These names, darlings, are just a few of the annual surprises known as the Academy Award nominations. First, and foremost, for all my devotees, yes, Meryl is in the lineup!!!!!!! How could she not be???????
But, really, Rooney Mara?????? She may get "A" for effort, but the film was overlong and ponderous, and what did she really do for two plus hours but act spooky???? Honey, back in the day, Jennifer Jason Leigh could do the same thing with just an upturn of her eyebrow. Rooney's role is attention getting, but hardly what I would call award calibre.
Ditto Nick Nolte. I had no idea he had come out of the tank long enough to make a movie, let alone utter anything coherent. I never heard of this film, "Warriors," so it must have come and gone faster than the Witch Of The West departs Munchkinland!!!!!!
As for Melissa McCarthy, she may be a delightful comedienne, but "Bridesmaids?" Even by comedic standards, we are not talking art. I don't know, with the nominations sinking this low, it could turn out the Oscars might be held, not at the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion, but the nearest Olive Garden in the area!!!!!
Is that what we really want, darlings??????????
What else? Well, Meryl, thank God!!!! But where the hell is Tilda Swinton???? And why is Jessica Chastain singled out for "The Help," instead of her better work in "The Tree Of Life"???? Thank God Octavia Spencer got in there; she and Bryce Dallas Howard's point-counterpoint routine is what really made "The Help" sizzle!!!!!
Who the hell is this Demian Bichir, and what on earth is "A Better Life?" That one came so far from left field, it never registered on my Oscar radar.
And I really have my issues with "Extremely Loud And Incredibly Close." A well written work by the great Jonathan Safran Foer, turned into a maudlin piece of treacle; just like "War Horse," except the Spielberg film is at least well made!!!!!!!
Mark my words--Best Actress is going to be the Battle Of The Lifetimers--Meryl Streep vs. Glenn Close. Much as I am in Meryl's camp, Glenn just may win; she has not been up for awhile, and she has never won at all. Watch out, Meryl!!!!!!!!!
I hope Christopher Plummer wins, not only because his was an interesting performance, but because he is still acting at a point when most of these nominees will be hung out to dry by the time their first wrinkle appears!!!!!!
And where the hell is Charlize Theron?????????
And don't even start with me, darlings, on the entire cast of "Carnage" being shut out, not to mention Roman Polanski!!!!!!! Guess literate
bitchfests have gone the way of all flesh!!!!!!!!!!!!
So there are some of my off the cuff remarks about this year's nominees. Feel free to dish, dolls, and of course, as things proceed, you can bet I will give you a full report.
Maybe, by the time the actual awards roll around, I will be on the red carpet with Joan Rivers!!!!!!!! Gown designed by Valentina!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I make it a point to see all the nominated performances before the awards every year. Can you imagine the catching up I have to do? Thank God A Better Life and Warrior ( a martial arts film!) are available on netflix!
You think you have catching up to do??? I haven't even seen "Hugo"!!!!!
I think I will pass on "The Descendants", as it does not interst me. Am going to make sure I see "Albert Nobb", though!
I'm really looking forward to Albert Nobbs also. I think you really should see The Descendants though. I thought it was one of the best of the year. Today I saw Extremely Close. Oh my God, how this awful pretentious treacly drivel got a best picture nom, I'll never know. Honestly, Bridesmaids, which I rented on Netflix and certainly didn't love, was 10 times better than this terrible dreck!
Thanks for saving me the trouble sf sitting through "Extremely Loud', which, from your description, is just what I expected.
Jonatha Safran Foer is a good writer, and I look forward to reading his books, but such high grade literary fiction generally does not translate into a good film.
One could argue Stephen Daldry's "The Hours," based on Michael Cunningham's book. The book, to me, read like some grad student, trying to write like Virginia Woolf. I would rather read Virginia Woolf. Good casting, direction and location photogrphy, as well as the Philip Glass score, made "The Hours" work, almost improving on the original book. Not so with 'Extremely Loud', it would appear
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