I am supposing "Svengoolie" could not get the rights to the original 1954 Japanese "Gojira." So, tonight, he is showing the American version, released here in 1956, that has these inserted scenes featuring Raymone Burr as news reporter Steve Martin (!!!!!). At the time, audiences knew Burr as TV's "Perry Mason," but I doubt any of the younger generation would even know who he was, or care that this film was butchered. They just would not get it.
When I say to watch this film "judiciously," I mean, beware that it is all out of original sequence. And that when the Burr scenes are on, that is the time to take a bathroom or kitchen break. Just watch the Japanese scenes, and you will get an idea of what a masterpiece this film truly is when seen the way it was intended. It is out there on DVD, so if interested, it is still possible to see it. And revival houses, like the Film Forum have shown it in revival several times.
Due to a birthday party tonight, we will not be able to watch. I know Gojira is upset, but we have his DVD, so he knows he is our favorite. For those never having seen it, this is a good introduction. But be forewarned--it is not the real thing.
You will still get this iconic scene, when Gojira first appears atop the mountain. This marked the launching of a major star, who continues to be so 70 years later. Cheer him on, and revel in a genuine sequence of film history.We love you, Gojira!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
haven’t seen this in forever but I still remember Raymond Burr’s speech about “nature has a way of reminding us how small we are”
Victoria, The whole Raymond Burr thing was dumb. See the original and you will recognize a true masterpiece.
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