
Monday, October 14, 2024

Just Look At This Gorgeous Photo, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Doesn't It Conjure Up A Desire To Fly Off To Neverland???????????????

                           Girls, it sure does with me.  Though, strictly speaking, I would prefer going Alice's way to Wonderland--going down a rabbit hole, without getting my dress or hair ruined.  Imagine flying over Bay Ridge, or Manhattan, seeing NYC the way our late friend, Flaco, the owl, did.

                             The reason this "Peter Pan" photo came up was via an article deriding the film for its racist, sexist views.  Darlings, the film was made back in 1953.  Can't we just enjoy its brilliant artistry?  This is one of the Disney animated classics I have NOT seen--1951's "Alice In Wonderland" is still my favorite--but would love to.  The artwork in the animation outshines all attempts today, which is why films of this vintage should be viewed or acknowledged for their virtues, not for conforming to a period of time that could not have been foreseen back then.  This goes for many films too numerous to mention.  I mean, art should be enjoyed for the pleasure it gives us, rather than what it conforms or doesn't conform to.

                              I would love to have this photo emblazoned wall size on the ceiling of my bedroom!

                              What an image to fall asleep to!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Victoria said...

I would love a copy myself!!!

and there is Nothing wrong with reading “Rosemary’s Baby” for comfort in times of feeling unwell; I do stuff like that all the time!!!
Hope your sister has recovered too

The Raving Queen said...

Victoria, My sister was in the ER till 1;30AM after suffering a fall from having bilateral conjunctivitis and not so great vision. Fortunately, my nephews came to the rescue.