
Friday, January 31, 2025

Girls, Can You Believe We Are One-Twelfth Through 2025??????????????????

                                     January has never been my favorite month; the season grinds to a halt, transition back to the norm sets in, and everything is deadly dull and long.

                                       Well, not THIS January!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        Four shows--"Maybe Happy Ending," "Sunset Blvd.," "A Wonderful World--The Louis Armstrong Musical," and "Gypsy!"  Like I said, once I wanted to be a theater/film critic, but, my God, this is exhausting!!!!!!!!!!   A show every week? If I was actually practicing professionally, it would be a show every night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           And two birthday parties for my beloved David, both of which went smoothly, though our favorite was just the two of us at Chadwick's.

                                            I feel so behind in my reading.  I read 7 books this month and feel I should have read twice as many.  I love the book I am reading now--"The God Of The Woods," but hardly can find any time to read.  My life, my career!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             That is me, in the picture, on the left.  No wonder I look so worn out!  At least my couture is perfect!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               So, that was January, darlings.  Wishing you all a romantic February, which is a short month, and should go really fast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  See you next month, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A Happy Belated Birthday To Elliott Forrest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           Elliott Forrest is the midday DJ on the classical station WQXR.  He happens to be my favorite, and Baby Gojira just loves him.  He plays a lot of my favorites, and he has great respect for film scores, as he demonstrates every afternoon with his "Score At Four."

                            January 20 was Elliott's birthday, and I was surprised to see he was 68, meaning he was born in 1957, just a few years younger than I.  On the radio he sounds a lot younger.

                              Happy Birthday, Elliott, hope you had a fine celebration, and keep broadcasting.

                              Oh, and Little Pippin likes you too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This "Gypsy" Lights The Lights, But Fails To Hit The Heights!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        How one views the current revival of "Gypsy," now at the Majestic Theatre depends on how well one does or does not know the show.

                                         Those not knowing, or ever having seen "Gypsy," have a slight advantage, because, for them, this might turn out to be a satisfying theater experience.


                                          For those of us who know the show--gays and Theater Queens who, when young, lived our lives through this show until every word and move was in our bloodstream-- this revival will be something of a disappointment.  While not as bad as Bernadette Peters in 2003, this "Gypsy" has the same problem--a fine supporting cast, but a leading lady not up to the vocal demands of the role.

                                            Audra McDonald acts up a storm in this role; she plays it less like "King Lear," as this show has always been compared to, and more like "Medea," which is more appropriate.  Unfortunately, her singing detracts from the power of the score.  I knew she was in trouble when I heard her sing "Some People," but by the time she got to "Everything's Coming Up Roses," I was on the edge of my seat, not, unfortunately, because of the power of the delivery, but because I worried, she was not going to make it through the number. She barely had enough breath control to take on those lyrics, not to mention she cannot belt, so when she does, she goes up to head voice and loses vocal control and breath.  Oh, and "Rose's Turn" she gasped her way through!!!!!!!!!!!!  Like this--"Well someone tell me (Gasp!) when is it my turn? (Gasp!) don't I get a dream for myself (Gasp!!)" Are you kidding me?  This is NOT the way to perform Rose in "Gypsy," and I do not accept it!


                                              The show is a familial tragedy and has always been viewed as about a mother who pushes her children to the success she always wanted, feeling she was better than anyone else, because she was, as she says, "born too soon, and started too late."

                                                But, using Audra's vocal inadequacies to her favor "Gypsy' could be viewed through a more tragic prism--the woman who thought she had it all, but never did.  In this context, it could work, but the question remains.

                                                  This is eight shows a week, darlings!  Eight!  Which makes me wonder how long can Audra hold her voice before it gives out??????????   Bernadette's revival did not run that long, so she saved her voice.  But Audra worshippers are cramming to get into the Majestic, and that is not likely to stop soon.  And then there is a possibility of Audra getting a seventh TONY Award?  Can she hold out till then?  More shall be revealed.

                                                     Now, Danny Burstein, perhaps the obvious choice, is a perfect Herbie.  Joy Woods is a revelation aa the neglected Louise, and her rendition of "Little Lamb" is heartbreaking.  Her transition to Gypsy Rose Lee is impressive, though she does go up on one line.  When she comes out introducing herself in French, she omits the line "And that concludes my entire French!"  "Gypsy" afficionados are sure to pick up on things like this.  And the dressing room scene does not play as well as it should.

                                                          Why does Rose, in the opening, eat dog food?  Why are the boys' first "Extra!" transposed down, when they do the second one perfectly?  Why does Jordan Tyson as June let the audience see her disappointment at her mother on stage, but when time to verbalize she does a half assed job?  No bitterness or resentment at all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   Why do some scenes play too fast, and others too slow?  As for the new choreography, duh, who cares?  And I prefer the strobe lights!!!!!!!!!! Why, when Rose clutches Louise to her at the end of the Act I finale, does it come off more as comic, than frightening??????????????   Why not more June and Baby June splits????????????  Why does Rose, who is from Seattle, speak in a Southern accent, and no one else does?  Is she trying to play Rosa Parks????????

                                                              George C. Wolfe, what in the hell were you trying to do?  Did you even know?  You may be four months older than I, but I could stage a better "Gypsy," and in my next post I will prove it!   Do you even know what the show is about???????????  Or couldn't you decide and try to make it both ways??????????  That is what it looks like and it does NOT work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  But the three strippers--Lesli Margherita, Lili Thomas, and Mylinda Hull, DO stop the show!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                 "Gypsy" deserves better.  Those who want to see the glow of what this show really is, get on YouTube and watch the production with Patti LuPone and Laura Benanti.

                                                                      Oh, and another thing. Chowsie and Caroline deserve their own curtain calls.  And maybe TONY Awards.

                                                                       One of the show's best lines is "You either have it/Or you've had it.  With Audra McDonald at the helm, this "Gypsy" has had it.

                                                                         As Leigh Ann Larkin's June said in Patti Lupone's revival, and so bitterly, " a....terrible.... act!"

                                                                         Which is how I feel about this "Gypsy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"



Thursday, January 30, 2025

Who Knew Visiting "Gypsy" Would Turn Out To Be A Birthday Celebration??????????????????????

                                       I know so many of you are waiting to hear my comments on the actual production of this "Gypsy," and I promise to deliver, but this is a belated birthday wish to someone in the theater community, and what better way to honor that person than by attending the theater.

                                         So, just who is this person??????????????????????

                          The theatrical divinity that is none other than Celia Keenan-Bolger!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          Celia turned 47 on Sunday, July 26, the day we saw "Gypsy."  I cannot think of any better way to honor Celia than with a visit to the theater.

                          Doesn't Celia look fabulous?  She will always have that eternal child-woman quality.

                          We should all look good at that age, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Girls, Hurry Up And See This, Before It Closes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    It is a shame that this show has posted a closing date of  February 23, since there is so much good theater in it.

                                     James Monroe Iglehart, who plays the title role of Louis Armstrong, is the first performance I have seen this season where a man is of award caliber.  The voice, the mannerisms he incorporates into a characterization so believable one almost believes Armstrong is there.  And it does not shie away from the seedier aspects of his life--wives, women, drugs, and smoking, all of which I am sure aided in his death.  Whenever Iglehart is onstage one cannot take one's eyes off him, he is that compelling.  I would expect him to get a TONY nomination for his work; if not, then what the hell is the matter?????????????????????

                                      Then there is Darlesia Cearcy, as Lucille Wilson, aka "Brown Sugar."  Of the women in Armstrong's life, hers is not only the most prominent of them all, but she also gives the best performance.  Her vocals are top notch, and she can move with the best of them. There is a little show over at the Majestic called "Gypsy" that I think she would be fabulous at, in the part of Rose.  I am not kidding, girls!  But then she is not the so-called Almighty Audra!!!!!!!!!!!  And if you think that is just a taste of my review post for "Gypsy," you are right, darlings.  "A Wonderful World" does everything right.  "Gypsy," on the other hand....................

                                           Ricky Henshaw's choreography and Christoper Renshaw's choreography keep what I expected to be a low energy show and lengthy, have made good with this fast moving, never stopping for a momnent, type of show, with endless, abundant energy.  Yes, he sings, the title song, and yes, he sings "Hello, Dolly!"  My only regret is no drag queen stood in for BARBRA, to recreate that iconic scene in the movie.

                                                 I had low expectations going into this show, but sometimes those can turn out to be the biggest surprise.  "A Wonderful World" is that, and I urge you to see it before it closes.

                                                    Like the show's character would say, "This is Louis, Dolly!!!!!!!!!!!!"



Sunday, January 26, 2025

OK, Audra, Show Us What You Can Do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                       This is the day The Raving Queen visits "Gypsy" at the Majestic Theatre.  I refuse to call it "Audra/Gypsy," because as of now I think Patti LuPone and Laura Benanti's production was the best, and I have a feeling this will be, while not as disappointing as Bernadette Peters in 2003, pretty close.

                           Poor Joy Woods, in the photo above, looks scared and smothered.  She is on the right track.  But if this is how Audra thinks she is going to deliver "Everything' s Coming Up Roses," she is going to face backlash from Theater Queens such as I, who are obsessed with how "Gypsy" should be performed.  One false move, and I will send her six or more pages on how to play the role, just like Trish Hawkins did when Sarah Paulson played Hawkins' signature role of Sally Talley in a "Talley's Folley" revival, back in 2013.

                             Thirty-one years ago, in 1994, a fresh-faced Audra blew us away the minute she opened her mouth to sing 'Mister Snow' in "Carousel."  That face is not so fresh now, and taking on a role beyond her vocal capabilities has me questioning her judgement. Or her agent and managers.  This role is often called the "King Lear" of musical theater; because of its plot I would say itis more like "Medea." Will Audra do "Rose's Turn" in a dress covered with blood, like Medea?  Only time will tell, darlings, and I will be sure to tell you everything.

                                 Get set, Audra and Company!  The Raving Queen is on the way, and you had better do right by this show.

                                   You won't just get Patti LuPone-ed.  You will get Raving Queen-ed!


Saturday, January 25, 2025

Girls, If You Want To Swoon Over Jonathan Groff--And Who Doesn't?????????--This Is The Show To Do It!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          Twenty years ago, before he became a known sexual predator, Kevin Spacey, then a great actor, did a vanity film for his mother called "Beyond The Sea."  I remember going to see it, and the theater had a dozen people.  During the film, two folks walked out.

                           Spacey was just too old for the role.  Kate Bosworth, who played Sandra Dee, looked like his daughter, standing next to him.

                             But Spacey's vocals were pretty good.  His mother was pleased, because she loved Bobby Darin, which is why he made the film in the first place.  I was astonished at this skill I never thought he had.  He parlayed it into a brief nightclub act in Manhattan, and then aboard a cruise ship.

                             He never utilized this skill again.  Pity.

                             Now, Jonathan Groff, who won a TONY Award for humanizing a hitherto inhumane character--Franklin Shepard in "Merrily We Roll Along"--is assuming the role of Darin in this show called "Just In Time."  It begins performances at the Circle In The Square in late March and opens sometime in April.  Groff is a fine actor, and a fine young man, and you girls all know how I appreciate fine young men!!!!!!!!!

                              Groff's vocals outdo Spacey's in ways the latter could not even do.  I am so looking forward to seeing Jonathan in this, hoping, he will win a third TONY Award for this, or at least be nominated.

                             But who am I to talk?  Listen to Groff yourselves, girls.

                             Here he is singing "Dream Lover!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                           Clutch those pillows, and dream of Jonathan, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All Right, Girls, Get In Your Places!!!!!!!!!!!!!! One More Day Till "Gypsy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                       It is not like I have ever seen this show, darlings.  Hell, I can sing it and do a one-man version of it.  After tomorrow, I will have seen every single "Gypsy" since Ethel Merman.  She is the only one I did not see.  I was 4 when she opened, and I am convinced if my parents had had the forethought to plunk me down in a theater seat for it, I would have been so enthralled, even then. Hell, I might have wanted to go onstage and be one of the strippers!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                        Not until I first heard the Ethel Merman cast recording when I was 12, did I contemplate playing the role of Mama Rose.  Or Dainty June.  Or even one of the strippers.

                      I am bringing a lot of my life history to "Gypsy" tomorrow.  Additionally, it will be 37 years to the month I entered the Majestic Theatre.  I saw "The Phantom Of The Opera" on January 12, 1988, never expecting it to run as long as it did.  And now, here I will be, back at the Majestic.

                     Miss Audra had better be on her toes, and in voice.  The show had better be done properly or you will bet I will report about it on here.  One forethought--unless I stage my own production, which I doubt will happen, I will never see "Gypsy" as it should have been staged.  The answer to this will appear in my follow up post of viewing the current production.

                       Remember, "Gypsy" staff, "I'm electrifyin', and I ain't even tryin'!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Girls, Watch Judiciously Tonight, As "Svengoolie" Presents A Fractured Masterpiece!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      I am supposing "Svengoolie" could not get the rights to the original 1954 Japanese "Gojira."  So, tonight, he is showing the American version, released here in 1956, that has these inserted scenes featuring Raymone Burr as news reporter Steve Martin (!!!!!).  At the time, audiences knew Burr as TV's "Perry Mason," but I doubt any of the younger generation would even know who he was, or care that this film was butchered.  They just would not get it.

                                         When I say to watch this film "judiciously," I mean, beware that it is all out of original sequence.  And that when the Burr scenes are on, that is the time to take a bathroom or kitchen break.  Just watch the Japanese scenes, and you will get an idea of what a masterpiece this film truly is when seen the way it was intended.  It is out there on DVD, so if interested, it is still possible to see it.  And revival houses, like the Film Forum have shown it in revival several times.  

                                            Due to a birthday party tonight, we will not be able to watch.  I know Gojira is upset, but we have his DVD, so he knows he is our favorite.   For those never having seen it, this is a good introduction.  But be forewarned--it is not the real thing.

                        You will still get this iconic scene, when Gojira first appears atop the mountain.  This marked the launching of a major star, who continues to be so 70 years later.  Cheer him on, and revel in a genuine sequence of film history.

                           We love you, Gojira!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, January 24, 2025

Guess What Film Turns 20, This Year???????????????????

                                I remember finishing "Brokeback Mountain," as part of Annie Proulx's short story anthology, "Close Range: Wyoming Stories."  I was at the end, on the subway going into Manhattan to work, and the tears just poured down my face.  Something that print material does not do to me often.

                                  When the film opened in New York, I did what I eventually found many to do--took the day off so I could see the first New York Screening.  As soon as a dawn lit Texas skyline and a truck roaring smoke behind along a seemingly endless road, I knew the film was in good hands.

                                   The performances of Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhaal, particularly Jake stayed in my mind.  As well as Roberta Maxwll as Ennis' understanding mother, and Peter Mcrobbie as his homophobic father.  All the cast was great--Anne Hathaway, Michelle Williams, even David Harbour as the alleged murderer.

                                      I have never forgotten the scene where Ennis' father, when he was a child, takes him to this deserted house.  He explains that two cowboys were living here, in a way men should not be living, and for this they were killed.  Which made Ennis somewhat closeted, and for me recalled that no matter how far I think we may have come, there is still danger at large for the gay community.

                                       Several years later the "Cold Case" series, which I have mentioned on here, aired one of their best episodes, "Forever Blue," about two gay policemen in love.  It was so similar it could have been called "Brokeback Precinct!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                      I would hope there would be an anniversary screening of "Brokeback Mountain" this year, but I am not sure I could bear sitting through the film again, as it is so painful.

                                        If only there were some ways to honor this film twenty years later.

                                        It was intentionally overlooked at the Oscars that year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Two More Days Till "Gypsy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                       Miss Audra McDonald and Company had better be quaking in their boots, because The Raving Queen is coming, and if Miss Almighty Audra is not there, I will walk out and demand a refund.

                          Just look at this shot, darlings.  I can tell it is the end scene.  First thing, in other productions of "Gypsy," they face stage left, and exit that way.  So now they are going to do it stage right?  Why???????????????

                            Second, just look at Audra.  For a nuanced actress, every scene I have seen from the show has her playing the entire thing with this perpetual scowl.  What is that all about??????????

                              I was really disappointed with Bernadette Peters in 2003, and I fear the same for 2025. Bernadette did not have a long run, which did not surprise me, but the closing was a blessing, because it saved her voice, which would have burned out if she had done it for a year.

                              I fear the same for Audra.  And I will report on everything I see.

                               Get your act at the Majestic together, girls!  The Raving Queen is on his way.

                                This show is very important to the gay community, and I will tell you why.

                                 How many of us, when young, looked into a mirror, and, like Louise does, said--

                                  "Mama....I'm a pretty girl, Mama."

                                  Theater Queens like their "Gypsy" well done.  So, get it together, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Guess What Film Turns 80 This Year??????????????????

                          That is right, darlings, "Mildred Pierce," the 1945 film that won Joan Crawford her Oscar, and turned out to be one of the best bitchfest mother-daughter films of all time.

                              Ann Blyth created much of that with her indelible portrayal of Veda Pierce.  Aspiring bitches just LOVE Veda.  After all, she was just a poor, misunderstood who had goals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Girls, this is too much!!!!!!!!!!  With Eve Arden's one-liners, and Veda's nightclub scene--which I would like to do--there is something to offer for gays everywhere!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  And straight people here can learn a lot about subtext,

                                 What an anniversary year this is turning out to be.

                                    Happy 80th Anniversary, "Mildred Pierce," and many more.

                                      As Veda says, "Don't worry about me, Mother; I'll get by."

                                      You better believe it, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Charm Has Its Uses Too, Even If It Does Not Produce A Classic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Girls, people are going crazy over "Maybe Happy Ending," and I can understand why.  This is the first new show I have seen with some originality and a melodic score.  In addition, it has two enchanting performances by Darren Criss and Helen J. Shen as robots in love.  You heard me, darlings, robots.  The actors perform the moves perfectly, and after about twenty minutes in, one forgets about them being robots, and the show turns into what my husband reveled in as a 50's type of love story.

                                        It also makes use of media techniques that recalled to me the recent, gender reversed, "COMPANY," and all work well in this show, as opposed to "Sunset Blvd."

                                         Will Aronson and Hue Park are unknowns who are going somewhere, having put the whole thing together themselves.  The same goes for Michael Arden; no choreographer is listed, so I imagine he staged the entire show himself.  And what an achievement.

                                             Just because "Maybe Happy Ending" did not blow me away, darlings, does not mean I did not enjoy and admire it.  And it also makes me look forward to another musical work by the same team involved.

                                               All are capable, demonstrated by this show, of creating something which could actually blow me away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 Go to it, guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It Is Said Sometimes Your Greatest Enemies Are Those Supposedly Close To You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                         Emphasis on "supposedly, darlings."  Is blood always thicker than water?  I used to think so, but now I wonder.

                          After my "Black Sheep" post several weeks back, I thought about the importance of familial relations.  That is, are they important? I found out, in reaching out to several cousins, that blood relatives, or at least some of them, cannot be counted on.  At first, I was hurt, and blamed myself, but this is on them, darlings.  If there are any black sheep out there, it is them

                            As I said, some of us were so close during childhood and adolescence.  But once we began our own lives, it was like I did not exist.  Well, they knew I was out there, but did they ever consider getting in touch with me, or that I might want to hear from them???????

                             Now, I say, "Rubbish!"  I have a husband who loves me, animal friends who do, and many people I call my friends who are nicer to me than my so-called "blood relatives."

                             The ones from my parents' generation I will always cherish.  And the one cousin I am in touch with has more integrity than the rest.  As to the rest, I shall ignore them as openly as they ignore me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Lillian Hellman was right, you know--

                                 "Take from the foxes, the little foxes,                                                                                                            For our vines have tender grapes."

                                  See you round, cuzzes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Three More Days Till "Gypsy," Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           I know tension and anxiety is high backstage at the Majestic Theatre, girls, because in three days, The Raving Queen is coming to see "Gypsy," or, as it is labeled today "Audra/Gypsy," and if one note or step is out of place it will surely be heard from me.

                                             I have been skeptical about the show ever since the get go.  I was so disappointed by Bernadette Peters' revival in 2003.  She had no voice for the part, and, despite a marvelous backup cast, the show, without a capable Rose, does not work.

                                              I fear the same, with Audra.  I do NOT want to see a production like the one pictured above. Oh, and it is time Chowsie and Caroline receive TONY nominations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 You had all better be ready at the Majestic, my dears.  Because if you are NOT, you will hear about it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                   Like the show says, "You gotta have a gimmick/If you wanna have a chance!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, January 18, 2025

Girls, Join Us Tonight At 8PM, For A Special Treat, As "Svengoolie" Presents, For The First Time, "Attack Of The Killer Tomatoes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                     You have heard about this one for year, darlings, but have you seen it?  Though not as artistic as "Killer Klowns From Outer Space," this film has earned its place in camp lore.

                                       The title song should have been Oscar nominated.  With lyrics like "I know I'm gonna miss her/A tomato ate my sister," how could it not miss?

                                         And the scene in the swimming pool, where people are menaced by regular, floating tomatoes, like a "JAWS" parody, is priceless.

                                           Granted, the poster is better than the movie, but this is one of those that has to be seen once.  I am sure we will all have a blast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               Be kind to your tomatoes, tonight, for dinner.

Friday, January 17, 2025

Was Lady Greensleeves A Bitch, Darlings????????????????????

                          Girls, I have been thinking about this for the past month, as I have been singing the ballad under a different name and lyric--the beautiful Christmas carol "What Child Is This?"

                             Yet it is still "Greensleeves."  I think that came before "What Child Is This?"

                               Anyway, let's look at some lines--

                              "Alas, my love, you do me wrong,                                                                                                                    To cast me off discourteously." 

                              So, this woman breaks off with a guy, but not in a nice way.  I can relate to that; I once dated a guy so cowardly; he would break up with me only by email.  Can you imagine?   I was actually fine with the breakup; what hurt is that he could not do it face to face, so we might part on amicable terms.  Instead, he made a big thing out of nothing and used the email to terminate our association.  If that is not being a bitch, I don't know what is.

                                "For I have loved you so long,                                                                                                                       Delighting in your company."

                              "Greensleeves was all my joy,                                                                                                                        "Greensleeves was my delight,                                                                                                                      "Greensleeves was my heart of gold,                                                                                                            "And who but my Lady Greensleeves?"

                              I mean, the guy totally loved her, like Dora loved David in "David Copperfield." and she just cruelly throw him away?  Will he become some Fantine?????????????

                                I can't answer that, girls, but I can tell you this.  The picture suggests Lady Greensleeves got her comeuppance.  A wise woman by the body of water is warning her or has warned her.  Lady Greensleeves contemplates either changing her ways or committing suicide.

                                  What do you think, girls?  I think she is contemplating both, but, with the wise woman by the water, will change her ways.

                                     And, darlings, don't let anyone treat you shabbily!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


A 50th Anniversary????????????? How About One Turning 75?????????????????

                                         That is right, darlings, because, this year, "All About Eve," the greatest "theatrical-backstabbing film of all time, turns 75.  Do you realize that is three quarters of a century? I will guess that, 75 years later, people will still be singing its praises.

                                           Almost every line in this well written film is instantly quotable.  And all of the characters, even the men, are fascinating, and each get their own moment.

                                             If I had to pick my favorite exchange from the film, it would be between Marilyn Monroe and George Sanders, as Miss Casswell and Addison DeWitt--

                                               MissC:  "Well, I can't just yell 'hey, butler,' can I?  Somebody's name                                                              might   be butler."                                                                                                                                       Addison: "You have a point.  An idiiotic one, but a point."

                                               And that is just for starters.

                                             For those of us who love it, it is time to see it again.

                                             As for those who haven't, what is the matter with you???????????????

                                           Happy 75th, and more, "All About Eve!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

A True Genius And Visionary Has Died!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



                              That opening shot, from David Lynch's masterwork, "Blue Velvet," captivated me from the second I saw it for the first time.  By the time the fire truck was rolling down the street, I knew this was a town like the one I grew up in, but which was about to have its underbelly exposed.

                               David Lynch, the genius behind "Blue Velvet," "Mulholland Drive" (arguably the greatest film about Hollywood since "Sunset Boulevard") and other artistic endeavors, died yesterday at the age of 78.  He began as a painter--and wouldn't those Lynch originals be worth something now, and how I would like to see them.   But I saw many of David's films-- "Eraserhead, "The Elephant Man," even the disappointing "Wild At Heart," which was difficult, coming on the heels of his masterwork, "Blue Velvet."

                                 And "Blue Velvet" turns 40 next year.  So, how about a festival honoring the great David Lynch?  You hear that, Film Forum?????????  Anyone??????????????

                                 By the way, Lynch and I were connected in a six degrees kind of way.  He always said his favorite film was "The Wizard Of Oz," and those who know me understand it is my all-time favorite film, as well.

                                Or maybe just grab some Lynch DVDs and watch them in your own home.  Not as impressive as on the big screen, but the artistry still comes through.

                                  And for those never having seen "Eraserhead" before, wait till you see the on-camera murder of the mutant baby! I cannot watch that ever again.

                                    David Lynch will be missed.  The visionaries are dying off, and no one is taking their place.  Or could.

                                       Let's send David Lynch off with the following--

                                     Here is Roy Orbison's "In Dreams," which figured so prominently in "Blue Velvet."

                                      Sweet dreams, and rest in peace, David!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"That Isn't A Nightgown, It's A......Saturn Chemise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                           Yes, girls, they exist, and don't we all just want one??????????????

                           I mean, this is just perfect for Spring and Summer.  So colorful and understatedly elegant!!!!!!!!!

                             I know I want to order one right away, and I am sure all my girls do, too. Wouldn't this look great at the next Spring or Summer party??????????????????????

                               And perfect while listening to "The Planets," by Gustav Holst!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, January 12, 2025

The Sun Should Set On This Show!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         How many times are theatergoers going to be subjected to "Sunset Blvd?"  And why should they have to?

                                          Because of loyalty to Patti LuPone, I managed to avoid the debacles of Glenn Close, Betty Bukley and Elaine Paige.  Thanks to BARBRA, I knew at least two of the songs, and I thought that was it.

                                            I admit that when this reconceived treatment of the musical arrived, I was intrigued.  Well, let me tell you, darlings, it is not worth it.

                                              Mandy Gonzalez was our Norma Desmond, and she was fine.  Tom Francis is good as Joe Gillis and so is Grace Hodgett Young as Betty Schaefer.  But the standout performance is really David Thaxton, who transcends Erich Von Stroheim, and creates a fascinating character of his own, as Max.  Though all these actors sing beautifully, and work hard, it is all for naught.  Why?

                                                  Because director Jamie Lloyd--who, by the way, just happens to be Andrew Lloyd Webber's nephew-- and choreographer Fabian Aloise--what happened to Fabian Forte, darlings????????--cannot make up their minds if they want the show to be a dance piece, an opera, or a social media presentation.  Settling on one might have made the evening work.  Instead, they combine all three into the mix, and the result, while not the train wreck "Tammy Faye" was cheapened the story and further distorts it in time and space.

                                                      The opening, which is promising, begins as a dance, and remains Gothic with the famed midnight burial of the chimpanzee.  Time and space are completely distorted; it is still set in 1950, but Betty Schaefer is seen finishing typing the screenplay she and Gillis have been writing on a white computer keyboard; not the black one on which I am now writing.  What the hell is the point???????????????

                                                        The second act opening has to be seen to be believed, and I did not believe it at all.  It has Tom Francis, as Joe Gillis, sing the title song, as he wanders down the seven floors of the St. James Theatre, with campy imagery along the way.  This is followed by out onto the streets, in real time, singing of the changes in Los Angeles, when we can clearly see it is Shubert Alley. Soon, a man in a monkey suit joins his side, plus a woman with a rubber chicken, and Francis poses by his theater photo.  What is this trying to prove, and what has it got to do with the story?

                                                             As for the climax, yes, she does say the famous line at the end, but it loses all poignancy and heartbreaking realism, when she emerges covered in blood, like Medea.  Oh, by the way, there are no costume changes, no "waxworks" card players, and everything is conveyed by noir lighting which can often be blinding, or by projections so high on screen they overshine the actors below.  Yes, it is interesting the first time to see the actors match up with their screen images as they perform, but not constantly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                "Sunset Blvd." has got to be put to rest. While I admit I found the complete score better than I expected, as David said, if this is the future of Musical Theater, then count me out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                    Darlings, you can come to our apartment and see me perform one-man shows of better musicals for free!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                        Wait till Andrew and Patti see my "Evita!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"



With Spring Eventually Arriving, How About Livening Up The Home With These Items From MacKenzie-Childs??????????????????????????



                          These scrumptious items from the famed store in SoHo would enliven any home, but, darlings, I am just crazy about the rose-colored items, which give a sort of pinkish tone to things.  And, in the middle, there is this beautiful piece of wall art that would enliven any wall.

                           Yes, a visit to MacKenzie-Childs is in order, especially for those who have never been. I bet ANNA knows all about it.

                             The items chosen here in these photos are things I would buy. But they also have some lovely black and white items that are reminiscent of Cecil Beaton, for admirers of him.

                              So much to do, so little time to do it, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Make the most of it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, Why Don't We Dress Like This Today?????????????????

                              Like the song in "Chicago" says, "What ever happened to class?"

                            It is lacking in today's culture; I can tell you.  When I occasionally prowl the streets of NYC, watching people racing madly to places they think they have to be, but cannot stop talking on their cell or smart phones for a single second, I have to wonder what is so important.

                            Then I look at how these people are dressed, and it is like they just rolled out of bed.  Does anyone care about appearance anymore?  Comb your hair, girls, acquire some style, and not Thrift Chic, which seems to be the order of the day now.  Unless you are working for ANNA.  Now, there is someone who knows about class.  If she could, I wish ANNA would visit every workplace in NYC and give a talk on how to present oneself at work.  I mean, oh my God, some outfits I have seen I would not be seen wearing at a Halloween party!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            Flowing skirts, pencil skirts, it is time to bring them back, with white or colorful blouses to match.  Oh, and don't think I am letting the guys off easy.  Dressing like one just coming from working out at the gym--which many have, and do--is not only disgusting, but shows lack of pride in oneself, your coworkers, or where you work.

                               A wish I have for 2025 is a return of self-pride in appearance and bearing.

                            Again, as Kander and Ebb said, "What became of....CLASS?????????"

Something Else Turns 50 This Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              I saw the legendary Original Cast of "A Chorus Line," with my father, at the Shubert Theatre, on October 25, 1975.  My life was never the same since.  I mean that in a good way.

                              But, on April 16, 1975, the Feast Day Of Saint Bernadette--not Jennifer Jones, darlings, the REAL Bernadette--"A Chorus Line" gave its first public performance at the Public Theatre--and the world was never the same.

                               I cannot believe 50 years has gone by.  To think I was 20 then, and now I am 70!  But what a memory to carry with me.

                               I fervently hope that something is done this year to commemorate the anniversary of this theatrical masterwork.

                                Ideally, I would like all surviving members of the Original Cast, with fillers for those now gone, to assemble and perform the show for a limited time, so people could experience what it was like, in 1975.  And there hasn't been anything like it, since.

                         And don't forget The Greatest Showstopper In Broadway History--Donna McKechnie.  I am certain, 50 years later, she could do this number exactly as was done in 1975.  

                         Go, Donna!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Girls, Wouldn't It Be Fabulous If We Lived In All-Color Neighborhoods, Like Pink Or Orange??????????????????????????

                                I know there are enough of you queens out there who remember BARBRA singing "Have I Stayed Too Long At The Fair?"    The song where she says, "I want to live in a carnival city/With laughter and love everywhere."

                                  Darlings, don't we all?  And after recently seeing the all-orange neighborhood on the Consumer Cellular commercial, this idea came to me.

                                    Imagine stepping out into an exclusive candy-colored world!!!!!!!!!!!!  Wouldn't that just make life perfect???????????????

                                    I think neighborhoods should be mandated to be painted in one color.

                                    But I want to live in the pink ones, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Why else be a Raving Queen?????????????

Girls, Tonight "Svengoolie" Is Showing The Lesbian Cult Classic--1936's "Dracula's Daughter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                       Lesbians just LOVE this film, because she primarily goes after female victims, has Irving Pichel as her version of Renfield, and, yes, there is a sadomasochistic aspect to their relationship.  The average lesbian can just pound their breasts over this film, like reverent Catholics, while clutching their copy of Radclyffe Hall's "The Well Of Loneliness!!!!!!!!!!"

                                          Seriously, girls, "Dracula's Daughter" is a gem.  It has been three years since last shown on "Svengoolie," so I know viewers will clamor to it.  It has superb set design and art direction, and Gloria Holden's performance is signature.  This remains her best-known film, and for good reason; the camera loves her, and she says more with her looks than with her dialogue.  Nineteen years later, someone working on the film "Cult Of The Cobra" must have seen "Dracula's Daughter," because Faith Domergue, as the snake goddess in human form, is given almost the same look.  No coincidence, I think.

                                           Lesbian or not, "Dracula's Daughter" is a rare treat.  It is hardly ever shown on television, and God forbid it should appear on the revival circuit.

                                           So, tune in to something really special, whether it is your first time, or not.

                                          Fangs a million, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!