
Tuesday, November 10, 2015

This Entitlement Pig Is Still At Large!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Paula Zahn looked pretty shabby the other night, in that imitation Greek getup, which shows her arms--not too flattering, Paula--and hair that looked uncombed and shorter on one side. Guess the straight boys are still styling her.

                                       But she had a  program that peaked my interest, especially as I caught on early to who the killer really was.

                                         You see, there is this town called Valdosta, Georgia.  It is not what one would call  high class; it's not Tara, and Aunt Pittypatt would not be seen there.  It has a rural business district where fly by night, one room operations like the Wilcox Outdoor Advertising Company flourished, decades earlier. It was run by the Senior President Foxy Wilcox.  Now, what kind of businessman is named Foxy?????????  A shady one, that is!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           Foxy's son, Keller Wilcox, at 21, was on Daddy's dole, working at the joint, marrying so young he must have knocked the tramp up, yet still could not keep his hands off tail.  There was a woman who worked as a secretary/office manager for them; a 35 year old woman named Helen Hanks, who had a lovely husband, and three lovely children.

                                           Keller had the hots for her, and what Daddy's boy wanted he got. So, on the morning of August 31, 1972, when both were alone at the office, Keller came on to Helen, and, when she rebuffed this pig, he assaulted, then strangled, her, with a rope.

                                              Oh, but it gets better. Keller calls Daddy to fix things, and, of course, the boy did nothing wrong. Daddy thinks the woman should have submitted; the racist pig.  So, he got two of his Black henchmen, Edward Wrentz and Lorenzo Marshall, to put the naked body, which had been dismembered, in one of the company boxes, drive it a few miles outside of town, and bury it.

                                                Helen's vanishing was first treated as a disappearance. But, as months and years stretched out, it was clear something happened, she was not returning, and no one could prove anything.

                                                 Eight years, later, in 1980, two farmers, running a tractor, found  the box, and the dismembered remains. Tests proved they were the remains of Helen Hanks. And eventually the two hired hands testified.
                                                  In 1982, Keller Wilcox was arrested and convicted. His father was charged with aiding a death and obstructing justice. Justice did in Keller's father; he died shortly
afterward.  As for Keller, well this is disgusting--his conviction was overturned in 1985.  On May 28, this bastard was released from prison.  He lives somewhere in Tattnall County, has to have parole hearings, and wear an electronic tracking device.

                                                     What kind of justice is this for Helen's family?  And local women; because, let me tell you, this entitled pig is so pleased as punch he thinks he can go out and do it again, and get away with it, even if Daddy is dead.

                                                         Little children should pelt his house with stones constantly, and yell nasty, made-up rhymes, like in the opening of "Hush...Hush, Sweet Charlotte."

                                                          Personally, I prefer the justice in the song "The Night The Lights Went Out In Georgia"--"Little Sister don't miss, when she aims her gun."

                                                            I still have some questions--where was the body dismembered? Who did it?  Where was all the blood?  Did Keller's wife divorce him?  If she was smart, she did!

                                                            You better watch out, Keller, because some Little Sister is going to get you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Unknown said...

yeah how did they dismember her body at the office and leave no evidence?

The Raving Queen said...

That is a very good question, and I, too wondered.
Either they were very careful, but somewhere along
the way, someone slipped up, and good for them.
This was a no good father and son act!

chrissy842 said...

Update: Keller Wilcox has been granted permission to return to Lowndes County (Valdosta) and Brooks County (Morven) where the crime took place. And what I mean by "granted permission" I mean he REQUESTED THIS!!! Absolutely sickening.

The Raving Queen said...

How could he be granted such a thing!
I agree with you; it is sickening!

Anonymous said...

He lives in Reidsville, Ga and walks among people like he is entitled make no doubt about it he will do it again given the chance he treats most people like dirt under his feet-he is married he is disgusting

The Raving Queen said...


You are right; he will do
it again. His entitlement
is so ingrained, his impulses
cannot be controlled, so there
unfortunately will be another
victim. That poor wife. If
she catches on to him, she might
be that victim.

But I believe what goes around
comes around. He will get his!

Bella said...

The pig is on fb and so is his pig susan

The Raving Queen said...


Is Susan the wife?
She must be some avaricious pig,
to still be married to him!

Unknown said...

So im coming from a different perspective, i was born and raised in Valdosta. I was only 4 when the crime was committed and vaguely remember the trial. Im reading the new book just published called 6 inches deeper. Its fascinating because its well researched and i know most of the characters. I personally never met the Wilcoxes but knew where they lived. My parents had met Keller back then but didnt really run in the same circles. Valdosta is a fish bowl town, truly separated by railroad tracks. I left many years ago but the read is fascinating.

Long time valdostan said...

Well, one thing I haven't heard any mention of was something I have heard all of my life about this murder, being I am from Valdosta. Apparently, at some point, killer .
Oarts to keller worked part time at a mortuary in his teen years. And it was said that he had sex with the dead bodies there. Of course, they were cold, since they
were corpses. And that is where he developed his taste for cold vigina. After getting married, his wife testified in the trial that he would make her sit on ice
before they had sex. He needed her lady parts to be chilly. So, this is what he
Be wanted to do with Helen Hanks, so the Valdostans told it to one another. Now somebody willing to murder a young beautiful lady just to indulge this particular perversion, I would think would be highly likely to not be a le to stop thinking g about getting his jellies again and again. This is a frightening thought for the citizens of any community that may be unlucky enough to live near him.