
Sunday, January 12, 2025

With Spring Eventually Arriving, How About Livening Up The Home With These Items From MacKenzie-Childs??????????????????????????



                          These scrumptious items from the famed store in SoHo would enliven any home, but, darlings, I am just crazy about the rose-colored items, which give a sort of pinkish tone to things.  And, in the middle, there is this beautiful piece of wall art that would enliven any wall.

                           Yes, a visit to MacKenzie-Childs is in order, especially for those who have never been. I bet ANNA knows all about it.

                             The items chosen here in these photos are things I would buy. But they also have some lovely black and white items that are reminiscent of Cecil Beaton, for admirers of him.

                              So much to do, so little time to do it, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Make the most of it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Victoria said...

Love all the shades of pink!!
Valentine’s Day will be here before we know it!!

The Raving Queen said...

Victoria, Cards and candy are out already. But I love Valentine's Day!