
Sunday, December 11, 2016

This Was One Charlotte Who Would Not Hush Up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Now, girls, the other "Dead Silent" tale I watched, told the story of Larry Cragun, a man who was mentally ill, had killed before, yet was out and about, and moved to Bay View, Idaho, for a more quiet, contemplative life.

                                       According to the program, the isolation of the place was getting to him, and after he lost his job, working at a marina, his wife and kids left him.  Cragun started hanging out at the local bar, where the bartender told him a chilling story.

                                        Back in 1949, the town had a Lizzie Borden type murder.  Charlotte, at sixteen, had recently lost her mother, who had passed on. This left she and her father as two inconsolable souls, facing this loss alone, though both lived in the house.

                                          Charlotte had a keen desire to go out on the lake.  Her father kept promising, while further retreating into alcoholism to cope with his grief.  One day, Charlotte had had enough of empty promises, and so she whacked her father to pieces, with an ax.  Then, you better believe she took that ride on the lake, laughing and cackling maniacally.

                                            The bartender told Larry Cragun that, while she was convicted, Charlotte is something of an urban legend; it is said that, at certain times of the night, from out on the lake,  one can hear her maniacal laughter.  Before long, Larry started hearing it.  He also began to believe his next door neighbors were harassing them, doing things like--get this--putting pubic hair in his food!
Ewwwwwwwwwww!  But, you know, I go for the grizzly, darlings!  I hold nothing back!

                                              Things came to a culmination the night of December 19, 2010.  Cragun, who I believe to have been possessed by the ghost of Charlotte, broke into the home of Yvonne Wallis--actually, he just walked in, because this was the kind of place where residents kept their doors unlocked.  Well, not any more!!!!!!!!!!!  He attacked Yvonne and her family, bludgeoning everyone with a hammer, which included the Heaths--husband Michael, son Jed, and daughter Patricia.  Only Patricia died, and Larry got Life for this senseless killing and attack.  Hopefully, he is getting mental help, too.

                                          Larry, pictured below, was, obviously not wrapped too tightly.  Don't blame this on Idaho, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!  This has nothing to do with French's potatoes!

                                            Personally, I just love that Charlotte!  Now, she was some cool customer!!!!!!!!!!  I mean, if one is going to murder, do it stylishly, not like some bedraggled loser!!!!!!!!!


KrisRe1428 said...

I love your style and storytelling but want to let you know you have several important details of this incorrect.
1. The 1949 murder was with a hammer not ax
2. Larry Cragun had never killed prior to the murder in 2010. He and his now ex wife and daughter moved to bayview to work on their marage and bc he had gotten a job at the marina.
3. The home he broke into was of Patricia & Mike Heath. Patricia was disabled from a hand injury and her daughter in law Yvonne was her caretaker. The heaths had a son, Jeb.
4. Patricia, the matriarch of the family, died the following day of her injuries. Mike, Jeb, and his wife Yvonne survived. Mike was not severely injured but Yvonne required many surgeries and care and Jeb required minor medical attention.
5. Larry was found to be suffering from schizophrenia after his arrest. He was evaluated by several drs. and was finally properly diagnosed.

Again, I love your story telling and pizzaz!! I could read anything you write all day!! I just wanted you to have the correct information as to this particular story. No disrespect intended by any means, and I hope you don't take it that way!
Thank you for a wonderful read, and please don't stop dazzling us with your talented way with words and storytelling!! Take care!!

KrisRe1428 said...

Sry, I need to correct myself now lol. Patricia is the matriarch yes but Yvonne and mike were married and Jeb was their son and Patricia's grandson. Apologies!!

The Raving Queen said...

Apology accepted. No problem!

JustMe said...

Actually, Mike was married to Patricia. Lorraine is his mother. No disrespect, just putting out the correct information.

The Raving Queen said...


No offense taken. One problem
writing from and ID show is
that sometimes they don't get
the info write, or, since I am
only watching it once, I sometimes
don't. I try to be accurate, sometimes
I miss. And I admit this was a very
convuluted case!

tray said...

Here's some info directly from a news story, to straighten out the identities. I just watched this episode the other day and Lorraine is called "Yvonne" in the episode. I think that may be her middle name based on the "Y" in this excerpt.

Here's the quote:

"Patricia Heath, 43, died of her head wounds in hospital, Jedidiah M. Heath, 21, and Michael L. Heath, 40, suffered less serious injuries and fully recovered. 58 Lorraine Y. Wallis was badly wounded and required numerous brain operations."

Patty was married to Mike. She died. Their son was Jed. Mike's mom was "Yvonne" (Lorraine), the "matriarch" of the whole family. She did NOT die. Hope this helps.

The Raving Queen said...


Thank you for the info.
Either my processing is slow, or
ID does not always get it right. I
have not done a True Crime piece for
a long time, due to limited access--
my husband works from home, and Covid--
but perhaps next time out, I will
research things carefully.