
Thursday, January 19, 2017

This Hazel Is Not Everybody's Pal, But One Cold-Hearted Bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Hazel must have been quite a bitch.  For starters, she was not much to look at, which may be why, in the first place, her husband, John, strayed with Cathy Whitehead, in the Rockvale, Georgia.  Down home, indeed!

                                   This thing, along with cohort Donald Glenn Everett, got back at husband John, by kidnapping and killing Cathy Whitehead.

                                     Now, I don't know if anything was going down between Hazel and Glenn--I mean, again, she was not much to look at, but was he?  Glenn might have been so desperate he would have taken up Hazel on an offer of sexual favors in exchange for being a murder accomplice--what else could one expect from two dumb crackers, who thought Cracker Barrel was haute cuisine?????

                                       Here is how it went.  On the night of April 14, 1983, Donald went to knock on Cathy's door.  When she answered, he told her that John Short, her so-called fiance, was calling her from a nearby pay phone.

                                         What is wrong with this?  She did not even have a land line?  She had to use a pay phone?  How White Trash is that?

                                             When Cathy got there, which was near a parking lot to some sleazy, one-horse strip mall, and took the phone, Hazel snuck up, grabbed her from behind, and, with Donald's help, tied Cathy and placed her in the trunk of her car, vowing vengeance on her from taking John away. They then drove to a wooded area outside of town, and, in a manner similar to Shanda Sharer, beat, tortured, and set Cathy on fire!  What a bitch!  She does deserve to be the winner of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award.

                                                 What an evil bitch!  I am telling you, I love "Gone With The Wind," but I am starting to rethink Georgia.  "Deliverance," and now this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                    One thing for sure, darlings!  Hazel's last name may be Short, but her incarceration period is anything but.

                                                      She was sentenced to Life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Czechchicklet said...

She didn't have a phone because she was moving in a couple of days and had services cut off. No one had cell phones back then. Just saying.

Too Tired to Think said...

What a terrible shame. I just watched this on Your Worst Nightmare. How anyone can burn another alive is beyond all comprehension.

The Raving Queen said...

Well, dears, Hazel will be locked up for a long time.
Unknown, if you want to write to her, be my guest! But
be careful not to get caught in her twisted machinations!

The Raving Queen said...

Too Tired To Think,
Agreed, but it happens more than
we would like to think! To burn
someone alive is the height of sadism and

The Raving Queen said...


Agreed. This was in that pre-cell
phone era. Had they been available,
she might be alive today. Very sad!

Nobody said...

You got some things wrong here. Hazel's daughter Tina and Glenn are the ones who kidnapped Cathy. Hazel met up with them later. Along with a few other, who will remain nameless

Also you didn't even come close to explaining just how much torture and torment this young lady suffered through before she died. Cathy was burned, beaten, stabbed, and has been said that she was even rapped. She was then put in the trunk of the car and lived for several days, before finally being killed and dumped in a well.

Hazel was given 2 life sentences. Just thought I'd add a little to conversation. This was a horrible crime and no amount of jail time can make up for it.

The Raving Queen said...


Maybe I let myself forget the horrifics.
I also forgot about the 2 life sentences.
They are well deserved!
Thanks for sharing!

MrsShort said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Cheryl Phillips said...

How are you going to call a victim white trash for not having a landline? It was the 80's not everyone had a landline even back then and at 21 years old she was probably just being able to make rent. It's very insensitive.

Anonymous said...

Hazel shd have gotten death penalty! If anyone deserves it, she certainly does, imho!

The Raving Queen said...


I completely agree with you!

The Raving Queen said...

Patrick, dear,

It is comments like yours
that make me glad I do this.
Bet you voted for Trump!

Darling, I am so educated,
I don't know WTF Springe is!

Take a chill pill, hon!

The Raving Queen said...

Your screen name, dear cute though it be,
is not suited for you; It should be
AliceinTrumpland. Go back down your hole,

The Raving Queen said...

Me calm down? Hon, that is
impossible! But I appreciate
your comments, and agree she
deserved what she got!

goldline said...

Deliverance took place in NC

HeavyheartforCathy said...

Just watched Your Worst Nightmare. Yes, Glenn was dating Hazel's daughter & was told they were just going to rough her up. Cathy was stabbed in the trunk...driven further to another place..doused w/gas, set on fire ALIVE then later thrown down into the well. She had already cx her landline bc she was moving in w/the fiancé. So many things would or could have helped had it been in current times. What a horrible, horrible story. Hazel has a special place in Hell waiting for her!

HeavyheartforCathy said...

Oh..and I live in Georgia near Atlanta & voted for Trump as well...seems appropriate to add after reading some of the comments above.Everyone has the right to free speech but writing factual articles should not trigger these responses...maybe be a little less judgemental towards your audience...Georgia is amazing & Trump is too! God bless.

HeavyheartforCathy said...


The Raving Queen said...


Was it NC? Sorry. Shows
how long it has been since I
read or viewed "Deliverance!"

The Raving Queen said...

Heavyheartfor Cathy,

I think we can agree to disagree.
This poor victim did not deserve what
happened to her--no one does. On that,
we are on the same page.

As for Georgia and Trump, and if
they work for you, that is fine.
Me, they don't, and I have the right to
express that.

But I feel for Cathy too, and loathe Hazel!!!!!!!!!!

The Raving Queen said...

La Ng,

I could not agree with you more.
Thanks for your comments.

Anonymous123 said...

Y'all will never know the whole story hazel happens to be my great aunt and she had 5 children with John they were married for 25 years she loved her family more than her own life she would die for them and I would say she would go as far as kill for them but I Know in my heart this show y'all are raveing about has spread lies and slandered her name. Cathy did not deserve the torturous things she endured none of it she went through things that no man woman or child should ever go through she was a very pretty young woman and and my condolences go out to her family and especially her son. I was born 14-15 years after this and it breaks my heart truly but John isn't/wasn't the wholesome man the show portrayed him to be hazel was a loving woman and mother had food on the table every night when John came home, if he did, hazel and those kids lived on a dirt floor with no running water until the kids were well in their teens hazel tried her best to keep john happy and in my heart I know that all hazel wanted to do was beat up Cathy and she did. GLEN EVERETT and a friend by the name of drew are the ones who did all those horrible gruesome things to Cathy she didn't deserve it. I know this to be true because drew passed away of kidney failure 7-8 years back and he was scared and shaking and crying terrified of what he was facing as he was lieing on his death bed he knew what he had done and had told several people in my family including one of Hazel's children that after they burned her while she was still alive he wrapped a wire hanger around her neck and tightened it with a screwdriver until she quit breathing it was him and Glen that road around with her in the trunk and did all those horrible things to that undeserving woman. You might ask then why did hazel take the fall well bc she believes her wanting to beat up Cathy instigated the whole scenario she wanted to protect her family from jail time, her daughter and also her nephew at the time of the case, which was 34 years ago. Y'all have every right to wish hell upon the person y'all believe did this and trash her name because of a TV show but I know the truth and who really deserves the blaim. But y'all will never know the whole story or what actually happened hell my whole family has been pondering on this since the beginning and it is sickening to all of us my heart goes out to Cathy and her family but it breaks my heart seeing y'all slander a woman and trash her name when y'all will never know what really happened or who really did it y'all have any questions I will do my best to answer them to the best of my ability this happened 34 years ago and hazel has been imprisoned since shes is not the demon she was portrayed in the ID show to be she was the instigator and she took the fall and I assure yall it eats at her everyday in there I can't imagine the horror Cathy went through and had it been my mother I can't describe the gruesome things I would retaliate with so again I say my condolences go out to the family and especially the son I'm truly sorry for this unspeakable tragedy

The Raving Queen said...

Hazel being your great aunt,
I am sorry for your pain.
I agree maybe John was not the
super wholesome guy, but the
fact remains Hazel is in jail,
she was convicted by the judicial
system, who found the evidence against
her convincing. She is your great aunt,
and love her all you want. But her
deeds and evidence support her also being
a cold hearted bitch!

Anonymous123 said...

I understand your premises but I assure you the real cold hearted individuals that did this have a special place in hell for what they did to that girl hazel wanted to hurt her she true but I know she never intended for that to happen to Cathy and I know she she didn't participate in the defilement or the overall murder of Ms Whitehead bc I have heard it from the true killers mouth and it sent chills up my spine and made me puke like I said in the previous comment hazel felt she was the instigator, she didn't kill that girl, god will judge those responsible.

The Raving Queen said...

Indeed, darling.
But judge not, lest ye be judged!

Cynthia said...

Wow! What a judgmental response regarding the phone and area of town the poor girl lived in. Not everyone can afford to live in the Hamptons!
Well written piece but please show a bit more sympathy to those less fortunate.

Cynthia said...

Wow! What a judgmental response regarding the phone and area of town the poor girl lived in. Not everyone can afford to live in the Hamptons!
Well written piece but please show a bit more sympathy to those less fortunate.

Cynthia said...

Wow! What a judgmental response regarding the phone and area of town the poor girl lived in. Not everyone can afford to live in the Hamptons!
Well written piece but please show a bit more sympathy to those less fortunate.

The Raving Queen said...

FYI, this is being written, not
from the Hamptons, but a nice,
respectable apartment, in Brooklyn.
I have been out to the Hanmptons,
love to visit, but would not live
there--too isolated.

I have issues with people not having
phones, when they can have things like
guns, and most of these folk come
from the wrong side of the tracks.
I have issues with them, too!

Glad you enjoyed the writing in spite
of the rest. Stay tuned.

Unknown said...

Hazel Short was just released from prison in the past 2 weeks. Only life without parole will be true life in Georgia.

The Raving Queen said...


Sorry to hear Hazel was released.
I worry for the populace. But
I am pretty sure she will do
something to land her in the
slammer again.

How could anyone have granted
her parole?

Thanks for your comments!

Unknown said...

I would love to meet you face to face the raving queen. This is Cathys son!

Unknown said...

Thank you!

Unknown said...

Have you read her confessions?

The Raving Queen said...

T. Spain,

I am sorry for the pain in
the loss of your mother. And
the way in which it happened.

No, I have not read Hazel's
confessions. Are they available

Yes, that Hazel was some cold thing,
and she will pay for what she did.

Thank you so much for your comments!

Unknown said...

I dont care how loving she was or how unwholesome john was.. she had no right to do what she did. I dont even care if cathy instigated anything and I dont believe that anyway, she still had no right to torture and kill her and is exactly where she should be.

Unknown said...

Hey Tony. Currently watching Your Worst Nightmare and can't imagine the pain and horror of you, your mama and all of your family. I live in Conyers and vaquely remember this as I was only 14. I wonder why they didn't receive the death penalty. As for this raving queen person..? You can only ignore idiots like this. One can only guess how they'd feel if it was their mom/daughter/sister/child. You and yours are in my prayers

Unknown said...

That pathetic diatribe on behalf of the aunt, is disgusting. Hazel Short got off LIGHTLY for the barbaric, heinous way SHE killed Cathy! You also desperately need to go to school to learn how to write and spell, and possibly learn what constitutes a sentence in English!

Unknown said...

You keep saying things like "cracker" and "white trash" so I'm guessing you are not Caucasian.. This story is really sad and i feel for this girl.. Maybe it would be better if someone told her story that isn't as ignorant as you are..js

Unknown said...

Ignorant artical.. Written in very poor taste. Who are you to call someone white trash because they were not born wealthy. This girl was 21 yo taking care of a young son, probably doing the best she could for the both of them. Her only fault, falling for someone with an insane ex-wife. A child lost his mother, a mother lost her baby for no reason at all. All should be treated with compassion and respect.

T-Spain, I am so sorry this horrific tragedy happened to you and your family. You all deserved so much better.

The Raving Queen said...

Unknown, I agree she had no right to
do what she did and is where she belongs
What gets me is so many comments on here
get the idea I am pro-Hazel, and I am not!

The Raving Queen said...


FYI, I am not an idiot.
I happen to be brilliant.
Anyone living in an area
like this has to be trash.
You live in a trailer with
your mother, who is like
Ann Ramsey in "Throw Mama
From The Train," and your
mongoloid half brother sired
by bestiality with a wild boar!

The Raving Queen said...

Anne Heath,
Again, where do you get
the idea I am pro Hazel?
I am as sorry for anyone
about Cathy's death, even if
she did not make the best

Unknown said...

Mr. Spain the one going to hell WILL NOT Be Hazel. This is one of the sweetest most loving mothers I have ever met. And she has endured a lot of torture and humiliation and emotional abuse due to the lies being told. She is not capable of killing. Her relationship with God is why she is still alive. She doesn’t deserve this no more than Ms. Whitehead did. I am sorry for your loss deeply and sincerely. You did not deserve to grow up with out her and nor did Hazel deserve to spend 37 years away from her kids. If you find God you will see your mother in heaven. If you continue to publicly abuse Mrs. Short and wish bad things on her your seat in Hell will be waiting on you. This woman is absolutely NOT capable of killing. A women involving herself with a married man who has five kids is not totally innocent. How might you feel about raising 5 children alone after your spouse cheated? All Hazel wanted was her to walk away from her family. The guys in the movie are the monsters. Not this precious women. She has been incarcerated for 37 years for a crime She DID NOT COMMIT. No one should be on making a judgment on so few facts. And some people need to be respectful and stop this nonsense. Enough is enough. Mr Spain I will pray for to find God and forgiveness. May god be with and all these others making these ugly remarks. RIP Cathy Whitehead

The Raving Queen said...

And just who is making judgement with
few facts? Back at ya, dear!

Unknown said...

I grew up with the family in the town and all know them hung out with the short kids never saw John and hazel fight but as kids we didn't see those things I have heard all kinds of stories about it but hazel was mean and so was tina

Unknown said...

She is quilty and a cold hearted bitch and so is her daughter I agree with Tony read her confessions God will judge her and the others

Unknown said...

T.Spain my heart and prayers are with you how is your grandmother doing? And John also

Unknown said...

Good lordt!!! They let Hazel out?? I'm in Lawrenceville and I'm scared! She is a demon!!! Keep your head up Mr. Spain.

To y'all all bent out of shape, Queen is s cheeky blogger, calm down.

Oh, and how you liking treasonous Trump now. There IS collusion, there IS campaign violations, he shut down the government over a racist wall that he LIED to you DOLTS that MEXICO would pay for. Now, he wants US to foot the bill and over a million Americans aren't getting paid!!! That tax cut benefited ONLY the 1% and large corporations! His tariffs are costing industries billions!! He is an idiot and s liar. If you voted for him and STILL support him, YOU are what makes others THINK you are bare foot, snuggle tooth, inbred hillbillies. His BASE. I'm from Chicago, but, have lived here 11 years. I love Georgia, but loathe the blatant ignorance and racism. GROW UP! The South lost the civil war.


The Raving Queen said...


I agree, Hazel should not be let out.
Granted, she may be elderly, but I still
think she is a danger to the people in
whatever area she might settle.

The Raving Queen said...

Who are you calling White Trash, dear?
I am strictly lace curtain.
There is a name for folk like you, but
it is not used in polite society, outside of
a dog kennel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Unknown686 said...

Says the most judgemental person on this site!! Practice what you preach!!

The Raving Queen said...


What I preach goes on here!
And ME jusgemental, darling?
Can I help it having standards,
and most of America does not?

The Raving Queen said...


Thanks for the support!

Unknown said...

Tina Short is in prison now for drug trafficking. Probably won't get out until 2041. #Trump2020

The Raving Queen said...

Tina Short may not even
get out in 2041, if she is
denied parole. And I will
just ignore your Trump symbol,

Unknown said...

You want a liar for President, again.

Unknown said...

Whoever poured the gas on her and threw the lighter or match is pure EVIL period!and THAT person will BURN in HELL! There is no greater pain than burning and anyone who inflicts the ultimate pain on another living creature must suffer the same fate.there is no escape they bought their ticket to HELL!

Unknown said...

RIP Cathy... please pray for the family and especially her son.

Jeanette Allen said...

To Unknown: And what proof do you have that President Trump is a liar? Since the millions of people who voted for Trump and will again for 2020, he isn't a liar. But we can say that about Obama too. Calling Trump a liar, is that all you can come up with?! Lol Ok..But What President is perfect?!

The Raving Queen said...

Zil Dar,

See my response addressed "To Recent Commenters."

The Raving Queen said...


Oh, honey your comments were a riot.

I have known I was superior since the
day I was born. And I don't hide it.

I am so pure I use a bathroom to relieve
myself! Unlike you, who do it in the back

The dogs in my neighborhood have more class
than you, darling!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Raving Queen said...

Tabitha XXX,
One last thing.
I am The Raving Queen.
I am a social media darling.
I am who those who seek information look to!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My readership exceeds commercial publication!
So there!

Unknown said...

The author clearly didn't do the proper research before dissing the dead.

The Raving Queen said...


I don't diss the dead. I never
said Cathy deserved to die. Just
that bad choices led to her death.

I write what I write, darling, so
get over it!

Unknown said...

Donald Glenn Everett was dating Hazel's daughter... He was afraid of what she'd do if he didn't help... This case was just on a true crime show on ID Channel called " Your Worst Nightmare" Season 3

The Raving Queen said...

I am familiar with "Your Worst Nightmare,"
but did not know they had covered that
case. I am interested in seeing how
they handle it/

Unknown said...

Tony I’m so sorry for what happened to your beautiful mother. This case truly disturbed me. I know it’s hard to swallow such negativity about your mother and I’ll apologize for them. You have a couple angels watching over you now. I pray for you to have peace and continue to prosper through life.

The Raving Queen said...


Of curse, I have compassion over Tony's loss
of his mother. You may disagree with what I
say, but I am not inhumane! However, if Cathy
had behaved differently, she might still be here!

Z said...

Because he/She/it is dazed, confused and stupid, cold, cruel and heartless and more.....

Z said...

That must be what you do when you are bored and don't have some trash to write

Z said...

That's the truth Noneyadamnbusiness.

The Raving Queen said...

Dear Z,
Oh, hon set it to music!

You have some NERVE calling ME
White Trash, when I am socially and
intellectually superior to you.

Now be a good piece of trash, yourself,
and go off to your White Supremacist/Nationalist

Cheryl Phillips said...

I have been reading some comments on here including my own from 2 years ago. I am just a disgusted with the "Queens" comments as I was then. It is ironic that on his bio page he describes himself as compassionate when all he is is a desperate bitch sitting in his lonely apartment trying to piss people off for his amusement. So sad. He seems real brave from that keyboard but he really has no balls.

The Raving Queen said...


It is comments like yours that
I just LOVE. As for your
assessment of me, how would
you know? So far off, darling!

Have a lovely day, dear!

Sharon Cox said...

This is my aunt you are talking about! Just because she had a baby at a young age doesn't mean she was trash! She did not deserve to die or any harm whatsoever!!!

The Raving Queen said...


Fist, I am sorry for you, regarding
the loss of your aunt. Second, I
never said she deserved to die. Her
death was a horrible tragedy.

But she made some bad choices.
And having a baby young is one of them.
Where I come from, only those from the
wrong side of the tracks--trash--do

And she was having an affair with
a married man. Again, she did not
deserve what happened, but had her
choices been better, she might
still be here.

Cream or sugar with you tea, darling?

Michael77 said...

A degenerate disease ridden homo calling people crackers. That's rich.

Sharon Cox said...


The Raving Queen said...

Sharon Cox,
Oh, honey, honey!

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Another episode of this case on I.D. now

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

You will suffer for your cold evil words . u have a curse on you 'you will soon feel cathys pain ''

Anonymous said...

God is king praise his name'love to all who is kind

The Raving Queen said...


Same to you, hon!

The Raving Queen said...


Oh, I know your kind! Trash!
Some homophobe White Supremacist
who lives in a shack with a privy,
which is nothing but a series of
wooded slats squared around a hole that
you shit into, and once decomposed, give
it tot the woods for ecology.

Or you live in a rented project complex,
where you go to the bathroom in the hall!

The Raving Queen said...


I was unaware of the new treatment
on this case. Thanks! I will watch for

The Raving Queen said...

Unknown who said "Amen!"

STFU to you, too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Raving Queen said...


How dare you call me a Royal Bitch!
I sympathize with all over Cathy's death,
but she did make some bad choices.

I wouldn't be so proud of myself, dear,
living in a Podunk place like Newton all your
life! If that's your world it is limited to

Now, go slop the hogs!

Unknown said...

You say you were born about 14 years later. You have the facts and representation your family wants you to have. Did you read the court transcripts? I'd advise you to do so. Then tell me what a "sweet" and "harmless" woman Hazel is.

The Raving Queen said...

I would be interested in reading the
court transcripts. Are they online?

And you need to reread my post. I
always do before answering readers'
questions. Nowhere do I act as an
advocate of Hazel. I never say she
is sweet and harmless. Quite the

Justme said...

Thou shall not kill ! End of story ! Had Hazel not started anything that lady would still be alive ! Husbands leave wives and children every day without murder happening ! Hazel has been legally judged by man and God will give her final judgment!God has the final say in all of this !

Unknown said...

I'm looking at the comments, knowing that someone's mother was put in a trunk after she was set on fire, and then the killer told the police that she finally, "strangled her because she just wouldn't die, and she was suffering," and we have people arguing back and forth over a president? Im so glad I'm from a completely different time than this one. At lease I can remember when people still had feelings for others, and wasn't referring to them as white trash because they didn't have a landline. I will stand up and say that neither did my family, we had to walk to use the phone....why? Because my dad had 3 children, and try as he might, he couldn't afford a luxury like a phone. Of course all those people today, whose parents pay their phone bills, they might get a laugh out of that. Laugh loud. I on the other hand would like to say to her son, I am so sorry that your mother's name has to even be brought up in a place like this. RIP Cathy....and may God bless your son/your family with the peace that comes from knowing you're in his care now.

Unknown said...

It saddens me to know that Cathy, and others like myself, would have been/are, considered white trash, and for what? Because of poverty? I know what it's like to live in the "living situation" she was, and that's with no choice about it, either way...people just couldn't afford different as hard as they tried. That being said, The Raving Queen, I saw your profile, you seem intelligent and interesting, and I would say nothing bad about you, I only wonder why your opinions of people living in bad situations, when they can't do different, is what it is. I went on to college, and bettered myself, but I know how it still is for all the children coming up as I did. That life is bleak enough, and without hope as it is, especially when you're very young and can't help your circumstances, without having people labeling you trash.

The Raving Queen said...


Thank you for your comments. I am with you all the way.
Again, contrary to what so many commentators on here think,
I never have been, nor ever will be, pro Hazel.

Thank you for understanding that.

The Raving Queen said...

Regarding your going to college and bettering
yourself, I commend you. As for my problem with
White Trash, I will explain it. It may not help,
but it will give you some context.

For reasons unknown to me at the time, as I was
just a small child, my parents sent me to the worst
of the three elementary schools in my home town. This
was from 1960 to 67. All the kids from what I called
Goat Alley, and the wrong side of the tracks went there,
and I had nothing to say about it. I was ahead of
everyone, being able to read before first grade,
wanting to learn cursive after mastering printing,
and wanting to read things like Hitchcock's children
anthologies, when these were not even present in our
classrooms. The teachers expected me to learn on
the level of everyone else, and so I turned my
resentment on my white trash classmates, who I felt
were holding me back. I still carry this resentment
today, but it stems from what I just wrote. This
may not satisfy you as an explanation, but it is the one
I have. As stated, at least it will give you context.
Yes, I did have a high opinion of myself, because I knew
I was ahead of everyone. And nothing was done about it!
I had to go to school with white trash! And I resent it,
and them, to this day!

Unknown said...

Sorry Unknown this was not intended for you it is aimed at the Raving Idiot Queen

The Raving Queen said...

Oh, sweetheart, it is comments like yours that make me glad
I do this. When research is necessary, I do it. But I just
wrote abut what I watched on ID. I am not out to insult the
dead, just stating facts, and by the way, I am NOT pro Hazel,
as so many on here have said, Read the headline of the post.

As for Georgia , well, honey all I know is from "Gone With The
Wind." I came from gentry, like the O'Haras, not trash like the
Slatterys, which is what you seem to be. Were I to visit the state,
I would be a Plantation Princess. That is right, you better believe
it. While, you, you White Supremacist, Nationalist piece of White
Trash, probably sleep at night with the hogs in the tanyard, and sodomize
the sheep! You sick trash!

You are correct calling me a New York queer. But you act like it is
some kind of disgrace, instead of a badge of honor, I wear proudly.
I know so many ex-Southerners. New York is where they all come to
escape from the likes of you.

So keep it real, darling!

Unknown said...

Your special! 1983 uh no cell phones 🤦🏽‍♀️

The Raving Queen said...

Unknown, Who Calls Me A Racist Piece Of Trash,

Thank you so much for your comment, honey!
But you are the one who is uninformed.
Now, shut your royal trap, dear!

The Raving Queen said...

You are damn right I am special!
More than can be said for you.
You don't even understand contractions.
The first word in your comment ought to
have been "You're," for "you are."
And I am not!
Cream, lemon, or sugar, in your tea, darling?

The Raving Queen said...

Dame Q,

I am with you, all the way.
Your most important statement--The cycle of
ignorance needs to end."

Indeed, but how?

The Raving Queen said...

Manly Man,

Clever screen name. Reveals a lack of self-assurance.
Several things you do get correct, though. I AM
smarter than all; I was superior to the likes of you
from the moment I was born! My asshole does not stink
because I am above going to the bathroom, like ordinary
mortals. It is disgusting, and disgusting things DISGUST
me! And, why should I not declare myself fabulous, when it
so apparent I am.

And calling ME White Trash. Let's talk about that. You
live in some dilapidated trailer along highway fruit stands
where the sand and grit gets kicked onto your property; probably
in Florida, which would not surprise me. So, go fuck your mother
from behind, reading a looking at a sticky issue of JUGS, while
pounding your pud into her V-hole, as you shoot your rotten load!
People like you are the products of several generations of incest,
which is why there are freaks running all over your property.
The saucer men in "Invasion Of The Saucer Men" look good compared
to what you have got.

OK, dear?

Unknown said...

You do realize that cellphones were not a thing in the 80s right? And that regardless of where you lived ~ pay phones were Always nearby And people used them often. When it comes to landlines ~ you had to prepare days in advance to have them turned on or off. Strange thing tho insult the victim about.

LeeF1179 said...

The reason that she did not have a phone is because she was in the process of moving, and the services had already been disconnected. Speaking of living arrangements, looking at your photo, it's obvious that your respectful Brooklyn apartment is very standard. When you make it to SoHo, CPW, or the Upper East Side, feel free to call whomever you like "white trash." Until then, you should work to become more aware of your reality.

The Raving Queen said...

There is nothing standard about me, or
where I live in Brooklyn. And, FYI, that
photo was not taken in this apartment. Just

My reality is superiority to all.

Meanwhile, what cave did you crawl out of to post
this message?

g h o s t said...

And as far as Cathy Whitehead goes, maybe her financial situation wasn't the best. But for one, as mentioned several times above, it had nothing to do with her not having a land-line at the time of her kidnapping. And two, even if she was considered "white trash" by societal standards, those who knew her commented on her extraordinary personality. Something you seem to be lacking. In my opinion, economics have nothing to do with someone being trashy. Based on your weird and irrelevant comments about your standard of living, I'll assume you have always been well above the poverty line. But clearly that didn't save you from being trash.

Unknown said...

I was around during the 80s and relied on pay phones to keep in contact with people. Sometimes when your job is not paying too much it is difficult to get a phone. Back in the 80s, most utilities required a deposit before you could get service. If it was $150. That might be a whole week's paycheck back then. The minimum wage was $3.35 an hour back then. So for the multi-year argument. The one that said everyone had a phone has no clue what they are talking about. Helps if you were alive during that time.

The Raving Queen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
LeeF1179 said...

I had forgotten about this thread. Hey, can you afford CPW yet?

The Raving Queen said...


But, darling, how can I
afford something, when I
don't know what it is!

I hear your Mama calling you!

Sharon Hadaway said...

Unfortunately Hazel Short is my dad's first cousin and a lot of things in this murder has never been publicly said. Cathy didnt deserve to be tortured and SET ON FIRE! My dad told me that Hazel was EVIL AF! Her daughter Tina has been in and out of prison for sale of meth since the murder happened in 1984. I was born in 1988 so I never met Hazel (not upset about that at all) but I have met Tina about 15 years ago when she visited family in porterdale from Florida.

The Raving Queen said...

Tina sounds like a piece of work,too!

Sharon Hadaway said...

She definitely is (well "was" I haven't seen her in years). But having a mother like Hazel didnt help Tina at all, My dad told me that when Hazel would come up for parole she'd say "yall let me out and I'm killing my ex-husband (John) next". He also said that Hazel lived 2 houses up from him when Cathy went missing and he saw her drive up that night but he didnt realize Cathy was tied up in the trunk at that time (still alive). Cathy went through A LOT and fought hard to live. They actually did a lot of stuff to her that wasn't mentioned.

The Raving Queen said...

Get Lost!

Lovewings said...

I just saw this case on TV: I hope that evil witch Hazel is still in prison- hope she dies there---

The Raving Queen said...

Miss Rachelle,

How dare you call ME trash?
Listen, hon, where I came from, everyone
had more than one phone in the house.
This was pre-cell, of course. For someone
not to have a landline is inexcusable.
And Kathy, who did not deserve her fate,
nor did her family--I would never say that--
nevertheless made some bad choices. When her
parents saw she was trouble, she should have
been shoved into a convent!

David Leeke said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
David Leeke said...

TQR There are many people even in todays world who choose not to have a phone, be it a landline or a mobile (Cell). I went over 5 years without as a test and turned out that my over all mental state improved. No cold calling, no calls from work begging me to cover shifts, no alerts from social media or spam txt msg and best of all no phone to break or loose. Now, it has been pointed out to you in other comments as to why Cathy had no phone. So may be its time to correct your write up... You know, as you keeping saying your not an idiot and all that!..
Even if your statement was correct about her not having a phone who are you to label her as trash based on that? Or that she had a child at an early age? Mums are becoming younger and younger these days and not always it was planned. My birth mum (as I was adopted as a baby) was 13 years old and even after being rapped by her mothers boyfriend decided to have me. If you don't know all the facts then may be you should practice keeping some of opinions to yourself. Specially when it comes to people who are victims and more so if like in this case it was because her landline phone was not working she had to leave the house and it was that mistake that lead to her kidnap and death.
Thats basically saying the victim was at fault. If someone truly wants to hurt/kill you they will find away regardless how careful a person is, and if you like sharing your poor judgemental opinions in that way then you clearly like getting attention for page hits and money (I don't know you or all facts, but doing what you did formed an opinion and shared it).
The fact you have managed to keep the comment thread going this long only says how low you are, where as a good writer would change their mistake and even not respond to those who rightly told you it was wrong or harsh what you said to then remove the comments after correcting your write up. However your ego, self importance, need for attention and to feel superior over those who are calling you out or idiot proves how low a person you are. Time to grow up..
Not everyone wants to do the normal/same as everyone else. This can be either lack of money or choice that does not mean they are less of a person and it does not give anyone a right to judge them or share their opinion in this way. There is already to many people doing this to a bad effect thats leading to seriously bad negative divisions in the US/UK/EU.

Unknown said...

Raving queen, you are quite an odd fella. I feel bad for you as you obviously have no grasp on reality whatsoever.
You are so superior you do not go to the bathroom like the rest of us? With the exception of a colostomy bag, I don't quite understand how that's possible. If you wouldn't mind elaborating on that for me please?

Unknown said...

Also, your spelling us quite poor throughout many of your posts and your grammar is downright atrocious.
I would think an individual as 'superior' such as yourself would be able to spell properly and know when to use a comma or semicolons etc.

I find it odd that you blog in the first place when you do not present the actual facts of the case as you were mistaken about numerous things.

Speaking the way you have, degrading Cathy by calling her disgraceful names is beyond disgusting.
Shucks, I hope you have not posted your actual picture on this site. If so, I hate to break it to you but you are definitely not superior to the human race in the looks department as well as intellectually.

At first I thought you had down syndrome. On further examination I realized you are just extremely ugly, as people with down syndrome are quite adorable.

I feel very bad for you as you are not only ugly on the outside, but even uglier within.

The Raving Queen said...


Concern appreciated, but not needed.
You have no idea of what I have been
through to get to this point, so who
the hell are you to judge? Bitch!

As for looks, I picture you as Anne
Ramsay in "Throw Mama From The Train!"


The Raving Queen said...


One last thing, dear. My spelling
and grammar are not atrocious. I
go over and correct errors, and I
am both literate and literary.
I am surprised you could even spell

Go sleep with the hogs in the tanyard!!!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

Listen I just watched this movie with Kathy Whitehead and it's very very tragic loss for their whole family and it was just very disturbing to watch number one let's keep Trump out of this he has nothing f****** to do with this keep your focus on what the discussions about and that's Kathy Whitehead and this f****** miserable piece of s*** Hazel that's in jail for committing this horrendous crime I am just totally shocked that somebody didn't put her out of her misery and set her on fire in the jail by now I just don't understand it I believe in an eye for an eye and if the government if I was running the government somebody takes a life however that mode is they deserve to die the same way

Madhatter said...

I feel sorry for you. You are whats wrong in the world. Find some inner peace. Stop name calling do better.

Unknown said...

You gotta start paying a little more attention Queen! Now I probably would've questioned the phone thing myself, albeit in a kinder way 😉, but they actually said right in the episode that her phone was disconnected because she was in the process of moving in with her fiance. She'd apparently given that pay phone number to a couple key people in her life. That way if there was an emergency during those couple days they'd still have SOME sorta way to reach her. Side note, since her fiance was a cop I doubt he could go without a landline phone in their new soon to be shared (although Catherine never made it there)home even if he wanted to. Especially considering this was before cell phones.

The Raving Queen said...


I get what yoo are saying; points taken.
My thing was I felt Cathy's background limited
her life chances. A baby when young, out of
wedlock, moving in with a cop fiance--blue collar.
She would have done better to get out of that
podunk town!

Thanks for commenting!

Unknown said...

I'm pretty sure Hazel and Glenn were cousins you were talking about them getting together it happens though but thought I would clear that part up

The Raving Queen said...

I had no idea they were cousins.
It could be possible the program never
mentioned it

You are right, it happens, but after
rereading my post, I don't think Hazel
and Glenn would have hooked up. Or if
they did, it would not last.

Thanks for commenting.

Whiteboy said...

Also the well is on brushy forks road and that’s Gwinnett county

The Raving Queen said...

That she is out of prison
speaks poorly of our justice

Whiteboy said...

Your wrong again and hazel is already out of prison and Glenn too

Unknown said...

Yeah you sound real educated!!!!
Grow up and show some respect.Your a twit!!!

Unknown said...


Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Judge not?.....sounds to me like your judging people on where they live.
Where you born with a silver spoon Queenie?

Unknown said... that all you got Queenie? Judge not or you shall be judged. You better follow your own words girlfriend. Because you are heading to the depths of Hell

Unknown said...

Boohoo Queenie, NOBODY GIVES A CRAP ABOUT WHAT YOU WENT THROUGH!!! You see nobody cares about you. Once a person clicks off this blog, you are totally forgotten. So boohoo to what you have gone through. You are heartless, because you are you!!!
Get over cease to exist.

Unknown said...

Amen...agree 100%

The Raving Queen said...

Nobody cares about me, or what I went through?
Well, 118 followers and those who don't identify do.
And people keep commenting on this post, so I am obliged to

Listen, do yourself a favor--get up tomorrow early,
have a cup of coffee with Granny, get her in the car,
and drive her to her porn shoot!

That's right! Folk like you have grannies who do Granny Porn!

Bama Mike said...

I have been fascinated with this story since I saw the episode on your worst nightmare, and I wanted to get more info and make my own video about it on my YouTube channel, so I contacted the Gwinnett sheriffs office and put in A request unbelievably they still had some crime scene photos and a few supplemental reports I was able to get, my video will be out in a couple of days on my YT channel - Bama Mike

1skydog said...

Thank you for talking about this. Nobody deserves what Cathy went through...and nobody gets to pick their relatives, either.

1skydog said...

You don't seem to have much of an education yourself. It's two spaces after the end of a sentence, and "you're" is short for "you are." I learned that in 2nd grade.

The Raving Queen said...

Darling, I am highly educated. Maybe what you are referring to are typos. I am guilty of those, and before I publish I proofread, but it is possible I miss some. Now, go to the bathroom in the dump in your back yard!

Jack wagon said...

She needs to Rot in Prison and the others that had a hand in it too!

The Raving Queen said...

Mr. Wagon,
I could not agree with you more. Thanks for sharing. Feel free to drop by here anytime.

Hoops said...

How was this cracker ass redneck released from jail?

The Raving Queen said...

I could not agree more. Thank you for your comment. Feel free to drop by here anytimee.