
Friday, May 31, 2024

We Come To The End Of May!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Five-Twelfths Of 2024 Is Gone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              The month of flowers, Fatima, seeing "Mother Play" and "Just Another Day" is now at an end.

                                May was also a month of remembrance--birthdays, my open-heart surgery, doctor appts., a lack of movies to go to, and most of all, looking forward to June, when the magical time of the year appears, and, please, good wishes for David as he undergoes surgery on the 12th.

                                 As for me, there is not much to write except to say May was good to us--I did another choral performance--so it is a fond farewell.

                                And just wait till June. Starting tomorrow, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, May 30, 2024

How Is This For A Horror Film, Darlings???????????? "House Of Spinsterhood!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"



                                "Spinsterhood--The ultimate horror!  Murder, madness, insanity!"

                                 What a tagline, girls!  I got the idea from re-watching the old 1970 trash made-for TV classic, "How Awful About Allan," wherein both Julie Harris and Joan Hackett play two anguished spinsters.

                                  "House Of Spinsterhood" would be a cross between Ingmar Bergman's 1972 "Cries And Whispers," and Roman Polanski's 1965 "Repulsion."  In a secluded, haunting Victorian style home, all spinsters are held captive, and the viewer watches them go systematically mad, as they have no choice!!!!!!!!!!!!  The claw the walls, scratch at themselves, and just have a good old time!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    If one dies, her spirit haunts the place as another living spinster comes to take her place.

                                   Can these women escape such madness?  Will it take a man to help them escape?????????

                                    My idea has not gotten that far.  Though I think it will take more than that!

                                     Beware "House Of Spinsterhood!"

                                     Maybe coming to a theater near you in the future, darlings??????????????


Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Some Recent Reads, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             In spite of all going on, I have managed to read some interesting, and in some cases very satisfying books.   Let me give you a rundown.
                                 "Weyward," by Emilia Hart--This debut novel surprised me.  I do not usually read fantasy, but I had heard good things about this one, and they were right.  A generational saga of witchcraft through the ages, it may not be up to Anne Rice, but it is the best thing out there going, I think.  For those who crave this genre, I can promise you a satisfying read.
                                            "The Teacher," by Frieda McFadden--Frieda McFadden is at it again.  The Bennetts, a married couple, one an English teacher, the other Math, turn out to be two of the most despicable instructors, let alone married folk you would want as neighbors.  McFadden skillfully makes seemingly sympathetic people unsympathetic monsters, showing the twisted side of human nature.  But the real twist was one I did not see coming, and when it hit--WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!   This is good to read to cleanse the palate after devouring a high brow tome.
                                         "The Husbands," by Holly Gramazio--I cannot believe Jenna picked this one; I usually like her selections.  I finished it, but I was just as confused as when I began it.  The author cannot make up her mind whether she wants to go in a "Twilight Zone" or socio-sexual satire direction.  As a result, she tries both, and neither is successful.  I can't say it is bad, but I would not recommend any of my readers on here picking this one up.
                                    "This Strange Eventful History," by Claire Messud--Finally, darlings, a book I found so satisfying I did not want it to end.  The author of "The Emperor's Children" has done it again. This is a rich, tapestried family saga of an Algerian family and their struggles and travels through the generations.  I felt so sorry for Denise.  You will have to read why.  I actually think this book could turn up on my top five list at the end of the year.  We will have to see, as time progresses.

                                           Let me just end by saying I am more than halfway through a wonderful novel by one of my favorite authors.  She never disappoints!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              Till the next book chat, dolls, ta ta!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh, Really, Now??????????? Isn't This A Bit Too Much???????????????

                            I mean, if you were talking Judy (Garland), Liza, Bette Midler, or BARBRA--sure!!!!!!!!!!

                            But Ben Platt??????????????????

                           The fellow is talented enough; I have heard him sing, and I wish I had seen the revival of "Parade," but it was a choice between that or "Sweeney Todd," so I went with Groban and Sondheim.  I have no regrets.  Money only stretches so far, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              I saw Platt do his 'Evan Hansen' thing on the TONYS, and he was quite good.  He might have been in the movie, but the filmmakers undermined him.  And what I heard from "Parade" was gorgeous.

                              But--two Broadway shows, and now an act at The Palace?  Are you kidding?

                              A two week run?  At how much a ticket?  Ben, honey, you better be good, because this could make or break you.

                                 Now, if it was Daniel Radcliffe or Jonathan Groff, I could see why.

                                 But Ben Platt?  Is he even ready, dears????????????????

This Death Will Haunt Me Indefinitely!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Let me start by saying suicide is a hard thing for me to write about.  I have lost three friends to it, and new ones always bother me.  The golfer, Grayson Murray, aged 30, withdrew from a tournament on May 25, and allegedly took his life, via carbon dioxide poisoning.  Just like Ross Lockridge, Jr. author of "Raintree County," who did the same on March 6, 1948, aged 33.  Apparently, he was not happy with the reception of the book, which was regarded at the time as a pop sensation, similar to "Gone With The Wind."  Lockridge had higher visions for his work, which did explore Joycean technique, but was not taken seriously enough by academia. Mental illness ran in the family; his cousin was the writer Mary Jane Ward, who wrote a novel, "The Snake Pit," based on her experiences in a mental hospital, in 1946.  If the title sounds similar, some of you movie mavens, darlings, may be more familiar with it, via the 1948 Olivia DeHavilland movie.

                                         Then there was Tyler Clementi, who jumped from the George Washington Bridge, on September 22, 2010.  Any reader on here who goes back to that time can see how fervidly I wrote about him and the incident.  As for Ravi and Wei, while I don't think enough justice was meted out, they do have to live with this the rest of their lives, and maybe that is a kind of punishment.

                                            I am getting closer to my topic.  Remember Jeff Loeffelholz?  On June 29, 2018, he overdosed on drugs, after being verbally brutalized by director Walter Bobbie and Musical Director Leslie Stifelman, for his 20-year spot on performance understudying the role of Mary Sunshine in "Chicago," which he had performed numerous times.  The two officials called Jeff in for a rehearsal, and brutalized him, because they wanted him out of the show.  Maybe they wanted new blood, or they wanted to pay a newbie less money.  Whatever, Loeffelholz went home and took his life, his partner was devastated, and Bobbie and Stifelman became personae non grata in the arts world.  I am embarrassed to say I share a birthday with Walter Bobbie; he is nine years older, having been born on November 18, 1945.  He makes me sick, and if our paths cross, there will be words, believe me.

                                               Now, I come to the death of Thomas H. Gates.  He was 51 years old, and the stage manager of the TONY nominated musical "Illinoise," which I would love to see.  Isn't the picture of him with the little boo boo boo (dog) delightful?  How sad that dog and his husband are now.

                                                Because on Wednesday, May 8, Gates was struck by an ongoing train at the South Orange station.  I know that station well, having attended Seton Hall University in my day.

                                                   I am sure he was enroute for his matinee performance that day.   Everything points to him being struck by a train, but how?  There are only a couple of ways that can happen--unintentionally looking in the wrong direction as the train approaches, though one should be able to hear, and sense the whoosh of the oncoming train.  The other is to accidentally fall on the track, maybe being pushed by someone, when it is too late, or to go onto the track and find something lost, while the train rushes by.

                                                      All of these are plausible.  But the one thing none of the stories about Gates suggested was suicide.  If it wasn't, I wish someone would explain.  Because as far as I am concerned, that is what he did--shades of "Anna Karenina"--but I would not begin to hazard a guess as to why, except to suggest he had to have been in such pain to take that step.  He and his husband were stage managers, both at the top of their game, and Gates was running a TONY nominated show.  He had the world on a string.  But maybe it was not enough.

                                                       I keep hoping some truth will come out.  I do understand spousal and family privacy.  But perhaps Gates' death could be used as a way of sensing signs so that these things could be prevented.

                                                         Rest In Peace, Thomas H. Gates.  If you were in pain, may it be now erased!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Did "Super Size Me" Actually Kill Morgan Spurlock????????????????????

                                      I had to wonder, darlings, when I heard he passed away, from cancer, on May 23.  The question I asked was did this experiment he documented twenty years ago catch up to him, resulting in a cancerous death?  I saw this film when it first came out, so it begs the question.

                                       Morgan Spurlock was a good-looking guy, and a promising filmmaker, on the threshold of being another Michael Moore.

                                        "Super Size Me' documented what his body went through during a 30-day ordeal of eating only food from McDonald's.  Just the thought of it makes me sick, and while he was doing it under a doctor's--who was in the film--supervision, the diet did a number on his body.  Blook pressure, cholesterol, sugar, all that went up.  He gained 30 pounds in a month.  What fascinated me was, while he was a trim, athletic guy, it took him nine months to lose those pounds.  So, what does that say about the rest of us, were we foolish enough to try this experiment?  Not me, dears.

                                            All that fast food garbage going in and out of his system. Not to mention the boredom of eating the same food each day, because McDonald's menu offers not that much variety.

                                             Now, I am not a health care or medical professional, but I cannot help wondering if this experiment, over time, lodged things in the body or bloodstream that could have resulted in cancer years later.

                                                Any med or health care professionals out there?  Could this have been possible?

                                                I suppose we will never see the ME report.

                                               "Super-Size Me" was Spurlock's greatest achievement.

                                                But it also could have been his fatal undoing.
                                 Rest In Peace, Morgan.  You had such promise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Girls, Join Us Tonight At 8PM, As "Svengoolie" Ends May With "Destroy All Monsters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                           He ended April of 2023 with this film, so maybe he is establishing some sort of tradition like ending each month with this film.

                                              It has an all-star cast.  First and foremost, as can be seen from the poster, is Gojira, without whom this film would not have been made.  Rumor, is he did it just for the money, and donated his salary to Sister Camille, and the Sisters Of Mercy.  Good going, Gojira!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                Rodan is featured and gives a wonderful performance, as he and Gojira work well together, as they are both firsts.  Gojira was the first Toho monster, while Rodan was the first one, in color!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  Also featured on Monster Land (which eventually became Monster Island) are Angirius, said to be a child of Gojira (!!!!!!!!!!), Gadzookie, his son, and Gogosaurus, whom no one has seen before.  They don't do the film any harm, nor do they enhance it.

                                                  Alas, there is Mothra.  But I don't recall her interacting with other monsters, which was just fine with Gojira, as they do not get along.  Mothra thinks she is number one, but she has not a clue.
                                 But just wait till you see The She-Aliens, darlings, known as The Kilaaks.  And their queen!  What a bitch!  Like Saturday night in a gay bar!  And they look like rejects from one of ANNA's galas.  But they are campy as hell and liven things up.

                                  Except when Gojira is on camera.  That is the best of all.

                                  So, tune in at 8 tonight, darlings!  Baby Gojira, Kerwyn and Cucumbo will all be watching with us.

                                  And let us hope "Svengoolie" comes up with some real gems in June!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, May 24, 2024

Today Is An Important One In Musical Theater History, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           Fifty-eight years ago, tonight, girls, Angela Lansbury and Company opened in "MAME," at the Winter Garden.  The company included Beatrice Arthur, Jane Connell and Frankie Michaels, who went on to become the still youngest TONY Award winner in history for his role here, and who tragically died on March 30, 2016 at the age of 60, due to trying to hang on to a vanished career via drugs and alcohol.  He actually had to sell his TONY Award for $18K, so he could pay for his funeral.  But, as Victor Hugo said in "Les Misérables," "God knows where to look for a soul."

                           I only wish I could have been at this fabulous event, but then, I was having a bit of my own drama, myself, then, having undergone open heart surgery two weeks before.

                            So, today is always "MAME" day as far as I am concerned.  Let me show you what a fabulous opening it was.
                                  Here is the Overture from "MAME."  Along with "Candide" and "GYPSY," one of the best ever.
                                   And here are Jane Connell and Franke Michaels opening the show with "St. Bridget."

                                   Can we count any such perfection among us today??????????????????

                                    Sadly, no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     So, just enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Maybe We Should Be A Bit Like Sally Bowles??????????????????

                             I know, darlings, so many of us have wanted to be Sally, playing nightly at the Kit Kat Klub.  I can tell you; I would love it.

                              But what happened to Sally after the story ended?  Sure, she has the right attitude, but things in Berlin only got worse.  What might have happened to Sally?

                               I know there are some who may think Sally was swallowed up by the Holocaust, but the survivor I remember from "Cabaret," I think would have found a way, once she gleaned the approach of trouble--Sally was not a fool! --and would somehow have escaped

                                 So much of these times echo "Cabaret's," I wonder, like Sally, what would we do, and like "Frau Schneider's song, "What Would You Do?"   At their time in the story, they did not have the answers, but I think both found their way.

                                    And that is what we must do, darlings, find our way.  But I can tell you one thing!

                                   It won't be the South, or Florida!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  And, like Sally, I still have some time to go on my stay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, May 23, 2024

It's That Time Of Year Again, Darlings--Fleet Week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                     Anchors aweigh, my boys, indeed!  It always begins with Gojira, pictured above, leading the fleet into New York harbor, allowing the sailors some peace and relaxation.

                     Part of that is provided by you, darlings.  Remember, this is when you bring a sailor home for a home cooked meal!  Afterwards, like the song says, "A bit of dinner never hurt, but guess who is gonna be dessert?"

                     I am sure we are all heading to the docks this week to see all the lusciousness on display.

                     But remember, Gojira insists on good behavior at all times.

                      So, do your patriotic duty, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Think Miss Gulch Was Bad??????????? Kristi Noem Goes Her One Further!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Shooting a 14-month-old dog?  What kind of cruelty is that?  And what is it these days with animal cruelty??????????????

                               Kristi has cooked her political career; now, if she would only get convicted.

                              Then we have Cleopatra Morgan, of Inwood, Manhattan, who threw her dog, a poodle puppy named Rocket, out the window.  Miraculously, or maybe because of his name, Rocket survived, someone called the police--this happened on May 16-- and now Rocket is being cared for, and many are vying to adopt him into a loving home!

                                As for Cleopatra Morgan, the 25-year-old bitch should be locked up.  Who the hell does she think she is?  Let me tell you something, girls, in the 1932 film classic "Freaks," the beautiful trapeze artist, Cleopatra, played by Olga Baclanova, turns on the freaks, and then they turn on her.  Her fate is not revealed till the very end, but I am telling you, girls, the same fate should befall Morgan.

                                Avoid Kristi at all costs!  As well as South Dakota!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Aside From Syndicated Royalties On "Funny You Should Ask," What Else Does Whitney Cummings Do??????????????????????

                          It is a fair question, darlings, because every night, during the hour David and I watch two "Judge Judy's," this commercial for the gameshow "Funny You Should Ask" gets aired, and Whitney's bit on it is funny enough for me to say she merits being designated as talented.

                           But this game show was from 2017, so what is Whitney up to, now???????????

                            The way this commercial is aired nightly, I feel I should know Whitney better, and yet I don't.  What the hell is up with her??????????????

                               Tell us, Whitney!  Inquiring minds want to know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Shirley Conran, Who Authored The Greatest Piece Of Trash, Has Died At The Age Of 91!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           I just found out that Shirley Conran, author of contemporary literature's greatest piece of trash, died May 9, at the age of 91.  I had no idea she was so up there.  The cause of death was pneumonia, not surprising, but the legacy she leaves behind is.

                                            "Lace" was trash; no more, no less.  When it became a miniseries, and cast that bitch Beth Armstrong, I just knew she was the nasty mother who gave up the baby and put that child through hell.

                                               I also tell readers that, just for the experience, they should read one, genuine piece of trash during their lives.  Once "Peyton Place" and "Valley Of The Dolls," were designated as such, but over time they have evolved into literary icons that are sometimes taught in college classrooms. Who could have known?

                                                 When I am asked what the greatest piece of trash written is, I immediately say, "Lace."

                                                   It has everything--a mean girls school pact, greed, revenge, the world of fashion and design, and the revelation of the book's biggest bitch of all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                   Alas, Shirley is gone, and already two weeks!  May "Lace" live on for the designated trash it is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                   Who knows?  Decades from now it may be taught in AP classes!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Girls, Did You Know The Wig Rachel McAdams Wore To Portray Regina George Cost Twenty-Thousand Dollars????????????????????

                              That is some hairdo, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              But, really, do any of us still want to be Regina George?  Sure, we can handle adversarial confrontations in our adult years with a panache not even Regina had.  But to be Regina 24/7?????????  Girls, can you imagine how draining that must be?  Expending all that hateful energy would take a toll on one.  I would think.   But maybe for Reginas, it doesn't.

                                Not even Sally Hershberger charges $20K!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Besides, I would rather style my hair to look like Blythe Danner, not Regina George!

                                Blythe is the one who is so fetch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Now, THIS Is How One Goes To Broadway, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      This, girls, is Gloria Vanderbilt--yes, darlings! --going to the opening night of the Truman Capote-Harold Arlen musical "House Of Flowers," at the Alvin Theatre on December 30, 1954.  I was just about six weeks old.

                                        But this is how I would dress, had I gone.  In fact, all of us should think about how we look going into a Broadway show, especially with the prices being charged.  There is no excuse for trampy cut-off dungaree shorts, halter tops, or tank tops on men. Ewwwwwwwwww!

                                          One doesn't have to wear Schiaparelli, though I personally would love to, but I can find things in my closet to wear that are more acceptable than how too many tourists dress for the Broadway theater, like they are going to a barbecue place, or something.

                                              Part of the pleasure in theatergoing is the elegance, and it seems to be sadly missing today.

                                               Next time you get tickets to a show, girls, don't just throw something on.  Choose wisely and carefully.

                                                 It will make you feel like Gloria and heighten the experience!!!!!!!!!!!!!


"I Won't Forget. You BET I Won't Forget!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


                             How many on here recognize that line as the one that propels the two hours plus drama of "What Ever Happened To Baby Jane?"  Well, all of us have things we cannot forget having been done to us, but I have to give it to Sarah Paulson for airing out her dirty laundry with the elusive but nervy Trish Hawkins.

                                Who is Trish Hawkins?  Back in 1980, she was very much the up-and-coming ingenue of Broadway, via her heartbreaking performance as Sally Talley in Lanford Wilson's play, "Talley's Folly."  I was so impressed by her performance, that I got her autograph, which she gave graciously.

                                    But Trish did not fulfill her promise.  Sure, she did some TV work, but she never became what was revealed in "Talley's Folly."  The last I heard, she was in some writing group with a former coworker of mine, up in New Paltz, New York.

                                     Now, what does this have to do with Sarah Paulson??????????

                                    Well, 33 years later, in 2013, Sarah, along with Danny Burstein, did a revival of "Talley's Folly."  Through a connection I do not understand, Sarah's mother knew Trish Hawkins, and brought her to see her daughter perform in the play.

                                      Trish came.  But apparently was so appalled by what she saw that she furiously wrote six pages--six pages! --of notes, to give to Sarah, on how the role should be played.  Yes, she originated the part, but how could Sarah play it Trish, since she is not she???????????????

                                        I would have given it to Trish right then and there.  But Sarah was smart.  She kept those notes, and as her star continues to rise, chose the right moment to air them.  It must feel good for Sarah, and I applaud her.

                                         What's up with you, Trish?  Hey, Sarah, I hope you win the TONY on June 16th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

A Note Of Concern About Sister Camille D'Arienzo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                David and I always get up on Sundays at 8AM, so we can be by the radio by 8:35. when 1010 WINS broadcasts a weekly commentary from Sister Camille D'Arienzo of The Sisters Of Mercy.  I especially wanted some inspiration for the day, because I had to leave quickly to sing with the choir at St. Andrews' 11PM Mass in Bay Ridge.

                              Alas, the time came and went.  No Sister Camille.  First, I was angry, but then, David, with his wisdom, expressed concern, that maybe something happened; that she was not well, or maybe had some sort of personal tragedy.  The station made no explanation or apology.  So, I am taking a step forward, saying--

                              All out there reading my blog, say a prayer or express good wishes for Sister Camille.  As far as I am concerned, she is a living saint; they walk among us, humble and mostly unknowing, but having listened to Sister Camille for fourteen years, she has become a source of inspiration.   David said do my vocal performance, knowing Sister Camille was behind me, and I did, and it came off beautifully.

                                Still no word on Sister Camille.  So, say a prayer or make a wish for this wonderful woman.

                                She is the calm, amidst a sea of trouble!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Girls, Join Us Tonight At 8PM, As 'Svengoolie" Presents "Scream, Blacula, Scream!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                   This is the premiere showing on the program of this sequel.  William Marshall again plays the bloodthirsty Count.  I can only hope it is as campy as the first one.

                                     The cast consist of veterans like Pam Grier, Richard Lawson, Don Mitchell, and Janelle Michelle, who I hope is as campy as the Black nurse/helper in "Blacula!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                      Since this is a first for "Svengoolie," I hope Nostalgiaferatoo is featured.  He is my favorite of the Svengoolie Spawn.  

                                        Of course, Baby Gojira and Kerwyn will watch with us, then spend the night.

                                        So, join us at 8, dears!  "Blacula" does not discriminate when it comes to blood!!!!!!!!!!


Friday, May 17, 2024

How Many Lindsay Crays Are Still Out There????????????????

                                         Lindsay Cray was a character brilliantly portrayed by actress Carolyn Dodd, in the "Chicago, M.D." 2018 episode, "Down By Law."  Lindsay was an abused child from a white trash area of Michigan, whose father signed her off to marry a predatory Reverend (last name Cray) played by Jay O. Sanders in one of those despicable roles he does so well.  Even looking at photos of him I do not see a nice person, so I wonder how Sanders actually is.  But he is hateful here.

                                            He refuses to allow the girl to speak for herself, even though they are husband and wife.  He wants her to recover, so he can have Lindsay conceive again ASAP, for the supposed sake of his unnamed religious cult community, but, as much, I think, because this predatory hypocrite, as much as the conception, gets off on fucking a fourteen-year-old girl.  She may have been married when she was thirteen.

                                               Dr. Natalie Manning speaks up for her, but there is nothing to be done; the law must be respected.  She does tell Lindsay that being married she is "medically emancipated" and is legally entitled to have her body treated as she pleases.  Lindsay tells Dr. Halstead that she wants a hysterectomy, as, having led the life she has, she does not want to bring kids into the world, and I don't blame her.  I blame it on the Evangelical cult crap the Reverend in his hypocrisy has fed to her and his community.  

                                               Lindsay gets her wish.  As she is carried off to the Reverend's bellowing, the small smile on her face is so satisfying.

                                                I wish her story had been followed up on.  I always felt she would have been dismissed by the community, which would have been a blessing, and gone on to start a new life.

                                                  But, how many of these predatory religious hypocrites are still out there?  How many Lindsays are out there, and how can they be protected?

                                                   Roe v. Wade needs to come back, but better care must be given to children, like Lindsay, and others, who are abused!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                    Watch the segment on YouTube.  It will make you think, darlings!!!!!!!

Why Was Misty Day Even Sent To Hell, In The First Place!??????????????????????

                           For the uninitiated, Misty Day was a character brilliantly portrayed by Lily Rabe in the "American Horror Story" season, "Coven," still my favorite.

                           From her arrival, with the unexpected surprise of Stevie Nicks showing up and playing and singing "Rhiannon" on the piano, it was clear to me, Misty was going to be the next Supreme.  Even Fiona (Jessica Lange) said she expected Misty to pass every one of The Seven Wonders." 

                          But Lily did not.  For reasons I cannot recall, she was placed in Hell, though, again I cannot recall, she was brought back.

                           Let me tell you about Misty's Hell.  Because I have more than a healthy fear of it and death, feeling I am damned.  I mean, last week I absolutely forgot it was Ascension Thursday.  What would Sister Camille say?  Or how about Bernadette?

                             So, Lily's Hell of continuously having to dissect a frog during a biology experiment resonated well with me.  If not this, I would be placed in a trig or calculus class.  There was an old cartoon--in "The New Yorker," maybe? --about a recently deceased man in a classroom, where the course is calculus.  He says this is not so bad, until one of the students points out to him that for the rest of them, this is Heaven, but for him, this is Hell.

                             You see?  This could be me, and I am so afraid! But can I extend a plea to Ryan Murphy to try and get Lily back, if not as Misty, then someone else?  She is a brilliant actress.

                              As for me, I do my best.  But when one hails from an Irish Catholic family where expectations are wildly unreal, an impossible burden is placed upon me.

                               Just like Stephanie Mulroney, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Here is that unforgettable AHS moment!  Stevie and Lily are just brilliant!!!!!!!!


If "Fatal Attraction" Were Done Today, Would It Play Out Differently????????????????????

                                     Absolutely.  Because, darlings, everything that bothered me about the original would be eliminated in today's culture, which would not allow for such bogus sexism.  But, first let me introduce you to the cast.
                         Amy Adams, as Alex Forest.  Sparkling and beautiful, Amy, just from this photo can play edgy.  Anyone having seen her in "Sharp Objects" knows she can act disturbed.  But in this version justice would be served; Alex would be seen more as a victim, and she would make Dan guilty at the end.  There would be no bunny boiling, or exoneration for Dan!!!!!!!!!!!!  Hooray!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                            Adam Sandler, as Dan Gallagher--This role requires someone with sleaze.  Back in 1987, Michael Douglas was America's sleazeball; today it is Adam Sandler.  Besides that, Adam has attempted some serious dramatic roles, and has come off well in them, which I would never expect.  And the idea of him landing someone as gorgeous as Amy Adams, and then taking her on as an opponent--oh, boy!!!!!!!!!!  Audiences would instantly cheer for Amy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                              Blake Lively--Here is where the Anne Archer factor comes into the play.  In the 1987 original, many, not just I, wondered why Dan would tryst with Glenn Close, when Anne Archer was so much more beautiful.  But by having Blake Lively play Beth, Dan has two powerhouse beauties, so the question of what the hell does he want anyway is even more apparent.  As for Blake, just look at her work in "A Simple Favor."  She may not be Meryl Streep, but she can act!!!!!!!!!!  This would make the triangle dynamic more interesting.
                     Now, who would play Ellen Gallagher, Dan and Beth's daughter?  In the original, she was played by some androgynous looking thing, so we can't have that!  With all the constant references to "Madame Butterfly," which would be retained, I think Ellen should be played by a puppet, as done at The Met Opera.  Ellen is really inconsequential to the whole thing, so who could care if a puppet were playing her?  Besides, she is totally innocent in all of this, and did not deserve to be kidnapped or have her rabbit boiled.  So, leave Ellen alone, and have a puppet play her.

                       As to the ending, it would be radically different.  Alex would not kill herself, but incriminate Dan, but Beth would find no tape.  Alex would have vanished as swiftly as she came into Dan's life; no one would be able to find her; she gets away with it.  Beth would call their lawyer.  Before Dan is hauled off in the car, she goes up to him, and smacks him across the face, which would make the audience cheer.  Edit to a shot of Dan behind bars.  Then close in on a shot of Beth screaming out to the neighborhood from her front door, "We are done!"  She slams the door shut, gets the house, and that is the end of the movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          That is how "Fatal Attraction" would play out today.  Back in 1987, there was no Me Too; it was still He Says culture.  Well, no more!  The characters in this film will get the due they deserve rather than what the sexist filmmakers wanted 37 years ago!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            And I am telling you, girls, this version would not be ignored!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Forty-Seven Years Ago, Yesterday...........................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Yes, darlings, forty-seven years ago yesterday, I graduated from Seton Hall University with a B.A. in Communications.  I was going to be a journalist.  I was going to be the head drama/film critic of The New York Times before I was 30!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           Or so I thought on this highlight of days, which I remember best because of a picture taken of my father, my mother, and my Aunt Kathleen ("Katty") who was my godmother.  That picture, which I treasure as I miss them so much and wonder what they would think on how things turned out with me, is kept hidden in a box in a closet.  On the 50th Anniversary--not that far, girls! --of this event--I will bring it out and try to post it on here.

                                              I thought then the world was my oyster.  But, like Scarlett, I had no idea of a number of things I had to, like she, survive, including my mother's passing less than two years after my graduation.

                                                 Nevertheless, I look back on this day with pride.  Pride that both my parents lived to see it, and pride that I have come a long way since then in ways I never, ever anticipated.  Which is good.

                                                   If Seton Hall was founded in 1856, and my years there were 1973-1977, that means I attended during years 117-121!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                    Happy, Happy to all SHU'ers out there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Don't Know Why, There's No Sun Up In The Sky, Stormy Daniels! Still Makin' Those Adult Movies, Keeps Rainin' All The Time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                               I don't know that much about "adult movies," darlings except to admit to more than a passing knowledge of them, and that ones featuring Stormy Daniels I would not be interested in.

                               But, really, has anyone seen a Stormy Daniels film on here?  You can tell me on here, darlings; I mean all is kept secret here.  Back in the 70's, before I was old enough to see adult movies, I knew some names--Linda Lovelace, Marilyn Chambers, and Georgina Spelvin.  I even knew the titles that made them famous and have never seen them to this day--"Deep Throat," "Behind The Green Door," and "The Devil In Miss Jones."

                                 Can anyone say the same of Stormy Daniels?  And excuse me, darlings, but isn't she just a tad long in the tooth to be in "the industry?"  I mean, yes, I have heard of "Granny Porn," but the makers and performers are sick.  Unless the unfortunate latter have Alzheimer's, which is taking sexual exploitation to the extreme.  Don't get me started!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Yes, Stormy's chest is formidable, but so is Dolly Parton's!  I think she made better career choices, and most of us know some of her movies.

                                   So, how does Stormy Daniels claim to be an "adult film star," when I get the impression that straight porn aficionados do not even know who she is?

                                   I do give her credit for saying she was not attracted to Trump--who would be? --and that sex with him was disgusting.  Don't we know it, without having to go there?

                                    Stormy has a husband and daughter.  Now, that is something.  They say if Trump is re-elected, they are going to leave the country.  Even if he loses--which he better--I think the move would be best for her.  Abroad, she could reinvent herself into something a bit classier; she seems to have the potential.

                                      Maybe she could be the next Anita Ekberg, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Monday, May 13, 2024

Today Is The 107th Anniversary Of Our Lady Of Fatima!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         On this day, in 1917, the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to three shepherd children--Lucia Dos Santos, and her two cousins, Francisco and Jacinta Martos.  The visits, a series of them over time, took place in the Cova Da Iria, near the Portuguese village of Fatima.  The most famous of these visits involved The Miracle Of The Sun.

                                           Yesterday was Mother's Day.  Today, it is apt to celebrate the biggest Mother of them all.   And on the Centennial Anniversary, all three children were canonized by the Roman Catholic Church as saints.  Lucia lived the longest, at 98, but Francisco went quickly, dying on April 3, 1919, while Jacinta passed on the following year--February 20, 1920.  It was she, however who would go on to become the symbol of Fatima, being the holiest of the children, and suffering greatly, including surgery minus anesthetic.  

                                              No wonder her picture was center stage over the Vatican, during the ceremony, which was televised, and which I can proudly say I saw.

                                                 So, today, we remember Mary and those courageous, holy children.

                                                 Hey, Mary, Earth could use a visit from you in these times.

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Pay No Attention To What This Poster Says!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Darlings, Rihanna's non-appearance at The MET Gala was a horrible mistake.  But for her to miss this play would not have been.

                                        Dan Lauria is one of our best character actors.  And Theater Queens, such as I, will run to see Patty McCormack, aka Rhoda Penmark, in "The Bad Seed."

                                        Lauria may have acting chops, but he is not a playwright.  This two act play, which really could have been condensed into one, starts out like an Edward Albee "Zoo Story" wannabe, then drifts ever so slowly into Samuel Beckett territory, ending up on the shore of Joan Didion.

                                           Now, I am no fan of Joan, but I wish she had written this, because her writing, though depressing, had clarity and cogency.  Mr. Lauria's script does not

                                           The one to feel sorry for is Patty McCormack.  She gives it her all (though she goes up on her lines early on) but can be forgiven, given the script she was handed.  Besides all the other playwrights imitated, Lauria gives the McCormack character (the people are never named) a dose of garbled verbiage that any actress would be challenged to master.  Lauria is OK, but then this is his ego baby!

                                             Opinions will differ among viewers, but I thought this was the tale of a husband and wife, the latter in a facility due to Alzheimer's, and a husband who visits her, and lives at home, while his cognition, which seems declining, still lasts.  This is a topic I am not comfortable with.

                                              Were it just about two unknown people who meet, it would bear a resemblance to Truman Capote's "Among The Paths To Eden."  But, since Capote wrote it, there was poetry, artistry, and lyrical, manageable dialogue.

                                                 As for director Eric Krebbs, whom I recall from the starting days of the George Street Playhouse, in New Brunswick, NJ, while I was still living in Highland Park, he is as lacking in skill as Lauria.  He needs to pace his actors, especially Patty, and teach them--here especially--to speak rhythmically, because she has some patter talk that comes out sounding like she is singing Sondheim's "Getting Married Today."  And that takes practice.

                                                      But no amount of practice can excuse Lauria's crappy script.  The way this is advertised like a feel good comedy when it is not insults the theatergoing community.

                                                      Patty, we love you, but it was better when you murdered everyone in sight.  Perhaps you should have done the same here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!