Thursday, August 31, 2023

This Is It For August, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Plus, We Are Two-Thirds Through 2023!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               August, which I have ambivalent feelings about, turned out to be a rather eventful month, for the most part, even if things peaked, then fell, after my reunion with my sister and family.

                                 It has, indeed been a summer of reunions, first my high school 50th, then with my friend, Steve, culminating with my sister, her children, and their spouses.

                                 I devoured "The Covenant Of Water" in August, and I think that may be a contender for year's end.  We saw the movie "Oppenheimer," with all its assets and flaws.   We even saw "Run," with Sarah Paulson, and the remarkable Kiera Allen, plus my favorite, "Killer Drag Queens On Dope," starring Alexis Arquette, masquerading as Eva Destruction.  With a bravura performance by Omar Alexis as Coco.

                                 And here we are on the cusp of September.  My voice is warmed up to sing "Frank Mills" in front of the Waverly, on September 12, of course, and I cannot wait to see what Fashion Week brings, and what ANNA will present to us.  Yes, it is time to think about Fall, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  There was more to August than I thought.  Wishing you the best for September.

                                 But let's all work on our wardrobes, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

"O Shannondell, I Long To Hear You............!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                        "A weekend in the country. How amusing, how delightfully droll."                                                                     --Stephen Sondheim, "A Little Night Music"

                                  I mean......not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Don't get me wrong, it was great seeing my sister, niece, nephews and their spouses.  I was quite surprised how aged my sister has become; she is still vital, but walks slower, slightly bent from rheumatoid arthritis, and uses a cane.  This came as a shock to me.

                                     As for Shannondell, from the pic I am sure many will think it lovely.  But inside it seems oversized in a way that did not make me feel comfortable.  The library was impressive, the people friendly, but David and I were also scoping this out as a possible retirement place for us, and I can tell you that is not the case.  It is not just the way my sister's apartment is designed with too much open concept, but the feeling of institutionalization that permeates the whole place.

                                      And the Home Suites Hotel, where we stayed.  Would you believe this?  And no one told us--that when you leave your room for the day, you have to tell staff that you want the room cleaned.  Are you kidding me, darlings?????????  Where I come from, I EXPECT the room to be cleaned!!!!!!!!!!!!  When we returned, and it wasn't, well, I just about lost it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        This is the trouble when one ventures outside of New York.  Nothing in sight across the streets, just strip malls with Targets and such.  And not a Barnes And Noble within walking distance.  Not to mention ANY bookstore at all.  How am I supposed to exist in a place like this??????????   Get me to the Pierre or the Chateau Marmont quick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Nevertheless, a great visit was had by all, and we even went to the movies.  We saw "Oppenheimer."   The best movie of the year, so far, not necessarily because it is an artistic masterpiece, but because it is the first genuinely serious, thinking person's film I have seen in a long time.  Great performances by Cillian Murphy in the title role, Robert Downey, Jr. in a career making turn as Lewis Strauss--a shoo-in for Best Supporting Actor--Florence Pugh as the suicidal mistress, Jean Tatlock, Emily Blunt as wife Kitty Oppenheimer, and, in a scene stealing turn, Gary Oldman as Harry S. Truman.  The three hours length works on my spine at my age, especially with no intermission, but the cinematography and Christopher Nolan's direction make this a must for those who crave something beyond "Barbie" or the Marvel Universe!

                                             Like the song says, for David and myself, "Somewhere, there is a place for us."  I just do not think it is Shannon Dell.   But, as Doris said, "The future's not ours to see."

                                               Though really, girls, is an available bookstore too much to ask?????????????


Friday, August 25, 2023

Happy Birthday, Blake Lively!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                         Talk about fashion and closets!  Today happens to be Blake Lively's birthday, a major fashion event in itself, and highly appropriate it takes place the same week as the September "VOGUE" appears.

                            Blake is 36 today, and, girls, wouldn't we all want to look this good at 36, and wear that gorgeous dress!  This would not be bad day, in honor of Blake, to go through your closets, darlings, because sooner than you know it, the fall fashions will be here, and you will have to purge and fill those closets with new stuff--outfits, shoes, etc.

                           So, Happy Birthday to Blake Lively.  I wonder how she will celebrate it.  I mean, does Los Angeles have an equivalent of Sylvia Weinstock?  Because no one has replaced her in NYC.  If they have, I do not yet know about it, so please tell me.

                             Once again Happy Birthday, Blake Lively!  You raise the bar high for us all!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, August 24, 2023

Did This Film Foreshadow Depends?????????????????????

                                        I mean, darlings, a giant man wearing a diaper?  What about diaper rash?  Does he have more than one?   How does he get them?

                                        These are the questions I ask about "Svengoolie's" Saturday night offering, "War Of The Colossal Beast."  It is a 1958 sequel to 1957's "The Amazing Colossal Man."  That film ended with the giant shot and falling off Boulder Dam, presumably dead.  Not so.  In this one, he is disfigured, brain damaged--I mean, that fall!!!!!!!!!!--and takes it out on the world.

                                          Unfortunately, the film used two different actors. The 1957 film had Glenn Langan as Glenn Manning (The Colossal Man!) and this sequel has Dean Parkin in the title role.  I thought Langan gave the better performance, and I am sorry AIP did not use him.  Maybe Langan was not interested.  

                                              We will not be able to join you girls this week, so if you have never seen this, watch it, especially for the surprise, at the end.

                                                Meanwhile, last Saturday we watched Sarah Paulson, and the brilliant Keria Allen in "Run," a sort of redo of the Gypsy Blanchard story, but with two surprising twists, one of them simply sadistic.  Paulson registered as always, bringing both sympathy and a chilling pathology to her role, while Allen's physical accomplishments--her was the more difficult role--in this film were remarkable.   Chilling, not campy.

                                                   For camp, we turned to "Killer Drag Queens On Dope." The title tells all, and Alexis Arquette, under the name Eva Destruction, played the predatory Ginger, but it is Omar Alexis who steals the show, enacting the role of Coco, looking to the manner born, in a cross between Jacqueline Kennedy Onasis and her sister, Princess Lee Radziwill.  This has to be seen and is twice as entertaining as "Santa Claus Conquers The Martians.  Enjoy this one with your favorite alcoholic beverage, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   Or some Cafe Diable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   Now, that is a great sleep aid!

                                                   So, enjoy the weekend girls.  Summer is winding down.

                                                   See you next week, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Wednesday, August 23, 2023

"Attend The Tale Of Sweeney Todd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                           Or not.  Can you believe it, darlings?  Now, Annaleigh Ashford, who plays Mrs. Lovett, is out of the show, with Covid.  The two people the audience most comes to see.  To be sure, Ruthie Ann Miles is still on hand to break hearts as the Beggar Woman, but how long can Ruthie and the company hold out????????????

                             And how long can the show hold out, minus Josh and Annaleigh?  Even though there were aspects of her performance I was not satisfied with, when she performs alongside Groban, he helps bolster her up.  Her take on the role is a bit extreme, maybe because she is younger looking, and it is not her fault that the lighting in the final scene is too dark.  Nevertheless, if I had not already seen the show, and had a ticket for now, I would be very disappointed.  I mean, they ARE the show!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              So, again, as with Josh, I wish Annaleigh a speedy recovery.  If only the tickets were not so expensive, I would love to see them and Ruthie again.

                               Pity the poor box office staff, dealing with hundreds of thousands of refunds!  This is not the kind of busy ticket takers want.

                               My girls and I send Annaleigh her best, and hope she and Josh return to the show soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                What is this show without them?  They are this generation's Len Cariou and Angela Lansbury!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We Are Going Traveling On Friday, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Now, I wish I could say, girls, that we are leaving in all this pinkness, from our Barbie Dream House, but we are not.  Although we could be, if only in spirit.  And I would just love that hair and barrette myself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Actually, loves, we are going to the King Of Prussia area in PA to visit my sister, and her children, whom we have not seen since Christmas of 2019.  As Doris Day said, "Que Sera Sera!"

                                  Still, I am nervous.  Going outside the NYC area?  My comfort zone?  How will I look?  How I will I act?  I am SO nervous, because I am SO New York, darlings, that I may come off as an alien from another world.  David will be just fine, as he is gifted with fitting in everywhere.

                                   Please, GOD, let there be a Barnes And Noble!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    And maybe I will find something pink to wear.

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Oh, Please Don't Cry, Gojira!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                      I want all my girls to rally forth and tell Gojira how much he is loved.  He is crying because it seems some company, which has to arrange things with TOHO, has come up with a monster series on one of the networks which would feature Gojira, but in which he would no longer be King Of The Monsters!  Can you imagine?  That title is going to go to King Ghidorah, who, back in 1964, was simply known as "Ghidorah, The Three-Headed Monster."

                    What dumb exec at TOHO dubbed him King?  Has anyone forgotten that, if not for Gojira, there would be not TOHO monster universe???????????

                       Of course, Mothra is jealous, because she was not picked!

                        But Ghidorah?  Just having three heads and wings does not make one special.  An over developed dragon; that is all he is.  

                           Gojira comes in times of peace to help humanity.  And he especially loves the children, and they love him.  And all of us in this house--David, myself, Baby Gojira, Little Pippin, Ramsey, Ramsey, Jr. and Norma, The Lioness all love you very much, Gojira, so please do not cry.  That faux dragon is not worth it.

                             To us, Sister Camille, and all on here, you will ALWAYS be King Of The Monsters!

                               You have it all, Gojira!  And we love you!

                                 Send that love forth, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Quelle Catastrophe, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           I feel so bad for "Sweeney Todd" ticket holders right now.  Since August 17, Josh Groban, so magnificent in the role, is out, due to his testing positive for Covid.  The first thing my girls and I want to do on here is wish Josh a speedy recovery.  The second is, it's not over, girls.  Covid is still out there.

                             Nicholas Christopher, who usually plays Pirelli, and whom I found lacking--but then I always found it a lacking part--is filling in for Groban, and the word on the street is that he is a pretty good Sweeney.  It may be fine for a while, but when you have a performer on the level of Josh Groban, that is what audiences want to see.

                               So, like Josh, I wish Nicholas Christopher luck in the role, but I will say I am so glad I saw the show when I did.  But if the lead has Covid, how about the rest of the company???????  Oh, no, not Ruthie Ann Miles.

                                  Ruthie will be there tonight, to break audiences' hearts, dears!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Get well and get up there, Josh!  You are the bright hope of Broadway!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, You Must Rush To The Metropoltian Museum Of Art, To See Its Costume Institute's Exhibit, "Women Dressing Women!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                         Oh, my God, darlings, I am telling you, it will be the most fabulous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                         ANNA and crew are at it again--can't I get on one of these crews, ANNA?  I would work for FREE!  Do you hear me?  Free! --and it runs from December 7, 2023, to March 3, 2024.  If I am lucky, maybe I can do the exhibit and the Christmas Tree in one day!!!!!!!!!!

                           Just think of who will be featured--Coco Chanel, Stella McCartney, Donna Karan, Donatella Versace, Diane Von Furstenberg, (I have a reticule bag of hers!) Vera Wang, and Caroline Herrera!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




                            --most of all, I expect to see my favorite female designer, Elsa Schiaparelli, represented.  Just look at the Lobster Dress.  Think how many lobsters that she saved from being roasted alive.  It wasn't until I saw "Annie Hall" in 1977, that I realized lobsters were cooked alive, and have since sworn them off.  But on Schiaparelli, they look great, and are exactly where they belong!!!!!!!!!!!

                               How about the Tear Dress, darlings?????????  I would cry to own it, let alone wear it!  No pain in my heart over this, at all.  The blue has a magical, almost Wonderland feel to it, which works perfect with me.  As for the red dress, what a creation.  The test of a great designer is what they do with red, and Schiaparelli mastered the color in ways that I cannot wait to see at this exhibit.

                                  I expect to see you there, too, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  And I may be a regular there, waiting to spot ANNA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It Is Out Today, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                        Today is one of the biggest fashion days in the industry, girls, and I am here to tell you that the September issue of "VOGUE" is out.  So, grab some dollars, head to the newsstand and get this celebrated cover.

                          For starters, it was all masterminded by ANNA.  The cover was photographed by the fabulous Rafael Pavarotti.  And on the cover--oh, my God, darlings, this is SO unbelievable; can you imagine getting all of them to pose in one place? --are Cindy Crawford, Naomi Campell, Linda Evangelista and Christy Turlington!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            Girls, this is the event of the late Summer!  You cannot afford to be without this copy.

                             And, if you dine at Balthazar, you better not let ANNA catch you without it!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, August 19, 2023

"Svengoolie" Is Again Showing "Konga" Tonight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But David And I Are Going To Skip It!!!!!!!!!!!! Here Is Why!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  For those who have never seen it, it is worth watching. But don't let the poster fool you, darlings! It is not on the artistic level of 1933's "King Kong."

                                  Just as I no longer watch the end of the 1933 classic, stopping when Kong puts Fay Wray down on top of the Empire State Building, there is a similar moment in "Konga" when I stop watching.  This is at the end, when he is at Big Ben, clutching Michael Gough in his hand.

                                   This particularly upsetting ending was engineered by Margo Johns, as Gough's jealous bitch assistant, Margaret.  She sets in motion what becomes a very upsetting ending for this film.  Don't worry; she gets hers, though.

                                       Poor Konga.  He was just exploited and victimized, and animal activists should rise up in arms against this film.

                                         So, what are David and I going to watch, instead??????????????


                                          First, we are going to watch "Run," a 2020 movie where Sarah Paulson plays a psycho mom, as only she can, who is homeschooling her disabled daughter, played by Kiera Allen.  But why is she being homeschooled?  And is she really disabled?  The daughter digs into the secrets of her mother's past, and I am telling you, girls, we cannot wait to see how much is found out.  Join us for the fun, at 8PM, darlings.  Same time, different routine.


                                            We are going to follow that up with the 2003 film, "Killer Drag Queens On Dope!"  I mean, the title says it all, doesn't it, darlings?  And don't you just love Alexis Arquette, the only star of what is certain to be a fun camp mess, in the nun's outfit? This should be the biggest hoot since "Killer Klowns From Outer Space," made just fifteen years before.

                                               Baby Gojira and Little Pippin are so excited.  So, join us all for this special evening of fun.

                                                Of course, if you choose to watch "Konga," that is your choice.

                                                But don't say I did not warn you, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, August 18, 2023

So, Girls, Did We Have Fun With "The Black Scorpion??????????????????????"

                       We certainly did, darlings.  This "Svengoolie" feature is a gem and really creepy; especially when it drips white, glue-like saliva out of its mouth.  There is only one thing that could make this image creepier.

                           That's right, dears.  If "The Black Scorpion" had had the face of Judith Anderson as Mrs. Danvers, it would have been twice as scary.

                              But with Willis O' Brien's technical wizardry, and Mara Corday's figure, plus what looked like leftover sets and creatures from "King Kong," the evening was fun filled and action packed.

                               Definitely nothing to watch over tea, but perfect for a Saturday night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, I Am Telling You, Have You Seen Washington Mews????????????????????????????

                           It is a little gated enclave of heaven near the downtown end of Fifth Avenue.  Isn't it enchanting?  I just wanted to walk in and stroll inside but was not sure if non-residents are allowed.  David and I had some time to kill before dinner, so after doing my book run at Three Lives, where Miriam helped me choose, thank God, we sat for a while in Washington Square Park, and then I discovered this, and was enchanted.

                           I mean, I would move in here right away.  Can you imagine??????????

                           And the accessibility to things would be exceptional.  Not to mention being not too far from ANNA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Washington Mews is just the most precious little enclave!  

                               Come visit it with me, sometime!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"And If You Go Chasing Rabbits, And You Know You're Going To Fallllllllllllllllllllll..."


If those words seem familiar to you, darlings, then it should not come as surprise that the painter of these lovely drawings is none other than former rock queen Grace Slick.

Of course, Grace will always be queen to those of a certain age, but her what I call 'Alice' art is remarkable.  She does other works, too, but the 'Alice' drawings are the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I love the first one of Alice with the White Rabbit sitting on her lap, reading to her in the moonlight.  Isn't that a comforting image, hons?????????????  I recommend for bedtime.

And while listening to Grace sing "White Rabbit!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


Darlings, You Really Must Try One Fifth Avenue Restaurant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                         Last night, I made a rare appearance, after dark, at this restaurant I had always admired for decades.  Back then, it was really high end, and it was on my bucket list of places to go on my birthday.

                         Alas, it closed, and that was that.  Or so I thought.  In 2003, it became Otto's, run by Bastal and Batali and Joe Bastalianich.  Scandal crushed their dreams, and then Forgione took it over as One Fifth Avenue, replacing it with Italian cuisine.

                         And so, like ANNA surreptiously out on the town, David, myself, Ellen, Victor, and our birthday boy, Steve, went to partake of the restaurant's special Restaurant Week Menu.

                         I can tell you the atmosphere was elegant; I even spotted Mario Lopez in the bar area, and the food was scrumptious.  We were divided between ordering the meatballs and fluke, while David and I shared this delicious corn and polenta concoction that I wish I could get the recipe for.  Sorbet and berries were my desert, while the others got some ice cream and pudding concoctions that looked equally scrumptious.  I had a taste of David's, and while I did not know what it was, it connected with my taste buds.

                         Our waiter was so elegant and charming.  These folks work hard, especially in places like these, so his expertise was exceptional.  I would love to go back here for the regular menu.

                          With just five of us, the evening was a treasured experience.  No arguing or drama last night

                           I highly recommend One Fifth Avenue to all.

                            Meanwhile, when am I getting to Balthazar?????????????????????

Truly, It Is The End Of An Era!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           If Dr. Roderick Bladel (or "Rod," as may called him) was not the longest running employee at The New York Public Library, he must be in the top ten.  At the Library Of Performing Arts, where I worked from 1981, until 2017, he was always there, and, as far as I am concerned, never seemed to grow old; he always looked the same to me.  This, from a man having worked at the branch for fifty-eight years!

                           So, when I got the announcement of his passing, on August 10, I was in shock.  Of course, we all die, but some I just never expected to.  Dr. Bladel was one.  Because of his dedication to the Theater Collection, where I worked with him for many years, clipping papers for him, and proud to do so, he gave the unit a gravitas it might not otherwise have had.  And now he is gone.

                            I often joked he would be found deceased slumped across the desk, scissors in hand, and in some ways that would have been fitting.  But Dr. Bladel was more than just the Theater Collection; during my early years there, I recall him taking a sabbatical to go somewhere in the Midwest and perform Moliere's "The Miser."  That performance is still preserved in The Theater On Film And Tape Collection (TOFT).  I have looked at the tape, and Dr. Bladel was quite an accomplished actor.  Yet he never forgot us, back East.  Because, while offstage, he was rapidly clipping theater and film articles from papers and sending them to us.

                           He was funny, he was frugal, and he cared.  When I announced my retirement, Dr. Bladel, stopped to congratulate me, saying "I'm going to have to try it some time."  I knew he never would.

                         His will be a missed presence, and the nail on a coffin of an era I was proud to be part of but that can never be replicated again.  I do have hope.

                           In the world beyond, where he rests peacefully, I know a room has been provided for him, along with publications and scissors, where he can eternally clip to his heart's content, sending down little bits of heaven to those still in the Theater Collection.

                            Rest In Peace, Dr. Bladel.  Those of us fortunate enough to have worked with you can indeed call themselves lucky.

                            I will always miss you.



Thursday, August 17, 2023

Blake Lively Willingly Opens Her Closet To All!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So, Why Not Ryan Reynolds???????????????????????????

                           Let's face it, girls, Ryan looked pretty good in his Green Lantern suit, and wouldn't we all love to have him come visit us, dressed in that????????????

                         Aside from that, Ryan is something of a fashion icon for men--he has been on the cover of "GQ"--and while he always looks good, unlike Blake, he does not share.

                           I would love to see the inside of Ryan Reynolds' closet.  The shirts, the jackets, the pants, the abundance of fashion behind those doors should be shared with all.

                           Come on, Ryan, why can't you be like your wife, Blake?  My girls on here are palpitating with fashion desire just to see the inside of your closet.  So, won't you give us a peek????????????

                             Unless, darling, you have something to hide???????????????

Did You Know That From The 15th Until Tomorrow Is The 54th Anniversary Of Woodstock????????????????????????????

                                    It was ten years ago this year that I finally got there, and did my little song set to a crowd that gathered, happy to get a free performance at Woodstock.

                                    And, of course, in 1969, having just graduated from eighth grade, I walked to the entrance of the New Jersey Turnpike, New York bound, to try and hitch a ride to Woodstock.  My parents had no idea--until friends of my parents, coming home, spotted me, and ordered me into their car.  My parents had a fit when we got home, but you know what?  I listened to the whole thing on the radio and watched the continuous television coverage.

                                      Woodstock turned out to be the cultural event of the Twentieth Century.  Nothing before or since has equaled it.  I wish I could say I had been there, but I am proud enough to say I am old enough to have lived through it.

                                  Everyone has their own personal memories of Woodstock. But its most emblematic image to me is of Grace Slick singing her classic, "White Rabbit."

                                  Happy 54th, Woodstock, and to all who remember it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Who Is The Most Fashionable Woman In Literature?????????? Scarlett O'Hara!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



                          Of course, it helps, darlings, if you look like Vivien Leigh, and have Walter Plunkett designing for you.

                          But really, these are the two most attractive Scarlett outfits I would want to wear.  Of course, the color schemes might still work, even though my waistline would be more like Aunt Pittypatt's today.  But she had some great outfits, herself.

                            Girls, I am telling you, these gowns are gorgeous.  Who wouldn't want to wear them?????????  Again, looking like Vivien Leigh, Scarlett looked good even in rags.  But these and other outfits show, like I said, that "Gone With The Wind" had the best wardrobe of all time.

                               How about the scene where Rhett rustles through her closet, picking out the outfit he wants her to wear at Melanie's party?  I am telling you, at screenings I have been to, audience members gasp at the sight of that closet.  Wouldn't we all love to have it, girls?????????????????????

                                 I just don't know how to get this GWTW fever out of my system.

                                 I demand a screening!  Which is just what Scarlett herself would do!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sadly, He Was Taken On The Assumption, 35 Years Ago Today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Over the past year, darlings, you have heard me speak of some guys I actually hung out with during my high school years.  Alan, whom I have written about on here, is deceased, while Neil, whom I recently saw on my visit to HP, is alive and well, and we correspond.  It was during one of these correspondences, I asked Neil about Elliott, whom I was never able to track down.  Sadly, there was a reason for that, and Neil was the one to tell me that on this day, back in 1988, Elliott died of cancer (I do not know what kind.) at the young age of 32.

                                 Back up a bit.  Elliott and I met in the high school cafeteria.  I was a sophomore, he a freshman.  We hit it off; he was not only bright, and funny, but I have to confess, cute.  With his blond hair and glasses, he was sure to charm.  But I was not about to go there.  He was on the Electric Squad, so he had a talent for mechanics.  When our school, before I graduated, started its radio station WVHP, Elliott threw himself into it, and I knew he had found his passion.  

                                  We stayed in touch all through high school, but after graduation, went our separate ways.  Eight years after I graduated, in 1981, I had started working at Lincoln Center Library, and was getting on the evening bus back home to New Brunswick, and then to Highland Park, where I was still living with my father, on South Third Avenue.  While boarding the bus, I saw Elliott seated, and we rode home together, catching up.  His father picked us up, and gave me a ride home.  Elliott was working in NYC too, in broadcasting.  He ended up working for Channel 5, before they went all right-wing, and I am sure he was going to go far.  His older brother, Stanley, three years older than I, was voted Class Genius, and is living somewhere out in the Seattle area.  He would be 71 today; Elliott 67.

                                    I wish he had lived till then.  He was the sweetest guy, and yet I think he liked Highland Park, because for a time, maybe till his death, he was living on North Third Avenue, almost directly across town from where his family lived, on Felton Avenue.

                                       I laugh and smile when I think about Elliott.  But I also wish he could have still been here to fulfill his potential, and maybe for us to reconnect.

                                        When I first found out his death date, I said, "My God, he was taken on The Assumption."  That would not have meant anything to Elliott, who was Jewish, but it meant something to me.  Dying on this day, I know he was in good hands, and was taken safely and lovingly to where he now awaits those of us who knew and cared about him.  My only regret is I wish I had known, as I would have visited him prior to his death.

                                          Rest In Peace, Elliott!!!!!!!!!!!  Live on in the memories of myself and others.

                                          You were meant to be taken on a good day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Feast Of The Assumption!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                         This is a big day for Mary; probably her biggest.  The day she died and is still the only human to enter heaven both body and soul.   We have a statue of Mary in our house, and that always offers me some comfort.  Mary has always been a presence in my life, even when I was less than my religious best.  I never stopped believing..

                            Last evening, David and I went to the vigil celebration of this feast at OLA (Our Lady Of Angels).  As I mused, I wondered something.  Mary gets two big holy days of obligation--this one, and, of course, Christmas.  Now, while the latter celebrates the birth of Jesus--the lovely Baby Jesus-- face it, girls, it could not have been pulled off without Mary.  To think what she endured in childbirth. during those times.  Mary did a lot.

                                These were two of the most important dates in Mary's life.  But there was another, March 25, The Annunciation, and I wondered last night why that is not a holy day of obligation.  I mean, the Holy Ghost was impregnating Mary then, and the angel Gabriel appeared to tell her.  And that doesn't rate a holy day of obligation?????????   I am not trying to change Church law here; I of the lowly among Catholics, but it seems to me this could be added as a holy day.

                                  Meanwhile, darlings, wish Mary happiness on this day, and pray to her that we get through our lives as bravely as she did!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   "Hail Mary!" as the prayer says.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, August 14, 2023

What Movie Had The Greatest Wardrobe Of All Time???????????????????????? Look Here, And Find Out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!






                                 Those having followed me on here know by now, but, for some uninitiated, I will tell you--the answer is "Gone With The Wind."

                                    Oh, my God!  Did I say that title?  It is SO un-woke of me.  Well, you know what, darlings???????  I don't give a rat's behind!!!!!!!!!!!!  It is August, the sun is steaming, and I am infused with GWTW fever.  Either to reread the novel or see the film.  Now, David and I have a DVD of it, and on Sunday, February 25, 2024, we are going to have a viewing in honor of the 56th Anniversary of the first time I viewed it.  When I was all of 13.  And I had just read the novel.  And was captivated.

                                    Not to doubt, it will be exciting.  But nothing compares to watching it with an audience of fans, who respond in all the right places, and thrill to the luxury of its romance, and overcoming adversity.  The ultimate is seeing it on the big screen, where everyone shares in the experience and the visuals are simply magnificent.

                                      Walter Plunkett (1902-1982) was a genius!  It is shocking he never opened his own design shop!  I would kill to wear any of these outfits, wouldn't you, girl??????????  And while GWTW is his greatest achievement, he also worked on 1951's "An American In Paris," 1952's "Singin' In The Rain," and two other films of note, "1950's "Annie Get Your Gun," and 1960's "Pollyanna," with Hayley Mills!!!!!!!!!!!!!    There was no limit to his talent.

                                      "Gone With The Wind" is about a lot, including fashion.  It continues to influence down to this age.  But its removal from our culture is as un-woke as the wokers accuse those of us who love the film of being.  And for your information, darlings, I have seen "Twelve Years A Slave," and, yes, I get it, but again, see what you choose.  A woman has the right to choose.  and GWTW'ers have the right to choose and view.

                                           Frankly, my dears, those continuing to harangue this film are morons.

                                           "Fiddle-dee-dee!" darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, August 12, 2023

Girls, Join Us Tonight At 8PM, As "Svengoolie" Presents The 1957 Favorite, "The Black Scorpion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                       You have to admit, darlings, the poster looks kind of cute.   But once the film starts, and Willis O'Brien's final special effects efforts come to light, terror sets in, because the scorpions here, are gigantic and hence creepier and uglier than at usual size.

                        And it has a veteran Fifties monster movie cast--Richard Denning, who was in so many of that era, Mario Navarro, featured in "The Beast Of Hollow Mountain," Carlos Rivas, who was Lun Tha in the 1956 film version of "The King And I," plus monster lovely Mara Corday, who was in "Tarantula" and "The Giant Claw."  And for Baby Gojira, yes, she has bosoms!!!!!!!!!!!

                       This movie is so much fun, darlings, one doesn't know whether to laugh or scream.

                        Little Pippin is very excited. But we are afraid it may be too much for him.

                       But, girls, wouldn't those scorpions, in black, green, or ruby red, look great as garnets???????????????

                       See you tonight, at 8!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, August 11, 2023

After That Scorpion Post, Something Pretty Is Needed!!!!!!!!!!! Girls, Have You Seen What Charles de Vilmorin Can Do???????????????????

                                     When I saw this outfit, a combination of Victorian and Lewis Carroll, I knew this was a designer needing to be brought to attention.  You hear that, ANNA??????????????

                                       Isn't this simply gorgeous? The combination of cutting and patterns is exquisite, and perfect for an afternoon tea or an evening social.  If the rest of de Vilmorin's designs are like this --

                              and they are--he is the designer to watch.  Look at those colors and styles.  Is his stuff available in New York yet?  If not, why not?  Hey, ANNA, can you help this guy along?  His sense of color theory and the style it can create is simply brilliant.

                               So, now, girls, there is something pretty to look at.  Charles de Vilmorin is it and should have a great future ahead.

                               With a house in Paris, and, please, one in New York!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, Darlings, There Really Is Such A Thing As A Black Scorpion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Girls, I know it is creepy, and it's kind of hard to look at, but this is in preparation for "Svengoolie" tomorrow, when he airs the 1957 gem, "The Black Scorpion."

                                         If you find this scary, like me, be thankful there aren't any running around where you live.  I can speak for myself, here in Bay Ridge.  And the one in tomorrow's film is even bigger.

                                          So set your calendar for tomorrow at 8PM, for "The Black Scorpion."

                                           More on the film tomorrow, 


Thursday, August 10, 2023

Girls, We Can Always Use A Good Coconut Fiber Scrub!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  I mean, we have to look our best, don't we?  Whether it is a high-end restaurant, or the local diner, there is no excuse for not keeping up appearances.  And one way to do that is with an occasional coconut fiber scrub.

                                   Start with the scrub itself, add some coconut soap and hair shampoo, plus a coconut conditioner, wash, rinse, dry off and moisturize with a fresh coconut oil lotion.

                                     Then you will smell coconut sweet, and doesn't that make one feel better?  It does when I have indulged in this, when it was necessary, like being down in the dumps, or, better, a special occasion.

                                       So, treat yourselves, darlings to a coconut fiber scrub!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        Just another fashion trip, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And After Wonderland, We Ended Up Here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                      Darlings, who knew there was an Alice's Tea Cup on the Upper East Side?  As a downtown girl, how often do I get up here?  Of course, I knew about the one on West 72nd Street, six blocks from where I formerly worked, at Lincoln Center, but was always unsuccessful in getting a table.  Just like that cheap knock-off, Tea And Sympathy, down on Greenwich Avenue, where the staff practically pushes patrons out of their chairs if they stay too long.  You barely get time to scarf down what they serve!

                         As one of my Seton Hall theater professors, said, we walked into "a little bit of Heaven, right here on Earth."  The place was available, clean, and the perfect cozy setting for a high tea.  Preciouses, you cannot image the Edwardian elegance. Lewis Carroll and Cecil Beaton would have felt right at home.

                          Needless to say, so did David, myself, and our friends, Dan and Norma.  Beside the elegance, it turns out to be one of the best bargains in town.

                            See?  A perfect high tea, complete with sandwiches scones, clotted cream, cookies and chocolate mousse.  That is The Mad Hatter Tea, for two, darlings, and it only costs seventy-two dollars for two.  Better than Tea And Sympathy, and more reasonable than the hotels, even my favorite, the St. Regis.

                           Conveniently located on East 64th Street, literally just around the corner from Lexington Avenue, this is sure to be my new tea hangout!!!!!!!!!!   ANNA, are you getting this?  You should join me.  It's not that far from The Met and would suit your tradition and style!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Girls, you simply have got to try it.  Sure, there are sandwiches and other things on the menu, but the high teas are a must!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                And who knows?  Maybe someone will spontaneously recite "Jabberwocky!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"