
Sunday, July 14, 2024

"This Isn't Dallas! It's Nashville! They Can't Do That To Us, Here In Nashville!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                             Remember those apocryphal lines Henry Gibson spoke at the climax of Robert Altman's 1975 masterwork, which will turn 50 next year?

                                I could not help but hear them flash through my head, as I witnessed on TV the attempted assassination of former President Trump, an event, I fear that puts us dangerously closer to civil war than ever before.  Heaven help us if he had been killed!

                                 Hey, I don't like the guy. But that does not mean he should be shot, or such actions permitted.  Where was the security?  Or, more to the point, where wasn't it?  Was this all planned?  And right before the RNC???????????????

                                   I am not surprised someone took a shot at Trump.  I am surprised it took this long. But it does not bode well for the next several months, which will bring panic, chaos and outrage.

                                      A gag order, duct tape, and encampment at Mar-a-Lago is all that is needed.

                                    Violence only begets violence, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A Night On The Town, Last Tuesday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        At David's behest, I was whisked off to Broadway Tuesday night, to see "The Notebook."  I was glad I went, but--

                                           When the movie "The Notebook" came out in 2004--hey, that is 20 years ago! --I had no intention of seeing it, until I read Dwight Garner in "The New York Times," who compared Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams to Natalie Wood and Warren Beatty in 1961's "Splendor In The Grass."  The last is one of my favorite films, so I had to see what all the fuss was about.

                                                 Even though "The Notebook," on screen and stage, is designed to be a tearjerker, it did not get to me until the end.  The movie had passionate performances by Gosling and McAdams, but this time I felt he was the Natalie Wood character.  The same could be said of Joan Allen and Andrea Burns, who play a variation of Audrey Christie's Monster Midwestern Mother from the 1961 film.  The influence of William Inge is all through "The Notebook," and I felt it keenly in the musical adaptation.

                                                       Would that the music would whisk the audience away to a romance felt by the younger Noah and Allie.  Alas, the Music and Lyrics by Ingrid Michaelson are repetitive and pedestrian; so much so that, while the voices are glorious, I wished they would just stop singing what sound like the same melodies over and over again.  I kept waiting for the famous rain scene, but that does not happen till the opening of Act Two.  Better it should have ended Act One; it would have been the perfect way to end the act.  Some sloppy musical theater writing, here.

                                                           Dorian Harewood, and especially Maryanne Plunkett makes up for it all as the older Noah and Allie.  Theirs are the most touching moments in the show, and their absence is felt when they are offstage.  Plunkett should have received a TONY Award for her work, and the ending does bring on tears the whole evening is trying to generate.

                                                               The end result is an entertaining show that demonstrates, proof positive, it did not need to be made into a musical.  Not everything does, darlings.

                                                                  This made me want to see the movie again, not only for the memorable turns by Gosling and McAdams, but also by James Garner and Gena Rowlands, who, tragically, now herself has Alzheimer's.

                                                                     One last thing.  In 1953, Inge wrote a one-act play called "Glory In The Flower," where two former lovers meet in a diner.  On the face of his winning the Oscar for his "Splendor In The Grass" script, though the characters earlier are named Jackie and Bus, they are recognized now as foreshadows of Bud and Deanie in 'Splendor.'

                                                                          "The Notebook" has a strong feminine demographic.  Teenage girls and those in their early twenties flock to it and will love it.  But I miss the show it might have been had a better score been provided.  Where was Jeanine Tesori?  Lucy Simon?  Or Carly? Stronger musical composition skills were needed here.

                                                                                 The show is worth seeing.  But how I miss all it might have been. 


Saturday, July 13, 2024

To Me, She Will Always Be L.A. Joan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               That was my introduction to Shelley Duvall, when I first saw "Nashville" back in 1975.  I was very sad to hear of her passing on July 11 of this year, just four days past her 75th birthday on July 7.  She had a quirkiness that worked for here in films, especially those made by Robert Altman.  I mean, she was just BORN to play the role of Olive Oyl in "Popeye," where she turned out to be the best thing in Altman's otherwise worst film.

                                   She struck gold with "Faerie Tale Theatre," which ran for six seasons on TV.

                                    But there came a point, incomprehensible to me, where the quirkiness did not work anymore, taking over her personality instead.  It stripped her of her unconventional beauty, leaving her a haggard, homeless look wreck, living out of a trailer.  Shelley Duvall?  Yes, darlings.  Without Altman as a compass to guide her, it all became too much.  Why she did not seek help, or no one reached out to her I cannot explain.  I know it was a tragedy, and resulted in an early departure, for Shelley, whom I mourn.

                          Just take a look at this photo, darlings.  It says it all. This is from Altman's 1977 film "Three Women," my favorite next to "Nashville."  Shelley, Sissy Spacek, the images and the color and composition thereof say more about filmmaking and the kind that unfortunately does not exist today. I do not just mourn Shelley Duvall, but the kind of filmmaking that allowed her to flourish.

                             Rest In Peace, Shelley Duvall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, Do Not Watch This If You Have Already Seen It!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Why is "Svengoolie' dragging out that 1966 chestnut, "Munster, Go Home," out of the vault for another screening?  I am telling you, having seen it, stretching out these TV series characters to a feature length film, and depicting them in color is tedious and make the actors look fake, which they do not in the black-and-white half sour sitcom of their lives.

                                     Poor Yvonne De Carlo looks the worst in this.  But she got even, when, five years later, she originated the role of Carlotta Campion in Prince/Sondheim/s "FOLLIES," and brought the house down with her rendition of "I'm Still Here."  Remember her that way, dears.

                                     So, we will watch something else tonight.  But we will not make the mistake we did several weeks ago.  That week, "Svengoolie" was showing "The Monolith Monsters," which I refused to see a second time.  We turned to Pay Per View and found a 2024 film entitled "The Twisters," which I mistakenly thought was the film "Twisters," opening later this coming week.  It had twisters, all right, but only stock footage superimposed against actors clearly going nowhere.  It was almost as bad as "The Ghost And Mr. Chicken," another film to avoid on "Svengoolie."

                                     Darlings, hopefully we will make a better choice this week. How I would love to see "Die! Die," My Darling!" with Tallulah Bankhead and Stefanie Powers.  You got to see the scene where Tallulah force feeds the unsweetened oatmeal to Stefanie.  And how about Yootha Joyce as housekeeper/sadist Anna???????????????

                                       Now, THAT would be an evening of fun, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, July 12, 2024

Darlings, Wouldn't You Love To Have One???????????????

                                                That is right, girls.  There is a Giant Bat Rat Spider Crab Creature Doll!!!!!!!!!  Isn't it cute?  The most creative monster since Cucumbo in "It Conquered The World."  And made by the same studio, AIP--American International Pictures!

                                                   This is sure to brighten up any household.  A real cute, conversation piece.  But where to put it?  It might look nice on our lower book cabinet shelf.  Or how about as a settee on a kitchen or dining room table?  

                                                     Of course, at our house, it cannot upstage Baby Gojira!  As if anything could!

                                                      But, really, darlings!  This is must!

                                                       You will be the talk of your neighborhood or building!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Sunday, July 7, 2024

"SUFFS" Is The New "RAGS," And The Female "1776!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                          Thanks to our friends Ellen and Victor, who got relatively inexpensive tickets, we saw "SUFFS" two week ago Sunday.  I had been intrigued by its presentation on the TONY Awards, so when this opportunity came up, we grabbed it, and it was worth it.

                                             "SUFFS" bears comparison with "RAGS," because both deal with periods in early twentieth century history.  And both have haunting, melodic scores, which I cannot tell you how refreshing it was being in a Broadway house, hearing such.  The problem "RAGS" had was it was never conceptualized as "SUFFS" is, ending up more as an overly talky book musical than the sung through show with soaring songs, which it might have been, and deserves someday to be.  Hey, it took 42 years to get 'Merrily' right.  Perhaps the same someday will be done with "RAGS."

                                                 As for "1776," well "SUFFS" has not only an all-female cast, but an all-female orchestra.  Not since "The Secret Garden" has there been such a powerhouse of female creativity on Broadway.

                                                  Oh, and how is this?  In this year's TONY roster of nominees for "Best Musical," "SUFFS" and "Hell's Kitchen" shared the honor of being two musicals that first started out downtown at The Public Theatre.  "SUFFS" was there in 2022, and took two years to get to Broadway, due to Covid.  But how many years have boasted two shows that began at The Public?

                                                     "SUFFS" moves easily from scene to scene, with conceptual settings that make it all seem seamless, like one environment, and thirty-six--count them! -musical numbers.  The score is haunting, rousing, and fun; one number "G.A.B.," an acronym I cannot reveal, is a solid showstopper, among so many showstoppers."

                                                        At the helm of it all is Shaina Taub, who not only wrote the Book, Music and Lyrics, winning TONYS for both, but plays the lead role of Alice Paul.  A tiny dynamo with a gigantic voice, Miss Paul is a force to be reckoned with, given her remarkable creative, efforts and her performance power, reminding me of the young Alice Playten.  The entire ensemble is uniformly outstanding, but I must say Hannah Cruz as Inez Mulholland, Emily Skinner as Alva Belmont and Phoebe Burn--some cast members double up as characters--and Kim Blanck as Ruza Wenclawska are standouts.

                                                               "SUFFS" deserves to be seen, not only for its theatrical excellence, which includes Leigh Silverman's direction and Mayte Natalio's choreography, but because audiences will get a glimpse into history never taught in my time, which makes me question if it is now.  Before "SUFFS," I had no idea any of these women were real; I went in thinking they were to be archetypes, and, to an extent, they are, but all lived and breathed and died as portrayed on stage.  Less known than the Founding Fathers of "1776" "SUFFS" forces the audience, in a uniquely musical theater way, to examine a slice of American history seldom known or acknowledged.  It is both entertaining and educational.  And what is the last Broadway show we can say that about, darlings???????????????

                                                                  How apt "SUFFS" opened in this crucial election year.  May it inspire people to get out and vote, come November.

                                                                   Meantime, flock to the Music Box Theatre, sit back and enjoy this show's blazing theatricality.

Yes, This Is For Real!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But I Am Not So Sure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          Oh, I have no doubts about the show.  "Gypsy" is a remarkable show, with a score that pulls the audience in as soon the first notes of the Overture are heard.  But what follows depends on the whirling dervish that is cast as Mama Rose, and I am not sure Audra McDonald, talented though she be, is up to it.

                           Face it, darlings.  To play Rose, one has to be a belter.  I mean, remember Patti?  Who could forget?  As far as I am concerned, she made "Gypsy" the one for our generation.  Just like Ethel Merman did for hers.  How the hell does one top that?

                            Now, I love Audra, darlings, but face it, she is NOT a belter.  And this was proven by Bernadette Peters playing the role in 2003. As the score went on, I kept wondering if she would lose her voice; if not at my performance, but in doing the show eight times a week.  It was sad, because she was surrounded by a very talented cast.  But the eye of this theatrical hurricane has to be Rose, and except in the softer number, "Small World," Peters was not up to it.

                                I fear the same for Audra.  But there is one saving grace!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                         I want to play Dainty June!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                        First of all, I have been doing the 'Caroline' number, plus "If Mama Was Married" all my life, or since age 12, when I first heard the Original Broadway Cast Album.  There is no question that I am a belter.  One ENT specialist I saw told me I had the strongest set of vocal cords she had ever seen!  How about that, darlings?????????  And I would love working with Caroline!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          There is one challenge, though.  That entrance, and that split.  I am doing leg stretches and yoga these days to build up my strength.  But that split.  What about my testicles?  This is something a woman does not have to worry about, but men?  I have seen men do splits; my first one was Ben Vereen in the original production of "Pippin."  And that testicular thought went through my mind, back then.  I guess I will have to wear something to protect me under my costume.  Something stronger than an athletic supporter.

                            Leaving that aside, I think Audra's "Gypsy" should be multi racial casting.  Which would make me perfect for the role of Dainty June!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            "My name is June," darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!  "What's yours?????????????????" 

A Fond And Sad Farewell To "Merrily We Roll Along!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                               This is the day Theater Queens, and the trio above have been dreading.  Today the now acclaimed production of "Merrily We Roll Along" closes and goes into the history books.

                                 While the original will always have its place in history, this soon to fold production will go on as being the definitive one.  Not just because of how it was rewritten and staged, though that was crucial to its success, but, more important, the talent and charm of the three performers who brought humanity and vulnerability to their characters, two of whom won TONY Awards, as the show did as "Best Revival Of A Musical."  And Lindsay Mendez, should have completed the TONY triumvirate by winning one, too.

                                How Jonathan Groff pulled off humanizing Franklin Shepard was nothing short of a miracle.  Oh, he was still dislikable, but in this production, it became clear how Life simply swept him away, like a bad ocean current.  He did not strike me as a sellout, but someone making the wrong choices because the things he thought he wanted would make him happy, when they actually did not.  The last image of the show, featuring Groff standing, staring out into a galaxy with Life ahead of him was moving and devastating, because we, who had seen the show, knew what was ahead for him.  And this broke our hearts.

                                   As did the trio's rendition of "Our Time,' which takes us Boomers old enough to have seen the original production back to our starting points and breaking our hearts in the process.  At least mine was broken.  And Mendez and Radcliffe brought such vulnerability to their performances they were almost painful to watch.  And their glorious renditions of the Sondheim score will live forever on the CD.

                                   Now, there are rumors of a filmed performance--culled from a variety of performances--floating about, that may be theatrically released.  How true this is I am not sure, but if it is, you can be sure David and I will be there, and for those unable to have seen the show live, I urge you to take advantage of this opportunity.

                                       And I can guarantee this--starting tomorrow, throngs of people at my former workplace will be fighting one another to view the 'Merrily' videotape!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Because of Maria Friedman, and her sister, Sonia, "Merrily We Roll Along " finally made the history it deserved.  It went from being a flop to the hit many of us knew it could be, and I am so grateful to have lived long enough to have seen this unfold.

                                         Farewell, 'Merrily.'  "Not A Day Goes By" that you will not be thought of.

                              I wanted to give the full version of "Our Time," but could not find it.  Here is a brief excerpt that will convey the effectiveness of this song, and show how special this cast was.

When To Call Child Protective Services???????????????????????

                                                     Girls, I know, this is a really heavy topic for a Sunday, but after last week I was faced with this question.  Because I am sorry I did not.

                                                      David and I were having dinner at our usual locale, the Offshore Diner in our neighborhood of Bay Ridge.  I was waiting for him to arrive, so he did not witness what I did.

                                                       To my left, on the last three stools of the fountain, sat a teenaged girl, her mother, and an 8-year-old boy.  The daughter seemed to be watching the other two.  This eventually became obvious, as the boy was doing something that annoyed his mother.  He seemed to be playing on the fountain stool, like many children do--I did it myself, at that age--and in the process kept either knocking into her or somehow hitting her.  She kept yelling "Don't hit me!" as she was trying to eat.  I noticed none of the children were eating, but it was the mother's tone that struck me.  She was being especially abusive verbally to the boy, and it kept up.  She told the daughter to keep an eye on him, and the two withdrew to a nearby booth.  The girl tried to placate her sibling, but he was emotionally hurt, and showed it.  The mother then said, "If you do that again, I will make you fall!"  When I heard that, I reached for my phone to call CPS. I told my server, a familiar face, what I thought, and she did not disagree with me.  But, as I lifted my cell to call, I wondered how long it would take before someone arrived.  They could be out of the restaurant before anything could be done.  Then, amidst her meal, the woman temporarily abandoned the children to go somewhere next-door shopping, for at least half an hour.  She came back, resumed her meal, and they left.  I wondered what this poor boy was in for.

                                                         I wonder, was I wrong in not calling?  I had no notion of who these people were, as I had never seen them before.  Maybe they were not from the neighborhood.  I could give CPS officials a general description, but how much good would that do?  I was tempted to confront the woman when she left the store alone, but I knew that could get me into trouble.

                                                           What should I have done, readers?  Or do, in case something like this happens again?  I did look outside to see if any police were around, but they weren't.

                                                                I still think about that poor boy.  To give credit, he looked robust and healthy, physically.  Emotionally is another matter.

                                                                 One thing for sure, darlings. If, in the near future, I hear about a young boy dying of abuse, I will never forgive myself.

                                                                  This experience will stay with me, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Saturday, July 6, 2024

Girls, We Cannot Wait To See The Giant Bat-Rat Spider-Crab Creature!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Isn't that some creation, darlings?  Wouldn't it look good as a panel for an entire wall?

                             Tonight, for the first time since we have been watching "Svengoolie," he is going to show 1959's (or was it 1960?) "The Angry Red Planet."  This was AIP's venture into intergalactic space monster territory, and not only is it highly regarded, but it has also been praised by critics and film scholars!  That's right, dears, can you believe it?

                              Because of the creature pictured above, I cannot wait to see this movie on "Svengoolie" tonight at 8PM.  You have never seen anything like this, darlings, so it is worth tuning in.

                              The planet of the title is Mars, which is what this planet has been labeled in real life.

                              But there is nothing real in this Mars, dolls!  Hopefully, just camp fun and laughter!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               See you at 8 tonight, when we all blast off, dears!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, July 5, 2024

Look Who Is Venturing Into The Field Of Children's Literature!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                That is right, darlings, our lovable reptile friend, Gojira, has come out with a book for children, and I know all Gojira fans, young and old, are going to love it.  I cannot wait to read it, girls!

                                  Gojira is not just a major movie star; he is becoming a cottage industry.  Fashions, books written about him, now by him, I can only wonder what field Gojira will conquer next.

                                   I wanted to share this important news with you ASAP.  You can find this book online and order it.

                                    You can be sure it will be a permanent addition to our home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, July 4, 2024

"Three Cheers For The Red, White, And Blue!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                                   No, darlings, I have not become a MAGA--God forbid!  I am merely quoting the intro to the "Freedomland" song of the 1960's.  The other line was "We're on our way to fun--Freedomland!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                                      For those not in the know, "Freedomland" was an Americana style theme park, with exhibits and rides, located on what is now Co-Op City in the Bronx.  I visited there once with my parents.  After five years, it closed and was demolished.

                                                        This is all by way of saying something different than "Happy Fourth Of July!"  Well, the same to you, too, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                           However you celebrate the day--the Original Broadway Cast Album of "1776," the movie version, with Blythe Danner, James Cagney in "Yankee Doodle Dandy," or Joel Grey on the Original Broadway Cast Album of "George M!," make it work for you!  Hot dogs, burgers, a pool, or air conditioning.  Even Jennifer Jones, as Bernadette, which I might require!!!!!!!!!

                                                               Nevertheless, a Happy July 4th to all my readers!

                                                                But remember, as the Lanford Wilson play goes, the fireworks really start on "The Fifth Of July!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Girls, To Think We Are Halfway Through 2024!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Already?????????  Darlings, I know some mark it as July 1, but let's face it, June 30 is the end of June, the end of six months.  And it has been an eventful Junes, what with The TONY Awards, my seeing "An Enemy Of The People," with the TONY-winning Jeremy Strong, and social gatherings too numerous to mention.

                                       David had his surgery on June 12 and came through it.  A situation has developed that is being dealt with, but I don't feel like saying more now.  I promise I will, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Coney Island is open, Summer is here, and today is Gay Pride.  So. let us celebrate all, as we have made it through the first half of this year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           The second half ought to be really interesting, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Gay Pride, Everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Well, darlings, it is here!  Gay Pride, that seminal day in June when the community comes together and shows itself off, at its best.  Can we extend that for another 364 days, dears, hmmm?

                                  Really Gay Pride is for anyone who wants to express who they truly are but may have difficulty doing so.  Cast aside your doubts and fears and get out there and celebrate.    

                                     There are some great songs out there, but I am going to go with the obvious.

                                Here is Donna Summer singing "Last Dance."  Happy Pride, everyone!

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Girls, No Home Is Complete Without This Lovely Victorian Escritoire!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        I actually write my posts on one.  Not quite as ornate as this, but elegant, nevertheless.  You simply MUST get one of your own, darlings.  They make writing, and other chores like paying bills so much more pleasant.

                                            Elegance enlivens any part of the house. But make sure there is an apt space for any escritoire you decide on.

                                              You will be the toast of Mayfair, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, I Promise You, If You Have Already Seen It, You Can SKIP "The Undead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                               I think this is Svengoolie's way of airing a tribute to Roger Corman, who passed on April 5, by broadcasting one of his films on Sven's Saturday night program.  I think the idea is great, but the choice wrong, because this is really not a very good film, and Roger Corman made better films, more deserving to be aired, than this.  Like "It Conquered The World," with Cucumbo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Really, darlings, I know it has Alison Hayes, pictured here in all her bosomy glory, and it has a dance sequence that would foreshadow "She Demons" the following year, which would outdo it, but really that is all here that is worth watching.

                                 Roger Corman was noted for doing things on the cheap, but this film takes that idea to new heights, having been shot over the course of seven days in an abandoned supermarket.  But I give the filmmakers credit--the viewer cannot tell when the actors are in the frozen food section!!!!!!!!

                                  Again, for those already having seen it, do not watch it.  Better to stick your head in the freezer for several seconds, just to cool off!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  And on the eve of Pride, too!  Why not "I Was A Teenage Werewolf," "Blood Of Dracula," or that howler, "Earth Vs. The Spider?"

                                  What is it with these programmers?  "Svengoolie," Channel 13, The Film Forum, they all have been making terrible choices lately.

                                     "The Undead" will not seduce you, darlings.  It will lull you to sleep.  But that's not such a bad idea, is it?

                                       Anyway, skip it!  I will let you know what we watch, instead.


Friday, June 28, 2024

Friday--Pride Week Song--Amber Riley Singing "MacArthur Park!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                 I know, girls, I know, you were expecting me to choose "Over The Rainbow."  Well, its greatness will be forever, so, when I heard Amber Riley's fresh take on the classic "MacArthur Park," I was again draw to the sense of romanticism it first had for me, when I was twelve years old.  Yes, darlings, for many years, I defined love by "MacArthur Park.

                             Of course, that was a long time ago, darlings.  But the music, with Amber's take, is still alluring, and to me seems perfect for Gary Pride.  Keep your eyes on the nice blond young man doing the piano parts.  Not only is he cute, but he is technically brilliant.

                               This song means many things to many people.  It still even puzzles some. But one cannot escape its allure.

                                Gays, and maybe not, will dance to it automatically.  Many will see a poetic ballet piece in their heads, or just be swept away for its nearly seven minutes by the sheer poetry of the piece.

                                  Romantic, poetic, questioning, and haunting, I think this is the perfect song for Gay Pride.

                                   But don't take my word for it.  Listen.
                                     Go, Amber!  And her pianist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Thursday--Pride Week Sister Act--Bette And Joan In "What Ever Happened To Baby Jane?"

                                    No need for last names here, darlings, because we all know them, don't we?   I knew I had to work Bette and/or Joan in here, somehow, and what better way than the picture in which both starred and impacted gay sensibility for decades?  And still does.

                                      Of course, the pivotal line is the child Blanche (Gina Gillespie) saying, "I won't forget.  You BET I won't forget."

                                        But I just love when Joan asks Bette how next-door neighbor Mrs. Bates (Anna Lee) enjoyed her film, and Bette, mocking Joan, say, "Oh, really?  Did she like it?  She LIKED it!!!!!!!!!!"

                                         Girls, we all know the lines and we have all acted it out, at one time or another.  I always want to be Jane; I can't imagine anyone wanting to play Blanche, except for the big reveal, unless there is a streak of masochism in them.  And there are plenty of those out there, girls!

                                            'Baby Jane' just warms the cockles of my heart.  It depicts the childhood I longed to have, and maybe still do, and it is just so much FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             What could be better for Pride Week than this perfect "Sister Act??????????????"

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Wednesday--Pride Week Book--"Peyton Place," by Grace Metalious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Face it, darlings, every one of us has a copy hidden somewhere in their dwelling.  This is where it all began.  Though there are no conspicuously gay characters in the novel--but Norman Page in the novel is open for discussion--this is the novel that slapped small-town America in its face, and motivated burgeoning gays to leave it as soon as possible.

                                          When this title is mentioned, I always hear from people like me who came from small towns, "That is where I grew up."  "Peyton Place" is not just Gilmanton, New Hampshire, which Metalious based it on, it is universal!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               Where would the gay community be, were it not for "Petyon Place?"  I can tell you I might have by now been confined to a mental institution.  Then, I could do my act, just like Baby Jane Hudson!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                   Thankfully, I made it out of that ennui and to New York, where I carved out a life for myself.  As did others who flocked there, or Chicago, or San Francisco. Any urban center with a high gay population!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                     Those too young or lacking, having not discovered "Peyton Place," I say there is no better time than Pride Week to read it.  What discoveries there are to be made.

                                                       Or, to quote Dr. Seuss, "Oh, The Places You Will Go!"

                                                       Happy Pride, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Tuesday--Pride Week Movie--"Valley Of The Dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                            I knew I wanted a musical, darlings.   At first, it was a tough choice, but when this 1967 classic popped into my head, I knew I had made the right decision.

                            This film may not be a musical, but it feels like one, brimming with numbers that are just so unbelievable.  Iconic costumes?  How about when the beads envelope Patty Duke's boobs??????????

                            But mostly it is a story for all us girls.  Come on, hons, you know you have all acted it out in your bedrooms.  Or maybe even your living rooms.

                             Many opt to want to be Helen Lawson.  Sure, she is campy and fun, but for me there is only one choice--Neely O'Hara, "the lovable kid from vaudeville, who became a star and a monster."  That's me, for sure!  And I cannot wait to have that hysterical epiphany in the stage door gutter, with that hair style and coat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 There is no escaping it--"Valley Of The Dolls" is the perfect movie for Pride Week.  It goes great with coffee and alcohol.

                                     Have fun acting out as self-destructively as you want!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      And watch out for Jacqueline Susann's cameo.  It will demonstrate why she never made it as an actress!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, June 24, 2024

Time To Celebrate, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          The week has arrived, at last, and, girls, while there are strangers and sailors in town this week, there is more to celebrate than sex.

                             Each day I will post something that exemplifies gay pride.  The choices are mine, of course, but they will relate to all LGBQT persons out there.

                              Of course, the week culminates with Sunday's Gay Pride Parade, which David and I no longer go to, due to our age, the heat, and the crowds.  But we watch the coverage on TV.  In past years, we have usually gone to a show, but David's health right now eliminates that.  Perhaps we can watch a gay centric film instead.

                                That is the key to this week--do something gay centric, for yourselves, loved ones, or friends.  Or if you know a member of the gay community in need of help, reach out to that person.

                                  Have a happy and joyous Pride Week, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Sunday, June 23, 2024

OK, Girls, With Gender Fluidity, I Think The Time Is Right! How About An All-Male "FOLLIES????????????????????"

                             The way I figure it, darlings, the men who play the female roles would dress accordingly, while the husbands would dress accordingly as well.  It would not be a total gender reversal.

                             Come on, you Theater Queens, especially those of a certain age, you know you have had this fantasy for years, you have even sung, danced and acted it out to the original cast album, or learned the choreography for "Who's That Woman?" on YouTube.

                              I can attest I have done all of the above!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

                             I have my eyes on three roles.  The first is Sally, because my color is pink, and I know I can nail her songs. But I would not turn down the role of Stella Deems, because then I get to lead on "Who's That Woman?"  Nor would I overlook Hattie Walker, as I can really belt out "Broadway Baby!"

                          It was only a matter of time, darlings, before it would have to be considered.  And Theater Queens would flock to this production, not just to hear the score, but to hear a bunch of male voices finally singing it.

                         How about it, girls?  An all-male version of "FOLLIES???????????"

                        "Hit it, baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

I Want To Do A Jardiance Commercial!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Listen, darlings, I have been taking it for several years now, and while it is worth it, it has cost me enough.  Every six months I enter a "hole period" where I pay nothing for it; the other six months it is $100 a bottle, and I buy in three-month increments, so that is $300 I have to lay down for Jardiance.

                                But more than that, I think the Jardiance commercials, the jingle, and those who wrote it, let alone the staging, show a potential future for film and Broadway musicals, and I want to be part of that.

                                 I want a pretty outfit, like the lady in the picture, and I know the jingle, and am certain I can work out some dance moves.  She is wearing two of my signature colors.  I want pink!

                                  I mean, does she really take Jardiance, or is it an act?

                                   With me, it would be the real thing??????????????

                                   How about it, advertisers????????????????????????

                                   And can the price of the medication be lowered??????????????????


"Ain't It Awful, The Heat???????????????"

                             That is the opening number of the Kurt Weill/Langston Hughes musical/opera "Street Scene," which opened on January 9, 1947, at the Adelphi Theatre.  It was adapted from Elmer Rice's earlier play, which opened on January 10, 1929.

                             The heat is awful.  And we have had more than our share this week, darlings.  If this is a harbinger for the rest of the summer, then most of us will spend it indoors.

                             "Street Scene" was about a building of New Yorkers who had no access to anything--no air conditioners or window fans.  People in a building like the above could only keep their windows open, hoping for a breeze.  Those truly desperate would spend the night sleeping outdoors, in whatever park was nearby.  Of course, this was when it was still safe to do so.

                                 As for the upper crust, my guess is they slept blanket-less on the finest sheets, in their silken underwear.  They wouldn't dare mix with the lower classes, even in the park,

                                  Thank God for air conditioners, darlings.  It helps stave off heatstroke, dehydration, nausea (which this heat makes me) and any ills heat of this nature the heat can bring on.

                                   "Cat On A Hot Tin Roof?"  Damn, darlings, like Maggie, I would have jumped off the roof!

                                    Stay cool, you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Oh, My God! Is That Barbara Stanwyck?????????????????

                                    Were one looking at this photo, with poor vision, it would be easy to think this was Stanwyck.

                                    But it is not.  It is Colleen Gray in her signature role as June Talbot in 1960's "The Leech Woman," from Universal Pictures.

                                      "Svengoolie" is showing this favorite of mine tonight at 8PM, so make sure you are with us, girls!  Especially those who have never seen it.  It is a hoot.

                                        Yet, in some ways it is not.  Over ten years ago I did a lengthy analytic post for this film, which can be searched for on here, recognizing it also as a proto-feminist film, and a study of a desperately lonely, troubled woman, who tragically thinks that the secret of eternal youth will buy her lifetime happiness.  It does not.

                                           Ironically, with the titular character's surname being Talbot, so is one of the actual co-stars.  The great Gloria Talbot, who gets too little screen time, plays June's rival, Sally, like she does any of her roles--a campy Fifties bitch with a bullet bra sweater!!!!!!!!!!  She is always well dressed, that Gloria!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            Girls, I am telling you, do not miss this delightful treat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           And remember, you don't have to resort to June's methods.  All that is needed is a good moisturizer and sunscreen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        I mean, you don't want to look like this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Good thing this was not shot in Technicolor.

                                       See you at eight, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


To Enliven Your Summer Dining, Girls, Why Not Serve Everrything In A Bento Box???????????????

                                   Darlings, isn't it simply captivating?  I mean, it is so economical and so simple!

                                  And great for one's health, as it doles out smaller portions!!!!!!!!!!!

                                The first one is like a rather sophisticated version of a Swanson's TV Dinner!

                               The second, with multiple boxes, could result in a meal being served buffet style!

                               Of course, I am suggesting these be used with American food, for variation.

                              Isn't this a charming idea, girls?  Eating American, but Japanese style!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              I am sure Lady Murasaki would approve!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today Is A Day Of Remembrance, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          From 1990 till about 2014, this was a major event in my life.  As the years went on, the group I would go with became larger and larger. until Time, that inconstant jade, did things in.

                           For starters, what began as a small, local event, that only purists like us knew about, became a worldwide phenomenon, thanks to social media.  Now, the crowds are so intense, and with this heat, I do not know how I would stand it, at my age!

                            Then the eatery we went to went out of business.  I remember one year we decided to go to Gargiulo's, and I had to take a change of pants, because shorts were not allowed inside.  Even though we were the only ones there and were going to a summer event!  When they saw me come out of the bathroom, leaving, dressed in shorts, the staff gave me dirty looks!  The cads!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              But the saddest thing as time went on, so did our group shrink, due to circumstance, or tragic passings.  Things were never the same, nor would be again.

                               So, to a new, younger generation frequenting this event, I say enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              And top it off with the Spook House ride.  Is Spookarama still even there?

Happy Birthday To The Divine MERYL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            Girls, I think it is somehow appropriate that MERYL was born on the longest day of the year.  It was the first sign that she would stand out from the rest.

                              Today, she hits the three-quarter century mark--75 years old!  Hons, we should all look so good when we reach that age!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               This blog wishes MERYL the happiest of birthdays, and hopes she gets to do whatever she wants!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               As for the rest of us, how about honoring MERYL by watching one of her upbeat films, like "The Devil Wears Prada?"  Or the original "Mamma Mia????????"

                                This day is for you, MERYL!  Happy, Happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This Is The Day We Have Been Building Toward, Darlings--The Longest Day Of The Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Also, 55 years ago today, Judy Garland died. Something to think about, girls!

                                  As I was taught, June 22 is the longest day.  So, does that mean last night was the shortest night?  Or is it tonight?  I'm telling you, last night did not feel so short!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  The sad thing about today is that from now on, the days gradually shorten--this will not be noticed till sometime past Labor Day, in September--until it starts getting dark at 4:30 in the afternoon.  I would rather have prolonged daylight.  If only this time of year would stand still!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Hey, why not commemorate the longest day by watching some lengthy movies?  Here are some suggestions.

                                       "The Longest Day" (1962) --The title says it all.

                                       Abe; Gance's 1927 "Napoleon".

                                      "Les Enfants Du Paradis" (1945) --Known as the French "Gone With The Wind."

                                      And how about the Selznick classic?  To hell with culture cancellers!!!!!!!!!!

                                     The 1968 (at least in the States!) Russian "War And Peace".

                                     The 1987 "Little Dorrit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!".

                                      However you spend this day, dears, enjoy it while it lasts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!