
Thursday, April 21, 2011

Laudy, Laudy, It's Maundy Thursday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, we have made it to Maundy Thursday, which always makes me want to sing the theme song of "Maude." Nevertheless, I looked the word up, and it has to do with "commandments," and "the ceremonial washing of the Apsostles' feet by Jesus." This took place on the eve of the Last Supper, which, according to my father, was when Jesus said, "Everyone get behind the table, for the picture."

The moral here, darlings, is to go out and get yourselves a nice pedicure. Paint those toes!!!!! I favor boy crush blush, myself, but whatever suits your fancy. At least your feet will be cleaner then those Apostles, plus no ingrown toenails!!!!!!!!!!!

Of course, the day is better known as Holy Thursday, and how I remember that. All during my childhood and teen years, my father and I, after dinner, would go to evening services at St. Paul's Church, in Highland Park, New Jersey. This was very ceremonial, and long, with the priest wearing one of those high hats, followed by his acolytes, marching through the church, carrying a huge scepter, and a lantern filled with burning incense. I dreaded this, because as they passed the row, the lantern would be shaken, and puffs of incense, like smoke, wafted into the air. The scent was so cloying it made me gag!!!!!! It turned me off incense, for life. Even during Yoga classes!!!!!!!!!

But no one SAYS you HAVE to celebrate this way. I never understood why we did, except my father happened to be a particularly devout Catholic. But Catholics or not, there is no excuse for bad foot care!!!!!!!! Let this day be your guide for that!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Foot fetishists must be freaked, loves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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