularly sad about its end.

                                                            Like the song says, girls, "See you in September!"

Here Is My Friend, Nicholas, In His New Home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          Doesn't he look sweet, girls!? I am  so happy for  him.

                                         Unfortunately, I have not  yet been able to vist  Nicholas.  This pic  came  from  his owner's  Facebook page, and  it warmed my heart  to  see even this,  I had  to  share it with all  of you.

                                             My Nicholas looks so  content.  And he can  pose!

                                             I love him  so.  If there is a visit, I  will try to get a pic of both of us.

                                             Thanks for the cheer-up, Nicholas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, August 27, 2021

Girls, I Am Sorry, But We Will Be Taking A "Svengoolie" Break This Week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Not to fear.  For those who want to watch "Svengoolie" tomorrow, they can.  It is just that we will not be watching at this end, because, for reasons  I  cannot fathom, he is showcasing one of his lesser presentations--1974's "The Beast Must Die," a British film, where the only A-list actor is  Peter Cushing.

                                         Added to which, it is probably the worst  werewolf  movie I have ever seen, and none of us on this end, have any desire to see it  again.  Honestly, it makes  1957's "I Was A Teenage Werewolf," from AIP, look like an artistic masterpiece!

                                           I am sure Svengoolie will be back the following week--Labor Day Weekend!--with  something all can share.  My suggestion would be  "The Horror Of Party Beach."

                                            What a way to end the Summer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

It Starts Tonight, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           Tonight, darlings, marks the premiere of  the Tenth season of "American Horror Story."  Can you believe it has been  a decade?  Subtitled "Double Feature," it is just that--two separate stories.  Opening tonight is "Red Tide," set by the water.  It has all the AHS veterans--Lily Rabe, Finn Witrock, Frances Conroy, (!!!!!) Sarah Paulson, Leslie Grossman, Adina Porter, Billie Lourd, Angelica Ross, and Denis O'Hare.  Plus a newcomer to the rep company--Macaulay Culkin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I cannot wait to see what he will do!!!!!!!!!!

                                             The  opening episode is entitled "Cape Fear," after the 1962 film classic with Robert Mitchum and Polly Bergen!  Forget that 1991 remake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              Girls, just think!  There will be so much to talk about, in the next couple of days.   I look forward to sharing it all with you.

                                                  Be sure not  to miss  out on the ghoulish fun, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Birthday, Blake Lively!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              In honor of Blake's day, darlings, I decided to go casual chic,with my biege pants, and Miss Porter's T-shirt.  After all, had Blake been an East Coast baby, I am certain that is where she would have gone.

                                               As for Blake's party outfit, well, girls, doesn't it look stunning?  Of course it does, being it is Blake.  As for myself, I would prefer it in pink, with the shoes, but also colored pink.

                                                David and I  even celebrated  Blake's birthday, by wishing her a Happy Birthday, at dinner,  and sharing half a jelly donut between us.

                                                 So, Blake, have a blast today, and greetings from The Raving Queen!

                                               Fabulous, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Some Problematic Observations On "Friday The 13th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                    There actually was one this month--a Friday, The 13th, I mean--and, of course what better way to celebrate the day than by watching the 1980 classic?

                                       This underrated masterpiece, highlighted by Betsy Palmer's groundbreaking  performance as Mrs. Voorhees, and some of the most artistic camera work for a low budget film,  casts its magic spelll each time it is watched,  yet this recent viewing gave me  cause to wonder.

                                           Now, as we all know, (And if you don't, stop here!) though tightly wrapped,  Mrs. Voorhees' rampage was triggered by the death of her special needs son, Jason, while that horndog Barry, and slut Claudette, who should have been waching him, were too busy doing  what horndogs  and sluts do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  They got what they deserved!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              Before we even get to the film at hand, let me remind you, Jason's drowning took place in the Summer of 1957.  Barry and Claudette were killed the following year, in 1958.  The question is, if  they were found culpable in 1957, why were they even invited back?

                                               Oh,  before going on,  let me say I could not find my favorite shot from  the  film.  This is when Annie walks  into Trudy's place, with folks seated at the counter, and that eerie looking woman in a striped dress and  cat-eye glasses, says, "Camp Blood?  They're opening that place again?"  The whole package just sets the tone.

                                                  As for the others who were killed, none of them deserved to be, except maybe Steve Christy, (Peter Brouwer) who should never have re-opened the camp.

                                                     It is interesting that Brenda's (Laurie Bartam, who died fourteen years  ago) killing is foreshadowed by Ned's shooting an arrow at the target, where she is too close for comfort.  As for Ned (Mark Nelson), what is his story?  Are he and Marcie (the great Jeannine Taylor) siblings?  If he wasn't kissing every woman in sight, I would have thought him gay!  Or maybe that was a cover, for his being hot for  Jack (Kevin Bacon)?  And for the duration of the film, no one  even knows that Ned has been killed, except the viewer.

                                                       Now, look at the front page of the local paper, posted above.  When I first saw this, two  things occurred to me.  The unfortunate parents of these campers--even The Christys--who have to be  told of their children's deaths, and the style of the paper gives indication of what could have been done with this film, as a sequel, rather than what was actually done.

                                                           Had the filmmakers followed my template, by showing the families being informed, maybe converging on the camp, given Mrs. Voorhees' back story, prior to the first  film, and done all this in documentary style, they might have gotten an almost  twenty year jump on "The Blair Witch Project."

                                                               Such a film would have been more interesting than what eventually became the franchise.

                                                                 Now, I have heard only twelve "Friday The 13th" films  have been made?  Why can't my proposal be the thirteenth????????????????

                                                                  A fitting conclusion to the series, and justice for  those victims, and Mrs. Voorhees!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                     What's for dinner, Mrs. Voorhees???????????????????


Oh, Girls, Let Me Tell You--Tomorrow Is An Important Fashion Day--Blake Lively's Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    As my readers know, THE most important fashion day is November 3, which is ANNA's birthday.  I, too, am a November baby, which shows how much great talent was born, that  month!!!!!!!!!!

                                    I wanted to get this info early enough, so that my readers will know enough to go to  their closets tomorrow morning,  and select an especially devastating outfit, to celebrate Blake's birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        Think  Pink, darlings, as the song says!  Pink lemonade, a pink frosted cake, and your prettiest pink  outift!

                                              Let's have one more look  at that closet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              Now, go to yours, dolls, and start digging!  Happy Tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy National Peach Pie Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       If you have not made one yet, darlings, it is not too late.  Or you can still go out  to the  store, and buy one.  Even Mrs. Smith's will  do.

                                      I did not know anything about this day, until today.  It is also important to, not only those of  us who love peaches, but it  is the day before  a National Fashion Event!

                                       But more on that, later!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Even  if you have no access to  pie, have a peach, or a Bellini, or peach jam,  whatever form of peach you can get your hands on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          Peachy keen,  girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, August 22, 2021

Just Because I Have Not Been On Here In Awhile Does Not Mean I Have Stopped Reading!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Au contraire, my dears, au contraire.  Not only have I been reading, I have just reached my 82nd book, meaning I am now only 18 books away from my goal of 100.

                                  As for what I have read, it has been a mixed bag.  Let's get started--


                                               "Mayflies," by Andrew O'Hagan--Girls, this is not an easy one.  Short, and to the point, it is also exuberant and heartbreaking.  From Chapter 20 on, I was sobbing.   And I am usually not that way with print.  A friendship forms between Tully Dawson and James in working class Scotland, circa 1986, and the deptiction of youthful camaraderie, and things shared at no other time of  life, are priceless.  Then the story moves into adulthood.  Tully, recently married, is terminally ill, and Tully asks James to "help" him.  You know what I mean,  dolls.  Like Sipsie "helped" Ruth in "Fried Green Tomatoes."  This places a burden on James, a wedge in Tully's marriage, and the reader knows where this is going, so who can stop crying?  Nevertheless, O' Hagan pulls off a minor literary mirace.  Because even while the reader sobs, the last sentences and images of this novel are exhilirating and filled with hope and happiness.  An achievement not to be forgotten.


                                              "Not A Happy Family," by Shari LaPena--Hons, I needed something to  take the edge off  "Mayflies," and when I heard there was a new Shari Lapena  out, I ran  to the bookstore, because I knew this would be just the thing.  And it was.  The Mertons--Fred and Sheila, and their children--Catherine, Dan, and Jenna--are the most affluent family in  their Westchester suburb.  Not since Lillian Hellman's "The Little Foxes" has there been such malice.  While not as highbrow as Hellman, LaPena's latest is the needed fun after finishing an emotional draining book, and one where I turned out to be  wrong  in  guessing the culprit,  when I  am  usually right.  Not to give anything away, but, in  its own, quiet way, "Not A Happy Family" may be one of best arguments in favor of birth control.  You have got to read it,  darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                                               "We Are The Brennans," by Tracy Lange--When I first saw, and heard, about this, I thought someone was doing a redo of Joyce Carol Oates' "We Were The Mulvaneys."  The book in not as highbrow as Oates', but, speaking from my own experience, it gets the whole Irish Cathlic milieu right.  There is a passage that reads, "We wear our shame and guilt as medals," and boy, let me tell you, that is the truth.  Grudges long held, betrayals, envy, jealousy--it is all part of  the Irish Catholic experience,-- and while a novel, there were characters I recognized as people I had grown up around,  some of whom are my relatives.  An entertaining read, and a good insight as to what constitutes Irish Catholic guilt--mostly sex--as opposed to other cultural kinds.


                                                 "Ethel Rosenberg, An American Tragedy," by Anne Sebba--We  love you, Ethel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  And Julius, too.  For shame, being done in by those treacherous Greenglasses, with Ruthie going scott free.  I hope when they passed--the Greenglasses--the Rosenbergs were waiting on other side to slap their faces!  As to Anne Sebba, who the hell is she?  Best selling author of what?  Not on the basis of this book, which sheds no more light on this deplorable deed on the part of our government than has been told anywhere else.  Really, to get the emotional, if not historical, truth, read E. L.  Doctorow's "The Book Of Daniel," or see the underrated 1983 movie.  This was such a disappointment, I am telling readers here and now to skip it.  Annie, what the hell did you think you were doing? I will stay far away from you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Ethel and Jules deserved better--in every way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                                            "Great Circle," by Maggie Shipstead--Finally, FINALLY, I get to unload about  this one!  I am just finding out, because my edition does not have the sticker, that "Great Circle" has been chosen as a "Read With Jenna" book!!!!!!!!!!!!  Not that this, in and of itself, means anything, but the novel has also been nominated for the Booker, and almost universally praised by critics as  the greatest thing since "Ragtime," by E.L. Doctorow.   It most certainly is NOT.  This plodding, almost 600 pager, is the story of aviatrix Marion Graves, clearly a standin for Amelia Earheart, even though the latter is referenced throughout the book.  She is juxtaposed, in the present day, with the story of  Hadley Baxter, a one-time child  actress, trying to gain fame again in a biopic of Graves.  Simpstead's one distinction is she manages to  make the  Hollywood segments  completely uninteresting, whereas lesser  writers,  like Jacqueline Susann, Judith Kantz, and Shirley Conran, have had a field day with it.  The Marion parts are fine--I found her brother, Jamie, an especially moving character--and outdo and outnumber the Hollywood ones, thankfully.  Why this is causing such a fuss is beyond me.  I found it overwritten and draining--and not in a good way.  When done, I was so tired,  I had to take a nap!  Have yourselves a good snooze, girls, and  forget about this one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              So, that is what I have been reading lately.  I cannot wait to report on more books, and for those who may be asking, I have found, among my readings, some contenders for a list, but none so far for Book Of The Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                Hope springs eternal, dears!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





THIS Is Disgusting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   "Anything Goes," Cole Porter said, back in 1934.  That was 87 years ago, darlings!  Wonder what he would say now?

                                      There is some TV commercial out there, for some probiotic, called, I think, "Garden  Of Life," that has continuous shots of  women talking on camera about pooping--and calling it--that!--while others are sitting out on the open, on the, ahem!, commode, allegedly doing it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        This  has got to stop!  Bring back the days of  civility, where the camera would show shots of elders walking or sitting in the park, with a voiceover going, "Regularity.....were you born that way?"

                                           I mean, those who needed to know got the point, and those who do not wish to discuss such things were not repulsed!

                                              This is inexcusable!  And it is discriminatory!

                                              Forty-four years ago, in 1977, an author named Taro Gomi wrote a book called "Everyone Poops."  I believe it is still in print!

                                               So, why doesn't this phony company at least get real, and acknowledge that, in the commercial?

                                                Show everyone, if you must, not just women!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Girls, Wouldn't "What Ever Happened To Baby Jane?" Have Made A Great Colorforms Kit????????????????????????????????

                                             I know many of you out there recall Colorforms--hell, I owned a lot of sets--but what the company missed was Camp Creativity, which would have resulted, and still could, in lots of fun for established and burgeoning  queens!

                                                 'Baby Jane' has always been an iconic item in this department.  Now,  imagine  it as  a  Colorforms  kit,  with  a plastic board, depicting the theater in 1917, and the Hudson house, where owners could act out the entire story themselves, or re-imagine it, their way!

                                                   For example,  some could just push Blanche,  in chair, down the stairs.  Proponents of  Joan Crawford could kick Jane across the room, push her down the stairs, or do her in, at the beach.

                                                   As for the childhood sisters, who needs psychotherapy?  Use the plastic figures to act out your own personal trauma!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Think of the emotion released, and the money saved.

                                                     Yes, Colorforms could recreate other films and musicals!  How about "Gypsy?"  Or "Funny Girl?"

                                                        However, let me one thing clear--there will be NO  kit  devoted to "The Song Of Bernadette!"


You're Not Kidding, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   When I reinvented myself as "The Raving Queen," and I did not hesitate to let the world know of my prettiness--and why shouldn't I?--you can bet there was a lot of  jealousy out there.

                                     What they don't realize is what we all have to go through to look like  this.  Bathing daily,--Feh! on the Non-Bathers!--not to mention creams, lotions, shampoos, conditioners, moisturizers, accessories, finger and toe cutting, and things needing to be plucked.

                                       It is not easy.  I spend a half hour at the start of each day,  in the bathroom!  And don't forget oral care!

                                       Being pretty is not easy, it is hard work!

                                      So, all  you jealous ones out there, shut up, and do something about yourselves.

                                    There is always room for improvement, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Friday, August 20, 2021

Oh, My God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Has Alice Ripley Become The New Ghislaine Maxwell Or Allison Mack??????????????????????

                                       Early in my tenure at my former workplace--I was not on the desk when it happened, but I heard later--a little girl, about 10, approached the person sitting at the Info Desk, and said she was "approached" by an older woman in the public ladies room.

                                          This blew my mind, back then.  Female pedophilia, for sure, exists, but this was the first I had heard of  it.  Male pedophilia gets reported all the time.  But the female version either is ignored or hushed--and it should not be.

                                              Which brings me to Alice  Ripley!  Alice Ripley???????????  Yes, Alice  Ripley!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  She, whom I saw on Broadway in the original production of "Side Show," and as Janet, in a revival of "The Rocky Horror Show," at Circle-In-The-Square, seems to be joining the ranks of Ghislaine Maxwell and  Allison Mack.   Is such a thing possible??????????????

                                                   I would hate, at this point, to conclude it is, but the possiblity, until  the proverbial jury weighs in, has to be considered.  What would motivate a 57 year old  woman to  go after  young girls?  If Alice is a lesbian, why can't she find companionship among her contemporaries?????  She is attractive enough!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                     This is truly upsetting to  me.  Because, no matter how this plays out, the stigma will always be there, so, concering Broadway, it is "Bye, bye, Alice."

                                                       Prove it isn't so, Alice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, Join Us This Saturday Night, As "Svengoolie" Presents "House Of Horrors!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                                I have never seen any of the films featuring Rondo Hatton as "The Creeper."  It was not  just make-up, darlings, it was the real thing.

                                                  Born in 1894, would you believe Hatton was voted "Most Handsome  Boy" in his senior class, at Hillsborough High School, in Hillsborough, Florida, where he also excelled at track and football?????????  The quintessential high school golden  boy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                     He was even a  sportswriter for "The Tampa Tribune."  Henry King, who directed "The Song Of Bernadette" (You better believe it, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!) discovered him, while shooting a film in Tampa called "Hell Harbor," back in 1930, and put him in a small  role. He even appeared in one A-list film, 1943's "The Ox-Bow Incident."

                                                      The golden looks did not last.  During his adult  years,  in the  war,  Hatton developed the disfiguring disease, acromegaly, which gave him his career as "The Creepr."  Talk about luck.  However,  his fame was  iconic, but short lived.  Because the disease debilitates the body, Hatton  died  of a heart attack--not his first--on February 2, 1946.  In fact, the film Svengoolie is showing was made in 1945, but not released till 1946, after Hatton's death.

                                                       So, we will get to see Hatton do his "Creeper" thing, as he goes about murdering artists models, at the command of Martin  Koseleck as Dr. Marcel De Lange, who was also in "She-Wolf Of London," also released in 1946, and recently shown on "Svengoolie."  But he was especially memorable as Professor Peter Bartell in the 1964 horror hoot, "The Flesh Eaters," memorable for  the  giant blob that arises out of the water, engulfing the screen.  You have GOT to see it,  girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                          I hope to see all of  you on Saturday as we share "Horror House."  I don't even know if  Hatton speaks,  so I am curious.  Meanwhile, we have welcomed a new member to our viewing entourage, Norma, The Lion, who was officially welcomed here, earlier, by Baby Gojira!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                            Don't miss out on the fun, girls, and let us hope Sevngoolie sometime shows  "The Flesh Eaters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can You Believe This, Darlings???????????????????

                                 Church statue desecrations and thefts are nothing new.  But over in Flushing, at St. Michael's Catholic  Church, someone went too far, if  you ask me.

                                  And go ahead and ask, because most of  you on here know how devoted I am to not only the film "The Song Of  Beernadette," but the saint herself.  I pray to her often, and wear a medal of  her around my neck, which was purchased in New Orleans.  That's right, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   In the wee hours of this past Tuesday morning, at 3:30AM, some sicko--and I am certain it was a man, knocked over the church's statue of Saint Bernadette, and  broke off her arm!

                                    This  is  an outrage!  To do this to one of the most revered saints.  I hope Jacinta Marto flings lightning bolts, at this guy.    He should be tied to a chair, and forced to watch "The Song Of Bernadette," until he repents.

                                      But, then, I suppose Sister Camille, and yes, Bernadette herself, would wish compassion on this troubled soul.  So, I do recognize that.

                                       However, the very deed makes my boil.

                                      You can bet Jennifer Jones is  pissed,  too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

As Much Fun Old, As When Young, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                There really is a "House On Haunted Hill.  It is Ennis House, built by Frank  Lloyd Wright, and located in Los Aliz, Los Angeles, California.  This was used for the exterior shots of the house.

                                   What you don't know is that the place resemebles my former work place.  On September 23, 1981, when I walked to the Amsterdam Avenue entrance of The New York Public Library Of Performing Arts, at Lincoln Center, my first thought was, "This looks like the 'House On Haunted Hill.'"

                                        Like the film, that impression held up for 35 years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        What was clear to  me, this  time around is that both Carol  Ohmart, who played Annabelle Loren, and Carolyn Craig as Nora Manning, were both cast for  their remarkable  lung power, as both scream quite often throughout the film.  How their vocal cords sustained  themselves during the shoot is amazing.   Maybe  they should have tried musical  theater!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             Julie Mitchum--Robert's sister, no less!--as Ruth Bridges, gives the classic Fifties repressed spinster lesbian interpretation.  A woman  with a gambling problem, at that!  And can she drink!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               Elisha Cook,  Jr., as Watson Pritchard, steals the show, as does Leona Anderson, as Mrs. Slydes, the housekeeper, and a certain head and skeleton.

                                                  How long have we had such good, clean fun, darlings????????????

                                                  It almost  makes me want to spend a night there.  Oh,  but then  I might feel like  I was back, at  work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Never has there been so much fun, darlings....never!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This Couple Pulled A Fast One On Us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      This post's original title was to be "How Far Gone Is Scarlett?"

                                      Well, that can be forgotten!  Yesterday, I just found out for sure, that she was pregnant, meaning Colin had done his  job, and rammed his swimmers home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          Today, I find out, on  this very day, that Scarlett gave bith to a baby boy, whom the couple has decided to name  Cosmo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             Cosmo?  What  is  that all about???????????  One thing--with  parents as gorgeous as these, Cosmo  is sure to be a win-win in the looks department!

                                                And it is about time  this happened.  I knew they would have a child,  and  that it woould be a  boy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  Kiss, kiss,  from all  your fans,  Colin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Wouldn't This Be Perfect For My Insanity Room, Darlings?????????????????????????

                                         Back on April  4, 2018, I ran a post describing my ideal Insanity Room.  One side wall would have a picture of Myra Hindley, another of Pippa Scott as Lucy in 1956's "The Searchers" screaming, a ceiling  in red and yellow stripes, and the floor painted Flash-like--red background with a thick yellow lightniing bolt, in center.

                                          But after seeing how this iconic  photo of  Janet  Leigh was used, how could I resist????????????  So, I will  have to find some other  use for  that shot of Pippa/Lucy screaming.   How about facing one in the bathroom, sitting on the toilet??????????????????????????

                                          In any case, Janet is  a great decorating device.  I am ashamed I  did  not think of her,  first.

                                           Everyone, at  some point, needs an Insanity Room.

                                          After all, as Norman Bates,  said, "We all  go a little mad, sometimes!"

Get Real, Rocco's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Those, such as I, who love Bay Ridge, are appalled by Rocco's blatantly anti-vax attitude.  Situated on 94th Street,  and Fourth Avenue, and just seven blocks from a major destination  place, Positano's, Rocco's is in serious danger of losing business, if they don't man up, and vax up.


                                    Who do you trash motherfuckers think  you are?  Murderers putting in danger the lives of  those dumb enough to go to you, anyway?

                                      Well, I won't be a part of it, and I am telling readers on here, not to, either.

                                       As for discrimination, if I walked in there, wearing something identifying me as LGQBT, I would be the first one to be thrown out!

                                        This is the 21st Century, dolts!!!!!!!!!!!  Start to realize it!!!!!!!!!!!!

If You Ever Find A Reason To Be In Randolph, New Jersey, You MUST Visit "Pink's Pharmacy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                          It  is  just SO pink,  darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   Think of  Diana Vreeland, or  Kay Thompson, in "Funny Face."

                                            Is there ANY good reason to be in Randolph, New Jersey?  Not really, unless, like us, one  happened to be visiting friends, nearby.  But this little  bright gem was enough  to change my mind.

                                            Too bad the place was closed, so I  could  not  explore, and  buy me  some  pink  accessories!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               Yes, I know of the book and magazines "Weird  New Jersey," but the state is not so much weird, as strange.

                                                  Because, when least expected,  a hidden gem, like this, can be  found!

Girls, There Is Nothiing Like Taking A Motel/Hotel Shower, To Make One Feel Like Janet Leigh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Janet Leigh, in the shower, sets an  important example for all those anti-bathers.

                                   But, let me  tell you, darlings, this past weekend, David  and  I  spent the night at The Madison  Hotel, in Morristown, New Jersey.  That is right; New Jersey.

                                    Morristown is a lovely community, that David and I  could contemplate.  But Morris County?  Oh, my God!   I mean,  there are no sidewalks,  it is so rural, nothing but bugs and allergies, and I  thank my lucky stars  I grew up in Highland  Park.  I had access to a library, a universtiy, a  downtown strip spanning the enitre  town, and a bus to NYC ready to hop on, just across  the river,  in New Brunswick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        What the hell could I have done in Morris County? I would have turned into an embittered alcoholic, working  at some  industrial factory job.  See  why I had to get out of Jersey,  girls??????????  No matter how beautiful some of it seems,  and while it  is  great for  kids, it  is a  trap for  adults,  one whom  the  wiser ones  realize as  soon as they reach their  teens!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            But that bathrooom  and shower setup made me  feel like  Janet Leigh.

                                            Now, if only I had had that patterned  bathrobe she slipped out of!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, August 13, 2021

What Do We Do On This Day, Girls??????????????????????????

                                                      "Kill her, Mommy, kill her.  Don't let her live."                                                                                               I won't  Jason, I won't!                                                                                                                                  Get her, Mommy, get her!  She can't hide!                                                                                                       NO  PLACE to hide!  Kill her,  Mommy!                                                                                                   KILL HER!                                                                                                                                                          I will, Jason,  I WILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"                                                                                                          Betsy Palmer, as Mrs. Pamela Voorhees, in                                                                                                         "Friday,  The 13th" (1980)


                                                        Well, first, darlings, it is scorching outside, so we should all stay in and hydrate.  But this being the day it  is, we are going to do our own "Svengoolie" tonight, and watch 1980's "Friday, The 13th," with the immortal Betsy Palmer, whose performance is  signature.

                                                            You gotta love Mrs. Voorhees,  dolls!  A mother who will  go to  any lengths for her child.   Even taking on  that horndog Barry, and that tramp, Claudette--whose fault it REALLY was--for causing the death of her son!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                 The fun starts at  8PM, and we are all going to be there.

                                                                  Join us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, August 12, 2021

"I'm Being Threatened By These Awful, Cheap Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                     Oh, darlings, how well I  know this.  Trying to get oneself and education,  get into a good college, so high school rejects can be left behind, forever!  Many of us have been through it.

                                        Well, let me tell you something about cheap girls!   They may have their compact, lipstick, hairspray, and scanty clothing, but you know how they end up?  They do NOT graduate from high school, so  don't worry about them bothering you for the next four years.   They end up off the highway exits of  America, searching for truckers, whom  they can service, and drink with,  beer cans scattered about,  in a  sleazy Motel 6!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            Just ask me, who hails from Jersey, and has seen such behavior going  on  for  myself.  It is real, and while all states are suspect, most of  this takes place in New Jersey!

                                             But don't think being a school snitch  gets  you anywhere!!!!!!!!  You know what happens to the likes of her?  She gets that education, becomes a corporate sycophant, who is dumped out into the street the first chance execs get!  She then morphs into a "KAREN!"

                                                Never let cheap girls threaten you, dears.  Just display class, and a better wardrobe!

                                                  Believe me, compared to them,  it is not that difficult!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, Do Not Miss "House On Haunted Hill" This Saturday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Forget the 1999 remake, darlings; most of us have.  The original, made forty years before that, is  the one and only.

                                    From a black screen, to sounds of screams and moans,  followed  by the appearance of  Elisha Cook, Jr. face, as Watson  Pritchard, on screen, and his thrilling monologue, to the end of  the film,  where laughter slams the door in the viewer's face, this is a brilliant amalgamation of mystery, horror, and camp.

                                       First, there is  Vincent Price.  Enough said.   Then there is Richard Long,  as handsome pilot, Lance Schroeder, Carolyn Craig as Nora Manning,  the spinster searching for something, and wait till  she finds Lance!, and sexy Carol Ohmart, later to be seen  in the demented 1967 thriller, "Spider Baby," as Annabelle  Loren,  Vincent Price's wife.

                                         The housekeeper is a riot!  And the way she moves, as though wired,  or on roller skates, is priceless.  She is played by Leona Anderson; too bad she died in 1973; she would  have been great in "Starlight Express!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                            I cannot urge you enough to watch it, darlings!  I have seen it  countless times, and it is always a treat.  Thank "Svengoolie" for showing it!

                                             Next to  "Rosemary's Baby," this is William Castle's best film!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Could  this have foreshadowed the formation  of  the singing group, "Talking Heads?????????????????"


Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Can Beanie Play BARBRA??????????????????????????????

                                          Even more than Governor Cuomo's resignation, Theater Queens all over the world were rocked by the news that Beanie Feldstein, Jonah Hill's sister, will play Fanny Brice in the alleged (it has not  happened yet,  dolls!) 2022 revival of "Funny Girl."  Will  it play the Winter Garden????????????

                                           You have GOT to be kidding!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Beanie Feldstein???????????  And no one even called, about seeing ME?   I have had my eye on this role since  I was  nine years old, and  I have the belting chops to do  it.

                                             Which makes me wonder about Beanie, who is facing two musical gigs.  Along with "Funny Girl," she is Mary Flynn in the film  version of "Merrily We Roll Along," which is being shot over a period of  twenty years,  to make  the age-youth thing realistic.  Hope I live long enough to see it, because, I can tell you right now, short of a miracle, Sondheim sure won't!!!!!!!!!  I am not sure Beanie is  any Ann Morrison, but BARBRA??????????????   BARBRA??????????????????

                                                  Beanie, don't you realize what you are in for?  THE most  iconic  role  in musical theater, with its originator still  alive????????????  The eyes of Theater Queens of  the world on  you, and  if  you do  just  ONE thing that is off  the way they feel it should be done--that is,  like BARBRA--you are going to get crucified?  Much as I want the job, I would be hesitant to take it.

                                                    Harvey Fierstein is tinkering with the book, so God  knows what score we will get! Will it  be the  original, or a hybrid of  the play and movie????????????????????

                                                     Sure, Beanie is playing Fanny Brice, but she is also playing  BARBRA, because "Funny Girl" is almost the same story as BARBRA"S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  And one needs a BARBRA level performer in the role.

                                                       And I am not sure that is Beanie.  She can carry a tune, but where is the power, and the distinction?  I heard her on "Meadowlark," and let me tell  you,  she did NOT have the voice for  it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  So, how can she be expected to  do  "Funny Girl?"

                                                         On a stage, with lighting Jessie Mueller could nail it with no  trouble!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                          Or, maybe, Beanie will surprise us?


It Was NOT "Black Narcissus," Hons!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Oh, girls, I am telling you, "Black Friday" was one  strange  movie!  A mixture of gangster film noir, "Frankenstein," and "Dr. Jekyll And  Mr. Hyde," it did not exactly congeal, but has several  outstanding features.

                                   Let's start with Bela Lugosi playing a gangster, with that "Dracula" voice.  How strange is that,  loves?????????????????  He is  even forced to fall into a  body of water by a bay; how undignified.  And, in the most macabre irony I have ever seen,  he is killed off but being  entombed  alive, in  a closet,  whose  door is  blocked by a refrigerator?????????  This,  for  the man  who defined "Dracula" on screen??????????????

                                   And how about that shadowy stairwell set, clearly recycled from Universal's 1934 "The Black Cat," which Svengoolie  showed  several  weeks  before?

                                    Boris and  Bela  give it  their all; they are real pros.  But the two most interesting performances in this film, are given by Stanley Ridges,  as Professor George Kingsley,  who sometimes morphs into gangster Red Cannon, thanks to a surgical  procedure Karloff performs on his friend,  Kingsley, to save his  life.  The transformation, and acting, are  both so brilliant, David did not at first  get it was the same actor.  Ridges presents both side of  the human psyche, in a  performance that is  chilling, and  easily the  film's best.

                                        Then there is Anne Nagel, as hard bitten nightclub singer, Sunny Rogers.  She is  almost camp.  I love the reference  about her being  given  money to get out of trouble she  got into  in Chicago.  (The film takes place in New  York City.)  This is one  dame, whose back story I want  to know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            Not  the usual "Svengoolie" fare, but interesting to get an opportunity to see so  seldom shown a film!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               Oh, hons,  I am  telling you,  the great B-movies of the Forties!  How many of you still remember Sheila Ryan,  Kane Richmond, and Stephanie Bachelor??????????????????

                                                  "Gonna take a sentimental journey," darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!