Saturday, December 31, 2022

"We're Out Of The Woods, We're Out Of The Dark, We're Out Of The Night/Step Into The Sun, Step Into The Light!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                        Darlings, I can't think of better words or a better image to end 2022 on.

                        Especially, since, back in June, David and I went to a special screening of "The Wizard Of Oz" in Manhattan, to commemorate the 100th birthday of Judy Garland! 

                       Like Dorothy and crowd, we keep making our way to survival in these times, and as I clock off another year, I am thankful that I am here, and with everyone dear, especiallyt my darling David.

                      So, let us look, like the image above, to 2023 with hope in our hearts.

                       OMG, I am going from Arlen and Harburg, to Rodgers and Hammerstein!!!!!!!!!

                       Like Alice, the year sometimes proved difficult to navigate.

                       Here's to a better year!

                       And better fashions, ANNA!

                     Thus, ends this blog--for 2022!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                      See you next year, kids!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Farewell To December, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Girls, after that Covid visit in November, which cramped my birthday, and ruined our Thanksgiving, though we made the best of it, December was a breeze!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Despite the picture above, the most important thing to take away from this month is that the Baby Jesus DID arrive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      And David and I went to Christmas Service at St. Anselm's.  I even took Communion, and there were no lightning bolts, nor did the church collapse.  Actually, I thought the service was beautiful, and it was just what I needed.

                                         We saw Lea and Tovah in "Funny Girl."  I saw the operatic version of "The Hours."  I reread that novel, and "Mrs. Dalloway," by Virginia Woolf--but in chronological order.  We had dinner with dear friends, and some we had not seen in a long time.  And we saw the campiest Christmas movie, ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            So, all in all, December was not bad for us.  Hope it was good to you.

                                           May January treat us well.  By the way, it was supposed to be my birth month.

                                           But that is for another post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           Goodbye, December, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What Are You Doing New Years Eve, Darlings????????????????????

                          Anyone reding this blog today knows pretty much how our New Year's Eve will go.  The movie, maybe Judge Judy, the news, the ball drop, then bed.

                         As for bubbly, I couldn't say.  I would settle for flavored sparkling water, or maybe some apple cider!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                         May all you out there have a fabulous lead-in to 2023, which I hope improves upon 2022, which, for us, was not a bad year, anyway, but my wishes go out to those who cannot say that.

                         But, darlings, party like it is 1999!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                         If you can remember back that far!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, Join Us Tonight As "Svengoolie" Ends The Year With A Real Gem--1958's "Earth Vs. The Spider!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                   You have heard about this one before, darlings, but it is one of my favorites, and of everyone in this house, too.  Little Pippin will be seeing it for the first time, so we are excited about that.

                                       This is the one where the spider dances to the crazy rock beat it digs so much.  This is also the one where June Kenney, who was just in "Attack Of The Puppet People" plays teenager Carol, who finds her dad's gift--a ring-- as effortlessly as finding a bar of soap in the bathtub, in the spider's pit!  And, of course, there is that famous scene, used in a recent commercial, where the spider lunges down on a screaming woman, her Fifties dress stuck inside the car.

                                           But this is one nasty spider!  Wait till you see it going after the suburban mother and baby!  After that, viewers lose sympathy and want it dead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            Some interesting things about this film.  It was made by AIP, one of the stables for teen horror films, but the studio never really existed at all.  How was business done?

                                           In America, this film is known simply as "The Spider."  But in the UK, it was called "Earth Vs. The Spider."  I like the second title better.

                                           As I said, AIP was not really a studio.  Yet the special effects in this film are better than 1955's "Tarantula," which was put out by Universal, clearly a better studio.

                                          So, kick off your New Year's Eve with this gem!

                                          I have no idea what "Sventoonie" is doing, but I am sure it will be worth the wait!

                                           Happy New Year, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            If only the poor spider had been content just to hang out at the local sock hop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Breaking My Book Record, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                        As many of you know, my goal is to read 100 books a year. Anything past that can herald a record break, and this year I am proud to announce there is one.

                      For several years, the record has been held at 124 books read.  Today I moved a mere one book up, but still an impressive achievement......125 books read!

                     As December ends, my nerves get frazzled.  Can I do this, or not?  Well, I did, with some irony involved.

                    The irony is that 2022 began and ended with re-reads.  The year started with "The Witching Hour," by Anne Rice, and ended with "The Hours," by Michael Cunningham.  I assure you; this was not planned.

                     So, on to another reading year.  Can I top 125?

                   Check in with me this time, next year!!!!!!!!!!!!

                   As for what books I actually did read in 2022, that will be showing up on here, in the next couple of weeks.

The Latest On Nicholas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 I know that my good friend, Nicholas, is one of the most popular topics on here, so on this, the last day of 2022, I wanted to share, with all my readers, the latest news on him.

                                 Nicholas' owner told us he is only allowed to visit Nicholas on Sundays.  I would still like to know what that means for Nicholas, regarding the rest of the week.  But I can tell you that, tomorrow, Nicholas will be visited by his owner, who will be bringing some smoked salmon to him, and something that Nicholas especially favors--a jelly donut!!!!!!!!!!  In that respect, Nicholas is like my mother--jelly donuts were one of her favorites, too.

                                    The woman Nicholas' owner is living with, is patching up her friendship with the owner of the house Nicholas lives in.  So, that might pave the way for future visits, and maybe some from me.  I can only hope.

                                    Despite the worried look on his face, I know Nicholas will love his visit and his treats tomorrow.  He seems alive and well, and that is something to be grateful for.  Remember, this is a cat who can jump eight-foot fences and save lives--mine!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Tomorrow, darlings, let us all have a jelly donut, in Nicholas' honor!!!!!!!!!!!


Friday, December 30, 2022

Killing Covid, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                         All things Covid have improved since the virus arrived in America in early 2020.  

                       Covid paid us two visits this year--David in September, and me in November, of all times, during my birthday, and Thanksgiving.  But, as my PCP said, with some help from him, I "sailed right through it."  We were so lucky.  Because we have sense enough to observe all caution protocol.

                        I re-connected with an old friend, at the right time--he is ill, but continues to do well, with support lent by many, including myself.

                       David and I were happy and healthy, really, all year, and enjoyed our evenings together reading, watching Judge Judy and the news, and listening Sunday mornings to Sister Camille.

                          We lost a dear friend earlier this year and had an experience I never want to experience again--a party with family and friends, the day before his assisted suicide.  I kid you not!

                          "AHS: NYC" was the year's biggest disappointment.  A disgrace both to the franchise and New York City!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           Seeing dear friends, celebrating birthdays and anniversaries, drawing even closer to each other....and these were a few of my favorite things in 2022.  Thank God for my David!!!!!!!!

                           Did I not mention BARBRA's Le Soir CD????????????????????????

                           Excuse me now, girls!  I have to finish "The Hours," so I can break my record for books read in a single year!

Patti LuPone Pulls Her Plug On Broadway!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Theatre Scandale Of The Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            Can Broadway exist without Patti LuPone, darlings??????????  We shall see, because on October 17, the TONY winner resigned from Actors Equity.  The reason, as far as I am concerned, is still unknown, or comprehensible to me.  Is she forever banned?  Can she come back?  Is there a Wendy out there, whose plea to the Theater Fairies could save the professional stage life of Patti LuPone?  I can only hope.

                          But don't cry for Patti, girls.  She kept her promise. Now, keep your distance.

The Two Performance Events Of The Year--"Merrily We Roll Along," and "The Hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                          Now, I have yet to see the New York Theater Workshop production of 'Merrily,' but not for lack of trying.  Rumored to be moving to Broadway in the Fall of 2023, with its trio cast intact, this could make it a designee two years in a row.  May a CD be released, so those of us can hear it, before seeing it.

                         I did see "The Hours," and, girls, if you are a woman, or even if you simply identify as one, this is for you.  While the music is lackluster, the voices, staging, and acting are so compelling one is swept, like Virginia Woolf,into a drowning pool of humanity as three women struggle, as don't we all, with their lives and positions in the world in different places and times.  I was riveted for the entire three-and-a-quarter hours.  If there is any way you can see this, I strongly urge it.  I count myself lucky that I did.

                          Quite a year for the arts, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Two Saddest Deaths Of The Year, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           And both were British.  And, in true monarchial tradition, they went the way they should.

                           A Queen should always go first, and Elizabeth was true to form, departing this world on September 8, 2022. She was truly the Queen Of Our World, known and loved by all.  Even if I do retain some suspicion about the death of Princess Diana!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           A Dame should go next, which is what Angela Lansbury did.  She departed this world on October 11, 2022, just days before her 97th birthday!!!!!!!!!!!  She had a long run. And she was ours, as much as England's, what with "Mame," Jessica Fletcher, Mrs. Lovett and her chilling performance in "The Manchurian Candidate," back in 1962.  She was truly the Meryl Streep of her generation.

                           But, really, darlings, these were the saddest deaths of the year.  How both shall be missed!

This Was The Political Cartoon Of The Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                        Shades of Lewis Carroll, darlings, whose inspiration we have to thank for this portrayal of America's most facetious Fascist!!!!!!!!!!  Alice's adventures would have taken an entirely different spin, had she encountered this.

                           How would Alice cope with Covid, inflation, homelessness, and, this year, the death of our Queen???????????   No surprise Wonderland seems so good to me.  My bets are still with Alice.

                             Praise the brilliant creator of this cartoon!  He/She showed Trump for the fool he is!

                              And don't give me any grief, MAGA people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Without Question, The Book Of The Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     I read "Demon Copperhead" before it became an Oprah pick, so I want all you girls to know that I am not here shilling for the Op!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      When I read a book that is a contender, instinct tells me, and it did with this novel, which was an almost can't miss.  Barbara Kingsolver, one of our best fiction writers, offering a modern take on "David Copperfield," for me, a Dickensian, and even more those who are not.

                                         Of course, I was initially worried, but let me tell you, while the romanticism is gone, the parallels and counterparts are all in place.  The only two characters missing were Jane Murdstone and Barkis.  Dickensians will know who I mean.

                                          But her take on impoverishment in America, the opioid crisis, and how it can destroy even the most loving of individuals matched the power of Dickens' rage against such things during his time.  

                                           I urge you to read it.  It would certainly impress Dickens!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          So, how about it, girls??????????????????????????????????

A Brief Look Back At 2022, Starting With The Theater Queen Story Of The Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          If not the decade, darlings.  I am, of course, to borrow from Joanne Woodward, talking about "The Three Faces Of 'Funny Girl' ", all of whom we saw.

                         First, there was Beanie Feldstein (who??????????) having the disgrace to desecrate the sacred memory of BARBRA STREISAND by opening in this revival, with an also miscast Jane Lynch!  The whole thing was not on its feet.  It tilted--especially with Beanie's lack of suitability for the part.

                        Then came Julie Benko, fresh exciting warm, a great singer and actress, and an unknown.  Watching Julie was theatrical magic, and it was like you-know-who coming up through the ranks all over again.

                        Finally, someone got smart, tossed Beanie and Jane, cast Tovah Feldshuh, whom they should have cast in the first place, and put Lea Michele in Beanie's place.  That last was a hard pill for me to swallow, darlings, but I am telling you, Lea surprised both David and I.  As I said, she hit those final notes on "The Music That Makes Me Dance," making that song soar in a manner unseen since you- know- who.

                        This was the biggest story on Broadway, and its memory will live in years to come.  Maybe someday, a book will come out of it that will tell all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                         Wouldn't we just love it, girls????????????????????????????????

                          Incidentally, 48 years ago today, I started wearing glasses.

How A Doctor's Visit Can Ruin One's Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                        Girls, I am still shaking from all the anxiety induced.

                        Yesterday, I had an appointment with my neurologist, whom I like.  It was for 1PM, as written in my book.  Let's start with no one calling me the day before to confirm.  OK--anyone can make a mistake.  But--

                           I arrived at the office way before my appointed time.  I had books to read, so the waiting was no problem.  But what I began to witness was very disturbing to me, especially as I was the patient. 

                           The office staff was acting like they were in a production of "Noises Off,"--people running around, losing things, finding things, doors opening and closing, an annoyed patient refusing to stay for extra tests, and saying she would schedule by phone, before walking out--what the hell was going on?  Even the doctor, who I like was forced to raise his voice to one of the workers, who was performing incompetently.  Except for the head receptionist, who cordially reminded me my appointment was not till 1:30, --OK, so I could have been mistaken-- no one seemed able to speak English properly enough to be suited for the job.  Others were not picking up phone calls, or simply not answering.  Even the nice MT (a fine young man, girls!) who tests patients seemed irritated with the goings-on.  When he was told to take lunch, he didn't just walk out of there, he stormed out!  This is not like him at all.

                            When I started seeing this doctor his office manager was a woman named Marcie.  She was the best.  She was like a mother to all the patients and would answer questions kindly.  The office ran smoothly when she was there, because she knew what she was doing, and saw the rest were on track.  Well, Marcie retired several years ago, and bit by bit, the office management has gone down the tubes.  

                                As for the doctor he was wonderful, but when I finally got to him, he said I was fine, then launched into a discussion with me about literature--especially Dickens and Woolf.  Now, I love discussing things with him, but he never bothered to examine me, listen to my heart, or any of the general follow up things.

                                  When I go to the doctor, I want to be treated as a patient.  What should I do?  Should I ask my PCP for a referral?  David and I talked it over, and he said I should give it a chance--my next visit is on April 20 or 2023--and if it is worse, then talk to the PCP, and think about it.

                                    Oh, and there is something else.  The fine young man I referred to for testing is almost always there, but when he is not, there is this other guy, whom I am uncomfortable with for two reasons--his hygiene, and sometimes he touches me in an unprofessional manner.  No, he does not go THERE, but it is just not the way a medical professional would touch someone.  The fine young man does not do that.  How should I handle this?  Or should I?

                                   A visit to the doctor, especially a clean bill of health, should not be this upsetting.

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

These Clementines Are So Pretty!!!!!!!!!!!! But What I Am About To Post Is Not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Wouldn't you just love to dive into some of those luscious clementines, darlings?  If only we could!

                                            But my post here is concerned with something upsetting.

                                           Many of you know that my mother died of lung cancer, back in 1979.  And that, to this day, when I see "Sweeney Todd," and hear the lyrics, "If only angels could prevail, we'd be the way we were," I tear up, and get really upset, as these words bring out that longing in me.

                                              Yes, I know there are many well-intentioned anti-smoking commercials out there.  And that all are for the public good.  But some are too upsetting.

                                                  Back in 2008, I think, there was one of a little boy--not more than five--and his mother, walking through a crowded airport.  The mother leaves him, with no word about returning.  He is by a stairwell and moves into a corner.  He is puzzled, looks around, confused, then, slowly, then faster, the tears come, and he is crying.  The voice over says, "He lost his mom for half a minute.  Imagine if he lost her forever." The actress mother went to have a smoke.

                                                     Point taken.  But the commercial was pulled off the air, when it was discovered how this commercial was shot.  The actress and the boy were walking up the stairs; the child was told his mother would be in sight all the time. But, before reaching the top, the director, to get the child's real reaction, had the real mother vanish.  That is what caused him to cry.  I think this is cruelty and child exploitation, and I am glad this commercial is not used again.

                                                         But there is one currently airing now that is just as bad, if not worse.  Especially to those having lost a parent to cancer.

                                                          A little boy's voiceover begins singing the song "Oh, My Darling Clementine."  The boy is with his mother; maybe he calls her "Clementine." As the images change, they are still together, but the viewer slowly realizes she is going through the stages of terminal cancer. The last image has him sitting by his deceased or soon to be, mother's bed, tearfully singing "You are lost and gone forever. Dreadful sorry, Clementine."

                                                         Girls, I cannot tell you how upsetting this was to me.  I know the intentions of these ads are good, but some go too far, ignoring the sensitivities of others.

                                                            I guess I will either change the channel or walk out of the room.

                                                             And, by the way, thanks to my mother's example, I have never smoked in my life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Darlings, If You Think You've Seen It All..............................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                        Take some tips from Dorothy and Alice.  I love both their adventures, but if I had to choose, I would go with Alice.

                          Now, Dorothy, in the only persona of Judy Garland, had it good.  She walked out of a black-and-white house into an MGM Technicolor set, Munchkinland that has to be one of the greatest designed sets of all time.  Had I been Dorothy, I would have stayed there.  To hell with the rest of Oz!!!!!!!

                          Alice, I think had it more exciting, and both ways.  First, she plunges down a rabbit hole, and sees things before her. She drinks, dines on mushrooms, gets high, gets small, then normal sized--what an amazing set of experiences.  No wonder Grace Slick said to "Go ask Alice," in her classic song, "White Rabbit!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                           But she also went through that looking glass, something I always wanted to do.  And what was on the other side?

                           Well, the "Jabberwocky" rhyme, as well as "The Walrus And The Carpenter!"    Not to mention Tweedle-Dum and Tweedle-Dee!  And Alice becomes Queen, near the end!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              So, I am going to go with Alice.  Dorothy encountered nothing but nightmares when she explored, which is why she should have stayed in the MGM Munchkinland, which, had I had a backyard, I always wanted it designed as a replica thereof.  Whereas Alice gains a new way of looking at the world, and probably, I would guess, math, which is important in both her books, is conceptualized for her!

                                 But none of us has seen what either Dorothy or Alice has!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, This Is The Christmas Film You Have GOT To See!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                         Forget "Black Christmas," "The Nightmare Before Christmas," or even "Silent Night, Deadly Night."  "Adult Swim Yule Log," made this year, has them beat.

                         This film is a brilliantly satiric amalgamation of Christmas, "Friday The 13th," and "The Last House On The Left."  It has everything--a genuine Yule Log that milks the opening with holiday music, leading the viewer into a relaxing mood--when boom--all hell breaks loose.

                          If you want bosoms, tramps, psycho mothers, special needs hypersexualized sons, and an unusual fetish, this is the film for you.  Imagine watching this on Christmas Eve.  We watched it on Christmas Night, and it was still a pleasant surprise.

                          After the musical lull, in walks our representative heterosexual couple, Zoe (Andrea Laing) and Alex (Justin Miles).  They think they are in for a cozy, romantic vacation, only to be descended upon by a sheriff and his deputy, who turn out to be in a Southern type KKK cult, where they hang a slave woman (this is in the past) for decapitating her employer, which he deserved.  Then a bunch of groupies descend on them, and this is where Danielle Maximillian, as Holly, gives the film's worth of both tramp and bosoms.  It is a wonder she never disrobes.

                         But the two best performers, are a mother and son act, headed by a Mother (Tory Clark) and her special needs, hypersexual son, named Pleatherface.  Get it?  These two outdo not only each other, but Jason and Pamela Voorhees, and Sante and Kenneth Kimes.  Oh, that Sante Kimes!  Remember when Mary Tyler Moore played her, back in 2004?  What a hoot?  Well, Tory Clark, as Mother, outdoes her.  She is pure feral White Trash, and the scene where she sexually fetishizes Pimento Cheese has to be seen to be believed!  She tops that by forcing it onto Alex in what can only be described as a sexual manner that had me unnerved.   I mean, Pimento Cheese?  How about chocolate sauce?

                             As for Pleatherface, he is always bragging about his "ding dong" and wants to show it to everyone.  Zoe finally gets to see it, and when she does, screams in terror.  The viewer never sees it because it must be SO large.  Like the flying killer Yule Log!

                          There is a shower murder that outdoes "Psycho" (but not artistically), and to top it off, a flying Yule Log that tries to mow down everyone there.  Does anyone survive?  Well, this viewer did, and that is as far as I am going to go, with this.  Isn't this enough?

                             Darlings, I am telling you, it is the campiest.  If only Tallulah Bankhead had been alive to play Mother!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                      Next time you have a holiday party during the Christmas season, try this offbeat entertainment!  It is sure to leave your guests gagging or fleeing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                      Darlings, I just LOVED it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Cyrus, The Christmas Cat, Reminds Me So Much Of My Friend, Nicholas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                     For several holiday seasons, New York networks have been running this lottery ad, featuring a store owner, and his cat, Cyrus.  The owner closes his shop, wishes Cyrus a happy holiday, and the intrepid cat slips a ticket into his mouth, and treks back to his owner's apartment, leaving him a gift in his stocking, and watching him, with love.

                       The above scene, with Cyrus hailing the bus at the station, so reminds me of Nicholas, who, I am sure, were ha able, to do the same thing.  And I know Nicholas would keep a loving eye on me.  So, I just love seeing this commercial every year.

                          As for Nicholas himself, well, girls, I have not much news.  My David has communicated with Nichoas' owner but has heard nothing back.  I take comfort in knowing Nicholas has a roof over his head, and an entrance where he can come and go as he pleases, for relaxation in the back yard when warm, or private business all year round.  Had Nicholas run away or worse, I think we would have heard something.

                             Which does not mean I still worry over Nicholas or wish to have a nice visit with him.  There is so much to catch up on, and Nichlas is a very good listener.  I would not be surprised if, one night, he appeared outside my fire escape.  I would be thrilled.

                               Till then, I have Cyrus to remind me of how much love there is in Nicholas.

                                And I will keep you girls posted on any further Nicholas developments.

Monday, December 26, 2022

"I Won't Go, Until I Get Some!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                         No, that is not the start of a Staten Island landfill.  That is Figgy Pudding, a Christmas holiday desert, celebrated in song.  As perfect as our Christmas was yesterday, would you believe there was no Figgy Pudding????????????   The recipe is right on the Internet.

                           Come to think of it, as of yet, I have not received "two turtle doves, and a partridge in a pair tree."  Have holiday traditions gone down the drain????????????????

                             So, Happy Day After Christmas, darlings!  And remember, anyone can have their own Figgy Pudding!

Sunday, December 25, 2022

Girls, You Have GOT To See This!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Not since Todd Haynes "Superstar--The Karen Carpenter Story," using Barbie dolls, have I seen anything to equal it.  Until someone recreated the show stopping "Turkey Lurkey Time" number from 1968's "Promises, Promises."  Yes, that is Donna McKechnie--or a representation thereof--and wait till you little Baayork Lee's leaps, and the Michael Bennett choreography.

                               Should I fail to get it on here, I promise you can find it on You Tube.  I wonder what Donna and Baayork think?  I bet they LOVE it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  You will too, girls, so get your tea, and enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                               Here it is, girls!  What a hoot!  And wait till you see those head rolls!

Merry Christmas, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 There is nothing like a Victorian Christmas, so I just could not resist.  Let me start by saying that Santa Baby did not slip a sable under my tree.  Today is quiet, low key, and I am reading, trying to raise my year's total, which currently stands at 122.  And we may have a visit from Dexter and his owner; if it were up to Dexter, he would be here right now.

                                    We went to Christmas service last night--5pm, not midnight--and it was lovely.  Of course, we listened to Sister Camille's Christmas message, which was about doing kindness for people, which kind of coincided with my projected New Years resolution for 2023-- to reach out more to people.

                                        But to all my readers, I reach out, wishing you a very relaxing and Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           The day has arrived!

Saturday, December 24, 2022

Darlings, I Want To Go To The Lake George Castles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                      Long before I became "The Raving Queen," girls, I was transfixed by the Hans Christian Andersen tale, "The Snow Queen."  Its illustrations of ice and snow, and the Ice Puzzles Of Reason fascinated me, especially the different ways they were depicted.  Now, the one I picked is glamorous indeed, but my favorite depiction of the title character was in this edition I had years ago of "Andersen's Fairy Tales," where The Snow Queen is dressed in this ruby red cape, with white trim, a ruby ring on her finger, and her white hair done up, as it she had just come from Sally Hershberger, which no doubt she had.

                        My first playwrighting project, in sixth grade, was to adapt this story, since our class play was about Andersen.  Whom I was playing, by the way.   The play is a tale in seven stories, so I went all Eugene O' Neill and wrote a seven-act play.  The teacher was impressed; unfortunately, none of it was added to our play.

                          But all that red and glamour foreshadowed that someday I would be a Queen!!!!!!!!!!!

                          So, if you spot me at the Ice Castles Of Lake George, remember to curtsey to me, Your Highness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, Join Us Tonight, As "Svengoolie" Presents "Abbott and Costello Meet The Invisible Man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                   Made in 1951, this was the last of their Universal horror efforts.  I have never seen this, which catches my interest, but why, on Christmas Eve, could Svengoolie not have shown a Christmas horror film?  Lord knows, there are plenty of them.  The only other well-known cast members are William Frawley (Fred Mertz, on "I Love Lucy!") and Sheldon Leonard.

                                      Added to this, I think "Sventoonie" is doing a repeat of "The Great Rupert," which features a squirrel puppet, as well as Terry Moore and Jimmy Durante.  It also has an appropriate Christmas theme, which I am sure the first film does not.

                                      If there is nothing else on your plate, it is good of kind.  But if you can find alternatives on this night, my advice is to seek those.  Even I am going to try.

                                        How I would love "Mr. Magoo's Christmas Carol."


This Is The Night Of The Nativity, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                         Here we are, darling, it is Christmas Eve.  No, this is not an archival photo of the actual event, this is "The Nativity," as staged in "The Radio City Christmas spectacular," and, as I say every year, it is so moving when seen, I don't think the real thing could have been better staged.

                        Still, tonight is the most exciting one of the year for all.  So, however you commemorate this evening--and I still have this childhood belief that if I look up in the sky, I will see the Star Of Bethlehem.

                        Happy Christmas Eve, darlings, and health and success in 2023!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, December 23, 2022

Christmas Is Creeping Up On Us, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          When I was very young, before real sleep issues became a thing, Christmas Eve was my most difficult night to fall asleep.  Nat Cole in "The Christmas Song" muses, "Tiny tots, with their eyes all aglow, will find it hard to sleep tonight."  That was me.

                              I still feel some of that magic on Christmas Eve.  And this photo could have been my childhood home, at that time.  The fireplace set up is identical, as is the positioning of the tree.  The lighting is perfect.  What differs here is the log holder--we never had one, as the fireplace was never used--and on the right and left sides were white in-wall bookshelves.  They allowed me to make a lot of discoveries still applicable to this day.

                                When I look at this photo, I feel I am back in that seemingly more innocent time.

                                May all your Christmas memories be as happy as these!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, December 22, 2022

What Does One Do, When It Is The Shortest Day Of The Year?????????????????????

                        Well, girls, the first thing is to make sure you get as much done as possible.  The second is to be grateful, because, starting tomorrow, the days, slowly but surely, start to get longer.  It will not be apparent for a while, but, once it becomes clear, the sense of relief is palpitating.

                          So, darlings, if you have not done those errands, you do not have much time.  Because today is the shortest day of the year.

                             Do what is needed, dears, but remember.

                             You can always cozy up to a lengthier nighttime.

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Is It Actually Possible For Anyone To Live In The East Village????????????????

                           I don't just mean financially, though that is a prime concern, girls.   And when I refer to the East Village, I am also including Alphabet City.

                              David and I often wonder about where to spend our retirement years.  After reading Tim Murphy's novel, "Christadora," in 2017, (and determined to reread it again) the idea of living in the East Village fascinated me.  And over the years, I have been there--for meals, social calls, movies, you name it.  But truth be told, I always found it isolating.  To get to any of my doctors from there would be equally as challenging as from Brooklyn.  To get to other places I go to--bookstores and such--would be just as difficult.

                                Same goes for the Upper East Side.  Much as I would love to live on Sutton Place, and though I would have the luxury of public transportation, it is still isolated.  Probably quiet, but not convenient.

                                    When I was very young, I thought the only places in Manhattan worth living were the Upper West Side, and the West Village.  And, you know, that has not changed.  The East Side of Manhattan I still regard as the equivalent of Queens.

                                       I lived there once.  I don't wish to ever go back.

Winter Arrives, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Now we enter that period I referred to earlier, known as the Winter Solstice.  Today is the first day of Winter, and I still associate this with an old Bugs Bunny cartoon, where he would pop up out of his hole, change the tree-hung calendar date to December 21, declare what it was, then a pile of snow would drop on top and all over him, as if saying, "That's it, for the season."

                                  Sometimes it does seem like that, but most time the season is pretty sporadic.  I keep hearing of some storm this week to impede Christmas travelers, but David and I do not have to worry about that.  For those who like Winter, here it is.  For those looking ahead, well, think that Proserpina has reached her halfway time in Hell.  She will be back soon.

                                      Meantime, have a warm, cozy Winter.  Lots of reading, wrapped in a blanket, coffee or hot chocolate by the side, just being grateful for having a home on these cold, dark nights.

                                        Of course, tomorrow is The Shortest Day Of The Year.  Which means tonight is The Longest Night.

                                           Make the most of it, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

"The Hours......" Oh, My God!!!!!!!!!!!!! "The Hours........." OH, MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "The Hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


                           Girls, I went to see it, last Wednesday afternoon, at the Regal Cinema at 14th Street and Union Square.  Having heard so many ambivalent comments about this, I walked into the theater expecting a three-and-a-quarter hour pity party.  The kind only I myself would have invited myself to.

                            But I was wrong.  "The Hours" is not a pity party, but an examination of the human condition.  I am still. on the fence that Stephen Daldry's film twenty years ago is so hypnotic and magnetic, it is almost operatic in itself, along with the Philip Glass score.  So, writing about this interpretation of "The Hours" is a bit difficult for me, an opera novice.  I am certain to be attacked by Vicious Opera Queens, so I say to them, quoting Charles Bickford in "The Song Of Bernadette--" "Load well your guns.  For your path lies over my dead body.

                               The problem with "The Hours" is it being both promising and problematic.  Let's start with the first.  Assembled on stage are three of the finest working female voices of our time in roles they are perfectly cast in.  One cannot begin to compare them to the film's trio--Meryl Streep, Nicole Kidman, and Julianne Moore--because the operatic virtuosity of the work transcends even the film.

                                  Two--Renee Fleming and Kellie O'Hara--come from Broadway (Remember, Fleming earned a TONY Nomination for her Nettie Fowler, in the 2018 revival of "Carousel."  When she sang "You'll Never Walk Alone," there wasn't a dry eye in the house.)  Fleming has any number of fine moments--"Here On This Corner," her scene with the suicidal Richard, (wonderfully sung by Kyle Ketelsen), and the end, which will become a classic, the "Final Trio."  Fleming and O'Hara score high in this, not only because I know their work, but because the voices are so searingly beautiful and connect with material, both on a vocal and dramatic level.  These are not just singers, but actresses.

                                   Joyce DiDonato, an unknown to me, inhabits the character of Virginia Woolf as ably as her co-stars.  Her moment, "If The End Is Here," and her scenes with husband Leonard (well sung by Sean Panikkar) are moving and heartbreaking, and DiDonato, like everyone else, breathes an actress' soul into a singing part, so that she, too inhabits, more than interprets.

                                    The other stars of "The Hours" are the creative team of director Phelim McDermott, and choreographer Annie-B. Parson, who have made the piece into a haunting tapestry by using chorus singers, dancers, and even children, to underscore the story's themes and the internal conflicts of its three protagonists.  Which overrides the major problem of the show--Kevin Puts' music.  Oh, it is haunting enough, but I missed potentially melodic strains.  Save for the aforementioned moments, I heard strains where the music could have gone somewhere but Puts chose not to. Even Kal Edgar, a sixth grader, playing the role of Laura Brown's young son Richie, has to bow to this atonal style. That he does it so clearly and beautifully speaks much for his ability and talent.

                                      I am glad I saw "The Hours," and it simply transported me, but, girls, the sad truth is that without a cast of such magnitude, many would not be interested in performing it.  Or even listening to a CD, because of that music.  Go ahead, Vicious Opera Queens, here is where you attack me.   That this splendid production has been preserved on film guarantees it some kind of life, and if a DVD is issued, I would urge those yet to see it take in a viewing.  A cast such as this would be difficult to assemble again; a lesser cast would not be acceptable.

                                         So, darlings, that is my take on "The Hours."  Would I see this production again?  Yes, in a heartbeat.  Still, it is frustrating to know this cast could take it in a different and better direction, musically, yet this is what they were stuck with, meritorious as they are.

                                         To borrow from Virginia Woof, Music, like language, is "wine upon the lips."

                                         "The Hours" is a transportive work, whose results are both flavorful in some areas, not so in others.

                                            Should it be seen?  Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Yes, Darlings, It Is Time To Say Farewell To Autumn

                        Though it feels as though Winter has been here for two weeks, today, as I was taught, is actually the last day of Autumn.

                         Which brings us to that ambivalent period called the Winter Solstice.  Is tomorrow the shortest day, or the longest night, or is it, as I was taught, December 22?   In any case, tomorrow is the first day of Winter, and it will be acknowledged here.

                             And what an interesting season it has been.  Two bouts of Covid, our third viewing of "Funny Girl" on Broadway, a birthday and Thanksgiving plagued by illness, but still enjoyable, and I am trying to break my record for books read in a year and coming damn close.  We shall see; I still have eleven days.

                               Hope your Autumn was soft and romantic, and that the coming Winter is warm and cozy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Season's Greetings, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, December 19, 2022

Finally, This Show Has Found Its Compass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          It took long enough, darlings.  The show in question is this year's revival of "Funny Girl," which, if I am not mistaken, has the distinction of having gone through three leading ladies in less than a year.  Now, David and I saw it yesterday with Lea (Michele) and Tovah (Feldshuh), and while I kept saying I was only going to see Tovah, by the time the curtain rang down, I was glad I had seen Lea.

                          Yes, dears.  She is fabulous in the part.  Of course, in the beginning, I was a little nervous, but once she launched into "I'm The Greatest Star," I knew her capabilities were vast.

                             Remember, in the 1967 camp classic "Valley Of The Dolls," when Anne Wells (Barbara Parkins) and Lyon Burke (Paul Burke) go to see Helen Lawson (Susan Hayward) in her out-of-town tryout for the show "Hit The Sky," when she sings (thanks to Margaret Whiting dubbing) I'll Plant My Own Tree?"  There is a moment in the song when Lyon turns to Anne, and says of Helen, "Offstage I hate her, but on stage, I'm madly in love with her."  Then Anne gives him a look, like, "Are you homosexual?"

                               Well, that is how I felt about Lea in "Funny Girl."

                                Not only, but the presence of Lea and Tovah seems to have galvanized the entire company.  Ramin Karimloo has never generated as much chemistry and heat as Nicky Arnstein as he has here.  At one point, when he enters on stage in his open shirt, many females (and I bet some males) in the audience whistled and hooted.  This time, I understood why.  Finally, the poor guy has someone to play against, which makes their later scenes all the more heartbreaking.  And Lea, whom I thought never had it in her, rose to the occasion.  Her final dressing room scene, which ends the show, had me in tears.  Who would have thought?

                                 I had been hearing about all these standing ovations she was getting throughout the show.  She got one, at the end of our performance, but nothing to match when we saw Julie Benko, in the same role, but a warmer, richer interpretation of the part, get said ovation right at the part in "Don't Rain On My Parade" when she declares, "Hey, Mr. Arnstein....Here I am!!!!!!!!!!!"  I have never seen anything like it since.

                                  But Lea nails all the songs.  If there are twinges of Streisand in some of her phrasings, she can be forgiven for it, as, unlike the originator of this revival, she has the vocal and acting chops for the role.  My favorite moment was "The Music That Makes Me Dance," wherein Lea gives us the big, dramatic finish all of us Theater Queens love about this song.  Not since you know who............

                                    As for Tovah, she is the audience's mother.  I wanted to wrap my arms around her and be comforted.  Humor, strength, and leg kicks I could not manage, she brings to the role of Rose Bryce, probably the greatest one since Kay Medford.  When Lea is not onstage, one wishes for her, and with Tovah, the same thing.  The scenes where Rose forces Fanny to face the realities of her marriage are as touching and heartbreaking as those between Fanny and Nick trying to face theirs.  This piece can now stand on its own.

                                    Yes, the sets are still annoying, the bridal scene cheesy, but "Funny Girl" is finally in place.  I am now urging those who haven't to see both Lea and Julie.  The latter is watching BARBRA when she was up and coming, the former is seeing someone seasoned arrive in a role she knew she was meant for all along.  And turns out to be right.

                                       Poor Lea and Tovah!  Why?  Because of them not opening this revival, they were cheated out of TONY Awards, which both otherwise would have received.

                                        It  took six months, but "Funny Girl" is finally on its legs.

                                       See it while it still stands!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!