If All Souls Day is known as the Day Of The Dead, then Black Friday should be called the Day Of Greed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What kind of White Trash morons wait in line at stores in the wee hours of the morning, just to get a bargain that means nothing in the scheme of things? People have been trampled to death over the years, because of this disgusting practice, which adds more disrepute to places like New Jersey, Staten Island, and Long Island, where such occurrences are common.
Sure, the Holiday Season is upon us. It should be joyous and fun, not some mob violence agenda.
Maybe Black Friday should be abolished.
Maybe retailers and patrons need to treat each other as humans!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ban Black Friday, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I exclaimed “only in America” but my husband said this depressing phenomenon actually happens in Europe and Asia now.
Victoria, I would have said the same thing; how sad this event occurs across the pond. I thought they were better than that.
I agree with you! I depside Black Friday and refuse to go shopping or near any retail centers. I will never understand the greed, chaos and hysteria over material items, that will all but be forgotten before you know it.
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