On March 2, 1965, the world collectively gasped, when Julie Andrews did that opening twirl in "The Sound Of Music," and it has been gasping ever since.
It was the seminal film going experience of my childhood. I saw it three times in its initial run. It made me want to be Angela Cartwright and Heather Menzies. And now Heather and Charmian Carr are gone, so the film will be a way of remembering them.
But will it be released to theaters? I hope so. But I have not seen any announcements of it on Fantom Events yet. There had better be.
Here's to "The Sound Of Music" turning 60!!!!!!!!!!! Can you believe it, darlings????????? And Julie Andrews is still with us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There simply has been nothing like it. Before, or since!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dr. Zhivago AND the Sound Of Music reaching their sixty year anniversary?!!!
There had better be Multiple Celebrations for BOTH!!!!
Victoria, There had better me, or I will be angry. So far, no screenings have been mentioned.
Victoria, There had better be, or I will be angry. So far, no screenings have been mentioned.
Victoria, The computer or blog has been acting funny this morning with regard to publishing comments.
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