
Saturday, August 31, 2024

August Farewells Are Perhaps The Saddest Of All!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             Like the song says, "The summer smiles, the summer knows."

                             I would be pensive too at the end of this month.  Two thirds of the year have gone by--already?????????--and tomorrow we enter the "ber" months, where the year begins to wind down.

                              Even though I have been out of school for close to fifty years, saying goodbye to August is kind of a farewell to Summer, even though there are three weeks to go.  After this Monday, Labor Day, it really is all over.

                                 And it went so fast.

                                But look to crisp coolness, cozy winter nights reading a book, or drinking a hot toddy.  I will stick with my black coffee.

                                 Summer had its ups and downs.  But the one of 2024 will always be remembered.

                                 "See you in September," darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Victoria said...

PENSIVE is the perfect word!!!!

The Raving Queen said...

Victoria, Thank you. I agree with you, as we stare down the last of the year, pondering what is going to happen--to us--on so many fronts.