Sunday, December 31, 2023

Well, Girls, This Is It!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! After This Post, We Are History!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Old Man Year is getting ready to run away, while Baby New Year awaits his oncoming stay.  When next I post on here, it will be 2024, darlings.

                                  Let me say it has been a pleasure, for the past 16 years, to share all my adventures with you.  My fervent hope is that 2024 turns out to be hopeful, instead of the shit show I am fearing.

                                 Like me boxing my book reads for 2023, I say goodbye to it, with the recognition of time having passed again.  Maybe I did not accomplish all, but I accomplished a lot.

                                     Take pride in what you have done this year, darlings!

                                     It is only a day away, but I can say it---

                                                                                                       See You Next Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Highlights Of 2023!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                         This will be a short one, darlings, as I will record what floated MY boat, during the year.

                         1.  Book Of The Year--"Wellness," by Nathan Hill.  You simply MUST read it!!!!!!!!!!!


                          2.  Person Of The Year--Sister Camille D'Arienzo--As always!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   3.  Movie Of The Year--"Godzilla Minus One''-- Really, girls I am not kidding.  This movie had substance, beauty and artistry, plus a star turn by our number one reptile, Gojira, unseen since his 1954 debut.  His performance was truly Shakespearean.  This was Gojira's opportunity to play King Lear, and he makes the most of every given moment.  Oscar talk is floating about, regarding this film, including a Best Actor Nomination for Gojira!  Let us hope for the best!!!!!!!!!!!!  Yea, Gojira!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   And that brings us to--


                                         4.  Star Of The Year--Gojira, Who Else?  He enlivened the film he was in, bringing film back to a state of art instead of some phony computer-generated universe, where feelings do not exist.   Here he poses with his young fans, sending love to everyone!   We love you. Gojira!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                       5.  Theatrical Event Of The Year--Without question, the 2023 revival of "Merrily We Roll Along."  How gratifying, for one having seen the original 1981 production, to have lived long enough to have my feelings of love for this show vindicated by director Maria Friedman, and her extraordinary cast of Jonathan Groff, Lindsay Mendez, and Daniel Radcliffe, not to mention the most perfect ensemble working on Broadway today.  Go to have your emotions soar, then get torn to pieces!  One of the top theatergoing experiences in my life!



                                  6.  Broadway Stars Of The Year--Josh Groban and Ruthie Ann Miles--You have only two weeks to catch Groban's magnificent performance in "Sweeney Todd," the best since Len Cariou's, and the most tragically tormented interpretation that arouses audience sympathy.  Same for Ruthie Ann Miles.  Often played for comic effect, her Beggar Woman is as heartrendingly tragic as Fantine.  Ruthie could easily morph from here into that role.  Would I love to hear her sing "I Dreamed A Dream."  Ruthie does not depart after January 14, so she can still be seen.  But catch both for a demonstration of vocal and orchestral magnificence.

7.  My 50th High School Reunion--I was so nervous about attending this, darlings.  We stayed in my hometown of Highland Park, New Jersey, where we took pictures of things related strongly to my past.  The event started Friday afternoon with a tour of the high school, a time to see many long-distance classmates, and enter a building many of us had not been in for 50 years.  I barely recognized the place, and the changes made almost had me wishing I could go back to those times.  But then, changes or not adolescence is adolescence, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!   Still, it was unquestionably the social highlight of the year for me!  As my beloved David said, I was "the belle of the ball."

                         8. Crime Highlight Of The Year--The Capture Of Rex Heurmann--Make no mistake about it, girls, he is NOT The Gilgo Beach Killer.   He is only one of MANY.  And some may not be alive anymore.  It seems that area of Gilgo Beach was a common dumping ground for Metropolitan Serial Killers!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Glad Rex is apprehended, but believe me, dolls, this is just the tip of the iceberg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                       9.     Political Highlight Of The Year--The Expulsion Of George Santos-- The only time I like George Santos is when Bowen Yang plays him, revealing all his venality and corruption.  If Charles Dickens were alive today, he would have had a field day with him.  His expulsion from Congress was a glimmer of hope on the horizon for those of us more progressive and forward thinking.  Speaking of which--


                       10.  The Gradual Decline Of Marjorie Taylor Greene--I know this shot looks like an outtake from Altman's 1975 "Nashville," but let me tell you, neither Greene nor Altman, if he were here would be caught in sight of each other.  Also, today, Altman would not be allowed to make a film like "Nashville;" how times have changed, if not for the better. Girls, I am not sure if this woman is a fag hag, or a man in drag.  Whatever, get your MAGA cronies and Moms Of Liberty and all your right-wing rhetoric the hell out of this nation.  And, girls, don't assume it is only the blue collared masses, as many high profile and educated execs and such are just as MAGA as their compatriots.  May the reognition of this phoniness point to a more hopeful political outcome for 2024.  Otherwise, you might be reading "The Edwardian Queen," coming to you from London!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                     Really, dears, thank God for culture, which the above are trying to eliminate.  In many ways 2023 was a shit show, but I did manage to find elements of enjoyment in it, with my beloved David by my side.  A pleasure I get to share with you, readers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          We are almost at the end, dears!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





I Told You It Would Be A Different December Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Oh, there was Christmas, me singing in a choir, the baby Jesus, and my mother's tree!

                                 But there was also a badly done "The Night Of The Iguana," which was surpassed by last night's viewing of the 1964 John Huston film, which I will explore another time.

                                  We saw the film "Maestro."  I got a head cold, which I am still trying to get over.

                                    We visited with friends but never got to The MET Museum.  I have seen the tree many times, and can call it up on here anytime, so it is not like I am deprived.

                                      Nothing on the Broadway front, though David, whose birthday is tomorrow, is due for a Broadway adventure, and a birthday dinner.

                                      So, though things were Christmas-y, it did not feel quite like it.  Maybe next year I will find a theme to return, to, which will liven things up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Until then, the best to everyone who reads this blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It Is Time To Ask That Annual Question, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                     Girls, if any of you plan to go into Times Square tonight and see the ball drop live, I want to hear about it.  As for us here, we will watch everything on TV, toast to 2024, and then go to bed.

                      Even before I became a bride, New Years Eve was always a quiet occasion.  It was one of three days--the others being July 4th and Halloween--that one did not venture out at night, if one did not have to.  And this was before Michael Myers and Jamie Lee Curtis as Laurie Strode!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                   So, whatever you do tonight, stay safe, be well, and come back here to find out what happens in 2024!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                     "Should auld acquaintance be forgot, and never brought to mind," darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                        Here is BARBRA---who else? --doing the titular question of this blog post!  Enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!



Saturday, December 30, 2023

Girls, If You Want To End The Year With Buxom Bosoms, And Scantily Clad Dancing Witches, Tune In As "Svengoolie" Presents " The Undead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


                         Oh, darlings, if you have never seen it, you must!  This is the Roger Corman 1957 wannabe classic (that never quite made it) with bosomy Allison Hays, the Femme Fatale Of Fifties Fright Films, and Val Dufour, who would go on to play John Wyatt, a not always on the up lawyer, on the CBS soap opera "Search For Tomorrow," which I used to watch during the 1970's, darlings!

                          Alas, this film is far from perfect though it makes interesting use of visuals.  This is no "Supermarket Sweep;" one cannot even tell where the produce is.  Good as everyone is, this film becomes repetitive fast, seeming far longer than it actually is.

                           I don't know, girls. If you have never seen it, and want to give it a try on this last Saturday of 2023, then go ahead.  As for all of us here, we may just tune in to something else.

                           And don't worry, I will be sure to give you a full report!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Friday, December 29, 2023

Always This Blog's Person Of The Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     TIME Magazine may have named Taylor Swift, but as long as is possible, Sister Camille D'Arienzo will always be the Person Of The Year on this blog.  Her inspirational sermonettes every Sunday morning at 8:35AM on 1010 WINS are inspirational and comforting.  She says in the briefest of time what most preachers can't say in twenty minutes.

                                      We also love Sister Camille for her love of God, and the many ways there are to express that love, as she preaches.  Like doing good for someone.  Or donating your time to something worthy.

                                          Sister Camille is the real deal.  Until Mary makes another apparition somewhere, we are in good hands with Sister Camille.

                                            Congratulations on being The Raving Queen's Person Of The Year!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Scrooge Would Have Been Worse Had He Been Required To Ride The New York City Subway On Christmas Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           Here I am at home, darlings, nursing a head cold.  But, let me assure you if I was needed tonight to go on as Fantine, believe me, I could do it.

                          Christmas Day, David and I went into the city to meet friends, and to see the film "Maestro."  More on that, in another post.  But the subway on Christmas Day?????????  Oh, my God.  Selfish people hogging seats, or squeezing into too little space, and none of these folk were overweight, so stop blaming this practice on the obese!  The lack of class and civility...oh, my God!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Remember when Scrooge asks, "Are there no prisons?  Are there no workhouses?"  He could have easily said that the other day on the city subway.  I now try to ride it as little as possible.

                                Now, I am about to read what will either be my 104th book of 2023.  Or the first of 2024.  I aim for the latter, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Ta ta!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, December 25, 2023

Merry Christmas, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Baby Jesus Has Arrived!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          This is the day we have all been awaiting, girls!  Baby Jesus made his appearance at midnight, and, if his entrance was not as spectacular as the way it was done at Radio City, nevertheless it is heartfelt.

                            However you choose to celebrate this day, darlings, remember who made it all possible..

                           It is not just about presents, darlings, but who does not love new accessories???????????

                           Especially if they come from Louis Vuitton or Gucci!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, December 24, 2023

Already?????????????? It's Time For Judy And Margaret!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           Every Christmas Eve, I post this scene, from the penultimate scene in 1944's "Meet Me In St. Louis."  This is when Garland sings "Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas," and Margaret runs out of the house in hysterics, smashing her snowmen (and winning a Juvenile Oscar for this outstanding performance) till Judy comforts her and brings her in.

                         No movie says Christmas to me like "Meet Me In St. Louis."  The entire Winter sequence is breathtaking visually and heartrendingly emotional.  Get out those hankies, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            Especially since I will post this scene below for all.  You may not get Margaret smashing the snowmen, but with Judy singing to her, who can blame her for tearing up?  I do the very same thing.

                             When this scene rolls, all of us who love it become Tootie ourselves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Happy Christmas Eve, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Here it is!  Enjoy it and be moved.  Margaret is the only one left alive, at 86!

Saturday, December 23, 2023

"The Black Cat" Is A Universal Film, But Not The 1934 Gem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            Though Bela Lugosi was in both versions, and both were released by Universal Pictures, this "Black Cat," which "Svengoolie" is showing tonight, at 8PM, is from 1941.  It is billed as a "comedy mystery," and has a cast of scene stealers--Lugosi, Basil Rathbone, and, best of all, Gale Sondergaard, who here will probably do a variation on Judith Anderson as Mrs. Danvers.

                              The plot is generic--a family vying for the inheritance and wealth of a substantial estate, waiting for the figurehead to die.  How many times have we seen this one, darlings??????????????

                                My guess is that the cat will have a hand in the shenanigans and may even steal the show!   Too bad Nicholas did not make this film; though he is not black, he is quite the scene stealer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 So, tune in tonight, girls, and then we may discuss it over coffee or tea.  With cake or dainties, of course!

                                 "Svengoolie" must have a fondness for felines.  Two "Black Cats," and, of course, "The Shadow Of the Cat."

                                    How about Val Lewton's 1942 "Cat People," Sven???????????????????

Friday, December 22, 2023

"The Night Walker" Crawled, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          This is one I would not watch a second time.  Sorry, "Svengoolie!"

                                          One can see how this ended William Castle's career.  Not only no gimmicks, but no camp.  Unlike "Strait-Jacket," where Joan and everyone camped it up, no one in this film seems to have a sense of humor.  They all take it too seriously.  The plot is simply Stanwyck being "gaslit," but let me tell you, Ingrid Bergman, and even Joan, did it better back in 1944 and 1964.

                                            "The Night Walker" is slow moving to the point of boredom.  It throws too many red herrings at the viewer.  And the visuals, some of which are lovely, do not take place throughout the film; really, only at the start, and midway through.  They should have been threaded throughout the entire film, to make it fun.  

                                                 And from this Castle thought he could direct "Rosemary's Baby??????????"  Give me a break!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                Girls, I am telling you, "The Night Walker" is for naught.

                                                 Avoid it the next time it is shown!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, The Holidays Would Not Be Complete Without A Victorian Sponge Cake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                         For some, it's Yorkshire or figgy pudding.  For others, a fruit cake.  Or even a candle in a jar of Razzleberry dressing.

                          But for me, darlings, the holidays are not complete without a Victorian Spong Cake, which looks like two white cake layers centered with cream and strawberry jam.  I mean, yum!  And what a gorgeous looking dessert!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Perfect for the holidays or teatime

                            Looking at it, I get the urge to make one.  But if I tried--ugh, the kitchen would be such a mess!  So, I will leave that to David.  I will be sure to give you a full report, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

                             The most scrumptious holiday dessert I have seen this year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today Is The Shortest Day Of The Year, Darlings, So Get Moving!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But Is Tonight The Longest Night? Or Was It Last Night??????????????????

                            Every year, at this time, the question plagues me.  The good news is that starting tomorrow, the days will let longer, so that, eventually, it will not be turning dark at 4;30 in the afternoon, which is so depressing.  I mean, some of us are still enjoying afternoon tea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             This is the day we have all been building to since June 22.  That's right., just six months after Meryl's birthday.   Now, start looking forward to the days drawing out, as we celebrate the holidays.

                               Whatever you do with the time you have got on this day, girls, make sure it is enriching!

                                  How about some Gucci???????????  Or Dior????????????????

Thursday, December 21, 2023

See How Lovable Our Reptilian Friend, Gojira, Is?????????????????????????????

                           Whether on the Hollywood red carpet, or just hanging out with friends, Gojira is lovable, and everyone loves him.  Just look at the grosses on his latest film.  And Oscar talk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               But Gojira loves helping those in need, and he especially loves the children, who flock around him to get a great big hug from this dinosaur with a great big heart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                I hear that over the weekend, he is going to wear a Santa hat, and hand out gifts to needy children.  Which is why everyone in this house loves him.

                                  Merry Christmas, Gojira!  Keep spreading happiness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy First Day Of Winter, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Well, girls, it is official.  Today is the first day of Winter, and that means a long cold season ahead.  Time to read Victorian novels, cuddle up with coffee, tea or cider, and make the next three months go by, in order to greet Spring.

                              With Winter here, the holiday season really gets into gear; only four days till Christmas, dolls, so let me hear it--ARE WE READY????????????????????????

                                I guess I am as ready as I will always be, what with this concert coming up, which I am just going to do my best, and get through the experience.  I just hope my voice stays in perfect shape, so I can deliver the goods on Sunday December 24.

                                  But here is Winter and let us enjoy it.  Normally, I would post here the song "Winter Was Warm," from "Mr. Magoo's Christmas Carol."  It is a gorgeous song, but it is so sad, and I want no sadness this year.  Only happiness to all, and good cheer.

                                   Here's to Winter, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Happy Last Day Of Autumn, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                        Remember, girls, according to how I was taught, the seasons change on the 21st.

                       But, really, did we even have an Autumn?  It seems like we didn't.  What with climate change, it feels like going from Summer to Winter.

                        Winter starts tomorrow, and it always seems the longest of the seasons.  

                         Autumn has become sort of an afterthought.

                       Except, girls, there are still four seasons, and I believe in that.  So, let us say goodbye to Autumn today--no matter what its permeation--and get ready to welcome Winter.

                        I mean, the shortest day, Christmas, New Year's.....who says this is not an exciting time?

                        But when they end, then comes the crash of Seasonal Affect Disorder.

                        Goodbye, Autumn; Happy Winter, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Does "The New York Times," Or Anyone, Still Do "The 100 Neediest Cases" At Christmas????????????????????

                           Real heavy topic, girls.   Yeah, I know.  When I was young, and newspapers were all hard copy, I used to read about "The 100 Neediest Cases" in The Times each year, to kind of reassure myself, and thank God I was not in that position. 

                            Now, having lived in New York forty years--yes, darlings!!!!!!!!--I have seen these situations in reality.  Whenever I see something like the above, I give money, emphasizing to the person that some of it must go toward the dog.

                              Back in the Eighties, when I was boarding the R train at Union Square and reading "Les Misérables" prior to the original's Broadway arrival, I passed a toothless woman and a child in need.  I guessed they were mother and daughter, in rags, and at first, I passed them by.  But then a voice inside me said, "In another time, this would have been Fantine and Cosette.  Would you turn your back on them?"  So, I listened, and gave the woman and child as much help as I was capable of giving at the time.

                              We don't know everyone's story; there are probably more than a million stories now in "The Naked City," and we don't know how things may turn out for any one of us.  Certainly, giving at all times of the year is important, but I think it should be stressed now, as these unfortunates see happy people shopping for expensive presents, which I am sure they wished they had for themselves or their pets.  And the weather is cold.

                                Even a dollar, darlings, could make a difference to these people.  And the poor animals.

                                Remember "The Little Drummer Boy," darlings?  It is not the quantity that one gives, but the heartfulness behind the gift given.

                                  So, especially this time of year, when seeing someone like the picture above, give what you can.

                                   It does make a difference!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Monday, December 18, 2023

Another Artist To Watch Out For, Girls--Ken Orvidas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Isn't His Work Gorgeous???????????????????????????



                         If you live in or near Bay Ridge, darlings, you can see "Flower Power" on display at the Manhattan bound 77th Street station.  That is where Ken Orvidas first caught my eye.

                           Does he have a gallery?  Exhibits?  A shop of his own is SoHo or Brooklyn.  Look what he does with linear formation!!!!!!!!!!!  And his coloring is not bad either!!!!!!!!!!!  Isn't Babe, The Blue Ox, simply cute in the Paul Bunyan drawing????????????????

                            Ken operates out of Woodinville, in the state of Washington.  Really, he needs to come to Manhattan and establish himself with a gallery, studio or shop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Embrace new talent, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And Do NOT Miss The Erté Exhibit, Now On Display All Month At The Martin Lawrence Gallery, 457 West Broadway!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       December is turning out to be a fashion designer fan's dream month.  Schiaparelli and others uptown, and Erté downtown!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Did you know Erté is considered the father of Art Deco???????????  Reason enough to see this display.

                                         You can either visit each separately or make a Fashion Day out of it by visiting both.  I don't know how I am going to find the time, darlings, but I must!!!!!!!!!  I mean, Erté!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Isn't that enough????????????????

                                            Feast for famine.  That is what life in NYC is like.

                                           Let's feast while we can, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Darlings, Will The MET Costume Institute Exhibit Feature My Favorite Elsa Schiaparelli Designs??????????????????????

                         Here are a few of them, and I hope they are the exhibit.  I mean, look at those shapes, cuts, textures, colors and patterns!  How I would love to wear even a Schiaparelli knockoff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  It would be so exciting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            The MET Costume Institute's exhibit on women and women designers runs from December 7 through March 3.  That is almost three months!!!!!!!!!!!!   I have GOT to get over there, and so do you, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               One can never get enough of Schiaparelli!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 And who is behind this all?  ANNA, of course!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Another reason to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, What About Candy Red For The Bathroom??????????????????????

                                   It is never time to think about home decoration ideas, darlings.  Spring is the season, and I think this candy red would be lovely for our bathroom.  Why should the least frequented room in the place not be dolled up, so that it is glamorous when used?

                                    As you know, loves, I am all about COLOR!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 I have actually seen some red bathrooms in my time, and they really are eye catching.


                                They make one want to stay there longer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 What do you think, girls????????????????????????

Darlings, Let's Build A Toyland Town All Around The Christmas Tree!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          Now, girls, we all know Christmas is about more than presents, but who can deny it is fun to get some?  I hope all of you have done your shopping and cards and are ready to greet the day.

                           Christmas is especially hard for me, girls, because David's birthday is exactly a week later on January 1, and while I have dinner lined up, I still have that gift to get, though I am thinking of some ideas.  Never at a loss for words or ideas, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             So let us make our Christmas as joyful as we can for everyone!

                             Build that Toyland Town, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Darlings, Here Is What We Watched, When Skipping Over "Svengoolie's" Broadcast Of 1963's "The Raven!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                       "Dicks: The Musical" is definitely a musical non-classic.  It is not even bad enough to make worst lists like "Can't Stop The Music," or The Bee Gees' 1978 "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band."  And, girls, don't get too excited, because anyone looking for dicks, will not find them here.  Not a single penis to be shown.

                                            However, it is campy and fun.  Bowen Yang as God is hilarious, though I felt a bit guilty--should I be watching this?  But even God has a sense of humor!  I mean, he has let me live long enough to write this blog, hasn't he?

                                             Back to the movie.  Darlings, this is a gay male version of "The Parent Trap," and while the boys who are twins--Joshua Sharp as Craig and Aaron Jackson as Trevor---are not even boys but young men; worse than that, though, they are NOT Hayley Mills!  How dare Hayley is disrespected like this?  Wasn't that Lohan girl's version bad enough?

                                              Broadway veterans Nathan Lane and Megan Mullaly liven things up; especially the latter, playing a disabled 90+ woman in a wheelchair, who finds a different voice than Karen's and belts out mediocre songs that call one's attention to them, because of her Broadway voice.  Though something of a scene stealer himself, Nathan Lane is upstaged by two small special effects creatures called The Sewer Boys, who are kind of cute.  Their story is tragic but has a happy ending.

                                                   Campy, but entertaining, "Dicks: The Musical" offers enjoyment rather than art.  It got us through the evening, and again Megan Mullaly steals the show.

                                                     Don't be fooled by crude titles, darlings! They may turn out better than at first expected!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, December 16, 2023

Oh, My God! Will Barbara Stanwyck Make Love To The Gargoyle???????????????????

                                           Girls, I am telling you, if she does, it will outdo Grayson Hall in "Gargoyles."

                                           But, really, this week's "Svengoolie" offering, "The Night Walker," is one I have always wanted to see.  It is said to be Stanwyck's final film; remember, her performance as Mary Cleary in "The Thorn Birds" was a TV mini-series."

                                           And it is one of the last, if not the last, of the William Castle movies.  Oh, sure, he produced "Rosemary's Baby," but that was just a bone thrown to him, because he wanted to direct it, and there was no way Paramount was going to let him get his hands on an A-list property.  And look at the perfection of the results!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          All I know is "The Night Walker" involves a woman having strange dreams.  Hey, I have those often!  And Rochelle Hudson, from "Strait-Jacket" in this too, Wonder if she will turn out to be nasty, as I first expected, in "Strait-Jacket?"  In any case, I have a feeling Stanwyck, like Joan in the other film, will be gaslit.

                                           Maybe she had to be lit, in order to make the film!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           Tune in with us, tonight at 8PM, to find out, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Thursday, December 14, 2023

Signature Center's "The Night Of The Iguana" Sinks Into The West, Like An Empty Sunset!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Oh, Lord God, spare me from bad Shakespeare or Tennessee Williams.  Having seen three productions of "The Night Of The Iguana" during my time in NYC, this comes off as the worst, for several reasons.

                                    All of them stem from director Emily Mann, who went so weak in her casting, and has no vision of what she wanted to accomplish with this staging.  This is exemplified by the casting and performance results from Jean Lichty, playing the pivotal role of anguished spinster Hannah Jelkes.  The sad thing is when she enters, Miss Lichty has the perfect look and manner for the part.  But when she opens her mouth--out the window goes all of Williams's poetry.  Darlings, as Mrs. Higgins said in "My Fair Lady," "She's ready for a canal barge."

                                   This is especially detrimental to the second act, which is largely a dialogue between Hannah and the Rev. Shannon, just as the second act of "Cat On A Hot Tin Roof" is a dialogue between Brick and Big Daddy.

                                    Daphne Rubin-Vega has the earthiness for Maxine but plays her like she is from the upper barrio of NYC.  Come on, Daphne, it has been almost thirty years since "Rent," and you can't do anything else?  Get over it!  Tim Daly tries for Shannon, but, honey, has he aged, and his ravings of self-destruction are not at all convincing; instead of a man with inner torment, we get a petulant, childish drunk.

                                       Then there is Lea De Laria.  Why the hell was she cast?  The good thing is I had forgotten that Miss Judith Fellows, one of the roles I always wanted to play, gets less stage time than I remember.  The bad news is this spinster teacher, who is a repressed lesbian is anything but with De Laria playing it.  Hell, if they wanted to camp it up, why not just get Rosie O' Donnell????????????

                                           It hurts me to see Williams' last good play ruined in this manner.  With the audience laughing it up as if at a Neil Simon play, instead of a study of people in different stages of self-destruction.  The only real performance here is the great Austin Pendleton, as Nono, the world's oldest living poet.  I had forgotten he has lines--quite a few and thank God! --but the really remarkable thing is that, and I could see this from where I sat, when he is not on stage, he is never breaks character, but is always physically doing something related to the role he is playing, rather than just sitting there waiting for his next cue.  This is what acting is, if only the other cast members noted this, and if perhaps Pendleton had directed, better casting choices would have been made.

                                            My favorite line in this play is when Hannah says, "Nothing human is disgusting, unless it is cruel, unkind or violent."  I am sorry to sound so cruel but what been done with this "Night Of The Iguana" is truly disgusting, and I urge theatergoers to avoid it.

                                            Stick to the 1964 John Huston movie, darlings!  How does one top Grayson Hall singing "Three Little Fishies??????????????"

Merry Christmas To Everyone On Here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        Front and center, of course, is our adorable Baby Gojira in his fashionable holiday outfit, which he loves to show off!  With him is his sidekick and assistant, Little Pippin, and to the right is the ceramic Christmas tree my mother made herself, when I was in second or third grade.

                                          This is my way of sending Holiday Greetings to all of you.  The holidays are a great time for fashion and beauty, but also remembrance, like remembering I could not write this blog without so many of you out there who read it.  And I want to say thank you.

                                            By the way Pope Francis' birthday is this coming Sunday.  He will be 87.  I cannot wait to hear the special message Sister Camille has on that day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             Merry Christmas to all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I Survived My Endoscopy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                        A week back, when I told my neurologist I was scheduled for an endoscopy, he reassured me it was nothing.  Then he asked me how old I was.  I told him I had recently turned 69. He said it was about time I had one.

                          So, yesterday, an anxious mess, my beloved David accompanied me to the center where it was done, at the end of the world in Manhattan, on the West Side, between 11th and 12th Avenues.  I mean, darlings, the river was right there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           I was prepped and wheeled in.  They put something for me to clamp down on with my mouth; I was afraid I was going to be intubated.  The next thing I remember is laying in my bed in the prep spot, and a nurse came in, and I said, "When am I going to have this endoscopy?"  The nurse smiled and said, "Oh, you are all done.  You've had it."  I had no idea.

                             I did not have a sore throat, and my voice sounded the same.  I trilled a few notes and found I could do it.  But I am holding back on singing till Sunday's rehearsal.

                               I want to especially thank David who endured other, and everyone who reassured me along the way.

                                As Eugene says, at the end of "Brighton Beach Memoirs," "Onward and upward!"

Monday, December 11, 2023

Girls, Wouldn't We All Want To Look Like This For Christmas????????????????????????

                        I mean, that crisp white blouse!  That floral bow tie!  Those pink pants, white shoes, and pink nail polish on fingers and toes to match!!!!!!!!!!!!  Plus, that waste line!  Wouldn't we all just love to have THAT, girls????????????????

                       It is Christmas time, and time to present that singing rage, Miss Patti Page!   I would love to look like this for one Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                       But most of all, it is time for Patti to sing.  Here is one of my favorites of hers--

                                Here is Patti singing "Jingle Bells" enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, December 9, 2023

Tonight May Be A Good Night To Exercise Those Options, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 If only "Svengoolie" were showing 1935's "The Raven," which is a real gem, just like last week's lavishly Technicolored "The Mystery Of The Wax Museum," where, if one looked hard enough, not only could Queen Victoria could be spotted moving her eyes, but so other actors portraying wax figures.

                                     Unfortunately, "Svengoolie" is offering the 1963 version.  Now, it has an all-star cast, and a scene stealing raven.  Those who have not seen it may find it entertaining, and worth it to see this trio of pros in one film. However, the film is reduced to camp hilarity, with Peter Lorre stealing the show; imagine The Three Stooges in a horror film, and this is what it amounts to.

                                         So, tonight, in this house, options may be exercised.  Having mentioned "The Bad Seed" yesterday, it is a possibility, as it can always be counted on to deliver.  Again, those having never seen it are urged to; I promise you will never forget it.

                                          But, whatever we decide, I shall report all to you, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        Have a fabulous Saturday night, dears!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!