
Monday, December 23, 2024

It Would Not Be Christmas, Without Judy And Margaret!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              And Margaret is still with us, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           "Meet Me In St. Louis" is an absolutely perfect movie--MGM at its best, back in 1944--but this scene is extraordinary.   Garland comforts O'Brien by singing "Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas," as only she can.  Then comes a tear-filled extraordinary performance by a child ever witnessed on the screen.  Girls, if you have never seen it, this movie is worth watching for this scene alone, though all others are equally perfect, not to mention the memorable "Trolley Song."

                            No wonder Margaret O'Brien won a Special Juvenile Oscar for this performance.

                            If not the film, I watch this scene every year around this time, and, like Margaret, tears pour down my face.  It is like I almost "become" Tootie, her character during this sequence.

                           But then, don't we all, darlings????????????

                          Merry Christmas, darlings!

                                    Here it that moment, dears.  Watch the extraordinary at work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 


Victoria said...

Oh yes, I cry real tears, every time.

The Raving Queen said...

Victoria, This scene really gets to me, too!