That opening shot, from David Lynch's masterwork, "Blue Velvet," captivated me from the second I saw it for the first time. By the time the fire truck was rolling down the street, I knew this was a town like the one I grew up in, but which was about to have its underbelly exposed.
David Lynch, the genius behind "Blue Velvet," "Mulholland Drive" (arguably the greatest film about Hollywood since "Sunset Boulevard") and other artistic endeavors, died yesterday at the age of 78. He began as a painter--and wouldn't those Lynch originals be worth something now, and how I would like to see them. But I saw many of David's films-- "Eraserhead, "The Elephant Man," even the disappointing "Wild At Heart," which was difficult, coming on the heels of his masterwork, "Blue Velvet."
And "Blue Velvet" turns 40 next year. So, how about a festival honoring the great David Lynch? You hear that, Film Forum????????? Anyone??????????????
By the way, Lynch and I were connected in a six degrees kind of way. He always said his favorite film was "The Wizard Of Oz," and those who know me understand it is my all-time favorite film, as well.
Or maybe just grab some Lynch DVDs and watch them in your own home. Not as impressive as on the big screen, but the artistry still comes through.
And for those never having seen "Eraserhead" before, wait till you see the on-camera murder of the mutant baby! I cannot watch that ever again.
David Lynch will be missed. The visionaries are dying off, and no one is taking their place. Or could.
Let's send David Lynch off with the following--
Here is Roy Orbison's "In Dreams," which figured so prominently in "Blue Velvet."Sweet dreams, and rest in peace, David!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
he really was one of the Greats.
neat that you have the same Favorite Movie!!
and I’m sure David has told you, he was on Family Guy!!
Victoria, No David did not mention him on Family Guy. I would have loved to have worked with David Lynch.
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