
Friday, January 3, 2025

Guess What, Girls????????????? I Finally Got A "Blood Of Dracula" Doll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Which only proves, darlings, that Sandra Harrison was more glamourous with the monster makeup on than she was in real life.  And how about that red pencil skirt, belt, and heels?  And the blue sweater, with the 50's bosomy chest, and white scarf accessory to match?????????????

                                     What a fashion plate for a monster!  We put her in the bedroom, on top of the armoire, where she can look out, without disturbing Baby Gojira or Cucumbo!!!!!!!!!  I would never want them to be offended.

                                           So nice to add "Blood Of Dracula" to our household collection.

                                            As Mrs. Thorndyke said, there is also time for fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Victoria said...

omg I Love her!!
where do you find this stuff!!!
Don’t let her fall and get impaled on any furniture!!!!!

The Raving Queen said...

Victoria, Don't worry, I won't. We have her in a special place, and she seems to fit in very well. I google some monsters to see if there are dolls of them. You would not believe what is out there!