
Wednesday, April 9, 2014

This Daughter Of Darkness Has One Tragic Story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                    It was almost like Dorothy Marie Robards, or Marie, as she was known, never had a chance. Her parents, Steven and Beth Robards, divorced when Marie was four years old, and Marie went to live with her.  Then, Beth (neither of these women made good choices, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!) married a real sleaze ball, named Frank Burroughs. He did not like how close Marie and Beth were, because he had issues with his own son, which caused him to turn the boy out.  And Burroughs had a hard and fast rule--once you were turned out of his house, you were not allowed to come back. And this would eventually apply to Marie.

                    As Marie matured into her teen years, the usual parental tensions erupted. But one day, the honor student, on a half day from school (which she maintained was marked on the family calendar!!!) came over--and discovered step daddy Frank in bed with another woman!  Some dyed blonde tramp!  I mean, it's Texas! What more can you expect?

                     Marie was practically threatened with murder herself, when Frank told her not to tell her mother what she had seen. Unable to live amid such lies and betrayal, she opted to leave, and stay with her grandparents for awhile.  When things blew over, Marie wanted to come back to her mother, but Frank enforced his Fascist rule.  And dumb mother Beth went along with it!!!!!!!!!!!!

                      That left Marie's father, Steven, to live with. She made the move, the adjustment to school, and became the honor student there--Fort Worth--she had been at her other school. She was especially adept in the sciences, and was aceing chemistry. She planned on becoming a Medical Examiner!

                          What went tragically wrong was that Marie, for all her accomplishments, still wanted to live with her mother. She wrote tearful letters, begging to come home, which tore at her mother's heart. This is where Beth, or someone, should have torn at Frank's throat. Because he was the villain here.

                              However, Marie, with the misguidance of adolescence, reasoned that, if her father, Steven, were out of the way, her mother would have to take her back.  So, at 16,  she stole some barium acetate from her school lab, and slipped a spoonful of it, one evening in February,  1993, into her father's meal, hoping to make him sick enough, so as to disable him from taking care of her.

                                But the plan backfired.  The poison sent the 38-year-old man into cardiac arrest that mirrored symptoms of a heart attack, which is what Marie's father, died of!

                                 Two mistakes--the murder, because she did not know the proper dosage, and she directed it at the wrong man.  If Marie had done this to Frank Burroughs, I would be applauding her.  She simply murdered the wrong man. Not that I advocate murder, darlings!  But,  if you so choose, please make sure to choose the correct victim.

                                   Marie kept this awful secret for a year.  Then, while studying "Hamlet" in her senior year, and going over the speech where Claudius admits to poisoning his brother, Marie, suffering from a guilty conscience, confided  what she had done to her friend, Stacey.  This poor girl could not keep such a terrible secret, and went to the police!

                                  Marie was tried as an adult and convicted. She was supposed to get Life, but was paroled in 2003.  I am not so sure about that. Today, she is married, and lives under a new identity, as much a protection for herself as her loved ones and neighbors.

                                      But that Beth!!!!!!!!!!! Is she still married to that scum, Frank Burroughs??????????????. If she is, she is just another dumb, White Trash slut, which is what Texas is famous for, anyway!!!!!!!!!!!  And it is the two of them who should have gone to prison, not Marie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Have you ever heard anything more tragic, darlings????????????????????????


Capture Life said...

Thank you for sharing what I
also to believe to be TRUTH
in my brother & niece tragic
story. Your insight was very
-Steven's sister ( Stephanie )

The Raving Queen said...

Thanks, Stephanie! I was very moved by the whole story. What a tragedy!

Unknown said...

I'm going to take up the other side on this one. This woman is a monster. Without meaning to demean the tragic story of her mother and stepfather's relationship, an innocent man died here, and she killed him. I also do not believe that she only meant to sicken him, because as a straight-A chemistry student and aspiring medical examiner, she was well aware that she gave him 28x the lethal amount of poison.

Even more sickening is that she is out on parole after merely seven years! This is tragic only to the justice system.

The Raving Queen said...

I grant you the justice system has its flaws, but Marie, for all her knowledge was still a naive student, and, in her anxious state, could have messed up on the dosage. Remember the scene in "It's A Wondeful Life," where the town pharmacist, having just received a telegram saying his son is deceased, almost poisons a client, but, thanks to young George, is stopped from it? So things can happen!

Unknown said...

Just saw this case on Forensic Files. 7 years in prison for premeditated murder. Hmmmmm

Anonymous said...

I, for one, would love to meet this alluring woman. I'm convinced killing her father was not her intent and I believe she felt true remorse. She was trapped in an impossible situation as she awaited the arrival of first responders. Although she knew why her father's level of consciousness was dropping, she had ethically sound reasons NOT to confess at the time. I hope she has found true love and is enjoying life.

The Raving Queen said...

Oh, hon, take a chill pill, or at least some Mydol!
In all fairness, I reread what I had posted, before responding to your comments. Marie was no slut; her dumb mother was. And who are calling an idiot? I will put my brilliance up against yours, any day. And blogs should be illegal? What about Freedom Of Speech?

Methinks you are over reacting a bit.
All are entitled to their opinions on here, as are you, but if you think I don't have an answer for it, you have
another thing coming.

Have a nice day, tot!!!!!!!!!!!!!

okells said...

Im pretty sure when I was 16 i knew that killing someone is wrong!!! what is the matter with you people. 2 more years and she could have gone and done whatever she wanted. are u all forgetting about an innocent man who was MURDERED because of some stupid little princess who wanted to live with her mommy!? i totally disagree with anyone who thinks this girl was justified in any way shape or form that what she did was acceptable on any level.

The Raving Queen said...

What I find even more disgusting is that mother, Beth, and Frank. It was because of him, really, that all this took place; had he been the victim, no one would have been sorry. And if Beth is still married to that scumbag, reap what you sow!

Unknown said...

It still amazes me that people allow their ignorance to flow so freely on the internet.
With SO many problems with your silly blog, I will simply state two and move on.

1. EVERYONE has problems in their childhood. Many with MUCH worse than you have described regarding Marie. Regardless of the childhood issues, there was never an excuse to coldly murder a father who sought only to take care of her.
2. Your ignorance also blooms with your multiple attempts to insult the citizens of Texas.

With that said, I will close simply by saying that I am truly sorry I stumbled upon your sad excuse of an informative blog and even more sorry I wasted any of my time scanning your mindless rant.

p.s. May I suggest taking a writing class and learning to express your feelings without !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

pjm said...

Truly a psychopathic tale. I feel very little sympathy for mother or daughter. The poor father would still be alive if it weren't for his "girls". For a daughter to murder her own father and then live the lie and evade the truth in court by pleading "not guilty" is reprehensible. The 7 of only 28 years that she served is a gross miscarriage of justice. One can almost predict she will kill again given her twisted logic and the 'right' circumstances. The article is written from a falsely compassionate bias for the wrong persons in this very unfortunate story.

The Raving Queen said...


As the saying goes, that's what makes a horse race. You don't like the blog, OK, you are free to move on. If you really scan then you know the emphasis is one humor--some have called it a cross between Joan Rivers and Perez Hilton--except I am better than Hilton!

For non-silly, check out posts on the Tyler Clementi case, or LGBT issues. You wil see a different side of me!

The Raving Queen said...


I did not set out for right or wrong compassion. I watched the story, and this is this was the direction it took me!

The Raving Queen said...

P.S. Darlene--

A writing class? Me??? I could teach them, dear! How old are you, 12?

The !!!!!!!! I s my style, my trademark! Deal with it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Raving Queen said...

Rock on, Kyle! You get it!

Unknown said...

I am i amazement that people like Lee Lee Rodney, or whatever his name is.. decided to verbally attack the author of this blog because he did not like what they had to say. Adolescence is a hard time for most teenage girls and boys: Put under the same stress makes makes you, Lee Lee, what makes what you may have done any different than some people out there who may of rebelled? Granted, I know murder most likely would not of been one of them, but what makes you better than everyone else? I spent a lot of time on this case and have my own opinions and also think that the author did a good job displaying her's {or his} but I sure as hell wouldn't put them out so I could be verbally bashed by someone like you! If you are so much smarter than everyone else then maybe you should of wrote the story, book,articles,etc...

The Raving Queen said...

Here's the author of the blog, right here! Thanks for your support, Myra! I try to do my best, with all my posts!

Julia said...

I actually agree with you to an extent. She was a young person who was essentially cast aside by her mom at a time she needed her the most. For what? A MAAAAAYUNNNN! I was a kid who endure pure hell at the hands of a mother who did the same damn thing, anything including serving us up to her b/f. I feel bad for the bio father and for the daughter.

The Raving Queen said...

So sorry to hear what happened to you. I can only imagine how awful that must be! Feel free to drop in here anytime

The Raving Queen said...

Oh, darling, you need to cool down! I stand by what
I say. Fine, if you don't like it, but it is just my

And speaking of idiots, how are you, dear?

myfriendgoo said...

I like your style.

The Raving Queen said...

Your comments of April 15 somehow made it again to the top of the list!
I don't think you reposted, but I will restate--I stand by all I do on here;
if it is not your cup of tea, then take your tea party elsewhere--maybe to Wonderland, darling?????

curiouserandcuriouser said...

I'm curious to know where you gathered the details/did your research of Marie's story...would you mind citing your sources?

The Raving Queen said...

What I wrote was based on what I saw of the
story as presented of Investigation Discovery!

curiouserandcuriouser said...

So the entire basis of your opinion and the extent of your research on the topic is one, single episode of one television show. Correct?

The Raving Queen said...

And what is wrong with that, darling?
I watched the program, then gleaned my opinion/ideas from that!

curiouserandcuriouser said...

It seems a very narrow way to form such a strong opinion, based on one tv producer's and story editor's presentation of what they decided counted as facts as an attempt to create compelling television and get good ratings. There are countless shows, articles, news reels, interviews and they all present different versions of the "facts," some far more accurate than others. This story made national headlines in 1994. Patricide is very rare among girls. There are hundreds of resources available that would provide you a more accurate and well rounded foundation from which to form your opinions.

The Raving Queen said...

National headlines in '94? I don't dispute that,
guess I was in a different mind place, then.
This blog covers a myriad of topics, some more in
depth than others, some less. I don't claim to be
an investigative reporter--far from it. I write
what I observe.
Which reminds me, I haven't written on an ID
program in a long time. There hasn't been much of
late there that compels me!

curiouserandcuriouser said...

For some of us, the news and media were hard to avoid. I promise, it did make well as several magazine covers. I just feel that you might possibly find you have a slightly different opinion of Marie's story if you expand the pool from which you draw your knowledge even a tiny bit instead of taking a show that sensationalizes events at face value and as the truth. Many of the events and statements made in this story now presented as facts on such shows have been distorted over time creating a piece constructed of genuine fact, half truths, falsehoods and misrepresentations of information - like a giant game of telephone. And you must remember for the producers they create a story that will make them money. Their bottom line is cash and ratings, not facts nor fairness. I hope if not in this instance, then maybe in the future, you'll consider this before forming such strong opinions and making such bold declarations about people, their motivations and their character.

The Raving Queen said...

Oh, honey you are way overboard here! I believe it did make
headlines; memory does not serve me, as my life and priorities were
so different, then. As I said. I know ID is all about ratings and
sensationalism; the latter I cannot deny enjoying. And continue to.
However, I cannot be sure that I would still not have formed the
same opinions. I am admittedly headstrong!

curiouserandcuriouser said...

Overboard? If anything I believe I am understating, but to each his own. By your own admission, you cannot be sure - even if you are headstrong (which I don't think is in question). I merely wrote in the hopes that you would possibly consider more of the facts and less of the fiction moving forward as being better informed on the topic may (or may not) alter, even slightly, your perception of the events and the people involved and, as stated, at least give you pause before making such bold declarations regarding motivation and character of complete strangers. Words have power and not everyone who stumbles across your corner of the internet is a mere reader of such stories. Some are witnesses and innocent/unintentional participants in that of which you write. Just something you'll hopefully consider.

The Raving Queen said...

As you say, to each his own--and this blog is MY own! Whatever is on here represents me and no one else! Everyone is free to drop in and comment--and I respond--but change? Hmmmm....anyway your points, though cogent, are getting a bit repetitive, dear!

curiouserandcuriouser said...

No need to get precious, precious. No one (at least not I) asked you to change or called into question your right to have and express your opinion - you are certainly welcome to them, as are we all. I raised the points I felt needed to be raised, expressed that which I needed to express in a polite and courteous manner and already considered the matter closed, dear. Thank you for the discourse.

Unknown said...

I went to UT with Marie. She wasn't arrested for this until first semester of college (on campus). She had told us she was studying to be a medical examiner. I'm pretty sure she knew exactly what she was doing.

Unknown said...

I went to UT with Marie. She wasn't arrested for this until first semester of college (on campus). She had told us she was studying to be a medical examiner. I'm pretty sure she knew exactly what she was doing.

curiouserandcuriouser said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
curiouserandcuriouser said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
curiouserandcuriouser said...

Correct, OyVey Senorita. I knew her very well from UT as well...and it was absolutely during the first semester at UT in '94 when she was a resident at Littlefield dorm. The more I grew to know her the more I was confused and disturbed by her and her demeanor, which I discussed with friends and family...I could cite examples but have no desire to share such things publically (precisely why I also declined interview requests from news outlets when the story broke...and the media are relentless)'re the first person I've come across who knew her personally which I find strangely comforting...that was a scary, weird, sad and disturbing part of my life and "meeting" someone else who knew her is...I don't know...a relief?. The people I've told the story to find it odd and novel, but it was anything but. Thank you for posting... I'm wondering if we met...

Unknown said...

@Curiouserandcuriouser - I lived in Jester- Marie was close to my roommate. She seemed like the "fun" girl at the time...wearing her roller blades up and down the halls. The night before she was arrested she stayed in our dorm. I'm not sure if she knew they were coming & hiding?!? but the next day she was arrested on campus. Every now and then my friends from the dorm and I still say "I wonder where Marie is now...." or someone will randomly say "remember the girl that killed her dad with the burrito" or something random like that.
Although our friendship was brief, I certainly will always remember her.
I now have a friend (who I met years later) who went to high school with her. Small world.
For those commenting on her lenient sentence- I always thought it had something to do with being a minor at the time of the crime (although she was an adult when arrested).

Unknown said...

Killing your dad, really? How dumb can you be? Ok the mom is another dumbass for Choosing the Guy over her daughter but women are known for being weak, but what makes you kill your own father Who is nothing but nice to you. My dad was the worst dad anyone can ever have. Alcoholic and Abusive he would hit me daily and never once did I think about killing him. Who glves one the right to take someone elses life? She should have stayed in jail, she sure got away with murder.

The Raving Queen said...

Honey, you said it! People do face worse situations withut killing!

Unknown said...

Holy cow!! Thanks for throwing a little sanity into this blog Lee Roy. When I first read it I thought it was a joke!! Have you people lost your minds!! This evil girl is a cold blooded murderer. Period! She belongs in prison. This blog never blames her for anything except not murdering a different human being. Unbelievable! And by the way, the state of Texas is a wonderful state with many wonderful people. I swear this blogger is either Marie herself under an assumed name or some nut case that hates men!! Not once did she blame the perpetrator but instead blamed the rest of the family. I'm surprised she didn't say the dad deserved to die because he wouldn't kill himself so "poor" Marie could go live with mommy again. What the hell is wrong with you?!?!

The Raving Queen said...

Oh, hon, come down! I don't hate men; I am one! Though a "raving queen," granted.
You like Texas; you can have it, darling! I leave it to you! As for Marie, well, she wasn't Marie Callendar, but she should have been allowed to live with whom she wanted. Then all this would never have happened!

Anonymous said...

The Raving Queen, you are one sick person with a very low intelligence. Your logic makes absolutely no sense. It's like saying if the resident never opened the door the robber would have never killed him. A man lost his life here because this evil bitch decided to kill him. You talk about her actions and defend them like she killed out of self defense or as if she had no other choice or something. You are a different kinda stupid aren't ya? She should have never gotten out of prison.

The Raving Queen said...

Oh, honey, just cool it?
Do you think you are any smarter? I doubt it!

srhf said...

You might want to see a psychiatric about that anger.

srhf said...

Assuming that little story is true.

srhf said...

LOL, NOW I understand the writing "style". Talk about fulfilling a stereotype.

Unknown said...

Dam right. This raving psychos probably a killer too

The Raving Queen said...

I am not a killer! I do have a consxcience,
and I have never felt the compulsion to killl that
so many who are do.

All you ID viewers are nuts! You probably sit in your
trash tailers, holding a rifle across yyour lap, as
you watch, with the Confederate flag pinned to a wall!

GE said...

People need to respect other. Some people insult others because they can't be happy with their lifes. The Raving Queen I think you can control or remove some nasty comments from here.. Just saying. Thank you for the articke

The Raving Queen said...

Actually, were I to remove comments, it qwould be disrespectful.
I invite everyone on here to say what they wish, whether we agree or not.
To censor the comments would be disrespectful to other people, as well as
myself. Glad the article interested you.

MiaCapone said...

I find it funny that the people who disagree call you names and say you must not be smart. As if name calling screams intelligence! Especially Leroy. Bless their hearts. Also, how do they not know what a Raving Queen is??? Do they live under rocks? It is hysterical they think you are a girl.

The Raving Queen said...

You said it! But you raise
a point--who knows what rocks they
crawl out from? And I only get these
types on my ID posts, nothing else!

Increasingly Amazed said...

I've met Marie. When I knew her, she was bright, but hardly the intellectual giant all proclaim. Food for thought: How would her father becoming ill dictate a move to her mother's? That's ludicrous.

I would have been ever so grateful to have had even the cot / pallet her father provided her. It was temporary. To paint her as a victim is the true tragedy.

Increasingly Amazed said...

BTW... Marie was released in 2003 and married in 2005. She married a much older man, a professor. Her faith doesn't appear to have been shaken, and it seems they are still married.

She is a pretty girl, but how does that give her carte blanche to murder her father, a father doing his best to provide for her? Okay, she was 16. So what. If I slept indoors at 16, I paid the rent.

Increasingly Amazed said...

BTW... Marie was released in 2003 and married in 2005. She married a much older man, a professor. Her faith doesn't appear to have been shaken, and it seems they are still married.

She is a pretty girl, but how does that give her carte blanche to murder her father, a father doing his best to provide for her? Okay, she was 16. So what. If I slept indoors at 16, I paid the rent.

The Raving Queen said...

Incewasingly Amazed,
If you paid the rent at 16, it would have been ina White Trash trailer, darling!

Rufus said...

I have empathy for this woman and am glad she was paroled and now can live her life. I'm not a Texan. Lived there once and am so glad to get away from all the hate and desire for vengence. 16 year old girls can be very irrational under good circumstances, and her circumstances where very bad psychologically. If she were a monster she would have experienced no guilt, but she has/had lots of gut. I think her father would have forgiven her. Shocked that she ever had a second chance in Texas.

Rufus said...

I have empathy for this woman and am glad she was paroled and now can live her life. I'm not a Texan. Lived there once and am so glad to get away from all the hate and desire for vengence. 16 year old girls can be very irrational under good circumstances, and her circumstances where very bad psychologically. If she were a monster she would have experienced no guilt, but she has/had lots of gut. I think her father would have forgiven her. Shocked that she ever had a second chance in Texas.

The Raving Queen said...

Indeed, the only ones who get second chances in Texas are ficitonal characters in an Edna Ferber novel!

The Raving Queen said...

+Increasingly Amazed!
Oh, hon, don't despair! Just
take your cue from Lana Turner,
in "The Posstman Always Rings Twice."
You can learn so much!

Alicia C said...

Well said. :)

bklynsteph said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
veronica said...

she is a sociopath and if she had had a big head and buck teeth she would have a much longer stay in prison, what a travesty

The Raving Queen said...

She is not the first sociopath to be out and about.
They can be hard to spot, you know!

Justice said...

I live near Ft Worth and I just hope Marie is not one of the waitresses at my favorite Taco joints.You can never trust someone with such a mind. It takes a special kind of person to even think of poisoning another human being especially a loved regardless of the circumstances.

The Raving Queen said...

Why assume she is one of the waitresses? Do you
know for sure that is what she is doing for a living?
And food poisoning can happen anywhere. Take it from
me--I have had it several times!

Anonymous said...

Are you for real with this shit? You act as if you know it ALL and you are extremely nonchalant about murder. You also casually stereotype women from Texas. And let's not even get into your poor grammar and misused punctuation. Please educate yourself more before writing your next "expert opinion" about a situation you have only read about and seen on television.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


The Raving Queen said...

Listen, you tow you are nothing but common dirt! And it's not just women from Texas; men, too! As for my writing, the punctuation is my trademark, and I happen to be brilliant. You're not even ready for "Mary Poppins," dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

"You toe"? What in the hell is that? I suggest you get another hobby, as well as trademark. Who in the world would want to be known for child-like blogging and bigotry? Ha! Thanks for the laugh, though!

The Raving Queen said...

There is no bigotry on here, darling!!! Now, crawl back to that trailer, and slug back that beer!

Anonymous said...

Right. Just incorre t assumptions and a lot of anger, apparently. Honey bun, I don't even drink beer, but I will get back into my pool with my wine. Happy 4th, hagbag!!!!!

The Raving Queen said...

Who's angry, darling! Wishing you a happpy Fourth, too, and a speedy recovery!

Unknown said...

Yeah, this is a bit foolish. There is no excuse for murder, especially your own dad. In this case, he did nothing wrong to his daughter, but take her in when mom was being an idiot. My parents werent perfect, and at times, I wanted to leave and live elsewhere, but I didnt see murder as a way out. I also think her sentence was way too light. I dont quite understand why you would go to such great lengths to put her on a pedestal, but i think i know why. Im willing to bet this raving queen dude thinks Dorothy is hot, and is the type to marry a murderer in prison. Not educated, but intelligent enough. Its kind of sad to see, really. Get some help, queen.

Unknown said...

Yeah, this is a bit foolish. There is no excuse for murder, especially your own dad. In this case, he did nothing wrong to his daughter, but take her in when mom was being an idiot. My parents werent perfect, and at times, I wanted to leave and live elsewhere, but I didnt see murder as a way out. I also think her sentence was way too light. I dont quite understand why you would go to such great lengths to put her on a pedestal, but i think i know why. Im willing to bet this raving queen dude thinks Dorothy is hot, and is the type to marry a murderer in prison. Not educated, but intelligent enough. Its kind of sad to see, really. Get some help, queen.

The Raving Queen said...

Au contrarire, darling, perhaps you need some help.
Let me give you some. This is the Raving Queen, right
now. I answer all comments. First, get rid of the notion
I find Dorothy hot, because, I am a gay man! Hence the
title The Raving Queen! OK?

Second, I have never dated prison types. Not my
thing, not even the uniforms.

As for Dorothy marrying a murderer in prison,
who can say? Anything is possible; I am sure
it has happened before. But somehow here I doubt it!


While I do think her sentence was somewhat light, I cannot help but feel pity for Marie. Yes she committed a heinous crime and yes I probably would have felt better if she had killed her horrible step father and dumb cunt of a worthless mother. Yes, I said it!! While murder is wrong, in my opinion she she killed the wrong ones. Her stepfather should have had a the bottle full of barium acetate. May God forgive me for this thought process.

The Raving Queen said...

Oh, no, honey, not at all! You are right on target!

Unknown said...

I usually am a death sentence no parole person. However, this story is heartbreaking on all levels. The mom remarry & moving away with no advance notice leaving her daughter behind is stunning. I can't imagine either of my parents not putting me first. I sincerely hope this daughter can do something positive with the remainder of her sorry tragic life. Someday if God forgives her she will find her dad waiting for her in heaven with forgiving open arms.

The Raving Queen said...

I certainly hope you are right.
Forgiveness is a tough thing--whether it
is someone else or oneself! Thanks for
sharing, and drop in here anytime!

someone with a brain said...

who really cares?

Tracy Hogue Embert Graver said...

Just saw the episode today on forensic files.. I can't believe she only got 7 years. people should count their blessings,, her father did things with her, he loved her and was waiting for a bigger apartment to accommodate her. I do believe some people deserve a second chance. I know when I got punished for stupid shit as a kid and was grounded, I knew the next day I shouldn't have done it, and usually that was all I was grounded for... I don't believe she deserved life in prison, but she should've been given lots of counseling , maybe she did. I'm sure if she got married, someone saw she had redeeming qualities and loves her... I feel bad for dads girlfriend who is also left alone. I know a lot of people who say "once you move out you are out for good" she should've told her mom about the woman stepdad was with... she should not have taken it out on her own father. there are so many kids you can tell when they are young that parents don't give them attention, they are withdrawn and not up to other students or little kids their age. But you deal with it,, another few years she would've been in college,, dad I am sure woulda paid her way,, she should've been thankful to have had him, and only visited mom outside that home. or told mom to get fucked woulda been my response and forgot all about her... I am 60 and have seen a lot,,, but she was wrong for killing the one person who surely loved her, but don't think life in jail woulda been the proper sentence...

Tracy Hogue Embert Graver said...

Raving Queen,, we are all entitled to freedom of speech and writing blogs.. opinions are like assholes we all have one,, so we should all agree to disagree and don't have to bash others for not thinking the same way.. I was glad to hear more of the story that was not on forensic file. so glad I looked this up today. but she shoulda told mom to go get fucked, oh wait mom did choose that over taking her back.... my kids are grown, but I don't want them moving back in . I love them with all my heart but they need to live their lives and are doing that, and I am enjoying my life as it should be. can't live with parents forever but her dad probably woulda let her stay after college till she got a job etc... but people stop ragging on the QUEEN,, freedom of speech is still our right till maybe fuckin Trump does away with that, but aint happnin while I am alive. peace out

The Raving Queen said...

Someone With A Brain,

Oh, really, darling? Cute!
Are you sure it is the truth?
I care, and so do my readers
on here. Toodles!

The Raving Queen said...

Billy Osborne,
Thank you for your sentiments, darling!
As for slapping me and other insults,
oh, hon, get over it!

The Raving Queen said...

Life sentence for murder seems
fair to me. This is why I say
she killed the wrong man;
her father, would have done
the very things for her you '
said. BTW, since you admitted
your age, I will say here I am
62, and sometimes find it
hard to believe!

You are not the first reader
to reference Foensic Files. I
will have to start watching.

Thanks for sharing, and
supporting freedom of opnion/speech!

Tracy Hogue Embert Graver said...

I have a sense of humor,,, but didnt' get the comment of who cares? who cares that she got off easy? She did more time than Casey Anthony, who we all know got away with murder... I don't think kids grow up today with the same values we were taught, or back in my day,, beat into you if you screwed up,, I am 60 and I have raised my children well, . They at least respect other people and their property and have manners. The thing that drives me CRAAAAAZY is the 'OH POOR ME " people.. There are always someone worse off than you so be thankful for what you got. People who pace back and forth wonder how a bill will get paid,, instead of pacing around finding a job... but not to get off topic,,,, she wanted her mom,, knowing her moms bf or new hubby is the slut, cheater and manipulator, she should have looked up to her dad and what he was going to do for her, and been happy he loved her... I don't get the younger generation,, they want it all handed to them, bully fkn people who are not as priveledged as they , cant afford the right shoes etc.. even at 60 I pride myself on being honest...found money at cash register, waited for cashier to return and gave it to her, it was not mine, saw a man step on the womans 20 she dropped getting her money out and kicked his foot and called him and asshole and returned the money... what is wrong with people today? not enough love as a young child? I love who I am , where I came from , dad a steel worker , mom worked at Nabisco is Philly,,,, blue collar family that all of us worked when we got out of school, respected our parents, and helped the older people with groceries, dogs, etc... killing our parents , that thought never crossed our minds.

The Raving Queen said...

Regarding our respective ages, we are
both Baby Boomers, and let me tell you
much of what is wrong with today's
generation comes from how many--but
certainly not ALL---of ours raised their
kids to expect the kind of entitlement
we couldn't possibly fathom, due in
part, too, to our lack of technology.

Marie was a teen; even the best of kids'
brains are not wired the greatest at that
age. So, while her perceptions and conclusions
were wrong, I get how she formed her perspective.
I do not defend it.

As for being from a blue collar family, I have
to say you are truly grounded. My story is a
bit different--I grew up in a white collar
environment, but there was a division within
our family that was blue collar, and, to this
day, those children continue to resent us.
Stick on here long enough, and you will hear
about it.

As for the question of "Who cares?," you
may be right. But my first impression, when
I saw it, was that my blog post was being
attacked. It would not be the first time.
Best to you!
The Raving Queen

My BFF Dixie... said...

I agree. My sister abandoned her children after the marriage fell apart. She was too busy jumping into bed with a loser before the divorce was finalized! I saw first hand how the kids were literally ignored during important formative years. The mother (and deceased father) in this case, is to blame.

My BFF Dixie... said...

My sister abandoned her children after the marriage fell apart. She was too busy jumping into bed with a loser before the divorce was finalized! I saw first hand how the kids were literally ignored during important formative years. The mother (and deceased father) in this case, is to blame.

Unknown said...

Thanks Raving queen for your take on this very tragic story me also a Texan I got you girl know exactly what you mean Stephanie my condolences to your family try to keep your spirits up my best to your niece who I'm sure she regrets everyday her adolescent tragic mistake Bless her heart All be God's hands our judge in our final Destiny.

The Raving Queen said...


Sorry to hear about your sister. I
hope she got her act together. Yes,
parents do make bad choices at the
offspring's expense.
Thanks for sharing!

The Raving Queen said...

Thanks for sharing. This was such
a tragic story, because it did not
need to happen. But I guess that
is what defines tragedy.

My best to you!

Unknown said...

You tried, and put forward very rational arguments, but you cannot reason with this guy on an intellectual basis. He does not seem to take on constructive criticism and therefore he will not grow as a writer or as a human being. You would be better off spending your energy on someone who is interested in bettering themselves.

The Raving Queen said...


If you are referring to me, well,
that is your right. I am interested
in other folks' comments--even critical ones--
and answer all. Growth as a writer? I feel I
have; you don't know my history. As for
bettering myself, I do that every day, darling!

The Raving Queen said...

Don't Be Ignorant Sheep,

It fascinates me how divisive
people are on this subject.
I choose to disagree with you.
I do not think Marie was sociopathic.
Misguided, over emotional--typical of
adolescence--but not sociopathic. Since
she has been out, she has lived in obscurity.
Many sociopaths move within our society, but
at some point they just have to surface! They
need that attention. That does not sound like
Marie, to me. I hope she can put all this behind
her. Living this will be tough.

That said, I thank you for expressing your
opinion and appreciate it.

Unknown said...

I just watched this episode, for a person to murder someone's loved one and be out after 7 years, unbelievable, the pain and suffering he must have went through before dying had to be horrible, and she got 7 years, Wow, if a male was tried as an adult for the same thing he would get life, no parole. What an injustice for Steven. Daughter or not, Murder is Murder. RIP Steven

The Raving Queen said...

I agree with you that had the
perps been men, they might have
gotten more time. Marie was
a minor when she did this, so
that might have accounted for
the surprising leniency.

Finally On Time said...

I’ve known Marie since before she was convicted. She has always been remorseful for her actions (that’s why she got caught in the first place), she’s never blamed anyone else what what she did, and she never thought that her actions should go unpunished. She made a very huge mistake but is by no means a monster. I mean, her dad’s dad said at the sentencing that he thought Marie was a good kid who made a mistake and she should get probation. She used her time in prison to better herself. Once she was released, she finished college, got married, and found a steady job. Her faith is front and center in her life. She hasn’t gotten as much as a traffic ticket. She attempts to live a virtuous life. Can we all say as much?

Btw, her mom is legit cray-cray. I don’t know why Marie had such an enmeshed relationship with such an abusive and manipulative woman. At the end of the day, I think Marie just wanted to know that her mom loved her unconditionally, but to this day, she’s never really been assured of that.

The Raving Queen said...

You make an interesting point,
in what you say about Marie's mother.
This is one more reason why I consider
her story tragic. I don't think she
is a monster. What she has to live
with the rest of her days is
punishement enough.

Monique said...

I agree. She should have gotten life.

Monique said...

Agree! She even told her friend she knew the dose was lethal!

The Raving Queen said...


Where did you hear
about her telling a friend
she knew the dosage was lethal?
I seem to have missed that one.
Please clarify. Thanks!

Unknown said...

Marie wanted to be with Mommy waaaa cry baby! Cold blooded murderer.

Unknown said...

A mistake? Wow that's some mistake Marie made. A mistake is cheating on a test but murder a mistake? Wtf?

Unknown said...

Are you Marie? Sounds like you are.

Unknown said...

I completely agree.

Unknown said...

Marie s father was not abusive. Marie is narcissistic. Marie s mother was so loving that she chose her husband over her brat daughter. Mother and daughter can be friends as adults not when the daughter is a teenager, weird relationship. Mommy waaaa 😂 it LL be ok I will kill daddy. Now she is trying to be virtuous? Lol well I'm the one who is virtuous I don't steal , lie or murder.

Unknown said...

Veronica I totally agree with you.

The Raving Queen said...


Oh, you are so virtuous, huh? Like, how?
I bet you dress as a slut--short skirts to
kooch, garters showing, and work as a waitress,
then sleep in a trailer park!

And who is this Veronica you are agreeing with?

Unknown said...

I whole heartedly agree with you here. This moron Raving Queen is as bad as this disgraceful daughter Marie. Any person who can poison a loving father, and then sit back and watch paramedics as he battles for his life, and then she attends his funeral and remains quiet about what she has done is a complete sociopathic monster that should be locked away from society forever. Her current family and friends need to watch out. She's been there already and very nearly got away with it, they might well be next.

The Raving Queen said...

Darling, I am not a moron. I
happen to be brilliant, and if
you can't deal with it, too bad!

Regarding Marie, I can see your
points. I do ask myself was she
a sociopath. The conclusion I
came to is Marie was so confused
in her head, maybe did not know
all the facts, so she killed
the wrong person.

Remember the 1994 film, "Heavenly
Creatures?" If you have not seen it,
I recommend it. According to the film,
it was Juliet's father and his wife who
decided to terminate the girls' relationship.
But Pauline, like Marie, blamed it on the
wrong person--her mother--and unfortunately
that person, Pauline's mother, was horribly

Cheers, dear!

Jan said...

Ok, I just saw this episode on Forensic Files and I wanted to see what happened to Marie. First, I think her step father was or is a horrible person and her mother sided with this disgusting man. With that said she moves in with dad who was probably a good man and tried to help her. I’m sure there were signs of narcissistic behavior. You just don’t’ go murdering your parent without-some trace of nuttiness.

We all have had problems in our lives and we all handle it differently. I believe she knew what she was doing and didn’t think of the consequences. When your 16 and going through changes you don’t think right. Most people know the difference between right and wrong..(thank goodness right). I think she did and does feel bad for,what she did but I think she got out of prison to soon. My question would be how did she only do 7 years...even with good behavior it should have been a lot more. How did that happen?

See now attacks on need too..peace out!

The Raving Queen said...

Murdering her father never would have
advanced her cause. You are right; she
did not think things through. And I agree
her sentence for murder was too brief.
Was she convicted on manslaughter? Sometimes
that results in a lesser sentence.

Bitter old cat lady said...

You are fabulous & funny! Stumbled onto your blog after watching forensic files last night and then wondering whatever happened to this girl. 16 years old is a scary time. I don't know of any 16 year old who hasn't done stupid shit that we look back on as an adult and wonder what the hell we were thinkin. Everything I've read this morning-it seems she had remorse for what she had done, so much so that she confided in someone. Served 7 years? Yeah, not a whole lot of time in prison, however none of us sat on that prison board to hear anything she had to say after serving that much time. Yes it's awful and and heartbreaking that an innocent man died because of a 16 year olds horrendous mistake, but punishing someone for the rest of their lives for something they did when they were 16 years old does not serve any purpose. She has to live in her own head, knowing for the rest of her life that she killed her own father. I hope she's moved on with her life and is taking advantage of the second chance she was given with an early parole. Keep Raving Queen- don't change, live life to the fullest with your sassy ass! :)

The Raving Queen said...

Bitter old cat lady,

Thanks so much for your supportive
comments. And I, too, hope Marie
moves on and finds peace.

Feel free to drop on here, anytime!

Lincoln said...

Marie fell for the tricks/wiles of the devil (Ephesians Chapter 6 verses 10-17). Don’t pass judgement; Satan is setting a trap against your weaknesses at this very moment. Remember, like God uses people to do His perfect will, Satan uses people to do his evil will. This very night, millions will spit in God’s face offending Him by having sexual relationships with people to whom they are not married. The ignorant that will say that is not bad as murder had better hire a bulldozer to get the dirt and dust off their bible (if they own one) and read again closely.

The Raving Queen said...

Your evangelical fervor has
been around since Time began.
Express all you want, but do not
tell myself or any of my readers
how to live our lives!

Rachel said...

4 years later I stumble across this comment and am so appalled I feel the need to clap back. In response to your homophobic comment, “Unknown”, very courageous of you by the way - not to post your name, this is what I have to say...
Oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh
You need to calm down (you need to calm down)
You're being too loud (you're being too loud)
And I'm just like oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh
You need to just stop (can you stop?)
Like, can you just not step on our gowns?
You need to calm down - Taylor Swift

The Raving Queen said...

I get comments like this all the
time, especially on posts like ID.
Just a nutty segment of the population.
Still, the liven things up, on here!

Pissed said...

They have the electric chair for people like her

The Raving Queen said...

Are you Leroy in "The Bad Seed?"
Do you even know what that is?
Marie should not get the chair.
But that does not mean there
aren't people who shoukld