
Thursday, December 19, 2024

And Happy Birthday Today To Jake Gyllenhaal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       With that perfectly wavy hair, those dazzling eyes, and that charming smile, Jake Gyllenhaal looks good at 44.  I think he will look good at any age.  Don't you agree, girls?  How many of us looked that good at 44???????????

                                          Jake is a charmer and a consummate actor.  He will be playing Iago to Denzel Washington's Othello in the coming year, on Broadway.  And those are two heavyweight roles.

                                           Which is why Jake is such a consummate actor.  He does musical theater marvelously, what with "Little Shop Of Horrors," and "Sunday In The Park With George."  The great thing about Jake is he takes risks, and does not allow his good looks to get in the way of what challenging role he may be taking on.

                                                So, a Happy Birthday to Jake Gyllenhaal.

                                                 Don't you just want to sigh, girls??????????????


Victoria said...

I love an actor who isn’t afraid to take risks!!

The Raving Queen said...

Victoria, So do I, sometimes I wish I had taken more.