
Friday, August 30, 2024

Take A Good Look, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!! This Is What We Might Be In For, If The November Election Does Not Go The Right Way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          I am certain my readers recognize this famous scene from GWTW.  The Yankees are coming, and Laura Hope Crews as Aunt Pittypat is fleeing South from Atlanta, with her famous hat boxes, leaving Scarlett on her own to make the epic journey to Tara with Melanie, the baby, and Prissy.

                          Well, girls, I am here to report that if things don't turn out right on November 5, we are all going to be in Scarlett's shoes.  Only how many of us will look as good as Vivien Leigh, even under duress?

                             The point is we could be on the verge of our own civil war.  Only we, the Northerners, will now be the Confederates, and vice versa.  The South has wanted vengeance on the North ever since 1865, and I fear they may get it.

                               Well, I am a survivor, like Scarlett.  And like her, if I have to "lie, steal, cheat or kill," no one will harm myself or those I love.  As God is my witness.

                                   Get out and vote, darlings.  One can only carry so many hat boxes!!!!!!!!!!!!


Mistress Maddie said...

Oh my....bite your tongue and perish the thought of that dear.

I've been on holiday in Provincetown, enjoying a slice of the seaside life and then was off to the Pocono Mountains with a brief stint in NYC to the Met to see the Sleeping Beauties fashion exhibit. I hope you have been keeping well I trust.

The Raving Queen said...

Mistress Maddie, How I would love to see that fashion exhibit. We saw lots of Bway musicals this summer. Cannot believe it is Labor Day already. Cheers to you!