
Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Can The Catholic Church Really Survive On The Kind Of Hate This Church Allegedly Espouses????????????????????????

                               When David and I go to mass on Saturday, at 5PM, we prefer St. Andrew The Apostle on 67th and Ridge Blvd, in Bay Ridge.  The vibe is friendlier there, and more forward thinking.

                                  But from end of May till after Labor Day, St. Andrew goes on hiatus, which leaves us no choice than Our Lady Of Angels, which, though closer to our apartment, is old school and stuffy, despite the church being beautiful.  When I say, "old school and stuffy," I am talking about the congregation.

                                    This is a community who, each June 14, celebrates a birthday for Donald Trump.

                                    This community is anti- gay.  When I first moved here, I attended a Saturday service, where the young priest celebrating the mass was marking a year since his ordination.  I also got a gay vibe from him, and he was Black.  I mention all this, because, come communion time, when two lines are formed, as the old guard got closer to this priest, they switched lines, not wanting to receive communion by him.  I knew why.  I had no problem with it, and when the mass ended, I was the only parishioner to step up outside and congratulate this young man.

                                        But recently, I heard something about this church that beat all.  

                                         A woman came to the prayer group, as most do, for comfort and reassurance, and to be welcomed.  She was a lesbian, and I am guessing that, at some point, she made that known.

                                         Shortly after this revelation, a woman in the group began circulating a letter among members that the woman in question should be removed from the group for, you know, the same old thing--she was a sinner, she was evil, she did not belong, etc.

                                            How hurt this woman must have been.  If it questioned her trust in the church, I do not blame her.  I would hope she scrunched up the letter and shoved it down the other woman's throat.  If not, I pray she found the strength and courage to find another church prayer group that would be more welcoming.  They are out there.

                                              OLA, which it is unofficially called, exemplifies that saying, "Beware of mad dogs lurking, for lurking they shall bite."

                                                Beware indeed, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Victoria said...

omg that is even more disgusting than fluffy coke!!
What is wrong with people, and more importantly what is wrong with supposedly Christian people

The Raving Queen said...

Victoria, I agree with you. How can people who behave this way call themselves Christians?