
Thursday, January 23, 2025

It Is Said Sometimes Your Greatest Enemies Are Those Supposedly Close To You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                         Emphasis on "supposedly, darlings."  Is blood always thicker than water?  I used to think so, but now I wonder.

                          After my "Black Sheep" post several weeks back, I thought about the importance of familial relations.  That is, are they important? I found out, in reaching out to several cousins, that blood relatives, or at least some of them, cannot be counted on.  At first, I was hurt, and blamed myself, but this is on them, darlings.  If there are any black sheep out there, it is them

                            As I said, some of us were so close during childhood and adolescence.  But once we began our own lives, it was like I did not exist.  Well, they knew I was out there, but did they ever consider getting in touch with me, or that I might want to hear from them???????

                             Now, I say, "Rubbish!"  I have a husband who loves me, animal friends who do, and many people I call my friends who are nicer to me than my so-called "blood relatives."

                             The ones from my parents' generation I will always cherish.  And the one cousin I am in touch with has more integrity than the rest.  As to the rest, I shall ignore them as openly as they ignore me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Lillian Hellman was right, you know--

                                 "Take from the foxes, the little foxes,                                                                                                            For our vines have tender grapes."

                                  See you round, cuzzes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Victoria said...

So many of us adore and appreciate you!!
It IS a special kind of heartbreaking to face rejection from your own family though.

The Raving Queen said...

Victoria, Thank you for your support and assurance. As for the family, I was not raised to expect this, which is why it hurts. But I am not going to let it define me anymore.