Sunday, March 31, 2024

Farewell To March, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           It was a strange month, March of 2024.  The beginning was OK, especially seeing "Wicked," and its being in such good shape.  It was also the March Of The Mammoths, where one selects a book of eight hundred or more pages, and finishes it in March.  My choice was "Shantaram," by Gregory David Roberts.  If I had the entire day to read, I could finish it, having only 118 pages to go.  But, since I did not begin it till March 15, one has to say that is pretty good.

                            And I might have finished sooner had I not been waylaid by those five inexplicable days of depression, which I still think had to do with my thyroid.  I will be sure to consult my endocrinologist next month.

                            April brings the showers and the flowers.  We have some exciting events coming up, and a cluster of sad death anniversaries.  T. S. Eliot said it was the cruelest month.

                              So, farewell to March, we are one fourth through 2024, and I will see you on here, next month!

                               Happy Spring, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"And On Dawn, Of The First Day Of The Week, Mary Magdalene Carried Spices To The Tomb, To Anoint The Body Of Jesus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                          Happy Easter, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           Easter is primarily the Resurrection of Jesus, but it is also Mary Magdalene's big moment, when she carries spices to the tomb.  I always wanted to get up at dawn, and reenact Mary Magdalene going to the tomb, but, at this age, the thought of rising at dawn is inconceivable. 

                                              Nevertheless, I wish everyone on here a blessed Easter, however you celebrate it.  We are going to Manhattan to see Charles Busch's latest play, "Ibsen's Ghost," and then back home for--of course! --the annual screening of "The Song Of Bernadette," with Jennifer Jones in her stunning, Academy Award winning performance.  Seeing it so late at night, I will be emotionally wiped out from it.

                                                   However you celebrate Easter, may it be joyous for you.


                               And, girls, don't forget, Fred takes Judy to the "Easter Parade!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Saturday, March 30, 2024

A Belated Happy Birthday To Amy Sedaris!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                        Yesterday was not only Good Friday.  It was Amy Sedaris' birthday.  She turned 63, and how many of us look good at that age?

                            And isn't this shot cute?  The snake is adorable. It reminds me of the boa constrictor I petted and made his tongue pop out in contentment, when visiting Dr. John's Voodoo Shop in the French Quarter in New Orleans!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Which would not be a bad idea for Amy to do a show from.  Nor the Garden District.  The point being, where is Amy, and why have we not seen enough of her?  Cole Escola, with whom she worked is the Toast Of The Town in "Oh, Mary!"  So, let's Amy on stage or in front of a camera pronto, because her beauty, sense of color and outrageous cheerfulness are sorely needed..

                                   Happy, Happy Birthday, Amy!   Your fans desperately want you back!!!!!!!!!!!

Only For The Greatness Of Grayson Hall Is "Gargoyles" Worth Watching!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             I speak for those who have never seen this 1972 TV movie, which "Svengoolie" is showing tonight.  For those who have, and want to see Grayson Hall again, fine. But for first timers, I am warning you, about halfway through the film--maybe less--Grayson disappears, then appears briefly, and all the liveliness of the film goes with it.

                              So, because of Easter vigil, David and I will be skipping "Svengoolie" this week.  We probably would have, had we no Easter service to go to.

                               But for those staying at home, having never seen this, I urge you to watch it, for the great Grayson Hall.  And then, take a look at her classic, Oscar nominated performance in 1964's "The Night Of The Iguana.  She steals the show.

                                As she does in every vehicle she is in.  But this one takes the cake!  She badly needed a paycheck, if she did "Gargoyles." And let me tell you, darlings, each time she is seen swigging back a liquor bottle, that is probably real liquor in there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Have a joyous evening, no matter what you do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Congratulations, Girls, It's Holy Saturday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            Strange as it may sound, I am not singing at the Easter vigil. The Spanish choir is performing, since the service is bilingual.

                              But "The Ten Commandments" is on tonight at 7PM, on channel 7, for those who love that blend of visual lavishness and verbal camp.  As for "Svengoolie," well, that is another post.

                               Holy Saturday is when the Lord rested, so let us rest with him, and remember what He did for us.

                               One might call it Easter Eve!  But the Easter Bunny does not come down the chimney.

                                And don't forget dawn, with Mary Magdalene carrying spices to the tomb!!!!!!!!

                                The bunny gets into one's house mysteriously!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Happy, Happy, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, March 29, 2024

...Then When We Retire, We Can Write The Gospels, So They'll Still Talk About Us, When We've Died!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                   Yes, darlings, it is Good Friday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    This day does mean a designer sale at Bergdorf's!  It is about the sorrow Jesus suffered for us.  He made the supreme sacrifice, girls.  He did it all for us.

                                    So, reflect on this day.  I can't do anything else, because I have to focus on tonight and the performance.  Let's just say I am doing my best by offering my voice up to God.  When I sing, and get it right, I feel like Jennifer Jones in "The Song Of Bernadette."

                                       But it does not excuse the fact Diana Ross killed Florence Ballard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, March 28, 2024

Laudy, Laudy And Maundy, Maundy, It's Holy Thursday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                        The Last Supper....The picture...."Trials And Tribulations...." The washing of the feet...

                        Yes, darlings, it is Holy Thursday, coming down the home stretch from Lent and closer to Easter.  I am singing tonight, so I do not have much time to write, but I want to assure all my readers that I am OK.  I have been having anxiety attacks about my self-worth, now that I am retired and don't work. It has been about seven years since I retired, so I guess I am having "The Seven Year Itch." But nothing to do with Marilyn Monroe and that subway skirt thing.  I should look so good, hons!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           Oh, and

                            I survived the dentist yesterday, though there is the matter of a tooth extraction that has to be discussed, before I proceed.  Which may not be till Summer, if at all.

                              In any case, I  owe my readers an apology for not being on here in awhile.  Still reading my wonderful March Mammoth Book, so that has been keeping me busy too.  I am not sure I will finish it at the end of March; I have 276 pages to go, and they are lengthy and dense. But I will finish.

                             Again, my apologies to all.  I am slowly returning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             Happy Holy Thursday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, March 23, 2024

Girls, Is There Any Reason For "Svengoolie" To Show THIS?????????????????????????

                             Jack Palance as Dracula?  OK, maybe; many have tried their hands at this role, still not surpassing Bela Lugosi.  But a made-for-TV redo of the Bram Stoker classic?  Why?

                               Will we see Lucy Westenra (Fiona Lewis) become the "bloofer lady?"  What kind of Van Helsing will Nigel Davenport make?  How faithful will it be to the Bram Stoker classic?  Even if not, it won't match the artistry of Tod Browning's 1931 masterpiece.

                                  The last two weeks, Svengoolie has really been scraping the bottom of the barrel.  He needs to improve, or he is going to lose viewers.

                                   Can't we get "The Deadly Mantis" back???????????????????

                                   See you at eight, darlings.  But, if you have other plans, you might think about following those.

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Today, Proserpina Comes Back From Hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             Girls, even before Balenciaga, Schiaparelli, and the rest were born, a woman of Proserpina's stature would never be seen minus a stylish frock.  Especially when commencing a six months visit with her mother, Ceres, whose happiness causes leaves to bud and flowers to bloom; hence the seasons Spring and Summer.

                                            Today, March 21, marks the first day of Spring, and I am happy to have Proserpina back, because, really, the weather is better this time of year than the other.

                                              And what better way to bring this in, than with Mendelsohn's "Spring Song?"  You will recognize its opening, right away.

                                      Enjoy, darlings, and welcome Spring!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Finally, Even Brett Easton Ellis Is Reduced To Emulating Donna Tartt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Like I have said, so many authors want to write their own "Secret History."  I never expected Ellis to be one of these, as he was the one who got Tartt's manuscript to his agent, Amanda "Binky" Urban, who became her agent.  And now, in 2024, we have "The Shards."

                                      Ellis also delves into his overprivileged adolescence, with his characters being no different from his once groundbreaking "Less Than Zero."  There are also echoes of Emma Cline's "The Girls," with constant referrals to Manson inspired cults in the Southern California terrain.

                                          And it is a serial killer story, to boot.  Which is what kept me going.  I cannot deny Ellis is a good writer, even with second rate ideas.  But the book fails to satisfy.  Why?  Because after the wild roller coaster ride regarding the serial killer, and all those the reader may suspect of being such, no identity is unmasked.  The most information given is that the killer has stopped in this area, and moved on to other terrain, which makes sense, but leaves the reader dissatisfied.

                                           Or is Ellis going to write another novel about "The Trawler?"  Now, that might not be a bad idea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            Come on, Brett!  First, come out of the 40 years closet you have been in, and admit Donna got their first.  Not even you can top her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               By the way, girls, I wonder what Donna is working on?  Now, THAT is something to look forward to!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Darlings, Today Is St. Joseph's Day, And The Swallows Returning To Capistrano!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                The surest sign of Spring is here, dears, when the swallows return to their beloved mission.  Some say the season starts today, but I am holding out for the 21st. which is Thursday, because Proserpina has to pack her stuff to return for her six months visit with her mother, Ceres.  And this will of course be the warmest time of the year.  And even warmer by the time things are through.

                                 Still, it feels good tossing off the cloak of Winter.  And we owe it to St. Joseph and the swallows.
                                  Here is Pat Boone's definitive rendition of "When The Swallows Come Back To Capistrano!"  Enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, March 18, 2024

A Sophomore Novel That Reads Like A Debut!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      The quality of "Such Sharp Teeth" is so outstanding I want to go back and read Rachel Harrison's first novel, "Cackle!"  As stated, it is a "werewolf novel," about a girl named Rory who goes to take care of her pregnant sister, Scarlett, and while on her way gets bitten by a werewolf.  The big reveal--which I won't---is whom the werewolf turns out to be.  

                                       Never has a novel that I have read delved into the physical and emotional pain that comes with being a werewolf.  Forget Lon Chaney, Jr. and his Universal make-up, it is a painful and agonizing experience to go through, and once losing one's human memory there is no turning back.  As scary as the novel is, Harrison makes the reader feel the pain of Rory's burden.

                                         I have her third novel, "Black Sheep," awaiting me.  I am looking forward to that, and I may go back and read "Cackle," which sounds like witches.

                                          This is the first writer in the horror genre I have been excited about in a very long time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             Watch that full moon, girls!  It does awful things to the hair!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Speaking Of Witches, Darlings, We LOVED "Wicked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                     My expectations for this show were not high.  All I knew walking in was that I loved the song "Defying Gravity," and I was looking forward to hearing it sung live.


                                     Five years ago, before we knew there would be a pandemic, David and I saw ENCORES! do an excellent production of the Jerry Herman musical, "Mack And Mabel.  Playing Mabel was someone I had never heard of, named Alexandra Socha.  She blew us both away, and I predicted she would go places.  Well, darlings, she has, because when I opened my Playbill, there I saw her, listed in the pivotal role of Glinda!!!!!!!!!!!!!  So I knew we were in good hands.  And her remarkably lyric soprano voice was put to good use.  She could be the next Cunegonde!!!!!!!!  I was also happy for her, because, for an actor working on Broadway, "Wicked" is about as close to a steady gig as one could hope for!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        Nor did Mary Kate Morrissey disappoint as Elphaba.   She nailed "Defying Gravity," making it the shattering Act One climax it is!!!!!!!!!!!!  What a way to end the first half of a show.

                                          And there were other surprises as well.

                                        I never realized how politicized this show is, and though twenty plus years old, holds up today.  Girl empowerment, mean girls, being on the outside, or different, greed--all these things play into this rather insightful fantasy.  While references to the Baum book and Garland movie abound, the film makes no attempt to replicate either.  So, for those like me, for whom MGM's1939 product is their all-time favorite movie, let me assure you--you are in good hands!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          What got me to "Wicked" after twenty years?   When it opened I desperately tried to get a single ticket to see Kristin Chenowith and Idina Menzel!  I tried several times, to no avail. Then, when they left, I figured, what was the point?  Until I made a vow that if someone I really liked were ever to go into the show, I would see it.  And on March 5 of this year, that happened.

                                             Donna McKechnie, whom I saw almost 50 years ago as the original Cassie in "A Chorus Line," is currently playing Madame Morrible in this show, in the most deliciously tongue and cheek way.  She sings and dances, though not as much as us fans would like, but when she moves across the stage with a dancer's gracefulness and delivers her lines with a diction lacking in many younger actors, there is no question one is witnessing a Legend Of The Musical Stage.  Even if younger viewers have no idea who she is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 Other surprises are the still fresh look to Eugene Lee's sets and Susan Hilferty's costumes.  They looked as pristine as if it were opening night.  Unlike some shows who tire after a long run, "Wicked" is in terrific shape.  Though I wonder about Alexandra Socha; hovering high above the stage in a Glinda bubble, with nothing in front to block a fall.  That takes courage!  I would be scared to do it.

                                                     Which brings me to Joe Mantello.  Now that he is an aging actor, I had forgotten how good a director he is.  I wonder if he checks in on the show from time to time.  I hope, because it would need that to keep it in the remarkable shape that it is in.  I would not mind working with Mantello myself, though let me tell you girls that if he thinks he is going to pull that direct-by-intimidation approach on me, I will show him on the spot what B-I-T-C-H means!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                        "Wicked" surprised us both to no end.  I urge those having never gone to do so right away, not only for Donna but to see one of the last examples of a genuinely lavish Broadway musical!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                             And I love Elphaba!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Monkeys Escape From A Georgia Lab! And I Know Why!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                       Girls, before you go all cutesy on me about the monkeys, let me assure you these are very dangerous animals.  Not for the reasons you may think, such as disease, disagreeability, or that they will, excuse me, shit all over the place.  No, there is a stronger reason to be afraid of these creatures, and here it is--

                         That is right, darlings!  Marjorie Taylor Greene!  She is the Wicked Witch Of Georgia, and these monkeys are her minions.  Can't you see hear standing on her porch, dressed like this, screaming, "Now, fly! Fly! Fly! Fly!?"  And I wouldn't be surprised if she has a broom she takes out and flies all over the nation with, seeing what political mischief she can cause.  Mark my words, girls, if Trump is re-elected, she may or may not make his cabinet, but she will play an important role in his administration.  Though, many in the first administration were eventually fired, so that could work in our favor, loves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                       If only water could melt Marjorie.  Or holding a crucifix in front of her!  Or burning her at the stake!

                        Meanwhile, those monkeys are now with her, and God knows what plans she has for them!

                        Surely not the ruby slippers!  Because she has no fashion sense!

A Belated St. Parick's Day Wish For All My Readers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                       Hope all my girls had a Happy St. Pat' s day.  Ours was quiet; we had been at a dinner party the night before, so we did a lot of reading--especially me with my Mammoth! --and had a delicious, corned beef and cabbage dinner, with carrots and potatoes.  Otherwise known as an Irish Boiled Dinner!

                         In days of yore, like before the Internet, a time of which the young do not believe it exists; to them it a time as distant as Middle Earth, there was the parade live--which we chose not to watch--but movies like "The Quiet Man," or even "The Informer" would be shown.  Would you believe, darlings, I have never seen "The Quiet Man all the way through?  Oh, and the first 25 minutes of 1968's "Finian's Rainbow" is worth a look. But only the first 25.  Like "Barbie," with only the first 45 minutes being good.

                          And today, I am having some trouble getting it together.  I wonder if it is my thyroid, or blood sugar?  I am telling you, darlings, if David had not walked in, I might have been on the couch now, having only oatmeal for dinner.

                          But I see my endocrinologist in about two weeks, so we shall see.

                          Meanwhile, I am back, so I hope everyone's St. Patrick's Day was happy.

                          Whether you are Irish, or not, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, March 16, 2024

Today Is The 61st Anniversary Of My First Holy Communion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  And it happened on a Saturday, too, girls!  My parents had a time getting me into the car because I wanted to postpone the event, because Channel 9 was showing "Godzilla" (ie;. "Gojira") on "Super Adventure Theater."  Needless to say, I was forced into the car, and made it to my communion.

                                     It was a beautiful and moving ceremony.  You should see the picture of me in my robe, which is on our refrigerator.  I look like Gladys Cooper in "The Song Of Bernadette."  

                                     But the most memorable moment in the event, was that, after receiving the wafer, Ricky Brown, who sat next to me, got sick, and threw up on the pew seat.  Within seconds, a nun appeared to take him away--I thought he was going to be tortured--while another appeared with a large portion of incense, and covered the vomit with it, so it looked like a graveyard mound.  I had to spend the last several minutes of the mass looking at this, knowing what was underneath.

                                      It was a communion like no other.  But I still recall it vividly.

                                      And this was a good five years, before seeing Jennifer Jones in "The Song Of Bernadette."

Girls, You're On Your Own, Tonight, With "Svengoolie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                   As David and I have a much overdue dinner party to attend this evening, we will not be able to watch "The Comedy Of Terrors," and that might be a good thing.  The title is obviously a play on Shakespeare's "The Comedy Of Errors," and is probably like 1963's "The Raven," which gathers together a bunch of old horror pros and lets them camp it up.  Remember how Peter Lorre stole the show in "The Raven?"

                                    I expect this film to be much of the same.  So, I want you girls to watch and let me know if I am right.  

                                    And can you imagine?  Joe E. Brown, in a supposed horror film?  That alone gives an indication how campy this is going to be.

                                     So, we won't be with you tonight, girls, though Baby Gojira and Little Pippin. might.  We will hear first thing from them.  But for those of you who watch, let me know.

                                       And let us hope next week's offering is better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, March 15, 2024

"A Soothsayer Advises Beware The Ides Of March!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                        Yes, darlings, today is THAT day, but let me tell you, from my vantage point, girls, it has been one hell of a week.  Let us start with the events in order!
                         Tuesday, March 12, was Liza Minnelli's birthday!  Still going great at seventy-eight!  And just six more months till "Frank Mills" day.  Lots to celebrate.

                             Wednesday, March 13, was the 60th anniversary of the murder of Kitty Genovese in the early morning hours--say 3AM-- in Kew Gardens, Queens, on Austin Street.  An urban nightmare that became a national tragedy having stood the test and time of shattered myths.  May Kitty rest in peace.

                            Wednesday, March 13, also marked the end of "Feud--Capote Vs. The Swans."  What a shame it had to end, and I will write a more extensive post on it, soon, but it made the Genovese anniversary slightly bearable, and cleared up some things for me.  More to come, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                                           And, yes, this was the day Caesar was stabbed, and uttered the famous words, "Et too, Brute?"  But, on a highly positive note, 68 years ago tonight, "My Fair Lady," with Rex Harrsion and Julie Andrews, opened at the Mark Hellinger Theatre.  I can hear the Overture in my head. So, there is something to be said for this day!

                                                Added to all that--oh, my God, I have a dental appointment and an ear appointment in less than two weeks, and I am about to tackle my Mammoth book, "Shamataran," by Gergory David Roberts, which clocks in at 936 pages.  So much to do, so little time.

                                                     Don't kid yourselves, girls!  Retirement has time constraints, too!


Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Happy Birthday, Liza!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Today, Liza Minnelli turns 78.  Can you believe it, darlings????????  Every theater queen alive should have taken this day off.  Here is Liza, in the person of Christine Peidi who is now more Liza than Liza herself, with Lady Gaga(?).  I will try to include the whole scene at the end.

                                  Seventy-eight years, hip replacements, knees, drugs, and Liza has beat them all.  Sure, she can't do things like she used to, but who among us can?  And what a legacy she leaves behind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  

                                   "It may not be that long a stay," to quote Kander and Ebb, but Liza has made herself one.

                                    Congratulations, Liza, and may your "Cabaret" life continue!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Here is Christine/Liza and "Lady Gaga."  What a howl, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Beautiful Babe" Was The Most Poignant Episode Of "Feud!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Perhaps It Should Have Ended Here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Despite Naomi Watts' brilliant, award worthy portrayal, when I think of Babe Paley, this is what comes to mind.  I mean, how can it not????????????????

                                   Simultaneously ending the lives of both Babe and Capote in this episode was touching, but I am not sure the best idea.  Jennifer Lynch, David's daughter, did a wonderful directing job.

                                      So many touching moments--Babe accepting her fate, planning the funeral down to the nth degree, Truman reading his eulogy of Babe to C.Z. Guest, (Chloe Sevigny) as the tears poured down her face, and Joe Mantello as Jack Dunphy coming to terms with Capote's passing.  All of these actors are doing their finest work in this series, and it shows.  I almost cried real tears here.

                                        Was "Beautiful Babe" the last thing Truman Capote spoke on Earth?  I highly doubt it. But one hopes in the beyond they are, like all of us hope, having tea and dishing.

                                            So many people await me to dish them, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A Word About The Oscars, Dears!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          The program was crap.

                           Jimmy Kimmel was a boring host.  He has done it before?  Really?  Why?

                            Emma Stone--are you kidding?  Look, I admit I have not seen the film, but she was not that good in "La La Land," and she is not even pretty!  To think she has two Oscars.  Still, it could be worse.  It could be Gwyneth Paltrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             As usual, the "In Memoriam" segment was screwed up.  At home viewers could not see the pictures or names, nor the collage of names projected at the end. This is supposedly to honor those film artists we have lost in the previous year.  Whomever is in charge of this segment does it more of a dishonor.

                              But there was one highlight that made it worth it.  Ryan Gosling and his performance of "I'm Just Ken."  His costume, his moves, and, girls, did you catch the visual reference spoofing Marilyn Monroe doing "Diamonds Are A Girl's Best Friend?"  I have to hand it to Ryan for having a sense of humor and the nerve and talent to pull this off. He elevated the evening to what its entirety should have been!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Robert Downey, Jr. was deserving.  When is Carey Mulligan finally going to get an Oscar?  I could ask the same thing of Amy Adams.  And those dresses--it only proves style is in NYC, not Hollywood.  Hell, the fabric draped around the supposedly naked guy looked good on him, and he looked better than most of the women there!

                                 How did the Academy Awards become so torturous? Take a look at the movies being made, and the actors in them!.

                                 As the song in "Chicago" asks, "What ever happened to class?"

Saturday, March 9, 2024

There IS Such A Thing As A Pink Ouija Board!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Now, girls, you know how much I love to play with anything pink, and that includes a Ouija board.  But I have grander ideas for it.  It can be used as a home decorating scheme.

                                  Remember my saying I wanted the bedroom walls painted sky blue, with the ceiling featuring white, floating clouds?  Well, the same holds true for the living room!

                                  Meaning there I want all the walls painted pink and, on the ceiling, I want, stretched out to its entire size,, this pink Ouija board!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Wouldn't that simply be fabulous, darlings???????????????????????

                                     Who knows what possibilities exist with the kitchen, bathroom and foyer?

                                       I am sure ANNA would just love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Girls, Join Us Tonight At 8PM, As "Svengoolie" Presents "13 Ghosts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                            None of us here have ever seen this one.  I guess, after the success of his 1959 haunted house classic, "House On Haunted Hill," William Castle wanted to go one step further.  So, he assembled a real Sixties cast--Rosemary De Camp and Martin Milner, for heaven's sake! --and put them through their paces in a house filled with the titular amount of ghosts.  The gimmick here is Illusion-O.  Whatever that is.

                            There is a surprise star in the film, who shall be revealed eventually, but I am looking forward to an evening of camp.  I have never been disappointed yet, by a William Castle film, (save for 1964's "The Night Walker") so I cannot wait to see this movie.  Be there or be square, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                     As for the surprise star, here she is!  No, it is not Judith Anderson reprising Mrs. Danvers.  That is the fabulous Margaret Hamilton, of 'Oz' fame, and I just know she will walk off with this film.

                    So join us at 8PM for "13 Ghosts," darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                   It is sure to be haunting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, March 8, 2024

One Look At This Face Told The World A Star Was Born!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          This, of course is Hayley Mills in her Juvenile Oscar winning performance in the title role of "Pollyanna," one of Disney's most neglected films, made in 1960.  And Hayley still endures; having aged some she still has that gorgeous facer and smile.  And the minute she speaks, there is no doubt she is Hayley Mills.  She was 14 here and will be 78 on April 9.

                           When I came upon this photo, I had to share it with all my readers.  Isn't it simply radiant?

                              Track down "Pollyanna" if you can, for Hayley's performance alone.  But it is also one of Disney's underrated live action achievements.

                                Tinker Bell was jealous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Just Three Weeks From Sunday--Three Weeks!!!!!!!!--Until The Annual Screening Of "The Song Of Bernadette!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                         This photo is stunning and exquisite, but it hardly comes near equaling her performance or the artistic magnificence of this film.  So, in three weeks, I want all you girls to join me in a screening of "The Song Of Bernadette, with Jennifer Jones, in her stunning Academy Award winning performance. On DVD, TV airing, or YouTube, it does not matter, as long as it is watched.

                           Make sure you have plenty of tissues on hand, and a rosary, as both will be needed.

                           And wait till you see a repentant Gladys Cooper carry in an ailing Jennifer Jones.  I am telling you, dolls, the screen has never seen such piety!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          A friendly reminder that Easter is just around the corner.  As is "The Song Of Bernadette."

                           For those having never seen it, it will be a life changing experience!!!!!!!!!!!!!

March Is The Month Of The Mammoths--Books!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I Am In Such A Quandary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          This was news to me, girls!  According to book tubers, March is the month when one is supposed to choose and read a Mammoth book--that is one exceeding 800 pages.  Many of the suggestions I have already read, and don't feel like reading again.

                              Right now, I am getting through "The Shards" by Bret Easton Ellis, who, in spite of it, is still a pretty good writer.   The premise is engaging--what if you suspected there was a serial killer among the senior members of your high school class?   Clues and herrings are thrown out from the beginning, all pointing to one person, but really??????????  I can't wait to get a back to it to find out.  Like "American Psycho," there are some excessively gory parts.  Even for me, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   So, here is my quandary.  If I finish the Ellis book before the close of March--and I anticipate I will--then I have three contenders on here for you to ponder.  I would like input from folk on which one I should read.   Starting with--

                             1.   "Shantaram," by Gregory David Roberts--This is an epic novel of India that I have been meaning to read for over twenty years; it came out in 2003.  It clocks in at 938 pages.  What do you think?  By the way, I just purchased this copy yesterday.
                                         2.  "The Books Of Jacob," by Olga Tokarczuk--I read her first book, "Flghts," and did not like it at all.  I read another, "Drive Your Plow Over The Bones Of The Dead," and liked it moderately.  Now, this work clocks out at 917 pages, and the pages go backwards.  Does the story?  Is this a novel structured like the musical "Merrily We Roll Along?"  I can't say.  I do know I keep hearing good things about it from people, so what on earth should I do? It has been in my piile for ten years.  Yes, this book is ten years old!  You tell me.
                                        3.  "Don Quixote," by Miguel De Cervantes--As a Raving Queen, I am also a Theater Queen, so, of course I know "Man Of La Mancha."  Knights, windmills, "The Impossible Dream; " I get it.  This one clocks in at 976 pages, and I have owned this one the longest.  I know, of course, that "The Impossible Dream" will not be in there, but I bet I can find the spot in the novel where it would be.  Should I try it?  I will let you decide.

                                           Whatever is chosen I will stick to, unless it is insurmountable to get through, which does not necessarily mean length.  Let's see what book gets chosen.  And if anyone has read any of these and can recommend one above the others that would be helpful too.

                                               And, girls, I know you want to know about last night's episode of "Feud," but I promise I will get to it soon.


Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Darlings, I LOVE It!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But, As ANNA Would Say, "Where Is The Color???????????????????"

                           Few things are as striking and colorful to me than Tarot Card Art, but I would expect this bed and linen set to be more aglow with color.  Maybe it is the way it is photographed, or the lighting, but, girls, I am telling you, if I received it like this, I would send it back, and have it custom made.

                             Oh, and that goes for suits, casual wear, even pajamas and tablecloths, which are all things Tarot Card Art can be used for.  Imagine me at the Met gala in a Tarot suit.  Wouldn't I just upstage everyone?  Even Blake Lively!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Bet Ryan Reynolds would notice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               But really, this art concept is brilliant, but the color has to be as heightened as on the actual cards.  Otherwise, there is simply no point!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Sorry I cannot give you a reading, dolls, I am a Raving Queen, not a Tarot Master!!!!!!!!!!!

Good Of Its Kind, But Really For Those Into Fantasy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Now, I loved the author's previous novel, "The Ten Thousand Doors Of January."  I also like witches, and the blurbs kept speaking of a sweeping story.  Well, girls, let me tell you.......

                                      Full-fledged fantasy fans will dig this, because they will read anything in this genre, and I mean anything.  The story does not sweep so much as drag; it starts with the Eastwood Sisters, three witches, in the town of New Salem, where women's rights are on the line.  There is a bit of social activism here, a figure that is very Trump-like, but does this need to be over five hundred pages?   Not really, because I did not find it that engaging, though I finished it.  The cover is beguiling, but for titles, stick with "The Once And Future King," by T. H. White.  That one I could not put down; I read it in college during play rehearsals and was so absorbed I missed several cues!  Thank God, I finished it before opening night.

                                          This is Harrow's second novel, and sophomore efforts are often a disappointment.  But unless she comes up with something amazing, I do not think I will be following her.

                                             What is the best witch novel ever written?  Why, "The Witching Hour," by Anne Rice, of course.  Even though it clocks in at over 900 pages, it is gripping, and gives a fascinating history of international witchcraft, New Orleans, and the Mayfair family.  Do not miss it.

                                                This book, in short, failed to cast its spell on me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, I Have GOT To Have Lunch With Cornelia Guest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                         For those of my darlings who have been following "Feud--Capote Vs. The Swans," you know that Cornelia is the daughter of one of the Swans, C.Z. Guest.  And she is just as pretty and fabulous as her mother.

                          So, of course I have GOT to have lunch with her.  But where?  What is in New York that can be called fabulous?  Oh, I know, Balthazar, but that has been done; it is time to try a new spot.

                           If Cornelia should read this, maybe she knows the spot.  If not, I can scout about, or maybe some tri-state area readers could suggest a place in Manhattan.  It has to be Manhattan, darlings!

                          And Cornelia, if you are reading this, my weekdays are free, save for March 27 when I have to visit my dentist.  If we must, yes, we must!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           If Cornelia and I do meet, I will share every juicy morsel, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, March 3, 2024

"On This Day, In The Year Of Our Lord, 1692, The People Of Whitewood Massachusetts Condemned Elizabeth Selwyn As A Witch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                           Let's face it, hons, it was time to burn that bitch. So that the flames could cleanse her soul, of its evil, of its lust for blood that made her bring about the death of Abigail Adams!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             How does one celebrate a witch's execution?   Well, I am reading a book about witches right now.  Have some witches' brew for dinner.  Watch "The Wizard Of Oz."  Wear a peaked hat, and run about your house.

                                Whatever is done, remember this day.  And that after the execution, she would be seen at night, walking through the cemetery.  A year later, the town elders who condemned her died.  And then their daughters!

                                    Witches are out there but beware of making accusations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     But stir that pot, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Saturday, March 2, 2024

Happy 59th Anniversary To "The Sound Of Music!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                              Can you believe it has been 59 years since Julie Andrews first took that historic twirl, and audiences gasped at her voice, and the breathtaking scenery????????????

                             That's right, the movie version of "The Sound Of Music" turns 59 today.  That means next year it celebrates its 60th anniversary, and I want to see special screenings I can go to, as well as Nicholas Hammond, Duane Chase, Angela Cartwright, Debbie Turner, and Kym Karath--the surviving film Von Trapp children--do some publicity junkets.  They and the film deserve it.

                              Those who have a sterling DVD copy should celebrate by watching it today.  Too bad TV programmers do not know what I know, or there might be airings tonight.  Unfortunately, such tradition and sophistication has gone by the wayside.

                                 But us true SOM'ers will not forget.

                                 Happy Birthday to "The Sound Of Music!"

                                  May the hills still be alive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, Join Us Tonight At 8PM, As "Svengoolie" Presents 1944's "The Invisible Man's Revenge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                       Just look at that cast!  Universal must have gone all out on this one, darlings!

                                      Now, the thing is, John Carradine is NOT the invisible man.  Jon Hall is.  He plays an escapee from a psych ward who seeks Carradine out to make him invisible, so he can wreak havoc on those he feels have done him wrong.

                                        But with Evelyn Ankers and Oscar winner Gale Sondergaard, this should be a fun filled, vengeance packed evening.  More sophisticated, perhaps than the 80's slashers.

                                          I don't think this will become a "Svengoolie" favorite, but it will complete the "Invisible Man" trilogy.  And it is a perfect reminder to watch your back.

                                            Because you never know who has or does not have yours, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             See you, tonight at eight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!