
Friday, August 23, 2024

My Crazy Dream, With Blake Lively!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Girls, I have no control over my dreams, so when Blake Lively popped up, I just enjoyed it for what it was.

                                     I was at a picnic, in the yard, with a pool.  The house resembled a combination of where I grew up, and my friends The Lammers, the wife whom I used to call Aunt Edna.  Something was said about a cousin of mine who had done something bad.  Which is implausible because the only bad thing she has done, like all my other cousins, is turn her back on me.

                                      People were sitting around lounging, eating hot dogs and hamburgers--the usual picnic stuff--when a striking woman comes running into the yard, desperate, asking if she could use a phone to call her mother.  Only I knew who she was.  I shouted at everyone, "Don't you know who this is?  This is Blake Lively!" I then went over to her, introduced myself, and said, "Miss Lively, let me show you where the house phone is." She went inside, and I left her to make her call.

                                        When she came out, she thanked me, and the two of us sat by the side of the pool, feet in water, having an endless discussion about everything.  It was wonderful, but so unusual.

                                         If I dream about fashion icons, it is usually ANNA.  

                                        But this is a first for Blake Lively!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       And, sorry, darlings, no Ryan Reynolds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Victoria said...

I love your dreams! No Ryan, No problem!! This may be an unpopular opinion but, I think he’s a bit full of himself!!

The Raving Queen said...

Victoria, I think he is, too. I know he is the youngest of four boys, so I am sure he is prone to toot his own horn, being the most accomplished.