Girls, before we get to the topic at hand let me clear up some things. Some readers on here have the unfortunate notion that I HATE lesbians!!!!! Now, I certainly have no romantic interest in lesbians. And I have known my share, darlings, and some of them are quite lovely!!!! I mean, I have performed "The Children's Hour!!!!" So it is not so much that I hate lesbians; it is that I hate one PARTICULAR lesbian, and that m ore for her anti-social, Borderline Personality Behavior than for her being lesbian. Though let me say, it does not help the cause of lesbians that this Grotesque Creature. Not only do lesbians get a bad rap by her behavior, but young girls who want to come out--my God=, if this is what they think lesbianism is, they will run and hide!!!!! At least go to the Cubby Hole, darlings; even I have been there, with nary a scratch!!!!! But there is no getting around that at some point, these young girls WILL have to read Radclyffe Hall's "The Well Of Loneliness," for historicity sake. Let me say to young aspiring lesbians--stick to K.D. Liang and Virginia Woolf!!!!!
Now to matters at hand. Both photos seen here are of Sandra Harrison in her iconic role in "Blood Of Dracula." This was made in 1957, during the AIP teen horror craze. It is, literally, the female counterpart to "I Was A Teenage Werewolf"
In this one, it is a troubled GIRL (Harrison) who is put in a special school to help with her problems. The school's Headmistress is named Miss Thorndyke (get it, darlings!!!!) and the Whit Bissell counterpart who lures Harrison in, Miss Brandon, the chemistry teacher, clearly has some lesbian chemistry of her own. She just loves those girls in their bullet bra sweaters!!!! And wouldn't we love to just wear one, darlings!!!!!! Miss Brandon is responsible for turning Harrison into the monstrous creature that kills, but the funny thing is, in the process, she REALLY gives her a glam makeover, because when she IS the monster, Harrison isn't as frumpy as seen here too without the makeover. She reminds me of Edythe (RIP) Schrier from MY day, who was Miss Frump all the way!!!!!
So, sometimes, girls, it can be more glamorous to be the monster!!!! I mean those eyebrows!!!!! And see what a good eyeliner can do???? And how about that hair!!! I would be the envy of everyone with that style, girls!!!!!!!!
You gotta see this film, girls; it is one big lesbian bitchfest!!!!! Hedda should run this some night at the Chelsea!!!!! I am telling you, not only would those queens scream, they would run to their hair stylist the next day!!!!!!
Meantime, loves, I have to run--to another artistic experience--"Mrs. Warren's Profession," with Cherry Jones and sally Hawkins!!!!!!!
Talk to you, when I return from the Rialto!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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