
Wednesday, September 11, 2024

This Day Will Never Be Forgotten!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              I knew where I was that day.  And so, I bet, do most of you readers.  And wasn't this the day that G.W. Bush uttered that famous line, "Is our children learning?"

                                Too many, because of what happened that day, failed to live long enough to see if those children did learn, or maybe to have any children at all..  The 9/11 attack was the second benchmark in the lives of the much-maligned Baby Boomer Generation--mine.  The first one was 11/22/63, the assassination of JFK, and March 13, 2020--what for us was the start of the Covid pandemic.

                                  How much more do we have to suffer?  And how many times is my peer group going to be blamed for the ills of this society?  While it may be natural to blame the previous generation for ills, let us not do it minus clarity, which is the case here.

                                      As you can see, this day makes me both sad and angry.  Of course, I will watch and mourn on the news tonight.

                                        But I wish I could get over the fear that something else is waiting for us in the wings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Victoria said...

you are not alone in your fear.
We certainly don’t Want to live this way, however you and I and Many others sense this undercurrent of Fear.
That Another big tragedy Is coming our way
Lord have mercy upon this broken world

The Raving Queen said...

Victoria, Amen! The divisive atmosphere around us is so frightening!