
Sunday, August 11, 2024

What The Hell Is The Matter With People!???????????????

                         This past Thursday, I went to the Alpine with my movie friend Chris.  We went to see M. Night Shyamalan's latest film, "Trap," which turned out to be crap.  The only reason I really saw it, girls, was that the fabulous Hayley Mills was in it.  She was the best thing about it, and not on screen long enough.

                          But that is for another post.

                          Today, I am concerned with the lack of compassion and empathy in people.

                           That day, there was the potential for a torrential rain.  So, I went to the Alpine armed with my Three Lives book bag, containing my glasses, which I need for distance, and my long red umbrella for both protection and color coordination.

                            While waiting for Chris, my umbrella happened to fall out of my hand, and before I knew it, I was on the ground.  It happened so fast.  Fortunately, I was not injured as I was in my April 5 fall, earlier this year, on Ovington Avenue.  But I sat on the floor at the Alpine stunned, unsure of whether I would be able to pull myself up.

                               Like Scarlett rising from the dirt of Tara, I did, but my point is that the lobby was occupied with people of all ages, and not one--NOT ONE!!!!!!!!!!--came over to ask whether I was all right, or if they could help me up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Can you believe this, darlings???????????  I was more appalled by that than the fall.  What happened to human decency?  What have we become?

                                     Well, I will tell you one thing.  Here is a quote from Beverly Sutphin in "Serial Mom" for those who were there that day--

                                       "Fuck you all, you motherfuckers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


Victoria said...

oh nooo !!!
are you ok?!!
what IS wrong with people, I wonder as well!! What has become of common decency, care for ones fellow man

The Raving Queen said...

Victoria, Luckily, I fell in a way that did not injure me. The lack of empathy hurt more than the fall.