
Saturday, January 11, 2025

Girls, Wouldn't It Be Fabulous If We Lived In All-Color Neighborhoods, Like Pink Or Orange??????????????????????????

                                I know there are enough of you queens out there who remember BARBRA singing "Have I Stayed Too Long At The Fair?"    The song where she says, "I want to live in a carnival city/With laughter and love everywhere."

                                  Darlings, don't we all?  And after recently seeing the all-orange neighborhood on the Consumer Cellular commercial, this idea came to me.

                                    Imagine stepping out into an exclusive candy-colored world!!!!!!!!!!!!  Wouldn't that just make life perfect???????????????

                                    I think neighborhoods should be mandated to be painted in one color.

                                    But I want to live in the pink ones, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Why else be a Raving Queen?????????????


Victoria said...

I am With you!!!
Sign me up for the purple one!! Or bright RED!!!!

The Raving Queen said...

Victoria, You've got it. I would love to see the bright red, myself!!!!!!!!!!!!