
Sunday, January 12, 2025

Something Else Turns 50 This Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              I saw the legendary Original Cast of "A Chorus Line," with my father, at the Shubert Theatre, on October 25, 1975.  My life was never the same since.  I mean that in a good way.

                              But, on April 16, 1975, the Feast Day Of Saint Bernadette--not Jennifer Jones, darlings, the REAL Bernadette--"A Chorus Line" gave its first public performance at the Public Theatre--and the world was never the same.

                               I cannot believe 50 years has gone by.  To think I was 20 then, and now I am 70!  But what a memory to carry with me.

                               I fervently hope that something is done this year to commemorate the anniversary of this theatrical masterwork.

                                Ideally, I would like all surviving members of the Original Cast, with fillers for those now gone, to assemble and perform the show for a limited time, so people could experience what it was like, in 1975.  And there hasn't been anything like it, since.

                         And don't forget The Greatest Showstopper In Broadway History--Donna McKechnie.  I am certain, 50 years later, she could do this number exactly as was done in 1975.  

                         Go, Donna!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Victoria said...

a transformative experience for SO many!!

The Raving Queen said...

Victoria, As it was for me. Or maybe it was also God/Bernadette telling me to get myself to NYC!