It is not like I have ever seen this show, darlings. Hell, I can sing it and do a one-man version of it. After tomorrow, I will have seen every single "Gypsy" since Ethel Merman. She is the only one I did not see. I was 4 when she opened, and I am convinced if my parents had had the forethought to plunk me down in a theater seat for it, I would have been so enthralled, even then. Hell, I might have wanted to go onstage and be one of the strippers!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Not until I first heard the Ethel Merman cast recording when I was 12, did I contemplate playing the role of Mama Rose. Or Dainty June. Or even one of the strippers.
I am bringing a lot of my life history to "Gypsy" tomorrow. Additionally, it will be 37 years to the month I entered the Majestic Theatre. I saw "The Phantom Of The Opera" on January 12, 1988, never expecting it to run as long as it did. And now, here I will be, back at the Majestic.
Miss Audra had better be on her toes, and in voice. The show had better be done properly or you will bet I will report about it on here. One forethought--unless I stage my own production, which I doubt will happen, I will never see "Gypsy" as it should have been staged. The answer to this will appear in my follow up post of viewing the current production.
Remember, "Gypsy" staff, "I'm electrifyin', and I ain't even tryin'!!!!!!!!!!!!"
We are anxiously awaiting your review!!!!
Victoria, All I can say for now is that the production raised a lot of questions.
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