
Friday, September 13, 2024

"Kill Her, Mommy!!!!!!!!!!!! Kill Her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                        Yes, girls, it is that time again.  Friday The 13th when we acknowledge it with Betsy Palmer in her signature performance as Pamela Voorhees, which we will watch tonight.  Baby Gojira and Little Pippin are so excited.

                           And we cannot wait to see Jeannine Taylor (now a top NYC real estate agent) in her dramatic turn as Marcie Cunningham.  The scene where she imitates Katherine Hepburn in the mirror is priceless.  Admit it; we've all done it, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Everyone has their own way of celebrating--or ignoring--this day, so do as you please.  But think of us at 8PM, and, if so inclined, turn on your DVD and join us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Now, she couldn't let them open this place again, could she?

                                 Here is some footage of Betsy transitioning.  What an excellent job she does!

                                 And what good dental coverage she must have had during this shoot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Victoria said...

Yes, Jeannine works with her daughter!!
The Lincoln Real Estate Team!!!

The Raving Queen said...

Victoria, I did not know she had a daughter. Thanks for the information. I will look up The Lincoln Real Estate Team!!!!!!!!!!!!!!