
Monday, December 2, 2024

Imagine--Gojira And Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                         This is the definitive one in Japan, but I just found out, girls, that smaller, but house sized. Gojira trees, who breathe smoke, are turning up all over America.

                           Imagine having a Gojira Tree.  It would be like spending Christmas with him.  Or he with you, darlings?????????????

                            Honestly, who would have thought Gojira would be a part of Christmas?  Being the lovable and helpful reptile he is--who listens very closely to Sister Camille--I am sure he would endorse this.  

                              Who knows?  Maybe Sister Camille will get a Gojira Tree herself!!!!!!!!!! 

Rest In Peace, Nicholas---December 24, 2010--December 1, 2024!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     According to what his owner told me, Nicholas was found by him, huddling underneath a car, abandoned, on a snowy Christmas Eve in 2010.  He took him in, and eventually Nicholas became the mascot of his health food store.

                                      Which is where I met him.  I would visit Nicholas every day and gave him attention he was always happy to receive, and he made me happy.  I never knew the bond we had, until Nicholas showed me himself.

                                         During the Summer of 2020, I stopped by to see Nicholas but was overcome by a lack of energy so intense I had to sit on the arm bench in front of the counter.  I stretched out on it, almost going to sleep, when Nicholas hopped up, and began pawing me to see if I was all right.  I petted him, and told him I was, but that was not good enough.  Nicholas then leapt up on the bench, wedging himself to me, so that I would not move from my place.  I rested. and when I finally got up, so did Nicholas.  He dropped to the floor, I stood up, and he looked at me.  He walked me through the store, and into the garden, never straying from my side.  He knew something was wrong and kept an eye on me.  In October, that year, I had my heart ablation, and thanks to Nicholas, I am here.  The surgery saved my life, but if it had not been for Nicholas' love and concern, I might not have recognized the problem.  So, thank you, Nicholas!

                                            Eventually, the health food store was sold.  Nicholas went to a house on Ovington Avenue, where I visited a couple of times, and he was so glad to see me, running up and down stairs, and showing off for me, he was so happy.  The home, however, turned out not to be happy, and Nicholas went to a residence in Park Slope, where I was told he was happy, though he had some health problems.

                                                 Nicholas died peacefully in his sleep.  After Ovington, I never saw him again.  But I always remembered and sent my love to him continuously.  When I heard of his passing, this morning, I wonder, just slightly, if Nicholas had died of a broken heart.  Those he was used to having visits with were no longer coming, and I don't know how his caregivers kept up with vet visits.

                                                        I wished I could have done more for Nicholas, just as he did for me.  But I will always cherish his memory and love him.  As I hope he did me.

                                                         A fond farewell, Nicholas.  You were the cat of cats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, December 1, 2024

Something Different For Christmas, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Each December, I come up with a Christmas theme to put on here, and I had trouble coming up with one this year.  Until a bright idea popped into my head--how about things associated with Christmas, but which most do not think of?  And there I had it!

                                            Most people this season reach for Dickens' "A Christmas Carol," when it comes to seasonal reading.  But I offer "Great Expectations" as a more suitable alternative.  It starts out on Christmas Day and foreshadows all the action to come.  It is one of the best Victorian novels written, one of my Dickens favorites, and a story that just does not quit, until it does.

                                                   I can think of no better holiday read this year.

                                                   For those who have passed Clarence Clement Moore.

Welcome December, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Who knew that 2024 would match 1822?

                                         If only more things matched 1822.  Families. Visiting. Presents.  The kind of excitement and anticipation one got from this month as a child.  If only that could have been preserved forever.  Alas, it could not.

                                          December is a month of reflection.  The coming of Jesus, our accomplishments during the year, looking to the year ahead.

                                           As children's author Joan Walsh Anglund said, "Christmas is a time of giving."   "Christmas is a blessed time of love."

                                           Let those words be our mantra for this entire month.  Let this December be a joyous time of love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!