Girls, I have to say, Monsieur was right!!!!! Last eve I was bemoaning the fact that I could not find a bitch for today. He said, not to worry, they always turn up!!!! I mean, I was so devastated, I did not even watch 'SVU' last night. But no loss, because it was just the two repeat episodes about Olivia and Calvin. Calvin's mother, Vivian, was pure trash, and, besides, I am more interested in social deviants!!!!
As late as early this morning, I had no bitch!!!!! But lo and behold, Monsieur was right!!!!! For not only did I find one, but two!!!!! Duo bitches are rare, but they do turn up!!!!!!
The winner(s) of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award are Susan Brock, and her daughter, Rachel Brock!!!!!!
Let me first say, I find it interesting that they turn up, in light of our recent viewing of the 'SVU' episode, "Totem." That is the one where Lisa Banes plays Elaine Frye, the Sexual Predator Mother From Hell, who abuses her two daughters. One of them, June, escapes, while another, Katie, lives on to take the abuse that is unfortunately dished out to her, which, in the end, turns her into an abuser, causing her to murder one of her sister's music students. Nice, huh????
Now, I don't know if the 'SVU' writers knew about the Brock dames, but if they did, there is no doubt they figured into the story as well. But here they are.
Susan Brock, aged 49, and living in Arizona--another White Trash state, darlings!!!--began systematically abusing a neighbor boy (who cannot be identified, as he is still a minor) when he was still 11. She started by giving him presents, then began working up to sexual contact by the time he was 13. The abuse went on for at least three years, before it was reported.
But wait, girls, it gets better!!!!!!
Susan's daughter, Rachel Brock, 22, is accused, unknowingly at the time to her mother, of molesting the same boy, from when he was 13!!!!!!!!
Can you believe it, darlings!!!!! Tag team Mom and daughter!!!!! I am surprised they did not have a three way. Spank these bitches' monkeys!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rachel, who began abusing the boy when she was 18, did everything from oral sex to sending nude pics and sexting him. Disgusting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Susan went on trial, and has been sentenced to more than twelve years in prison. Honey, I hope she serves every day of that sentence, and that those broads in the slammer work her over good!!!!!! Her attorney tried to argue the lame excuse that she was abused by her stepfather, adding, that she is NOT a pedophile?????
Oh, really?????????? Fortunately, the jury did not buy that crap!!!!!!
Rachel's conduct is equally heinous, and I believe at some point the gals discussed it, like two sickos. They probably WERE planning a three way!!!!!
Rachel has not gone on trial yet, though she should. With a mom like this, I have no doubt it will be revealed she was abused at some point. The cycle of sickness continues!!!!!!
Fulton Brock, Susan's hubby, a county supervisor, is divorcing her, and washing his hands of this scum!!!!! Good for him!!!! He says he will stand by his daughter, which is somewhat admirable, given he probably had no idea Rachel was being abused too, which I can tell you she was!!!!!!
As for the unfortunate young boy, still only 17, he had to testify at Susan's trial, and relive the trauma. "I hope never to feel or think about Susan Brock again," he said, adding he was thrown into an inescapable depression. No wonder.
Not only was he subjected to the abuse, but, girls, these women were SO ugly!!!! Rachel looks like a fat pig desperate for anything, which is very likely why she did it, while Susan has that classic psychotic look; she is most certainly another Hattie Dorsett!!!!!!!
No, loves, you could not ask for two better Bitches this week!!!! Take the key, and lock them up, and throw it away!!!!!!!!!
Girls, I know, you want to me to report on what Anna is doing. I have been meaning to have lunch with her, and when I do, I will!!!!! But, meanwhile let us hear it for the Brock Bitches!!!!!!!!!!
So long, Granny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!