Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Oh, My God, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Five Twelfths Of The Year Is Gone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                       That is right, darlings, but all I can think about right now is how nervous I am about my upcoming 50th high school reunion.  Not only going back to the place of my past origins but facing some people who were rather mean to me back in the day--girls, of course!--and how am I supposed to handle that?

                            Plus, my hair, my wardrobe, what shall I wear?  It is too late for an appointment with Sally, and while my closet is every bit as good as Blake Lively's, I simply cannot decide on an outfit.  I am thinking of something pink, which is a signature color for me.  May everyone help get me through this upcoming weekend.  I will not rest till Monday June 5, when I will be back here, where I belong.

                             Nevertheless, I will see you tomorrow on June 1, delivering the goods!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Happy June!  May was fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I Have To Confess.....I Sometimes Think About Doing This!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                        This, of course, is the famous scene in "Rosemary's Baby," where Mia Farrow just walks into ongoing traffic, pregnant, reaches the other side, then throws the Tannis Root charm into the gutter.

                          Now, I have absolutely no suicide ideation.  If I did, I imagine I would reach out to everyone, including readers on here.  I am not Sylvia Plath.  But the actor in me is fascinated by how so willingly Mia Farrow did the scene.  She did three takes, I understand.  Roman Polanski told her, "Nobody will hit a pregnant woman."  Maybe back in 1967, when this was shot; today I am not so sure.

                        When Mia was doing it, Roman Polanski was operating the camera, so maybe drivers saw this, knew it was a film or a stunt, and gave a little leeway.  If I did it, there would be no camera operator.

                           I will say, I almost tried it, once.  On Seventh Avenue in the West Fifties, where I believe this was shot, I stared straight ahead and calmly walked a few steps into the traffic.  Almost instantly, I heard a car honking, and I had to stop it with my hands.  That did it for me.

                            Still, when in the area, this scene always comes to mind.

                            This reminds me of why I should not do it.  A former coworker of mine, crossing at Fifth Avenue to walk into Central Park, and get to our workplace on the West Side, was hit by a car, turning too fast.  He went up in the air and came down on the cemented street.   He called in at work--we were on that Saturday--and my supervisor and I tried to make him realize we would manage, that he should go to a hospital, as he could have a concussion, aneurysm or subdural hematoma.  He chose not to listen.  But I noticed a short time after, his personality changed.  He became harsh and sharp with others, especially me, when, up till then, we had always had a good working relationship.

                                So, darlings, I am not going to play Mia Farrow.

                                 Instead, I am going to concentrate on finding that sundial coffee pot!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Something Rotten...." It Was Not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   ......rotten, that is.  The Narrows Community Players Of Bay Ridge, whose work we have not seen since the pre-Covid "On The Town"--unless one counts their production of "Nunsense," back in February--have done it again with their inspired production of "Something Rotten."

                                       When this opened on Broadway at the St. James Theatre in 2015, I paid slight attention to it.  I thought it another "Spamalot" knockoff, and I had no interest in the latter, nor did I ever see it.  That could change, if ever The Narrows do "Spamalot."

                                           So, I knew nothing about "Something Rotten," not the plot or score, so I had no idea what we were in for.  The opening ensemble number, "Welcome To The Renaissance," was delightful, but gave me no indication of where the show was going.  Until the arrival of the Bottom Brothers, Nick and Nigel, played by Jason Santel and Zach Driscoll, respectively.

                                            At its heart, the show is about sibling rivalry and artistic conflict.   Set during Shakespeare's time, with him wonderfully portrayed by Josh Wilie-Vidal--any relation to Gore?????????--Nick wants to outdo the Bard in his style of plays, while Nigel, the real artist of the two, wants to create a new art form called --are you ready--a Musical!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              The show deals with the resolution of this situation using clever Shakespearean and Musical Theater references.  My favorite was when they duplicated the photo line up from "A Chorus Line."  All the principles were superb--I loved Kevin Podd as Shylock! --so it seems the singing and dancing never stops.  This show has momentum, and then some, particularly in Jason Santel's physically energetic performance as Nick Bottom.

                                                  Kudos too, for Chris Carter, the director and choreographer who keeps the whole thing moving.  With this, plus his work on "Nunsense," I cannot wait to see what he does next at The Narrows.

                                               The score is lively and serviceable, but no memorable showstoppers or standards.  But it is wired to the book tightly, and moves things along, as fast paced as the supporting players and ensemble.

                                                "Something Rotten" is playing one more weekend at the Fort Hamilton Army Base, just off 101st Street in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn.  Theater Queens are especially encouraged to go.

                                                    Darlings, you may have more fun than expected.  I did.

Early Summer Greetings From My Good Friend, Nicholas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          Here is Nicholas in his Summer pose for the camera.  Isn't he just the most precious?

                          And photo savvy.  Nicholas really knows how to pose for the camera!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                         I wanted to share this with you all, because I know you like updates on Nicholas.   He is one of the stars of this blog; the other being my beloved canine friend, Dexter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          Nicholas sends his love and warmth to all, wishing everyone a happy Summer.

                           Love you, Nicholas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Today Is The REAL Memorial Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            I know, I know.  And I hope all of you had Happy Memorial Day weekends.  I forget when it was arranged that the holiday would fall on a Monday, so that everyone would always have a three-day weekend, rather than break up a work week, and I suppose that makes sense, but I cannot forget that the day, when I was growing up, was always celebrated on May 30.

                              And it did unofficially start Summer, because the day would start with a huge--then--parade in my hometown of Highland Park, NJ--the biggest event of the year--and then we would go over to my grandmother's house on Nassau Street in North Brunswick, and all of us would sit on the front porch, and watch as a parade marched from Livingston Avenue up to Nassau Street, passing my grandmother's house, so we got front row seating, and ending somewhere along Georges Road.

                               I know the day was yesterday, but I think of those days when it was today, and the memories of going to over to my grandparents, and my maiden Aunt Katty, who was my godmother, and favorite aunt.  So, there is always a degree of sadness to Memorial Day, recalling the past of my growing up, and the cherished memories of what was done, back then.

                                   So, whenever, and however you celebrate it, have a happy and joyful Memorial Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    As for honoring those still alive, well that is November 11--Veterans Day.  Incidentally, my paternal grandparents, mentioned above, got married on that very day--but before it was declared such--in 1911.

                                       Do your duty, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, May 26, 2023

How Many Sick ***KS Are Out There, And How Can They Be Stopped?????????????????????????????

                         This story really should have been featured on "Fear Thy Neighbor," as it was neighbor Hilton Crawford, 56, pictured above, who was the culprit.  But first, let me say something about Texas.  From what I can tell, both that state and Florida are unsafe for children.  Now, let me add, I have two friends who hail from the Lone Star State, and lovelier folk one could not ask for.  However, they did get out of there ASAP, so, I think that speaks volumes.

                             Here is what happened--

                             Carl and Paulette Everett, were a happily married couple living in Conroe, Texas.  They had one child, Samuel McKay Everett--though he went by McKay--who would be their only child.  Everything was fine until September 12, 1995.  Let me say here that the Everetts' only mistake was getting involved with AMWAY.  It's like a cult and a Ponzi scheme.

                              On said night, the Everetts were going to an AMWAY meeting.  So was their friend and neighbor, Hilton Crawford, though he did not turn up at the meeting.  McKay, home alone and watching TV, felt safe, and so did the Everetts leaving him there--at 12, why not? --so nothing should have gone wrong.  But when Carl Everett called home and got no answer, he sped home, where he found McKay missing.

                              The devil viper in their midst, Hilton Crawford, had concocted a plan to kidnap McKay and hold him for ransom, to extract $500K from the Everetts to pay off gambling and other debts.  This man had a wife, two sons, and had been a Sheriff's deputy in nearby Beaumont, and worked in security.  The sick bastard.  He even got his former bitch co-worker Irene Fores--you whore! --to make the ransom call.  Finally realizing there was no turning back, Crawford mercilessly tortured and strangled McKay, taking his body to a nearby Louisianna swamp area, where he was shot.

                                 He insisted he was innocent!  Hah!  Then, when convicted, he said he did not pull the trigger, but that H. L. Remmington, a man no one had proof existed, did.  Excuse me; does Crawford think that excuses him from kidnap and merciless torture?  Because when Crawford showed up at the Everetts that night, McKay had no idea what he was in for.  The families were friends, he knew the guy, and even called him Uncle Hiltie.  This twisted, evil, bastard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    On July 2, 2003, Crawford got the lethal injection he deserved, at the age of 64.   Meanwhile, McKay is not coming back, and that Irene Fores is walking about; she better hope she does not run into me, because I will walk right up to her, and slap her across the face!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Stay out of Texas if you plan to have children, darlings.  I know we just love Edna Ferber and all, but it is, after all, fiction!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, I Can Hardly Keep Up With My Own Schedule!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          So much is going on, darlings, that I can hardly keep up.  Let's take a look at what is ahead for me.

                  Fleet Week--Anchors Aweigh, darlings!  The sailors are in town and that means doing one's patriotic duty by showing them a good time in NYC.  Bring a sailor home for a home cooked meal!
But guess who is going to be dessert???????????????????????

                     "Svengoolie--" Darlings, everyone on here knows it is the highlight of our Saturday night. But to end the month of May, he is showing 1959's "The Killer Shrews," which we have seen twice and don't desire to a third time.  For those not in the know, this is the one starring Sidney Lumet's father, set on an isolated island with killer dogs done up in some kind of wolf masks.  Some crap is worth watching only once, and this is an example.  As a substitute, we will watch what we missed last week--1972's "The Thing With Two Heads," starring Ray Milland and Rosie Grier.  It should be a riot, so join us, Baby Gojira and company, for this special screening.  Who knows; if we have to do this a third time, this could be the beginning of a habit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          This Sunday, accompanied by a friend, David and I are going to see the musical--Yes, it is a musical!!!!!!--"Something Rotten" at the Fort Hamilton Army Base Theatre.  The company putting it on is The Narrows Community Players, who do excellent work.  This had a brief run on Broadway, was a respectable, if not blockbuster hit, so I am curious to see how the show plays out.  I will be sure to let all my girls know.

                     Are You Ready For The Summer?--Technically it begins at 5PM today but is initiated in on Monday with Memorial Day.  No, dears, our plans are not as hedonistic as the above; in fact, we are divided on those plans.  I would love to go to the IFC Monday and catch an afternoon screening of David Lynch's 1986 classic "Blue Velvet," but I think David has an idea for something more social.  We have the Lynch film on DVD but have not screened it to see what shape it is in--I picked it up off an apartment stoop outdoors in our neighborhood--and you know how I feel about seeing favorite films on the big screen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                      As if this is not enough, then--
                     A week from tomorrow--Oh, my God!!!!!!!!!!--is my 50th high school reunion!  A surreal return to the past, where there will be people I am anxious to see, and those I am not so anxious to see. The latter know who they are so, a word to the wise, do not come near me!  Thank God David will be with me to see whole thing through.  It is just one weekend out of my life, and then it will be gone!  But my hair, what will I wear??????????????????????????

                    After that, I will take a breather.  Oh, I will still post, but outside of some doctor appointments in June, we have nothing planned.

                       How on earth does ANNA do it????????????????????????

I Simply Cannot Believe It, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                   Girls, Sunday before last, ANNA Wintour and her daughter Bee S. Carrozzini, along with her son, Oliver, hosted a dinner of Theater--honoring those triumphant during the past theater season--and I was not invited!!!!!!!!!!  I, who spend my life chronicling theater on here.  Audra was there, along with Victoria Clark and Lindsay Mendez, destined to be the best Mary Flynn in 'Merrily' since Ann Morrison.  And we have tickets to it, in October.

                       I mean, what happened to my invite?  The MET Gala, OK, but THIS?  I belong here.  I will bet it has something to do with that theatrical sleaze Lin-Manuel Miranda.  Maybe he wanted to put the make on Josh Groban and was afraid my charm and erudition would overpower his incompetence.
Or maybe they did not know how to place Gojira, and maybe Baby Gojira, who surely would have wanted to go along, as well.

                        This is what it has come to, girls.  Ever since Covid, I feel like Anne Shirley in "Stella Dallas."    I am still seen about town, but not like I used to be.  Not like "back in the day," that is before Covid struck.

                            ANNA, darling, I am available, especially for theater.  Have tea and a discussion of it with me, and you will see for yourself.

                             Anyway, dolls, there is always next year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

"....Delivers All The Society Babies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                  Girls, have you considered that, despite being the greatest horror film of all time, "Rosemary's Baby" is also incredible fun? Never has horror and humor been so brilliantly juxtaposed as in this triumphant classic.

                   It starts with the film's titles, painted in shocking pink, and a camera pan across Manhattan, suggestive of one of Woody Allen's movies.  Only the macabre tones of a harpsichord on the soundtrack suggests to the viewer that what one is about to see may not be all one thinks it seems.

                   And this continues, with Elisha Cook's straight-faced performance as the oblivious realtor, or super, who has no idea what is really going on in the building.  Or the cameo of that guy in the hallway, to Cassavetes' left, using a manual drill to open an already opened wall, catatonically, while he and Guy eye each other.  Darlings, this foreshadows David Lynch!  

                  The real fun comes with Ruth Gordon, starting with her booming "Roman, bring me a root beer when you come," continuing with Patsy Kelly as Laura Louise who come in to eye the carpets and the furniture.  Patsy has some great lines--"On my first .. Dan used to give me gin to kill the pain," discussing her menstrual situation, to her fabulous, "Shut up with your 'Oh Gods!' or we'll kill you, milk or no milk," and the petulant way she sticks her tongue out at Sidney Blackmer as Roman.

                   How about the way Ruth Gordon twists her fork when eating her cake?  And how about that line, mouthed through a dream nun, "Sometimes I wonder how come you're the leader of anything?"  This suggests that while Roman, as the son of Adrian Marcato, may be the leader of the coven, Ruth Gordon's Minnie is the power behind the throne.

                     I have just got to have that sundial coffee pot the Woodhouses have.  Let's go back to the Sixties, darlings, how about those party coats and outfits?????????  How about Minnie's garish get-up?
And Hope Summers as an eerily cheerful witch?  I am telling you, the fun never stops in this movie.

                     Apparently, some agree with me, because the screening I attended yesterday at the Film Forum was packed.  Take a lesson from that, dears.

                       Anyone who hasn't owes it to themselves to see "Rosemary's Baby."  It is often overlooked in the Gay Culture Canon, but I think it should be added.
                       "Tannis, anyone????????????????????"

Monday, May 22, 2023

Pope Francis Does Have A Sense Of Humor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           At least in a dream I recently had, he did.  I was in the Vatican, and supposedly had been granted an audience with him.  He sat on a throne, and I walked towards him, carrying a book in my hand, intended as a gift.  It was an anecdotal book I had written taken from some of my blog posts.  I gave it to the Pope, who thanked me.  I bowed, and walked away.

                           I turned for a second, and he was absorbed in the text.  So much so he was laughing out loud, in a way unimaginable for a Pope.  I was glad for his response.

                             Maybe I should think about writing that book!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Poor Betty Just Could Not Get A Break!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             Every Theater Queen knows the iconic "Chorus Line" song, "Dance Ten, Looks, Three."  But who knew it applied to comic strips?  In a recent novel I was reading, the author made reference to the fact that the Archie comic artists always gave more curvature under the breasts to Veronica, while Betty got less.  Poor Betty!  Not only is she not rich, but her sample also isn't as ample!  What is a girl to do???????????????????????????

                             Is this some kind of sexist judgement?  Are they saying wealthy girls are prettier?????????   Of course, I always wanted to be Veronica because she was rich, but I always thought Betty pretty as well.

                                I wonder how this applies over in the Josie universe.  Does Melody have more than Josie?????????  I always wanted to be Josie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  I am telling you, girls, no matter how many steps we think we have taken, sexism is inescapable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A Miracle In Connecticut? Only Time Can Tell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       That opening forward to "The Song Of Bernadette" is most applicable in recent times.  This past March, while conducting a Catholic Mass at St. Thomas Church, in Thomaston, Connecticut, the Reverend Joseph Crowley noticed a shortness of hosts in the ciborium, which holds the sacred wafers.  He was concerned enough parishioners who wanted to might not be able to receive Communion.  Suddenly, the hosts began multiplying.  Not unlike the loaves and fishes, or the wine at the Marriage Feast Of Cana.  And not investigation is underway to determine whether this was an actual miracle or not.

                                         Girls, if any recent time periods call for one, this is it.  I have said Mary is overdue for a visit; something needs to happen to bring the world to its senses.  So, I am on board about this being a miracle.

                                           The church also has some connection with Michael J. McGivney, the priest who founded the Knights Of Columbus, on March 29, 1882.  According to church info, he needs only one more genuine miracle--I wished I knew the other two--to become a saint.  So, there could be a canonization in the foreseeable future.

                                              Wake up people!  If this is not a message from God, I don't know what is!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                Mary can't do it all herself, you know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It Wasn't The Madison, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                      When Boris Aronson designed his glass paneled vision of New York City, where there is no privacy, for the Stephen Sondheim musical, 'COMPANY," he was groundbreaking   The Hyatt Regency Hotel, in Morristown, where we stayed this past weekend, echoed that design, but by now it has become so passe.  Unlike The Madison, where we often stay in the surprisingly over large community of Morristown, New Jersey, The Hyatt has no period charm, is gray and ugly looking, and, oh, my God, girls, we did not even get white robes for after shower wear.  And the TV situation was scandalous.  Barely any channels, and we could not even watch "Svengoolie," when we wanted.  But we will make up for it this coming Saturday

                       The party we went to, celebrating our friend Marilyn's 90th birthday, was fabulous.  A terrific turnout, the food was scrumptious, and the location had some charm, which cannot be said for where we stayed.  I will not soon forget Room 1017.  Oh, and I wore a stunning frock to the party.  I mean, that is part of the job of being The Raving Queen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

                       But, really girls, we deserved better--even for Morristown.

                       And whenever I shower away from home, it always makes me feel like Janet Leigh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, May 18, 2023

Happy Feast Of The Ascension!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            Darlings, can you believe it has already been 40 days since Easter?  That's right, and that means today is the Feast Of The Ascension, the day when Jesus said farewell to his time on Earth, to go back to heaven, and preside over it, and us on Earth.  And the Apostles witnessed this.  He just was lifted up onto a cloud and vanished.  Hallelujah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Ascension Thursday is one of those reflective days, girls, and I don't mean your skin tones.  It is a time to reflect on people like Jesus, Bernadette and Sister Camille have done for us, and how we can do things that honor them.  I had a visit with Dexter and my new canine friend, Ruby, yesterday, and I am sure all would approve.  Even an animal friend I had not seen in a long time--Indiana Jones!!!!!!!!! He was so sweet, he sat right down, and was comforted by me.  As they all comfort me.

                            So, do your best on Ascension Thursday.

                            It occurs faster, each year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Congratualtions, Tovah Feldshuh, On 50 Years On Broadway!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               I am sure all of us on here love Tovah.  To think she has been trotting the Broadway boards for half a century.  That's right, dears.  Makes some of us feel old.  I know I do.

                              May 13 is also the 106th anniversary of Our Lady Of Fatima, when Mary appeared in Portugal to Lucita, Jacinta, and Francisco, who are now saints.  But in 1973, on that day, a young actress named Tovah Feldshuh made her debut in the Christopher Plummer starred musical, "Cyrano," playing the minor role of a Vendor.  I am sure she stole the show, and she hasn't stopped since.  Not even in her opening movie debut scene as a murder victim in the ABC TV movie, "Scream, Pretty Peggy," also in 1973.  Nothing stops Tovah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              So, congratulations, Tovah, from all of us here on The Raving Queen.  May you have many more active years on the Broadway stage.  Theater Queens need their icons!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Tovah Feldshuh certainly is one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Speaking Of Authors, How Come No One Plays This Anymore??????????????????????????

                       I had this very deck, when I was a child.  Wish I had kept it.

                      "Authors" is a game played similar to "Go Fish," but with literary figures, which could help some children learn.  I knew them all already, but I loved playing this game.

                         Now, I don't think it can be found.  Do stores still sell it?  Can one get it on E-bay?  If anyone knows, please tell me.

                         The funny things I think about, concerning youth.  Now, as I age, aspects of the past become increasingly important to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Congratulations To Two Of My Favorites!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           Both of these favorites were on my Top Five for 2022; in fact, "Demon Copperhead" was my Book Of The Year.  Recently, on May 8 (also the anniversary of my meeting David) there were two--mind you, two!!!!!!!!!!--novels awarded the Pulitzer Prize For Fiction.

                          I thought Kingsolver had won the Pulitzer for "The Poisonwood Bible," which I also highly recommend, but no, although she did win the Boeke Prize, and an Oprah Book Club Selection for it.  She should have won the Pulitzer, because then she would have two, but it is about time Kingsolver, one of our best American writers, won.  Her retelling of Dickens is brilliant.

                           Likewise, "Trust," by Herman Diaz offers triple narrative viewpoints on economy and capitalism, with the emphasis on narrative, not business school jargon, as I at first feared.  It also won the Booker Prize, and while I never thought about it in terms of the Pulitzers, I   But I am as happy for Diaz as I am for Kingsolver.

                            By the way, girls, if you are having a bad reading year, like me, where nothing blows you away, I offer these two selections, if you have not read them yet.  I kept 'Copperhead' in my book cabinet, so, who know, I may read it again.

                             I am always interested in the Pulitzers For Fiction.  I can't think of a year when two books won in this category.

                              Let's congratulate both authors, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Monday, May 15, 2023

I Feel As Though On A Never Ending Hamster Wheel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   To start with, girls, I am in a high state of anxiety waiting for my new debit card to arrive, after I had to cancel the other one.  Guess why?

                                    This past Saturday, we saw The Gallery Players in Park Slope do a superb production of Sondheim's "Assassins," perhaps his last really good score.  I have seen two previous productions--most notably the Roundabout's in 2004--and I don't recall it being as short as it was--one hour and forty-five minutes, no intermission.  At my age, that is hard on my bladder.  But when the music and performances are this good, it is well worth it.

                                       Next Saturday, we are going to a birthday party in New Jersey, and will be out of the city for a few days.  And two weeks from that is my 50th high school reunion. Oh, my God, what am I going to wear??????????????????

                                           Oh, and this past Saturday we finally watched--
                                     That's right--1932's "The Old Dark House," which aired on April 8, but we had to miss because of the Easter Vigil.  It was worth it, with James Whale's direction. Girls, I am telling you, the Femm family is as crazy, if not more genteel, than the family in 1974's "The Texas Chain Saw Massacre."  I wonder if Tobe Hooper saw this, and it foreshadowed his film?  But you have to see it for
Eva Moore as Rebecca--
                     --who simply steals the show!  She is an anti-sin crusader, and does not like tramps, even though she and the rest had something to do with their sibling Rachel's death, and wait till you see her put the lesbian make on Gloria Stuart, in her sheer, white Jean Harlow style gown. Ah, the Thirties!  They knew how to make movies, then!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           Next week, "Svengoolie" is showing Ray Milland and Rosie Grier in 1972's "The Thing With Two Heads."  Sure to be a camp riot, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           What else can I tell you?  Think it easy being The Raving Queen!  Try maintaining this schedule, and see how you do, girls!  But I do it all for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Now, if only I could get a luncheon date with ANNA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, May 12, 2023

Girls, I Just Came Back On A Big "Wizard Of Oz" High!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                        Darlings, I cannot urge enough, especially those living in the tri-state area, to go and see what is probably the Twentieth Century's most iconic film as it plays every day at 11;30AM till May 18, at the IFC Center, at 6th Avenue and West Fourth Street.

                             From the opening symphonic credits to the technical wonder of a tornado recreation, that moment when Dorothy first opens the door, and one's eyes are almost blinded by color, not to mention the ecstasy of Garland's talent, and sadly what became of it, which is why so many like me cry at the end, this is a film experience, if never experienced, needs to be.  So, I want all of you to get out and support the IFC showing this classic gem.

                               It holds up again and again.  There is nothing like it.  Queens, and even a few Kings should make it a point to see it on the big screen.

                               Sure to surpass any other viewing one has had.

                              All aboard for Oz, dolls!  I may go back on Tuesday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  

Thursday, May 11, 2023

"Please, ENCORES!, I Want Some More!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                       More indeed was what I wanted and expected from this revival of "Oliver!"  Either director Lear Debessonet did not know how to approach the material she was dealing with, or she was hampered from tampering with a book that needs to be tampered with, by Cameron Mackintosh controlling the rights.

                           There are any number of wonderful moments, but the piece does not flow.  Especially in the second act.  I mean, breaking "Who Will Buy?" at the height of its lyricism for a dramatic scene, and then going back to it?  The whole impact of the number is blunted.  

                              And "Oom-Pah-Pah" as an En'tre Acte?  It was used better in the 1968 film, where Nancy causes a commotion and tries to get Oliver out of the tavern to deliver him to Mr. Brownlow on London Bridge, at midnight. Such suspense and tension, even as every "Oliver!" viewers know, as much as we root for Nancy, we know what has to happen, as Dickens wrote it.

                              Speaking of Nancy, while no one can surpass Shani Wallis, Lili Cooper is one of three showstoppers this revival has.  Her "As Long As He Needs Me" is thrilling.  Benjamin Pajak, in the title role, stops the show with his plaintive and theatrically arresting rendition of "Where Is Love?"  And he and Julian Lerner (The Artful Dodger) bring the show to life, with the entire company, in "Consider Yourself!"  If only the rest of "Oliver!" had this momentum, it would have been the classic it deserves to be.  Not since 'Merrily' have I seen a book that badly needs tampering with.   I wish I could have been in on this production, as I would have campaigned for many needed changes.  Thankfully, that does not involve the cast although---

                                  Raul Esparza as Fagin?  I questioned that initially, but when I saw the result, I was shocked.  Esparza camps it up to where he is playing it like some flaming queen!  That is NOT who Fagin is. That he was allowed to do this can only be blamed on Debessonet, who made many bad staging decisions with this production.

                                    But when it works, it works.  There is no passion lacking in any of the performers, so I would say, despite its flaws, see this "Oliver!" while you can, before another forty years pass.

                                     And let's have a revival of the film on a big screen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

What Is Going On With Raul Esparza, Over At City Center's "Oliver????????????????????"

                                       David and I saw the show on Sunday, and I will have more to say in the review tomorrow, but Raul seemed to be working at his peak.  I noticed when he took his curtain call that he looked sweaty, but then there is a lot of physicality to his approaching the role of Fagin.  I get it.

                                        Friends of ours went to the evening performance, where they learned an ensemble member had Covid, and Raul was out of the show and his cover, Gavin Lee, was going on.  Gavin also went on last night, so is he taking over the role for the entire week?

                                        Inquiring Theater Queens want to know--what is going on with Raul Esparza?  This was his big musical theater comeback, after the hissy fit he pulled over the 2012 flop, "Leap Of Faith," at the St. James Theatre.  He swore himself away from musical theater, like an enraged diva queen!  So, if he is playing games at "Oliver!," only a two-week run, he is not being career smart. What could have reignited a slipping career could now wreck it, for sure.  Anyone out there know what is really going on?  Please feel free to comment on here.

                                          May this week go smoothly for cast and crew of "Oliver!!!!!!!!!!!"

Girls, Let's Vist The Island Of Dead Dolls, In Mexico City!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           Who would have thought, darlings, that I would have had any reason or desire to go to Mexico?  But the Island Of Dead Dolls, which I only recently heard about, is fascinating.  A macabre collection of dolls somewhere in a large city.  An island unto itself. It sounds eerie and fascinating; just  the perfect trip for all us girls.

                              I don't know much about Mexico, outside of Tijuana, and "The Night Of The Iguana," and I am telling you, both did not give me a good opinion of the place.  But now with this, I cannot wait to go there, and see this macabre collection.

                               No to mention how it started, and why.

                                Girls, make sure all your dolls do not end up here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, May 6, 2023

Some Special "Svengoolie" News, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Having seen the monthly schedule, I must say May is not a good month for "Svengoolie." "Blacula," where Drac goes Black, is the best offering of the month, and you must join us for this tale of vampiric sexual rapacity, featuring, of all people, Denise Nicholas, from "Room 222."

                                  Channel 9 used to show this all the time when I was young, back in the Seventies.  I have not seen this in decades, so it should be fun.  Join us all tonight for this very special event.

                                     I must reveal to readers that next week's offering is to be avoided at all costs--1966's "The Ghost And Mr. Chicken," with Don Knotts!!!!!!!!!!!  Forget it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     But 1972's "The Thing With Two Heads," the two heads being Ray Milland and Rosie Grier, should be a camp delight; on a par with Virginia Leith's performance in 1962's "The Brain That Wouldn't Die."  I have to admit this one has potential, and I have never seen it.

                                       May closes with another showing of 1959's "The Killer Shrews," starring, of all people, director Sidney Lumet's father!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Wait till you see the dogs in masks!  Crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you have never seen it, it is worth one look, but we have seen it twice already, so enough is enough.

                                         One consolation--we did tape 1932's "The Old Dark House," so we will be screening that one week this month, so we can all discuss it, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            All this worries me.  First "Sventoonie" tanks, and now "Svengoolie" offers up second rate, not worth viewable, fare.  Could he be tanking, too?

                                             What will we do with our Saturday nights???????????

                              How about some vampiric sexual rapacity????????????????????????

Friday, May 5, 2023

"Destroy All Monsters" Raises Some Interesting Questions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    This is an artist's rendering, girls, of the final scene in 1968's "Destroy All Monsters," which Svengoolie showed on his show, last week.  The monsters are all gathered on Monster Land (eventually renamed "Monster Island") to bid goodbye to their human friends and their film fans, as this was to be Toho's finale to the giant monster universe.  According to Svengoolie, this film was such a box-office success that it was decided to keep the monster franchise going.

                                     Good thing, because Gojira is the best thing to come out of it, which continues his stardom, demonstrated by his being the best performer in the film.  Rodan demonstrates he is a team player, by flying in and out at crucial moments, not getting in the way of Gojira.  Unlike Mothra, who just squirms and pouts, and, from the footage, won't be seen on any screen with any other monster; most of Mothra's shots are close-ups where  only he is on camera!  Bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         There is a monster, a small one named Minya, who is a male, and is said to be Gojira's child.  Yet, the year before, Gojira made a movie, 1967's "Son Of Godzilla," where he had a child named Gadzookie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          Just how many children does Gojira have?  And who gave birth to them?  Toho has never answered these questions and needs to.

                                            Kudos to Gojira and Rodan for their teamwork.  And thank heaven the title turned out to be a misnomer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             Long reign Gojira's stardom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Darlings, It's Cinco de Mayo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                        Girls, my posting has been sporadic, what with doctor appointments this month.  Nothing disastrous, just follow ups, required more as I grow older.

                          But you know what Cinco de Mayo means to me?  It is the one day in the year I allow myself to eat Mexican.  I love it, but it does not love me.  Putting int en francais, darlings, the consequences mean I will spend a lot of time in la salle de bain !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          Right now, I am good, as I am not dining till dinnertime, with David.  Who seems to have a cast iron intestinal tract.  Wish I could say the same.

                           For those who can imbibe, I wish you unlimited Sangria and Margaritas. Have some on me, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            Another day to celebrate!  Take them as they come, for we surely need them!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Darlings, We Have GOT To Go To The Karl Lagerfeld Exhibit At The MET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             I mean, ANNA had something to do with it, in line with the Costume Institute, so that is reason enough alone.  As The Raving Queen, I have to get to as many designer exhibits as possible, and this is one not to miss.  It runs from May 5-June 16.  If I have to walk, crawl, or purchase tickets online, I am going.

                              ANNA, I am telling you, you are missing out not having me on staff!

                              Join me, girls, and help support fashion and glamour!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              I mean, it matters!  It really does!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anna, ANNA, What is Going On????????????????????????????

                           Ben Platt, current TONY nominee for Best Male Musical Lead, and one-time front runner, until Josh Groban came along in "Sweeney Todd," is the best-looking feature at The 2023 Met Gala.  I suppose the designs were in prep for the opening of the Karl Lagerfeld exhibit, but let me show you what I thought was the best design.  Are you ready, darlings????????????
                                 This!!!!!!!!!!!!  Why??????????  Because it is awash with color.  The rest of it, as shall be shown, was a black and white washout.  Maybe that was Lagerfeld's style, but it is definitely not mine.  ANNA, how could you????????????????   

                                   Let's take a look--

                                     I mean, an almost naked girl in a see-through hoop skirt?  Not only is this politically questionable, it is a fashion faux pas!  This is glamour???????????  Phfffft!!!!!!!!!!  Remember what I said awhile back about Faith Domergue, girls?  She would be appalled" And so am I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   Cecil Beaton and Schiaparelli must be turning over in their graves!!!!!!!!!  Who can blame them?????????????

                                    As for the rest--

                                      Darlings, despite how much color you may think you see, let me tell you it all came down to black, white and silver.  Just as dull as it can be.  OK, Karl is being launched, but can we have some variety?  On the clothes, rather than the floor?  Colors, textures, the right cut--that is what fashion is all about.

                                         Glad I did not pay my $50K to go.  Hell, I am having enough trouble getting into "Sweeney Todd."  Sure, I will go to the exhibit, but dressed in my best--which means color!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          ANNA, ANNA, you really need me to work with you.