
Friday, January 31, 2025

A Happy Belated Birthday To Elliott Forrest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           Elliott Forrest is the midday DJ on the classical station WQXR.  He happens to be my favorite, and Baby Gojira just loves him.  He plays a lot of my favorites, and he has great respect for film scores, as he demonstrates every afternoon with his "Score At Four."

                            January 20 was Elliott's birthday, and I was surprised to see he was 68, meaning he was born in 1957, just a few years younger than I.  On the radio he sounds a lot younger.

                              Happy Birthday, Elliott, hope you had a fine celebration, and keep broadcasting.

                              Oh, and Little Pippin likes you too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Victoria said...

Happy belated birthday Elliot!!
I’ll see if I can find “The Score At Four”, i would love to listen!!

The Raving Queen said...

Victoria, He always pick great and often familiar selections.