
Friday, January 31, 2025

Girls, Can You Believe We Are One-Twelfth Through 2025??????????????????

                                     January has never been my favorite month; the season grinds to a halt, transition back to the norm sets in, and everything is deadly dull and long.

                                       Well, not THIS January!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        Four shows--"Maybe Happy Ending," "Sunset Blvd.," "A Wonderful World--The Louis Armstrong Musical," and "Gypsy!"  Like I said, once I wanted to be a theater/film critic, but, my God, this is exhausting!!!!!!!!!!   A show every week? If I was actually practicing professionally, it would be a show every night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           And two birthday parties for my beloved David, both of which went smoothly, though our favorite was just the two of us at Chadwick's.

                                            I feel so behind in my reading.  I read 7 books this month and feel I should have read twice as many.  I love the book I am reading now--"The God Of The Woods," but hardly can find any time to read.  My life, my career!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             That is me, in the picture, on the left.  No wonder I look so worn out!  At least my couture is perfect!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               So, that was January, darlings.  Wishing you all a romantic February, which is a short month, and should go really fast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  See you next month, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Victoria said...

So happy you had an exceptionally exciting, tiring but on a good way, January!!
Like you, I tend to enjoy a romantic dinner more than a party.
Social occasions can be draining.

The Raving Queen said...

Victoria, Yes, they can be draining. This was one of my best Januarys!!!!!!!!!!!