
Friday, January 17, 2025

A 50th Anniversary????????????? How About One Turning 75?????????????????

                                         That is right, darlings, because, this year, "All About Eve," the greatest "theatrical-backstabbing film of all time, turns 75.  Do you realize that is three quarters of a century? I will guess that, 75 years later, people will still be singing its praises.

                                           Almost every line in this well written film is instantly quotable.  And all of the characters, even the men, are fascinating, and each get their own moment.

                                             If I had to pick my favorite exchange from the film, it would be between Marilyn Monroe and George Sanders, as Miss Casswell and Addison DeWitt--

                                               MissC:  "Well, I can't just yell 'hey, butler,' can I?  Somebody's name                                                              might   be butler."                                                                                                                                       Addison: "You have a point.  An idiiotic one, but a point."

                                               And that is just for starters.

                                             For those of us who love it, it is time to see it again.

                                             As for those who haven't, what is the matter with you???????????????

                                           Happy 75th, and more, "All About Eve!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


Victoria said...

I love that scene!!
So many great lines!!
I use the “fasten your seatbelts” quote all the time!!

The Raving Queen said...

Victoria, Everyone loves that one! Hard to choose!