
Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Can You Believe It, Girls?????????? Fifty-Seven Years Ago, Today......................

                                        ..........Julie took that first twirl, "The Sound Of Music" was introduced to the world, and no one has been the same since!  Always remember Charmian and Heather, and the all-perfect cast.  Not to mention the puppets in "The Lonely Goatherd."

                                       Here are those still iconic children performing "So Long, Farewell," on "The Ed Sullivan Show," on April 18, 1965.  Live and in person.  They may have aged a little, but they still look as they did.  Though notice Nicholas Hammond's darker hair.  That is his natural color!

                                           Happy SOM Day, everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Victoria said...

I totally missed SOM day!!
My neighbor’s son was hospitalized with complications from Crohn’s.
I know many who are afflicted with this disease, but was not aware that it could be life-threatening!!
Also we took mother to an appointment for her thyroid condition.
Everything ok with that, just needed dosage adjusted.
Did some errands, and the day was over!!
We might be retired, but we stay Busy!!
The days fly by!!!!
I sing and twirl Every Day anyway lol💃🏼

The Raving Queen said...

I am sorry to hear of your experiences.
I have known people with Crohn's and it is
not easy. One of my friends died from it
over a decade ago. I had my thyroid checked,
but something with my liver I have to discuss
with my doctor. Let us honor Julie and keep
on twirling, ourselves!