
Monday, July 2, 2018

Is This Commercial Even For Real????????????????????????

                                  I loved the Frank Perude of an earlier generation, when a benign looking man would address matters, with the then classic slogan, "It takes a tough man to make a tender chicken."

                                  But these current Perdue commercials, have me stymied. I guess they are supposed to be Frank, Jr., and the sons, Chris and Ryan, Frank, Sr.'s grandsons.

                                  Or are they?  Or are these simply actors?

                                   It is like some second rate, semi-offensive spoof of Jane Smiley, and the Midwest!  Jane's characters were not caricatures.

                                   And perhaps, having just come from reading Steinbeck's "East Of Eden" for the fifth time, I see a Cain and Abel dynamic to the whole thing.

                                    Daddy is clearly right wing, and homophobic.  The sons are oafish, so they must be straight.  The whole blue shirt thing makes me sick, and you can see that Chris, the heavy one, is the sibling playing up to Dad, because he REALLY wants to take over the business, while the trimmer, and more affable Ryan, is clearly Dad's favorite, and doesn't have to do a thing, as the business will clearly be his, anyway!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Boy, will there eventually be trouble!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       And then there is the patriarch's line, "If I can raise you two, I can raise anything!"  Oh, come on!  There had to be a wife involved, why not give her credit?  And what kind of a remark is that?  Do these sons have issues?  Like drugs, or sexual orientation??????????

                                       Again, they are straight.  They would not DARE be anything else!!!!!!!!!!

                                      But, amidst all this, I have to wonder how effective this advertising really is.  The messages it sends out to me cannot escape others.  In many ways, this trio is the most annoying thing on TV, since that couple, Connie and Jack!!!!!!!!!!  And they have been canned!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Who at Perdue thought up this dumb, offensive ad? Even the chickens don't look happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          They have much more to worry about here, than the slaughterhouse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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