
Wednesday, August 7, 2024

This Is DISGUSTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Have you heard about Fluffy Coke, darlings?  Oh, I know it looks tempting, but when you break it down, oh, my God, who would drink this garbage???????????????????

                                     It starts with Marshmallow Fluff.  Now, I confess I had childhood associations with this product.  I have eaten a few Fuffernutters in my time, and, at Christmas, when my mother really showed off her baking skills, she made this fabulous creamy chocolate fudge, that was made with Marshmallow Fluff.

                                       But a Fluffy Coke?  Do you know what goes into this?

                                       First, one takes a glass, or, preferably, a plastic cup, and lines the inside with Marshmallow Fluff.  Then one takes ice cubes, filling them to the top.  Then pour in the Coke, and watch the mess congeal.  Let it stand for several minutes, and one is ready to drink this stuff.

                                           But who in their right mind would?  Diabetics had best beware!  Those who like sickeningly sweet, mess things, will like this gloppy mess, but for me no thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             Have a sweet tooth, darlings?  A summer nectarine is better than this!!!!!!!!!!!

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